Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Research projects

Record Count:

16-EU Euromedia Ownership Monitor 2025

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marko Milosavljević
Duration: 01.01.2025 - 01.01.2025
International project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

EU-E+ Sustainable project management in Balkan HEIs

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Helena Kovačič
Duration: 01.01.2025 - 01.01.2025
International project
Research Center for Strategy and Governance

16 AR TAP Razdeljeni spomin in kolektivizacija individualnih spominov na Slovenskem med leti 1941 in 1996 (A)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.01.2025 - 01.01.2025
National project
Centre of International Relations

Boj za gore: slovenska nacionalna apropriacija Alp

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jasmina Šepetavc
Duration: 01.01.2025 - 01.01.2025
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Premostitev digitalnega razkoraka - okvir kompetenc za kibernetsko varnost za starejše osebe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Gregor Petrič
Duration: 01.01.2025 - 01.01.2025
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

Prepletenost med EU in državami članicami v procesih oblikovanja javnih politik na področju politik zaposlovanja

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Marko Hočevar
Duration: 01.01.2025 - 01.01.2025
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

Upravljanje zasebnosti na internetu in digitalne neenakosti med starejšimi uporabniki interneta

Project leader at FDV: Andraž Petrovčič
Duration: 01.01.2025 - 01.01.2025
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Primerjalne meritve digitalne zrelosti slovenskih občin

Project leader at FDV: Irena Bačlija Brajnik
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

Primerjalne meritve digitalne zrelosti slovenskih občin

Project leader at FDV: Irena Bačlija Brajnik
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

Translacijske raziskave večtarčnih spojin za zdravljenje nevrodegenerativnih in duševnih bolezni

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Zelene urbane skupnosti prihodnosti

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Iris Koleša
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
National project
Centre of International Relations

CRP V5-24057 Spodbujevalni in zaviralni dejavniki za študij tujih študentov v Sloveniji ARIS

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Andreja Živoder
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

CRP V5-24057 Spodbujevalni in zaviralni dejavniki za študij tujih študentov v Sloveniji MVŠZI

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Andreja Živoder
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

CRP Vpliv vlaganja v znanost na rast konkurenčnosti gospodarstva V5-24056 ARIS

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andreja Jaklič
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
National project
Centre of International Relations

CRP Vpliv vlaganja v znanost na rast konkurenčnosti gospodarstva V5-24056 MVŠZI

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andreja Jaklič
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
National project
Centre of International Relations

Prehranjevalne navade zaposlenih na obrambnem področju in njihov vpliv na zdravje

Project leader at FDV: Andreja Vezovnik
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

Characteristics and development of the career system for researchers in Slovenia in the light of the recommendations of the Council of the European Union and the OECD

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 31.10.2026
National project
Centre of International Relations

CRP V5-24059 Stanje in razvoj kariernega sistema raziskovalk in raziskovalcev v Sloveniji glede na priporočila Sveta EU in OECD MVŠZI

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.11.2024 - 01.11.2024
National project
Centre of International Relations

CRP V5-24007 Makroekonomski učinki članstva RS v NATO ARIS

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Ljubica Jelušič
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Defence Research Centre

CRP V5-24021 Socialnomarketinški pristop k načrtovanju in vrednotenju intervencij na področju trajnostne mobilnosti v Sloveniji - ARIS

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Sinja Gerdina
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

CRP V5-24021 Socialnomarketinški pristop k načrtovanju in vrednotenju intervencij na področju trajnostne mobilnosti v Sloveniji - MOPE

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Sinja Gerdina
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

CRP V5-24069 Varna in solidarna prihodnost za vse: Ocena razširjenosti nasilja nad starejšimi odraslimi - MSP

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Otto Gerdina
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

CRP V5-24071 Sodobne prakse in glavni izzivi lastništva zaposlenih v Sloveniji - ARIS

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

CRP V5-24071 Sodobne prakse in glavni izzivi lastništva zaposlenih v Sloveniji - MSP

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

CRP V5-24003 Religiozna in duhovna oskrba za pripadnike Slovenske vojske v 21. stoletju - MORS

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jelena Juvan
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Defence Research Centre

CRP V5-24007 Makroekonomski učinki članstva RS v NATO - MORS

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Ljubica Jelušič
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Defence Research Centre

CRP V5-24032 Družbene vrednote o prostoru in okolju v Sloveniji: medčasovno primerjalna javnomnenjska raziskava - ARIS

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marjan Hočevar
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

CRP V5-24032 Družbene vrednote o prostoru in okolju v Sloveniji: medčasovno primerjalna javnomnenjska raziskava - MNVP

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marjan Hočevar
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

KrizKom: Crisis communication in cases of public health crises and social listening

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2026
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations
<p>The research project focuses on health crisis communication and social listening in Slovenia. Evaluations by the World Health Organization in 2017 and the European Center for Disease Control in 2024 drew attention to the lack of competence in health communication in Slovenia. The Resolution&nbsp;on the National Health Care Plan 2015-2025 (ResNPZV 2015-205) already points to this, in which there is talk of "poor communication", "we will&nbsp;ensure better communication in health care and communication of health care with other stakeholders", ""improve communication in health care", to&nbsp;ensure "raising the culture of communication in health care", etc. The covid-19 pandemic has revealed that one of the weakest points of the&nbsp;Slovenian healthcare system is the ability to communicate in a crisis in the event of a public health crisis and, in particular, to actively listen to and manage rumors. We have found ourselves in a world of information overload, some of which is accurate and some of which is not. It's an infodemic.&nbsp;In response to such new challenges, there has been a need for a scientific approach to infodemic management, which has been called&nbsp;infodemiology, the science of infodemic management. In Slovenia, we need to regulate and improve the skills for managing health crises and&nbsp;especially health crisis communication. In doing so, it is necessary to compare our crisis management and crisis communication management plans&nbsp;with comparable countries and review the placement and functioning of crisis communication in public health crises of key institutions and actors&nbsp;that influence how people will react to the adoption of public health crisis measures. Another important aspect relates to individuals and their&nbsp;response to crisis communication in individual countries, which means that it is necessary to establish monitoring systems and analyze their&nbsp;responses. We are talking about active social listening. Without this feedback, it is impossible to successfully manage crises in today's digitalized&nbsp;world, as they are complex and interdependent. It is also not possible to successfully manage and implement crisis communication and maintain&nbsp;such a level of trust among the target publics that the social consensus does not completely collapse. Different countries have different levels of&nbsp;success in crisis management and crisis communication. Both examples of good and bad practices can offer learning opportunities. Therefore, the purpose of the project is to carry out a desktop comparative analysis with reference countries and to prepare guidelines for listening to andmanaging rumors, as well as conducting training workshops for key stakeholders. All this will be supported by a systematic analysis of basicscientific literature and World Health Organization materials. The project includes the following activities: analysis of written sources and analyzesof good practices and guidelines for crisis health communication and active listening as part of public health crisis communication in referencecountries, analysis of the current situation regarding crisis health communication and active listening with identified key stakeholders involved inpublic health communication, preparation of a proposal for recommendations and guidelines for crisis health communication, active listening,adaptation of communication and management of rumors, and preparation of a seminar and educational workshops on crisis communication andactive listening with practical challenges/tasks and scientific and professional conference on infodemic (overabundance of information) andinfodemiology (scientific management of infodemic).</p>

CRP V5-24042 KRIZKOM: Krizno komuniciranje v primerih javnozdravstvenih kriz in aktivno poslušanje - MZ

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

Slovenske izkušnje iz mednarodnih operacij in misij (SVK-MOM)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Ljubica Jelušič
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Defence Research Centre

Vojaški poklici in mladi v republiki Sloveniji (VPM-RS)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jelena Juvan
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Defence Research Centre

CRP Trajnostna prehrana v izobraževalnih ustanovah: spodbujevalna orodja in živi laboratorij za zeleni prehod (GreenSchoolMeals)

Project leader at FDV: Andreja Vezovnik
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

CRP Trajnostna prehrana v izobraževalnih ustanovah: spodbujevalna orodja in živi laboratorij za zeleni prehod (GreenSchoolMeals) - MOPE

Project leader at FDV: Andreja Vezovnik
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

Mlada raziskovalka Valdona Gashi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Ljubica Jelušič
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Defence Research Centre

Mlada raziskovalka Amanda Buhinjak

Project leader at FDV: Dejan Jontes
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Mlada raziskovalka Nuša Detiček

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Oblak Črnič
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Mlada raziskovalka Taja Fortuna

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Samo Uhan
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

Mladi raziskovalec Luka Štrlekar

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.10.2024 - 01.10.2024
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

NOO: Krepitev digitalnega državljanstva v vzgojno izobraževalnih zavodih

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Barbara Brečko
Duration: 01.09.2024 - 01.09.2024
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Caring EU Generation, Inclusive Europe: Youth-Driven Solidarity and Environmental Initiatives

Project leader at FDV: Marinko Banjac
Duration: 01.09.2024 - 01.09.2024
International project
Centre for Political Theory


Project leader at FDV: mag. Irena Vipavc Brvar
Duration: 01.06.2024 - 01.06.2024
International project
Social Science Data Archive

GreTA – Green Transition Attitudes: Social Risks and Deservingness in context of Climate Change

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies
Transformative decarbonisation action towards a ‘net zero transition’ (NZT) is essential to prevent worst climate changes. However, this and climate change itself may exacerbate social risks, especially for disadvantaged people and regions. Providing sustainable welfare – i.e. balancing human needs and environmental limits – adds to existing pressure on welfare states. In this context, new social conflicts and cleavages could develop in Europe, requiring a revision of current deservingness theory. The GreTA – Green Transition Attitudes: Social Risks and Deservingness in context of Climate Change project addresses this issue and seeks to create knowledge about how social risks related to climate change and NZT are discussed in media and perceived by different social groups and individuals. It also wants to contribute tounderstanding of what makes people perceive different beneficiaries of public support addressing these risks as more or less deserving, and how such perceptions are justified. The research will be conducted in three European countries – Belgium, Germany, and Slovenia – which share equity as the fundamental redistribution principle in their welfare systems. It is assumed that this principle also prevails in welfare policies addressing social risks related to climate change and NZT and leads to similar media framings and public opinions across the three cases. However, we also expect to find divergence due to different structural conditions and context-specific NZT pathways. The ultimate aim is to know what makes certain policies more acceptable, and hence more effective.

Infra4NextGen: Providing research infrastructure services to support Next Generation EU - ADP

Project leader at FDV: mag. Irena Vipavc Brvar
Duration: 01.03.2024 - 01.03.2024
International project
Social Science Data Archive


Project leader at FDV: viš.znan.sod.dr. Slavko Kurdija
Duration: 01.03.2024 - 01.03.2026
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre
A new €9.75m project funded by the European Commission will bring together outputs from key social science research infrastructures to inform the NextGenerationEU recovery plan and European Union youth policy. Infra4NextGen – a four-year project set to begin on 1 March 2024 – will re-purpose and customise existing research services to support the five themes of the NextGenerationEU programme. The project will be co-ordinated by the European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS ERIC) and includes CESSDA ERIC, the European Values Study (EVS) and the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) at its core. NextGenerationEU aims for Europe ‘to build a greener, more digital and more resilient future’ with a focus on five key areas: Make it Green; Make it Digital; Make it Healthy; Make it Strong; and Make it Equal. In each of the five areas, partners will initially produce an inventory of relevant items already fielded on cross-national surveys, including Eurobarometer, European Quality of Life Survey, the European Social Survey (ESS), GGP, the EVS, and the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). The inventory will be compiled by City, University of London (ESS ERIC); the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), for the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS); and University of Milan (for the European Values Study). Harmonised and merged extracts from existing datasets that reduce the burden on analysts and increase sample sizes will be produced by GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (representing CESSDA ERIC). Existing data from these surveys will then by analysed and summarised to produce a series of policy-relevant tabulations and visualisations with commentary presented in a dedicated online portal. This initial analysis will be supplemented with new data collected on each topic later in the project via the online CRONOS web panel fielded over five waves in 11 countries (Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom). Post-collection weighting of the panel data will be undertaken by Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex (representing ESS ERIC). New data on each NextGenEU theme will be collected and made rapidly available through the established CROss-National Online Survey (CRONOS) Panel. This panel will be administered by Centerdata. Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research (representing ESS ERIC) will ensure that the CRONOS data is processed and easily accessible by the research community through a dedicated Data Portal with all data organised by NextGenerationEU theme. Data collection via the CRONOS 3 panel will be conducted by beneficiaries in 11 countries: Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna, IHS; Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, ICS-UL; Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences; KU Leuven; National Centre for Social Research; Sciences Po; Social Science Research Center, HUN-REN TK; Umeå University; University of Ljubljana; University of Iceland; and University of Turku. The work on compiling existing and collecting new data will also be undertaken by Cardiff University (Make it Green); Bielefeld University (Make it Digital); NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Make it Healthy); Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Make it Strong); and TÁRKI Social Research Institute and University of Exeter (Make it Equal). King’s College London (UK) will use evidence from the partners working on each area to plan and schedule deliberative workshops with young people (aged 18-34) in four countries. An educational tool (E-NextGen) allowing data to be used in classrooms and by the general public will be implemented by European Association of Geographers EUROGEO; and Tilburg University representing the European Values Study. The tool will include interactive maps, infographics, blog posts, short research notes and the ability for users to position themselves on the five themes. Comprehensive training materials related to all project outputs and NextGenerationEU areas will be generated by CESSDA ERIC; City, University of London (ESS ERIC); GESIS (CESSDA ERIC), KNAW; ADP – Slovenian Social Science Data Archives at the University of Ljubljana (CESSDA ERIC); University of Milan; AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive with contributions from University of Vienna (CESSDA ERIC) and University of Innsbruck (CESSDA ERIC). This will include online training, a series of 17 webinars, nine workshops, and a short video series with demonstrations, tutorials/guides and research discussions.

SIC-SI Safer Internet Centre Slovenia 2024-2025

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
External project leader: Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.02.2024 - 01.02.2024
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

Zadrževanje kadrov v Slovenski vojski

Project leader at FDV: Janja Vuga Beršnak
External project leader: Fakulteta za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani
Duration: 03.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
National project
Defence Research Centre

Digitalni inženiring: temeljne kompetnce za zelene tehnologije (UL za trajnostno družbo - ULTRA)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Franc Mali
Duration: 01.01.2024 - 01.01.2024
National project

NOO FS, Digitalni in v trajnostno družbo naravnan študijski program strojništva

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andreja Jaklič
Duration: 01.01.2024 - 01.01.2024
National project

NOO NTF, Prenova VŠ programov na NTF za zelen in digitalen prehod v Družbo 5.0

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andreja Jaklič
Duration: 01.01.2024 - 01.01.2024
National project

AR NOO TRL 3-6 Hibridne Tehnologije tovarn prihodnosti za zeleni prehod

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andreja Jaklič
External project leader: prof. dr. Janko Slavič, UL FS
Duration: 01.01.2024 - 01.01.2024
National project
Centre of International Relations

Strengthening Capacities and Mechanisms for Enhancement of Quality Assurance System in Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.01.2024 - 01.01.2024
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

Socioecological Dynamic Models of Mental Health: Complex Crisis Burden among Professions of Critical Importance for the Society

Project leader at FDV: Janja Vuga Beršnak
External project leader: Fakulteta za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani
Duration: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026
National project
Defence Research Centre
The project Socioecological Dynamic Models of Mental Health: Crisis Burden among Professions of Critical Importance for the Society systematically analyses the socioecological context of the first responders’ (FRs) mental health (MH) in critical professions (health, military, police) in Slovenia and Austria in complex crisis by considering risk and protective factors at individual, micro, meso and macro level. FRs are at high risk for mental disorders such as stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, PTSD, as they are first at the crisis and must deal with it immediately, usually with high time restraints for assessing, responding and adapting to the situation. They are repeatedly exposed to different types of crisis situations, stressful and traumatic events. Their response affects the overall response of the society and country. The Covid-19 pandemic is an example of the most recent complex crisis that affected societies in various domains of societal life. There is a research gap in understanding social determinants for FRs’ mental health in both countries. Therefore, a multidimensional perspective on risks for critical professions is needed to improve future preparedness and support resilience among the FRs, as a societal backstones in each crisis. We will observe socioecological context for FRs’ current and over time MH, with the aim to develop and test a model of the risk and protective factors influencing the MH outcomes (stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, PTSD) among the FRs in the critical professions in crisis. The study focuses on two main objectives: 1) To assess MH of FR in times of complex crises and to identify risk and protective factors using the socio-ecological model. 2) To consider the importance of the structurally based gender inequalities in observed gendered organizations and how they relate to FRs’ MH in crisis. Gender is used as an analytic category in combination with other factors within the socioecological model. To examine factors influencing MH of FRs on the individual, micro, meso and macro level, we use interdisciplinary research methods and include quantitative and qualitative data analyses. We follow a sequential exploratory design; in the first phase, we collect and analyze qualitative data, followed by quantitative data collection and analysis in the second phase. Interviews with FRs will be analyzed in a two-step process using an inductive and semantic approach informed by thematic analysis and multi-level analysis. Research process is as follows: 1) Examine factors that predict MH at the individual, micro, meso, and macro levels, using state-of-the-art research methods to examine each level separately and in interaction with each other. 2) Apply socio-ecological modelling and build on the model developed in previous study (MilFam) and extend it to measure risk and protective factors for MH of FR. 3) Analyze MH of FR from a feminist perspective, considering the gendered nature of military, health, and police professions, which is a result of structural and societal characteristics. 4) Examine the relationships between various levels of preventive measures, and preparedness in the observed organizations, as well as organizational culture and individual ability to cope with crisis situations. The project consists of six work packages and will be carried out jointly by a Slovenian and an Austrian research team. At key milestones the advise will be provided by the Advisory team of experts. The two-country design allows for policy-level analysis and integrates retrospective and prospective research designs to examine MH and crisis exposure within and across countries and occupations, which has not been done before. This project has the potential to lead to an innovative understanding of FRs’ MH in times of crisis by improving previous research designs through systematic integration and coordination of multiple levels of analysis that are often neglected in MH research.

OSCARS: Open Science Clusters Action for Research and Society

Project leader at FDV: mag. Irena Vipavc Brvar
Duration: 01.01.2024 - 01.01.2024
International project
Social Science Data Archive

WELL-CARE – Investing in the mental wellbeing and resilience of long-term care workers and informal carers through the identification, evaluation, and promotion of good practices across Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies
WELL CARE focuses on improving the resilience and mental health of informal carers and long-term care workers by strengthening care partnerships. By care partnerships we mean the coordination, integration and mutual recognition of care and care activities carried out by LTC workers and informal carers in the vision of integrated long-term care. WELL CARE aims to increase the understanding of successful ways to prevent and manage mental health problems among informal carers and LTC workers. This includes exploring the role of personal and community factors and the ways in which organisations can provide successful solutions. The ultimate aim is to develop a set of support interventions (prototypes) to enhance the mental health of LTC and informal carers, thereby sustaining and enabling the vision of partnerships in care between these two groups.

MDinGBV: Master's Degree in Gender Based Violence

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.12.2023 - 01.12.2023
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

EU ERASMUS OPEN4UA Open science for Ukrainian Higher Education System

Project leader at FDV: mag. Irena Vipavc Brvar
Duration: 01.11.2023 - 01.11.2023
International project
Social Science Data Archive

Mnemonic Aesthetics and Strategies in Popular Culture: Murals, Film, and Popular Music as Memory Work

Project leader at FDV: Natalija Majsova
External project leader: testirammmm
Duration: 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2026
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies
test test tina ang

GETM4: Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 4

Project leader at FDV: Andrej Kohont
Duration: 01.11.2023 - 01.11.2023
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

JACARDI: Joint Action on CARdiovascular diseases and Diabetes

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.11.2023 - 01.11.2023
International project
Centre for Social Psychology

Analysis of online hate speech and disinformation in Slovenia and development of a proposal for action

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 31.03.2025
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
By reviewing, analysing and synthesising the legal and administrative measures implemented at higher education institutions to maintain the status of Slovene as the official language and the language of instruction, and by reviewing the legal measures and activities in comparable EU countries, we will formulate questions for in-depth interviews with decision-makers. The findings will be a starting point to determine who the appropriate interviewees will be and whether additional analytical tools will be needed to be able to continue work on other work packages. By reviewing the activities already in place in higher education institutions to strengthen communicative competence in Slovene, we will identify good practices in teaching Slovene to foreign students and to teachers and lecturers in individual higher education institutions. We will provide an overview of language policy practices in the implementation of joint study programmes between Slovenian and foreign higher education institutions. A comprehensive outline of the existing offer will be devised by reviewing the current course syllabi of (selected) study programmes and publications on specific courses in the year preceding the start of the survey. Based on the interviews, the survey will provide the assessment of the relevance and effectiveness of the offer and identify possible needs for additional activities. We will be interested in the extent to which existing general and specialised digital language resources, services, portals and manuals are used, and what additional resources are needed. The survey will provide fresh information on the current offer of organised Slovenian language learning for foreign students and teachers at public higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia, as well as information on the views of those responsible for the further development of this type of activity. A systematic overview of all activities taking place in higher education institutions will be drawn up, especially from the point of view of the development of the Slovene language and professional terminology, as well as the transfer of concepts and terminology into Slovene. In the case of study programmes in a foreign language, the availability of study materials in Slovene will also be checked. The final result will, on the basis of the previous steps, set out a proposal for a unified language policy for higher education, since previous research reveals the complexity of language planning in higher education: the general declarative struggle for internationalisation and higher quality is not based on genuine reflections about the meaning of these concepts and the measures needed to achieve them. One of these considerations that has never been fully and systematically carried out is the issue of the language of instruction in higher education, which also has an international dimension, both in terms of commitments and in terms of guidelines available in the European Union, the Council of Europe, the OECD, the United Nations etc. A proposal for a long-term language policy that preserves and consolidates the position of Slovene as the language of science and higher education will be presented to political and higher education decision-makers, taking into account multilingualism and internationalisation as a necessity of a high-quality modern university.

Analysis of online hate speech and disinformation in Slovenia and development of a proposal for action

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 31.03.2025
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
By reviewing, analysing and synthesising the legal and administrative measures implemented at higher education institutions to maintain the status of Slovene as the official language and the language of instruction, and by reviewing the legal measures and activities in comparable EU countries, we will formulate questions for in-depth interviews with decision-makers. The findings will be a starting point to determine who the appropriate interviewees will be and whether additional analytical tools will be needed to be able to continue work on other work packages. By reviewing the activities already in place in higher education institutions to strengthen communicative competence in Slovene, we will identify good practices in teaching Slovene to foreign students and to teachers and lecturers in individual higher education institutions. We will provide an overview of language policy practices in the implementation of joint study programmes between Slovenian and foreign higher education institutions. A comprehensive outline of the existing offer will be devised by reviewing the current course syllabi of (selected) study programmes and publications on specific courses in the year preceding the start of the survey. Based on the interviews, the survey will provide the assessment of the relevance and effectiveness of the offer and identify possible needs for additional activities. We will be interested in the extent to which existing general and specialised digital language resources, services, portals and manuals are used, and what additional resources are needed. The survey will provide fresh information on the current offer of organised Slovenian language learning for foreign students and teachers at public higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia, as well as information on the views of those responsible for the further development of this type of activity. A systematic overview of all activities taking place in higher education institutions will be drawn up, especially from the point of view of the development of the Slovene language and professional terminology, as well as the transfer of concepts and terminology into Slovene. In the case of study programmes in a foreign language, the availability of study materials in Slovene will also be checked. The final result will, on the basis of the previous steps, set out a proposal for a unified language policy for higher education, since previous research reveals the complexity of language planning in higher education: the general declarative struggle for internationalisation and higher quality is not based on genuine reflections about the meaning of these concepts and the measures needed to achieve them. One of these considerations that has never been fully and systematically carried out is the issue of the language of instruction in higher education, which also has an international dimension, both in terms of commitments and in terms of guidelines available in the European Union, the Council of Europe, the OECD, the United Nations etc. A proposal for a long-term language policy that preserves and consolidates the position of Slovene as the language of science and higher education will be presented to political and higher education decision-makers, taking into account multilingualism and internationalisation as a necessity of a high-quality modern university.

CRP V5-2306 - Duševno zdravje mladih v Sloveniji v kontekstu globalnih kriz: stanje, dejavniki tveganja in varovalni dejavniki - MIN

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Metka Kuhar
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Mental health of young people in Slovenia in the context of global crises: state, risk factors, and protective factors

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Metka Kuhar
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2025
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies
The study focuses on analysing the mental health of young people aged 16 to 24 in Slovenia. It aims to identify the current state of mental health in the target group, including the prevalence of diagnosed mental health problems, self-reported undiagnosed mental health problems and lifestyles. Another focus is to identify the most important risk and protective factors and to investigate the utilisation of mental health services and support. In addition, a retrospective analysis of stressors and concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic will be conducted, as well as an analysis of the impact of current global crises on young people's mental health. Based on the results, recommendations for preventive and curative measures will be presented. Our project is an important step towards a better understanding and treatment of young people's mental health in Slovenia, especially in the context of global crises. By focusing on subjective indicators of mental health, the research will help to paint a more comprehensive picture of the state of mental health of young people in Slovenia. This is not only a contribution to the academic community, but also to policy makers and professionals from relevant fields (e.g. mental health, education, social work, etc.), as it enables better planning and implementation of interventions tailored to the needs of young people. As part of the project, we will actively engage with different knowledge users at different levels to achieve a better understanding and application of our findings, promote wider discussion and awareness and contribute to the development of policies and practises in the field of youth mental health. Young people are also actively involved.

Digital maturity of youth: social needs and informal education of youth in the digital age

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Oblak Črnič
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2025
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

CRP V5-2329 Digitalna zrelost mladih: družbene potrebe in neformalno izobraževanje mladih v digitalni dobi - MDP

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Oblak Črnič
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

Analysis of ownership structures in the Slovenian economy and the potential for promoting socially responsible ownership

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2025
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research
The research project aims to analyse the problem of ownership succession in companies by examining the existing demographics of owners of Slovenian companies with more than 5 employees, excluding companies listed on organised stock markets and other types of companies that are not suitable for studying the challenge of ownership succession. The objective is to map the ownership landscape or analyse the existing ownership structure using a representative sample of companies in Slovenia. We will be interested in the age of the existing individual owners and their plans or information regarding different ownership succession options (family succession, sale to a competitor, internal buyout, dissolution, etc.). Data will be obtained in the first phase through a survey from the sample obtained, and in the second phase through focused interviews/focus groups from the same sample. In this way, we will identify challenges from the field and identify the actual needs and the extent of the problem in relation to the transfer of ownership in Slovenian companies. The analysed sample will be used to verify the correlation of the state of the existing ownership structure with key parameters and between business ownership and performance. Using appropriate methodology (surveys/focus groups/interviews) we will identify the current state of internal ownership in Slovenia, describing the models of employee involvement in the ownership structure currently in use, the relative number of employees involved in internal ownership and the distribution of ownership among employees. We will examine the willingness of existing owners and employees to establish insider ownership schemes and identify the level of awareness of insider ownership schemes among existing owners and the potential biases of owners and employees towards transferring ownership to employees. In conclusion, we will make recommendations on socially responsible and sustainable models of internal ownership based on the analysis carried out and knowledge of the warnings from responsible international and Slovenian institutions on the issue of ownership succession. Recommendations will be made for the regulation of ownership succession through employee ownership, for building a supportive institutional environment and for tax incentives. The recommendations will be based on international good practice and research achievements and on the development of models in the field of employee ownership in Slovenia. The project findings will be disseminated through various channels, and the results will be targeted primarily at the political public as a starting point for the implementation of legislative solutions in this area, and at the business public as an incentive for timely succession planning and raising awareness of internal buy-outs as a possible option.

Analysis of ownership structures in the Slovenian economy and the potential for promoting socially responsible ownership

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2025
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

CRP V5-2376 Skladnost politik za (trajnostni) razvoj - presoja učinkov slovenskih nacionalnih politik na države v razvoju in na trajnostni razvoj RS - ARIS

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jana Arbeiter
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre of International Relations

Policy coherence for (sustainable) development - assesment of the effects of Slovenian national policies on developing countries and on the sustainable development of the Republic of Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jana Arbeiter
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2025
National project
Centre of International Relations
Research project focuses on the analyses of the principle of policy coherence for development (PCD) with specific reference to Slovenia. PCD is one of the most important principles of the international development cooperation, embedded both in Maastricht Treaty on EU as well as in all Slovenian strategic documents on international development cooperation. EU as an important donor and creator of the principles for increased effectiveness of development cooperation has set PCD high on the agenda of various documents and actions in development agenda. As an active supporter of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals the EU has integrated the principle of policy coherence for sustainable developemnt in all its policies. Slovenia had already in its first Strategy of international development cooperation(IDC) included the principle of PCD in the key objectives of IDC. Increased policy coherence could contribute to more effective impact of development policy- if of course the objectives are aligned with those policy areas where a positive impact on developing countries can be expected. At the same time, the implementation of the principle of policy coherence for sustainable development in the context of universal Agenda for sustainable development till 2030 requires from the Un member states to integrate this principle in a coherent manner in all their internal as well as external (development) policies. Slovenia needs to establish suitable system for monitoring of the policy coherence for development and sustainable development (PCSD), which will assure monitoring of the preparation of different policies with potential impact on (sustainable) development so as to try to create synergies among them, or at least prevent negative consequences. Analysis of the existing status and elaboration of appropriate starting points for the establishment of such system are, in accordance with the specification of the call, the main objectives of the presented research proposal. Within the first phase of the project, a comprehensive overview of the implementation of the public policies in the five EU priority areas will be carried out, especially of those with the most important impact on sustainable development and developing countries. Considering the fact that most of the Slovenian development assistance is in accordance with the strategic documents concentrated on limited number of content and geographical priorities, we believe that the proposed project should focus in the second phase particularly on the analyses of the PCD/ PCSD in those areas. Both analyses will provide good background for the formulation of the systemic solutions in PCD/ PCSD area, which the contractor needs and are the subject of third and fourth phase of the project.


Project leader at FDV: mag. Irena Vipavc Brvar
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project

NOO, SPOZNAJ; Odprta znanost

Project leader at FDV: mag. Irena Vipavc Brvar
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project

Assessing and Modelling Unit Nonresponse Bias in Probability-Based Web Surveys

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Gregor Čehovin
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2026
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
BACKGROUND Web surveys have become the predominant survey mode, especially when combined with nonprobability sampling. However, this proposal addresses academic, government and other social science research that relies on probability surveys using traditional survey modes (mail, telephone, face-to-face), which are now transitioning to probability-based web surveys (PBWS). In the context of total survey error, web surveys are already known for their strong measurement properties, while noncoverage is a diminishing issue, but nonresponse remains a major problem for PBWS. Recruitment into PBWS relies on traditional survey modes, as there are no email lists for general population surveys, which are the primary domain of this proposal. However, to save costs, recruitment into PBWS is mostly carried out by mail (or email where possible), which significantly reduces response rates, which are often even below 20%. This is very low compared to traditional surveys, where response rates of 70% or 80% were once the standards that have been gradually abandoned (with little justification). Such low response rates increase the danger of nonresponse bias, which means that the estimates from PBWS can differ notably from the true values of the parameters. This presents a serious threat to the quality of empirical social science research. RESEARCH GAP Previous evaluations of PBWS have focused on sample representativeness in terms of control variables (e.g., R-indicator) or measurement equivalence. No systematic question-level evaluations have examined PBWS-specific nonresponse biases that may occur for some topics (e.g., poverty) but not for others (e.g., elections). We lack a thorough insight into the moderators associated with this bias. OBJECTIVES The main objective is to comprehensively elaborate and model the PBWS-specific nonresponse bias. The overarching research question is: Under what circumstances can PBWS be used instead of traditional surveys, given the impact of nonresponse bias? The sub-objectives are: (1) Analyse and model the moderators of PBWS-specific nonresponse bias, particularly response rate but also research topic, respondent characteristics and methodological features; (2) Predict PBWS-specific nonresponse bias for any question; (3) Evaluate PBWS-specific nonresponse bias in the contexts of accuracy and cost. METHOD Objective (1) relies on a systematic literature review and secondary data analysis. PBWS-specific nonresponse bias will be investigated at the question level for selected academic and official surveys in Slovenia and for the CRONOS European Social Survey (ESS). A separate experimental survey will be conducted in parallel with ESS 2025. Objective (2) will draw on the results of the first objective to develop a predictive model using advanced statistical and knowledge discovery methods. In addition, the model will be integrated as a prototype module in an open-source web survey tool. Objective (3) will simultaneously observe the costs and accuracy (which is a measure that integrates bias and variance). IMPACT The results will provide: • A comprehensive elaboration of nonresponse bias in PBWS; • Decision-making guidance on the suitability of PBWS for different objectives in social science research; • A feasibility study for a stand-alone tool to predict bias in PBWS, complementing the Survey Quality Predictor (SQP), which predicts measurement error; • Contributions to the transition of ESS 2025 to PBWS; • Facilitation of the implementation of PBWS in Slovenian official and academic surveys. TEAM The principal investigator has demonstrated excellence by publishing in high-impact journals. The research team has pioneered web survey research, authored highly cited articles, written a seminal textbook on web survey methodology and developed an open-source web survey tool (1KA). The advisory board consists of leading international scholars in the field. This promises the successful achievement of the project’s ambitious objectives. test

Hidden discrimination of informal family carers in employment and work

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2026
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies

TAP J5-50173 Rastoča kulturna razdalja in stereotipizacija v malih tranzicijskih državah: primer držav nekdanje Jugoslavije

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre of International Relations

Digitalization of elderly people’s home environments in Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2026
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies

TAP J6-50187 - Biti evropski in protikolonialen: utopični realizem jugoslovanskega neuvrščenega internacionalizma

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre of International Relations

Assessing and improving information security culture of essential service providers: Analysis of organisational factors in resilience against cyber threats

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Gregor Petrič
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2026
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics
Contemporary, increasingly digitalised society is inextricably linked to the constant use of information and communication technologies (ICT), which is consequently exposing individuals, organisations, and countries to numerous cyber threats. Industry and security reports are demonstrating exponential increase in cyber attacks world-wide, resulting in immense, even devastating financial, business, cultural, reputational and other losses. Considering the finding that a large majority of cyberattacks on organisations are a result of human factor &ndash; employees being inattentive, practicing insecure use of ICTs &ndash; it has become clear that resilience against cyberthreats cannot be achieved through technical means alone. Namely, we need to address the social science aspects of information security in an inextricable connection with the technical tools and processes of information security. In recent years the concept of information security culture (ISC) has started to gain attention both in academia and industry. ISC refers to the formation of appropriate information security beliefs and values that guide employees in their use of ICT, as well as the establishment of an organisational environment that is resilient to cyber threats. This definition is however somewhat limited for research purposes, as it lacks the explanatory mechanisms that would link socio-technical properties of organization with organizational communication and management processes and with individual information security behaviour (ISB) as the key dependent variable. The field understands ISC in very different ways, frequently not offering clear definitions, which poses issues for content validity, measuring and getting reliable results in scientific research. The project builds on the assumption that a good ISC is the best human "firewall" an organisation can build to resist cyber threats. The main purpose of the project is to build a revised model of ISC on the basis of which it will be possible to make assessment of resilience against cyber threats and make recommendations to strengthen the resilience. Under the renewed EU directive on information security, organizations that are categorized as essential service providers in Slovenia (more than 400) will need to regularly assess the resilience against cyber threats. Measuring and assessing ISC will thus become a necessity for these organizations. Providing these companies with tools to get a high quality assessment of ISC and guidelines to act upon them is one of the major aims of this project. Specifically, the project will pursue the following objectives: 1. Build an organisational, situation specific socio-technical model of ISC that combines organisational factors, technological artefacts, and information security behaviour into a unified explanatory model; 2. Build a methodological apparatus for valid and reliable measurement of ISC in organisations of essential service providers; 3. Provide a valid and reliable assessment of ISC among essential service providers in Slovenia. 4. Develop a set of recommendations to improve the ISC of essential service providers; 5. Dissemination of results and recommendations in scientific and professional literature. The project involves an interdisciplinary group of established and internationally recognized researchers in the fields of social informatics, information security, defence studies, communication, as well as methodology and statistics. The project is divided into six interconnected work packages (WP), which include clear objectives for theoretically grounded research and methodology. WP1 &ndash; Development of the theoretical framework: The purpose of this work package is to develop a comprehensive organisational socio-technical theoretical model of ISC that will serve as the basis for analyses and advancement throughout the entire project. The theoretical model will be based iteratively in a close feedback loop with empirical research and will proceed from initial theoretical model to the final, empirically tested model. Tasks: T1. Literature review of ISC conceptualizations and measurements (M2&ndash;M5): In order to progress beyond the state of the art, a detailed review of key organisational factors of ISC and ISB will be performed. T2. Establish the initial theoretical model (M3&ndash;M7): Based on the literature review and qualitative research, the initial theoretical model of ISC will be established. T3. Produce a renewed situation-specific explanatory model of ISC (M13&ndash;M18): On the basis of qualitative research and initial model, a revised and extended organisational, socio-technical model of ISC will be established, which will be a baseline for the main quantitative empirical study. T4. Final, empirically tested model of ISC (M28): On the basis of quantitative test on a sample of essential service providers and employees within them, a final model of ISC will be produced, which will serve as an input for the final guidelines for improvement of ISC. Specific objectives: - To conduct a critical comparative literature review of the concepts of ISC and ISB and the relationship between them; - To identify organisational, socio-technical explanatory factors of ISB on individual and organisational level; - To develop the renewed theoretical model of ICS. WP2 &ndash; Qualitative research: The main goal of this work package is to gain situation-specific insights into the social science aspects of information security in the organisations of essential service providers, identify relevant processes that are not addressed by current literature and assess views and needs of stakeholders with regard to NIS2. Furthermore, the interviews will serve to advance the relationship with providers of essential services for more efficient realisation of guidelines as developed in WP4. To achieve this goal, we will conduct in-depth, semi-structured interviews with chief information security officers (CISOs) from organisations representing essential service providers in Slovenia. Tasks: T1. Sampling and recruitment process (M4&ndash;M7): Identification and gathering contacts of all essential service providers according to the new NIS2 directive (approximately 1000). The expression-of-interest form will be sent to all identified organisations. We would like to recruit at least one CISO of the essential service providers per each sector (11) according to the NIS2 directive. T2. In-depth interviews (M10&ndash;M12): All in-depth interviews will be conducted face-to-face and audio will be audio recorded with the respondents' permission. To increase the validity of the qualitative responses, the researcher conducting the interviews will ensure that participants have a clear understanding of the nature of the study; they will also be asked to provide written informed consent. In total, we will conduct approximately 10&ndash;15 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with CISOs of essential service providers. Participants will also be asked for further cooperation in the subsequent quantitative research. T3. Thematic analysis (M12&ndash;M13): All interviews will be transcribed verbatim and accompanied by corresponding field notes that will be imported into the qualitative data analysis software. Pseudonyms will be used to ensure anonymity and confidentiality of the organisations. Data will be analysed using inductive thematic analysis. T4. Implementation of the qualitative findings (M14&ndash;M15): The results of the qualitative data analysis will be used to further develop and upgrade the initial theoretical model (WP1), to progress the current state of the art of the field, and to provide the basis for developing and optimising the operationalization of the measurement tools (WP3). Specific objectives: - To gain situation-specific insights into social aspects of information security in essential service providers; - To analyse collected qualitative data; - To advance the initial theoretical model; - To provide insights for the development of measurement instruments in WP3. WP3 &ndash; Quantitative research: The quantitative research will be composed of two data collection points. The first one will seek to gain initial insight into the ISC of providers of essential services, to test the initial theoretical model and identify potential methodological issues for the second, main data collection point. In the second data point, a web survey will be conducted on the same population of essential service providers with the intention to test the revised theoretical model with high statistical power, which will allow us to finalise the theoretical model and develop reliable guidelines for the improvement of ISC. Tasks: T1. Initial operational definitions of constructs and measurement instruments (M3&ndash;M7): For the initial, exploratory web survey of providers of essential services some of the existing scales for measuring ISC and ISB in organisational context will be identified and adopted to the national and situation-specific context. T2. Initial web survey (M11&ndash;M12): Using the provided contacts of essential service providers in Slovenia (see WP2, T1), we will conduct an initial web survey among CISOs (minimum n = 30) and employees (minimum n = 300) of essential service providers to assess the current state regarding social aspects of information security according to the current NIS2 directive. T3. Analysis of initial survey (M12&ndash;M13) and initial assessment report (M13): This phase will present preliminary findings on the current state of ISC among essential service providers. The initial assessment report will provide some practical guidelines for organisations to comply with the new NIS2 directive. T4. Measurement instruments and questionnaire for the main survey (M15&ndash;M22): The purpose of the main web survey will be to test the revised theoretical model of ISC. Scales for existing concepts will be adopted to the national and organisational context, while in the case of novel concepts, a standard, rigorous procedure for item development will be undertaken, consisting of expert testing, content validity assessment and pilot testing. T5. Web survey to test the comprehensive model (M24): Data collection will be conducted on the organisations that represent essential service providers in Slovenia (according to the new NIS2). Nonprobability sampling will be used. The sampling frame includes all relevant organisations and employees within them. Different techniques for raising response rate will be undertaken with the intention to get at least 30% response rate among organisations and 15% response rate within organisations. Some parts of the data collection tasks will be outsourced to adequate survey agencies. T6. Analysis of web survey (M25&ndash;M27): The purpose of this task is to prepare the collected survey data for analysis and conduct a two-level analysis. Adequate methodological approaches will be undertaken for missing value analysis and possible imputations. Expectedly a structural equation modeling approach with two-level data will be undertaken in order to test the revised ISC model and provide the assessment of ISC in the essential service providers. Specific objectives: - To empirically test the initial and revised theoretical model and get assessment of ISC in the essential service providers. WP4 &ndash; Guidelines for improving information security culture: The purpose of this work package is to establish practical guidelines for improving ISC primarily among essential service providers in Slovenia, indirectly also for other organisations in business or the public sector. The guidelines will be based on the test of the revised theoretical model and will address the question of how can organisations and their management, CISOs manipulate the organisational factors to improve their resilience against cyber threats. Tasks: T1. Overview of existing approaches to improve ISC in organisations (M3&ndash;M7): This task will provide an overview of existing proposals, guidelines, instructions and good practices for improving ISC in Slovenian and foreign professional and scientific literature. T2. Initial set of guidelines (M6&ndash;M12): Based on an overview of existing approaches to improve ISC and the results of the initial web survey, the initial set of practical guidelines for organisations will be developed. This will mainly serve as a preparation for essential service providers in Slovenia to adopt the new NIS2 directive. T3. Elaboration of a situation-specific set of guidelines (M29&ndash;M35): On the basis of the empirical test of the revised theoretical model and the initial set of guidelines, the situation-specific guidelines for improvement of ISC will be developed. The biggest emphasis will be put on improvement of the salient gaps identified during the main ISC assessment report of essential service providers in Slovenia. Specific objectives: - To establish practical guidelines to improve ISC that will be intended for essential service providers in Slovenia. WP5 &ndash; Dissemination: The purpose of this work package is to disseminate the scientific findings and results obtained during the different phases of this research project. Intensive dissemination of our findings will contribute to the acquisition and sharing of new knowledge, insights, and understanding of the concept of ISC, thereby linking scientific and practical approaches in the field of behavioural information security. Tasks: T1. Creation and maintenance of the project&rsquo;s official website (M1&ndash;M36): At the beginning of the project, we will create a website dedicated to the presentation of project activities and results to the national and international scientific community as well as industry and general public. This website will include a short project description, basic information about funding, project activities, and research results, including when these will be available at individual phases of the research project. The website will be published in both the Slovenian and English languages. Further, the website will be shared from time to time on various channels of different online social networks. T2. Dissemination and application of the results of the project (M1&ndash;M36): The theoretical and empirical results of the project will be disseminated through a series of published scientific articles as well as by contributions to international and national scientific conferences, meetings, congresses or symposia. T3. Dissemination of the results of the project to industry, legislators and the public (M1&ndash;M36): Outside the scientific community, the practical results of the project will be disseminated through the organisation of a public event aimed primarily at industry, but also at the general public. The event will include several activities, focusing on the presentation of the designed guidelines to strengthen ISC in organisations. Specific objectives: - To achieve the maximum dissemination and application of the scientific and practical results of the project; - To publish theoretical and empirical results in international academic journals; - To present the results at international and national scientific conferences, meetings, congresses or symposia; - To create and maintain the official website of the project. WP6 &ndash; Project management: Overall project management, including administrative and scientific management, will ensure the successful realisation of all project activities in the work programme. Tasks: T1. Monitoring of all project activities in the work programme (M1&ndash;M36): Overall project management will include monitoring the implementation of all administration duties, the execution of all project activities in accordance with the established objectives, communication with co-financier and other partners, ensuring the quality of project activities, outputs and deliverables, meeting all project deadlines, timetables and milestones, and preparing (annual) regular reports. Project management will also guarantee that challenges will be efficiently resolved and all research output appropriately handled. T2. Coordination of research activities (M1&ndash;M36): The project management team will be in charge of coordinating research activities and ensuring the effective conveyance of research findings between individual parts of the research. They will also provide regular communication on activities and progress, as well as coordination with the co-financier. The management team will include one senior researcher and one postdoctoral (both FSS). Specific objectives: - Coordination of research group and research activities; - Regular communication with co-financier; - Monitoring the execution of project activities in accordance with established objectives; - Monitoring the quality of project activities, output and deliverables; - Monitoring and execution of administrative duties; - Budget monitoring and reporting; - Monitoring the effective transmission of findings between individual parts of the research; - Organising meetings for the research group and potential problem solving.

Mlada raziskovalka Alja Pehar

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

Mlada raziskovalka Laura Mrčela

Project leader at FDV: Hajdeja Iglič
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Research Center for Strategy and Governance

Mlada raziskovalka Neja Berger

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Aleksander Sašo Slaček Brlek
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

Mladi raziskovalec Fabio Ashtar Telarico

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleš Žiberna
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

IP Spletno usposabljanje za ravnanje z odprtimi (FAIR) raziskovalnimi podatki za potrebe JRO

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National program
Social Science Data Archive

Podpora delu RDA vozlišče Slovenija

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National program
Social Science Data Archive

MILEAGE: Mentorship development for quality practices in higher education

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.09.2023 - 01.09.2023
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

RSF s.E.2.1 v okviru EUTOPIA MORE

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.09.2023 - 01.09.2023
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

N6-0302-Spominjanje začetkov digitalizacije: kulturološki in medijskoarheološki vidiki tehnotopizma, tehnopesimizma in tehnonostalgije

Project leader at FDV: Natalija Majsova
Duration: 01.08.2023 - 01.08.2023
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

NOO VŽU, Vseživljenjsko učenje, trajnostni razvoj in dolgoživa družba

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Otto Gerdina
Duration: 01.08.2023 - 01.08.2023
National project

Fostering capacity building for civic resilience and participation: Dialogic communication ethics and accountability (DIACOMET)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marko Milosavljević
Duration: 01.06.2023 - 31.05.2026
International project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

Digitalni in v trajnostno družbo naravnan študijski program strojništva (UL za trajnostno družbo - ULTRA)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Tanja Kerševan
External project leader: prof. dr. Franci Pušavec (Fakulteta za strojništvo)
Duration: 01.03.2023 - 01.03.2023
National project

Mapiranje obštudijskih aktivnosti na članicah UL (UL za trajnostno družbo - ULTRA)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jana Arbeiter
Duration: 01.03.2023 - 01.03.2023
National project

Sodobna družbena tveganja: begunstvo, demokracija in trajnostni družbeni razvoj (UL za trajnostno družbo - ULTRA)

Project leader at FDV: Simona Zavratnik
Duration: 01.03.2023 - 01.03.2023
National project

Smart and green innovation approaches for scaling up digital transformation opportunities in CE (GREENE 4.0)

Project leader at FDV: asist. Lea Lebar
Duration: 01.03.2023 - 01.03.2023
International project
Centre for Social Informatics
The project is supported by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme, co-funded by the EU. It corresponds to the 1st priority of the Central Europe Programme: Cooperating for a smarter central Europe. To the specific objective 1. 1: Strengthening innovation capacities in central Europe Project budget: 2.253.720,00 EUR Interreg funding: 1.802.976,00 EUR GREENE 4.0 scope is to improve regional ecosystems innovation capacities for supporting transition to sustainable business models in CE manufacturing sector, by piloting customized innovation models which creates new regional and transnational value chains, links manufacturing companies with solution providers and private equity, increase knowledge and user acceptance regarding smart manufacturing (green industry, digitalization) and transfer piloted programs and tools to RIS3 authorities. The project activities are divided into four pillars: 1) Improve companies capacities and willingness to adopt digital technologies and green business models by developing, testing and deploying an user acceptance tool for speeding transition to smart innovative factories and new value chains 2) Improve SME’s innovation capacity and support the process of smart and green products /services development by developing and integrating open innovation models for business modelling and new innovative value chains generation in CE region 3) generate, test and pilot smart&green manufacturing new value chains models in 7 pre-defined sectorial clusters by deploying 3 innovation programs which facilitates solutions open co-creation between manufacturing companies and solution providers 4) improve the regional innovation ecosystems capacity to learn, transfer and replicate GREEN 4.0 innovation platform with its entire capabilities and tools by designing new policy instruments supporting sustainable manufacturing new value chains Greene 4.0 main results will be: User acceptance model. Transnational Open Knowledge Box. GREENE 4.0 Innovation platform. Transnational strategy for deploying GREENE 4.0 innovation platform. New smart and green manufacturing value chains.

TrueDem - Trust in European Democracies

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alenka Krašovec
Duration: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
Political trust has long been regarded as an important element of regime support and factor of regime stability; it is widely associated with a number of positive outcomes in representative democracies. Political trust drives citizens’ interest and engagement in politics, increases voting turnout and makes law-abiding behaviour more common. Political trust is frequently equated to diffuse regime support and thus linked to the effective functioning and stability of the political system. The proposed research effort will monitor the structural (long-term) drivers of political trust but also emphasize the strategies which can be employed by diverse actors and agencies to strengthen accurate and informed judgments of agency trustworthiness. The objective of this ambitious project is twofold. First, we aim to design and implement a complex research effort to collect comprehensive evidence on the judgments of trustworthiness in a range of European states. Second, the project will develop a comprehensive and transparent toolbox of short-term and long-term policy interventions including recommendations, and methodologies for enhancing trust in political institutions, boosting transparency, and inclusiveness of representative systems in Europe. While there is a growing concern about the crisis of democracy and democratic backsliding, this research effort will provide an innovative theoretical perspective on the sources of regime support and strategies for trust building in the public domain. The project looks at the different drivers of 'positive high trust in democracy' and 'negative high trust in autocracy'. The project will facilitate development of a new paradigm of political trust and trust-building and will inspire emergence of new insights on the multi-facet origins of political trust and multi-factor nature of trustworthiness. The project has partners in Austria, Czechia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, and Ukraine.

Higher Education resilience in refugee crises: forging social inclusion though capacity building, civic engagement and skills recognition

Project leader at FDV: Simona Zavratnik
Duration: 01.12.2022 - 01.12.2022
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

BLOCKCHAINED: Blockchained Youth Work (Erasmus+ Action Type KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.12.2022 - 01.12.2022
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

Eurograduate v Sloveniji (Erasmus+)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.11.2022 - 01.11.2022
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

Mladi raziskovalec Domen Žalac

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marjan Hočevar
Duration: 01.11.2022 - 01.11.2022
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

BuildEU/ Building stronger Europe through teaching and education

Project leader at FDV: Meta Novak
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
BuildEU Jean Monnet module targets first year master students of Political science and European studies with the aim to build stronger Europe through teaching and education. Within the project, we will equip students with skills for active and professional participation in EU policymaking process. In this way they will be able to contribute to EU participatory democracy. BuildEU seeks to address the following objectives: • To provide excellence in teaching EU studies with the aim to generate knowledge of future actors in EU policy-making to strengthen the role of Europe. • To connect the students from Slovenia with other students from EU to build a feeling of EU studies community. • To bring practitioners and practical knowledge to students with the aim to foster dialogue between academic world and civil society actors. • To share most recent scientific results by prominent scholars to promote excellence in teaching and research in EU studies. • To open EU studies to public by creating students blog with the aim to reach out to wider society and spread knowledge about EU. Activities of BuildEU Jean Monnet module will be implemented in 60 hours course Comparative interest groups politics that covers the role of participatory democracy in the EU, key theories on the development of interest groups; research approaches in comparing interest group politics across time and across EU countries; interest group behaviour and strategies in various contexts (local, national, European). Several events will be organised such as: yearly guest lecture by prominent interest groups scholars, yearly visit by practitioner (both open to all students) and role plays and simulation exercises on selected topics between local and other European students. BuildEU Jean Monnet module will prepare deliverables for different target groups such as: project website, project social media accounts, leaflet and blog written by students for the general public, handbook on interest groups in EU policymaking for students and academic article addressing the experiences of teaching interest groups studies for academic community.

Media Landscape in Slovenia between Pluralisation and Homogenisation

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Igor Vobič
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025
National project
Social Communication Research Centre
According to the Van Cuilenberg model of a "normative diversity chain", the project defines define social diversity and democracy as central points of normative concern for media diversity, which reflects social diversity (such as "diversity of information and opinions") and sustains democracy. However, it is not just about reflecting social diversity in the media. Social diversity entails the plurality of various social interests and actors influencing the media; these actors - such as media owners and controllers, professional groups, non-governmental organizations, political parties, audiences, and many others - will be at the center of our research. The objectives of the proposed project are: 1. To analyze the key dimensions and patterns of diversity in the production, distribution, and consumption of media content in a selected sample of Slovenian media and their users. 2. To assess to what extent traditional and new media, especially RTV Slovenia as the central public broadcaster, fulfill the basic democratic requirement of providing various citizen groups with a forum for public discourse (this is especially true for those groups historically marginalized) and to develop new approaches to the democratization of communication, media, and the public sphere. 3. To identify which existing media structures and technologies hinder democratic practices and which can best enable equal participation of all citizens in public life; which policies, regulatory frameworks, strategies, and legislative initiatives would be best adopted to maintain and promote media plurality, diversity of information sources and cultural diversity, and to increase citizen participation in the media and public sphere. 4. To explore the characteristics and level of media literacy in various social groups, especially different age groups, with a focus on developing competencies necessary for recognizing misinformation and fake news. The work in the project is organized into three working packages. The first working package examines differences in media reporting that contribute to the Slovenian media landscape and answers the question of the extent to which the content of Slovenian media is homogeneous or pluralistic. This is addressed by examining the extent and patterns devoted to addressing various public issues and events, as well as the space dedicated to various social actors. The purpose of the second working package is to determine which existing media structures and practices strengthen or hinder the democratic potentials of pluralism and which policies, regulatory frameworks, strategies, and legislative initiatives could be adopted to maintain and promote media pluralism, diversity of information sources and cultural diversity, and increase citizen participation in the media and public sphere. To this end, we examine structural changes in social communication in terms of internal and external media stakeholders in media legislation using in-depth interviews and document analysis. The purpose of the third working package is to investigate the characteristics and level of media literacy among different generations of Slovenian media users and how to appropriately complement governance (a mix of institutional and non-governmental initiatives) in this area.

CRP V5-2297 Medijska krajina v Sloveniji med pluralizacijo in homogenizacijo MK del

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Igor Vobič
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

EU Reclaiming liberal Democracy in Europe

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Faris Kočan
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
International project
Centre of International Relations

Digital transformation of health and social care: Welfare technology acceptance and knowledge among current and future healthcare and social care professionals

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Simona Hvalič Touzery
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
Health and social care are witnessing a profound technological transformation in which welfare technologies (WT) are becoming a necessity for health and social care professionals (HSCPs). The way HSCPs perceive and accept WT depends on their exposure to education and training. However, studies indicate that education programmes do not necessarily ensure that graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to use WT in their work. In the future, the lack of knowledgeable HSCPs will be particularly accentuated in Slovenia, where a long-awaited Long-Term Care (LTC) Law – which includes WT – will finally be put into practice. There are some evidences showing that recommendation of HSCPs often results in patients' and care recipients' decision to become WT users. As they are important motivators, HSCPs can contribute significantly to whether a new technology-supported service succeeds or fails. Yet, there is a lack of research that would empirically test WT acceptability among them. The overarching aim of the project is to address these complex issues related to the acceptability of WT (t.i. telecare, telehealth and socially assistive robotics) among current and future HSCPs from sociological point of view. To this end, building on existing technology-acceptance models the project will use a mixed-methods approach and triangulation to accomplish the following: • Develop a socio-technical theoretical framework of WT acceptability that will be empirically tested. • Explore the knowledge gap in formal university education among HSCPs and students about WT and knowledge needs regarding WT. • Review existing measurement instruments and develop an instrument with which to measure attitudinal, technological and contextual factors that affect the acceptability of WT among current (registered nurses, social workers and social gerontologists) and future (students of nursing, social work and social gerontology) HSCPs and apply it in the first national survey. • Examine relationships among measured factors using qualitative and quantitative data. • Empirically validate the conceptual model of WT acceptability and prepare guidelines for (1) the deployment of WT in LTC and (2) implementing WT content in university curricula. This project addresses topics that are highly relevant to general social sciences and emerging national and global societal challenges under the UN SDG3 goal - Health and Wellbeing. We particularly address LTC, an area in which Slovenia faces many challenges that have gone unresolved for decades. The project represents an important breakthrough in the field of WT acceptability, focusing on current and future HSCPs. The project will (1) fill critical conceptual and data gaps, (2) encourage Slovenian policymakers and those who will implement the LTC Law to initiate evidence-based practice and (3) motivate Higher Education Institutions educating HSCPs to address the knowledge gaps on WT. Furthermore, by incorporating emerging technology (social robotics), this project goes beyond the WT currently in use. The project team has extensive experience with large-scale research projects in LTC, informal care, healthcare, telecare and telehealth interventions and quantitative and qualitative methods. The project partner Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care, Slovenia is also known for its research and development achievements that contribute significantly to the development and positioning of nursing. The quality and feasibility of the project will also be ensured by the long-standing collaboration with key stakeholders in the field of LTC in Slovenia and the close involvement of renowned experts, such as Scientific Advisory Board members from the University of Jyvaskyla, INRCA, Vilans, TU Wien, Robert Gordon University. The project is supported also by the CEO of NET4Age-Friendly, a network of researchers from 44 countries, who sees the project as a great asset to this network.

Sindikati in trajnostni prehod: pričakovanja in paradoksi (S-TP)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Urška Golob Podnar
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research
Research shows that trade unions can be both a force for change and a force for continuity in the sustainability transition, proactively embracing the transition but also playing the role of inactive supporters or opponents of regulation and, in extreme cases, even denying the scientific consensus that underlines the problematic nature of climate change. Although trade unions are important stakeholders in sustainable development, their role in this context is understudied both theoretically and empirically. The aim of this project is to explore how trade unions in Slovenia engage with the sustainability transition, what tensions and challenges they face, and how they attempt to resolve perceived tensions arising from conflicts between job creation and environmental protection and workers' expectations. In addition, the project will assess workers' perspectives on the role and performance of trade unions in addressing SCP and environmental issues. To support this, the project has four main objectives: Objective 1: To position (national) trade unions as actors in research on sustainability transitions, to identify tensions and challenges for trade unions in the context of these transitions, and to explore ways in which these can be addressed. Objective 2: To present the situation in the EU Member States in terms of similarities and differences in trade union involvement in sustainability/climate change policies at a high level of analysis. Objective 3: To explore the position and functioning of trade unions in the context of sustainable transitions; their officials' positions, strategies, perceived tensions and responses to challenges related to SCP/sustainability issues. Objective 4: To analyse the nomological network (i.e. observable manifestations) at the individual/micro level, focusing on (1) union members' representations of union positioning and action in the context of sustainability transitions, (2) expectations, and (3) own position on relevant sustainability issues.


Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations
Formal organizations are probably the central institutions of modern society. We exist with and through them as they organize and structure our life from the beginning through to the end. New technology has created different challenges for all types of organizations, which are all significantly and ubiquitously affected by digitalization. On the one side we witness progress and an increase in life satisfaction, while on the other we see disruption and possible risks. It is an imperative to study this changing nature of work so as to learn more about the consequences of technological transformation and through that, minimise potential threats. New technologies mean new effects on society and human relationships, which is why the ability with which people use new technologies has an effect on viewing technology as utopian or dystopian (Spitzberg, 2006). This is in line with the Commission’s Digital Compass and ambitions for the next 10 years where three out of its four pillars fit with this proposal - namely: digitally skilled citizens and professionals; a digital transformation of businesses; and digitalisation of public services. When we focus on organizations as participants in the digitalization process, it is important to understand how employees perceive all this change and if and how it affects different aspects of their work, work-related attitudes, and perceived effects on quality of their lives. There are no organizations without communication. This reflects, to a certain extent, the rhetorical/ hermeneutical approach to communication where organizations are symbolic, and communication makes them possible (Grunig, 1992). A prominent interpretation of communication in organizations is that when communication is bad, there will be problems for the organization; while good communication means better performance and overall effectiveness (Roberts & O’Reily, 1974). Increasingly, organizations invest considerable human and financial resources in shaping effective internal communication systems (Carriere & Borque, 2009). The recent pandemic has amplified the importance of internal communication. In addition, rapid digitalization, which is one of the defining characteristics of 21st century communication, has also had a massive effect on communication within organizations. Decades of research in internal communication have demonstrated that it affects all aspects of organizational performance. But it also affects life satisfaction of its members/employees. Perceptions affect human behaviour (Thomas theorem), which is why investigation, interpretation and understanding of employees’ attitudes toward acceptance of digital communication has important implications for society. Post-pandemic working patterns are going to accelerate many pre-existing trends. The average employee wants to work from home almost half the time, while employers do not share this approach (The Economist, 2021). This overlapping of home and office already has and will continue to have vast consequences. It will force both, organizations, and employees, to raise their game. It will lead to changes in all aspects of work and create bigger divides. It will also bring improvement. Managers will have to communicate better and stop expecting employees to pick up information by osmosis. To understand new patterns of communication and how they affect employees’ lives, this project aims to develop a theory of internal communication preference and explore how it connects perceived digital channel value, culture, personality, social exchange quality indicators, engagement, and life satisfaction. We need to have a better normative understanding of the role that workplace communication has in the new post-pandemic reality. The social importance of this project is in clarifying how this aspect of our lives can be a positive influence on our life satisfaction. Main questions driving the project are: • How does digitalization of communication channels affect internal communication, engagement, and life satisfaction of employees in a post-pandemic world? • How do culture orientation and personality traits determine internal communication preferences? • What are the solutions to designing optimal internal communication systems in a new digital society? The main ambition of the project is to introduce a new paradigm to study internal communication. To achieve this goal the project will provide new theory, innovative empirical research to understand and tackle causes of and solutions to digital transformation of internal communication, creating a significant shift in the field of internal communication with specific theories from organizational behaviour, communication, and social psychology.

Everyday life and life course of old people living in poverty

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

Dediščina za vključujočo trajnostno preobrazbo - HEI-TRANSFORM (Slovene)

Project leader at FDV: Matjaž Uršič
External project leader: dr. Sonja Ifko, UL, Fakulteta za arhitekturo
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology
The global field of conservation of immovable cultural heritage (ICH) is undergoing intensive transformation and integration, in order to contribute more effectively to a sustainable future. The transdisciplinary project HEI-TRANSFORM aims to establish the potential for multidimensional contributions from cultural heritage to the green transformation and sustainable future of Slovenia. Our starting point is the understanding of heritage as development capital, which will be defined in the context of the four dimensions of sustainability: cultural, social, economic and environmental. We focus on ICH, including its movable and intangible components, within a spatial context. The research project highlights the need for structural changes within the heritage sector, and identifies these as a long-term objective. The project carries out fundamental research, which is the key basis for future heritage transformation decision-making, in line with current knowledge and the sustainable heritage paradigm. In doing so, it enables conditions to be created for the direct implementation and mainstreaming of ICH as the capital of an inclusive sustainable future in local environments. These are the places where sustainability can be most directly implemented and contribute to global goals. To this end, the project is developing the Cultural Heritage 4.0 (CH 4.0) model for the reactivation of disused and underused ICH through inclusive adaptive re-use.

TAP Prihodnost socialnega dialoga v platformni ekonomiji: primer Slovenije

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Aleksander Sašo Slaček Brlek
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

Sociološki vidiki trajnostnega družbenoprostorskega in kadrovskega razvoja Slovenije v Evropi - ostanek MR Blatnik

Project leader at FDV: Matjaž Uršič
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National program
Centre for Spatial Sociology

Mlada raziskovalka Ana Marija Mustafai

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Klement Podnar
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Mlada raziskovalka Gaja Mavri

Project leader at FDV: Anže Burger
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Centre of International Relations

Mlada raziskovalka Teja Kosi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aljoša Pužar
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Mlada raziskovalka Tonja Jerele

Project leader at FDV: Ilija Tomanić-Trivundža
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

Mladi raziskovalec Izidor Natek

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Mladi raziskovalec Samo Smole

Project leader at FDV: Meta Novak
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

Množični mediji, javna sfera in družbene spremebe - ostanek MR

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National program
Social Communication Research Centre

What are Opinions? Integrating Theory and Methods for Automatically Analyzing Opinionated Communication

Project leader at FDV: Ilija Tomanić-Trivundža
Duration: 01.09.2022 - 01.09.2022
International project
Social Communication Research Centre

Komuniciranje znanosti in krizno komuniciranje za trajnostni razvoj (UL za trajnostno družbo - ULTRA)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Tanja Kerševan
Duration: 01.07.2022 - 01.07.2022
National project

Sistemski pristop k vseživljenjskemu učenju za potrebe gospodarstva, uvedba mikrodokazil in prenos v študijske programe (UL za trajnostno družbo)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jana Arbeiter
External project leader: Fakulteta za elektrotehniko (prof. dr. Andrej Kos)
Duration: 01.07.2022 - 01.07.2022
National project

Support to Reinforce the European Strategy Forum on Reseach Infrastructures 3

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Barbara Brečko
External project leader: Barbara Brečko
Duration: 01.04.2022 - 01.04.2022
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU-E+ BEAT - Be an active EU Teacher: Enhancing the teaching of the EU through Teacher Trainings

Project leader at FDV: Marinko Banjac
Duration: 01.03.2022 - 01.03.2022
International project
Centre for Political Theory

Political potential of conspiracy theories. A study of Poland and Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Miro Haček
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025
National project
Defence Research Centre
Year 2020 was an extremely unusual period for most societies around the world due to the extremely difficult situation with the pandemic that all countries had to face. The pandemic has affected almost all areas of people's lives. The restrictions imposed on companies and individuals by governments have significantly limited constitutional civil liberties, triggered significant reactions from the perspective of the constitutional and political system, and triggered a wave of emotions related to the pandemic. New social movements have begun to emerge and reactivate existing ones that channel these emotions and provide members and supporters with the fulfilment of those needs, the satisfaction of which was basically impossible during the pandemic. The underlying research project focuses on a specific subset of these bottom-up initiatives, namely the civil society movements based on conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories are defined as explanatory beliefs about a group of actors colluding in secret to achieve malicious goals. In times of crisis, people support such theories more. This way of thinking obviously works much more successfully in situations that are difficult to rationally explain and that do not offer easy solutions. The global pandemic has activated three such groups of movements based on conspiracy theories, which we will examine in more detail in the framework of the research project: (1) anti-COVID; (2) anti-5G; and (3) opponents of vaccination. What connects all three movements is the new coronavirus. In the case of the anti-COVID movements, the appearance of the virus has sparked a wave of speculation that tackles various aspects of the pandemic, from doubts about the origin of the virus to doubts about the very existence of the virus. Research into effective vaccines and the prospect of mass (and in some cases mandatory) vaccinations have given new energy to the opponents of vaccination. The development of 5G technology has been the reason why it has been accused of causing the pandemic as such and its allegedly negative effects on health.

EIRO: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions - EIRO Network of Correspondents

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 01.01.2022
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Political science research programme

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Danica Fink Hafner
Duration: 04.04.2019 - 31.12.2027
National program
Centre for Political Science Research
This research programme is a continuation of the Political Science Research Programme - THE ONLY RESEARCH PROGRAMME IN SLOVENIA THAT SYSTEMATICALLY COLLECTS AND ANALYSES THE VARIOUS KINDS OF DATA ON THE DYNAMICS OF THE PRIMARY NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND ACTORS- INCLUDING ELECTIONS while taking into account both the internal and external variables. In the new programme period, our main RESEARCH GOAL is: (1) to further develop political data infrastructure for studying Slovenia in a comparative perspective; (2) to analyse the political transformations in Slovenia and the EU taking into account globalisation and de-globalisation processes; (3) to take part in the current debates on factors co-determining current processes of de-democratisation, polarisation, radicalisation, extremism in misuse of new technologies; (4) to take part in the current debates on social and political impacts of artificial intelligence and the 4th technological revolution; and (5) to analyse the responsiveness of the political elite to the increased global private governance. The MAIN RESEARCH QUESTIONS are: What are the key sources and mechanisms of de-democratization and how they are addressed? What are the key normative, structural and functional challenges in re-creating political managing of states (societies), world regions and global problem solving? Are health, environmental and economic crises factors or causes of radical political changes? What are the possible consequences of alternative scenarios of Slovenian and EU political systems? Which actors, resources, mechanisms and actions could provide alternatives and support the counter scenarios? How political science responds to rising social inequalities, technological revolution and crisis of democracy? In answering these research questions we will focus on several longitudinal RESEARCH PILLARS: DEMOCRACY, GOVERNANCE, LEGITIMACY as well as to: political institutions, political actors, political processes, public policies, political science and profession. The main RESEARCH STRATEGIES are: (1) studying Slovenia from an international comparative perspective; (2) linking the research focused on Slovenia to the current debates on challenges and alternatives to liberal democracy; (3) linking political science and interdisciplinary research; (4) communicating with the stakeholders and paying attention to research methods that allow for (5) an inclusive deliberation. RESEARCH METHODS: The research will be based on qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method research designs, paying special attention to longitudinal and international comparative studies. KEY RESULTS EXPECTED: (1) further develop international collaboration; (2) continuity in development of unique political debates and (3) to communicate with stakeholders.

Social Sciences Methodology, Statistics and Informatics

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Gregor Petrič
Duration: 04.04.2019 - 01.01.2022
National program
Centre for Methodology and Informatics
The programme group has been continuously researching crucial topics in the fields of social science methodology, statistics and social informatics since 1999. In the next funding round, it will continue to focus on the four main and interconnected thematic areas: a) Network analysis; b) Measuring and explaining information society phenomena; c) Integration of quantitative and qualitative approaches; and d) Mathematical modelling in the social sciences. a) Network analysis: The research group will continue to address topics from the most prominent subfields of network analysis: (i) data collection methods; (ii) network measurement; (iii) development of methods for analysis of (large) networks; (iv) implementation of algorithms in computer programs (e.g. Pajek); (v) applications of network analysis in different research areas. b) Measuring and explaining information society phenomena: The research programme will: (i) further develop and use innovative methodological approaches to study crucial information society phenomena; and (ii) apply innovative research methods to study the social aspects and effects of information society technologies on individuals, groups, communities, organisations, and society in general. Emphasis will be on methodological and substantive issues pertaining to research of e-health, the human factor in information security, and children's use of digital technologies. c) Integration of quantitative and qualitative approaches: The research objective will be to further develop the integration of various online and offline data collection approaches. The group members will compare recruitment, design, moderation, ethical and technological issues in online and offline interviews and further explore the possibilities to improve the interaction in online focus groups. d) Mathematical modelling in social sciences: The work will continue on the topics of imprecise Markov processes and imprecise copulas and investigation of families of copulas derived from classical precise copulas. The main objectives are to provide highly efficient algorithms that will outperform the existing ones in several respects and to identify real life examples to test the efficiency of the newly developed algorithms. The research activities together with the considerable interdisciplinarity and openness to collaboration will further strengthen the research group's well-established role in the international scientific community, as already demonstrated by numerous high-impact publications in journals and prominent international academic publishers, awards, memberships of editorial boards, involvement in international organisations, projects, scientific collaborations and pedagogic activities at national and international universities.

IC IO-EO10 Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov - CESSDA ERIC PLAČE

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 01.01.2022
National program
Social Science Data Archive

Mass media, public sphere and social changes

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 04.04.2019 - 01.01.2022
National program
Social Communication Research Centre
The research programme is based on a comprehensive understanding of publicness, as advocated by the founders of the principle of publicness, Bentham, Kant, Marx, and Dewey, and further developed, analysed, and supplemented by many other authors. It is focused on six key theoretical dimensions and their empirical manifestations: (1) Visibility is the foundation of publicness as it brings to the forefront reporting on developments in the socio-political environment with important long-term consequences for citizens. (2) If actions of political authorities become visible, the public (as a social category and a "medium of publicness") can control political authorities and legitimacy of their decisions. (3) Citizens' access to the communication channels, which are necessary for their "public use of reason," encourages the formation and expression of public opinion. (4) Reflexive or critical publicity creates and cultivates democratic discursive order. (5) Mediation between the ruling and the ruled, between decision-making bodies and civil society is the foundation of freedom of the press, which, together with the right to public expression, is constitutive of the public. (6) Empowering the public through institutionally structured discourse enables the translation of public opinion into the formation of political will and its effective implementation. These dimensions also point to the key functions of media and journalism that our research will focus on in the period 2022-2028. Publicness, like its communication infrastructure, is not a static construct, but a dynamically structured process that is not external to other social changes, but is their (essential) part. While technology and software (e.g. algorithms, artificial intelligence) have a significant impact on the dynamic changes of publicness and journalism, which has played an important role throughout the history of publicness, they are not the only factors in its transformation. The transformation of publicness is the result of the interaction of new technologies (that enable and encourage changes in communication) and social actors who, with their needs, interests and values, also change the nature and functions of publicness. The nature of publicness does not change due to the technological characteristics of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, but depends on how they are used in society by individuals, and how society includes them in its development and accordingly regulates them. Based on these starting points, the research programme Mass Media, Public Sphere and Social Change will be conducted in the period 2022-2028 in four directions with four work packages: 1. Digitisation of publicness: theoretical (re)conceptualisations and empirical transformations, 2. Social consequences of algorithmisation and platformisation of communication, 3. Crisis of journalism in the relationship between government and the public and 4. Media regulation in the age of digitisation.

Slovenia and its actors in international relations and European integrations

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andreja Jaklič
Duration: 04.04.2019 - 01.01.2022
National program
Centre of International Relations
Tectonic changes worldwide (e.g. rising new powers such as China, eroding US dominance, mass migration, Brexit, trade wars, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and digitalisation) have been enhanced by the Covid-19 pandemic. As international relations (IR) are becoming more complex and states and other actors increasingly interdependent in the international community is facing new challenges (e.g. economic, social, climate, environmental and health crises) and opportunities that require multilateral responses. The liberal world order has enabled independence and stable international (co)operation to many small states like Slovenia. The understanding of and prompt reactions to a changing world order and the development of resilience to volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous situations (VUCA WORLD) is critical for small states. Equally important is the ability of small states to finding new solutions to the weaknesses and risks of the current international system. All this is an integral part of international relations science, international (political) economy, international business and international law. The complexity of issues in IR requires interdisciplinary analysis and solutions. The goals of the programme are thus: (1) developing and generating knowledge in IR, international (political) economy, integration processes and the resilience factors for small states and non-state actors, (2) facilitating the development and strengthening of Slovenia's international influence within and beyond the EU, (3) (co)designing proactive, responsive and agile strategies and policies for Slovenia, its firms and other actors to strengthen Slovenia's competitiveness and ability to achieve sustainable development. The research team studies the causes and factors of changes in IR and the world order as well as their consequences for Slovenia by looking at three interconnected areas: 1) GOVERNANCE: (a) changes in the world order and their consequences for Slovenia, (b) norms and values as the framework for governance in IR, (c) diplomacy development; 2) INTEGRATION: (a) EU's responsiveness to global changes and its strategic autonomy, (b) differentiated integration and the implementation of European policies, (c) post-conflict management and the integration of Western Balkan states in the EU; 3) INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT of (Slovenian) economic entities and national economy: (a) the efficiency of different forms of international engagement by firms, (b) firms' competitive advantages, (c) the impact of the external environment on the processes of business internationalisation and the economic policy for successful engagement in globalisation. The interdisciplinary character of the research programme allows for original linkages between disciplines and theories therein. We combine theoretical analyses with empirical work that connects modern statistical methods and develop original methodologies through mixed method approaches.

Socialna psihologija in sociologija vsakdanjega življenja

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 01.01.2022
National program
Centre for Social Psychology

Mlada raziskovalka Dora Matejak

Project leader at FDV: asist. Dora Matejak
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

Mlada raziskovalka Kristina Rakinić

Project leader at FDV: asist. Kristina Rakinić
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

Mlada raziskovalka Maruša Novak

Project leader at FDV: asist. Maruša Novak
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Mlada raziskovalka Melika Mahmutović

Project leader at FDV: asist. Melika Mahmutović
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
National project
Centre of International Relations

Mladi raziskovalec Gašper Ferme

Project leader at FDV: asist. Gašper Ferme
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
National project
Defence Research Centre

TP E+ RAY Research Based of European Youth Programmes

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.08.2021 - 01.08.2021
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU-H2020 Coordinate, Cohort Communitty Research and Development Infrastructure Network for Access Through Europe

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.04.2021 - 01.04.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

EU-H2020 RltrainPlus, Research infrastructure Training plus

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.04.2021 - 01.04.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

Sociological aspects of sustainable sociospatial and manpower development of Slovenia in Europe

Project leader at FDV: Matjaž Uršič
External project leader: izr. prof. dr. Matjaž Uršič, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2025
National program
Centre for Spatial Sociology
In the next period, the research programme will focus on analysing multi-level and integral sustainability, which includes the development of settlements, mobility, transport policy, migration, tourism, management of natural resources and human resource development. The research activities will be based on a unique tradition of researching spatio-environmental phenomena and human resource development that will yield an excellent combination of experience and knowledge for future research activities. We can divide the main research fields into five parts: (1) Conceptually connecting the environmental and spatial concepts of socio-spatial development with the design of practical applications for strategic planning on various levels of territorial organisation (local, regional, national and supranational). We will draw on sociology’s capability as an inclusive, connective, and analytical scientific discipline to enable different science languages to be ‘translated’ for the purpose of making progress in the cross-disciplinarity of sustainability research. (2) One research field will focus on researching the multi-directionality of communication between the subsystems while ensuring the tensions between the producers, planners, authority structures, and actual users of the space remain at a minimum. We will research the functional limits of including actors in spatial planning for it to still productively improve the quality of spatial interventions. (3) Regarding sustainable urbanism, the goals are mostly connected to formulating a strategy for the first socio-spatial transformation of a sustainable neighbourhood in the CEE region, a region in which no larger sustainable settlements have so far been established. The result will be a tangible sustainable urbanistic strategy that includes innovative social perspectives on sustainable urbanism so as to improve the local inhabitants’ quality of life. (4) The goals of researching the ‘migrations–environment–digital’ junction call for an interconnected analysis of the local and global factors influencing the processes of diversified mobility. We will research the complexity of influences on migration movements (immigration and emigration) in Slovenia in light of EU policies on migrations and asylum that provide the crucial frameworks for integration practices on the local, national and European levels. (5) The goals of human resource development are connected to the area of employability and graduates’ transition to the labour market. We are interested in the developmental dialectic between the concepts of employability and employment, and will thus follow the developmental context of the creation of ‘national modules for following graduate employability’ at home and abroad. In the area of the professionalisation of academic professions, we will research the challenges they face with regard to their institution, the wider institutional environment, and the professional networks.

Work, Education and Employment Analyses

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 04.04.2019 - 01.01.2020
National program
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research
The research programme spans the broad topic of the transition from “real socialism” to a “market economy”, which overlaps the processes entailed in the Europeanisation of Central and Eastern European (CEE) “post-communist” societies and their transition to post-Fordism (Boyer: 2014). The programme’s underlying conceptual framework is the neo-institutional theory as defined within the VoC theory (Hall and Soskice, 2001) and adjusted by its critiques (Crouch: 2005; Streeck and Thelen, 2005). VoC sets out two ideal types of capitalism: a liberal market economy (LME) and a coordinated market economy (CME); in principle, it stresses the presence of “institutional complementarity” between social security systems, basic types of skills and companies’ prevailing market strategies, with qualitative differences being observed in this respect between these two types of capitalism. It resumes these complementarities within the “welfare-production regime” (WPR) concept (Estevez-Abe, Iversen and Soskice, 2001; Iversen, 2005).       In terms of VoC, “post-socialist” societies have largely adopted a liberal market economy. The abrupt political pluralisation of these societies was typically followed by a surge of rapid neo-liberal reforms whose results were often more radical than the results of the liberalisation of democratic capitalist societies. Put differently, the results were more neo-liberal than the outcomes of the neo-liberal reforms applied in western countries. However, Slovenia was an exception. The specific features of Yugoslav socialism allowed it to embrace capitalism using an alternative approach; it was the only “post-socialist” country to be characterised by neo-corporatism already in the early stages of its transition (Bohle & Greskovits, 2007; 2012; Feldman, 2006). The system survived for at least more than 10 years until the mid-2000s, when changes to it began to fit more within the neo-liberal turn. Those changes were triggered by the country joining the EU in 2004 and the eurozone in 2007, further intensifying during the crisis during 2009–2013. Our research project’s key goal is to explain the genesis of the changes occurring in the Slovenian system, recent developments in the context of the latest European (dis)integration processes, and the general rise of globalisation-related pressures. Relying on past research findings and the starting points outlined above, the research team will continue to focus on the study of “institutional (non)complementarity”, i.e. changes in the welfare-production regime in Slovenia. Within the broad field of institutional (non)complementarity, the team will examine three core issues: the question of (non)complementarity on the micro level (within and among firms and related stakeholders); the relatedness of those micro-relations to movements and splits in the labour market (flexibilisation and segmentation); strategic changes in interest-based (intermediary) organising and shaping the formation of public policies.

PS Družbena pogodba v 21. stoletju

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Maruša Pušnik
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
National program
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

PS Družbena pogodba v 21. stoletju - ostanek MR

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Maruša Pušnik
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
National program
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Slovenian Public Opinion

Project leader at FDV: Mitja Hafner Fink
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2025
National program
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre
The program is a continuation of the existing program Slovenian Public Opinion (SPO) and continuous survey of attitudes among residents of Slovenia, which has been conducted since 1968 within the Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre.   The program is based on the idea of monitoring social development through so called subjective indicators that are usually used in the framework of social surveys. We build on the assumption that development processes in various dimensions of social life should not be considered as excluded from the complexity of social systems and social structures. Thus social development is usually related with the following three dimensions: - Socioeconomic - Cultural - Institutional.   Coming from this starting point our general interest lies in this research question:   In the context of current global social trends, what kind of association between dimensions of development can be revealed by means of subjective indicators?   The social survey (with cooperation in key international social survey programs such as ISSP, EVS/WVS, and ESS) is a fundamental research design by which this research question is planned to be answered. In order to observe the above three dimensions of human and social development, the subjective indicators in the surveys will cover, in particular, the following THEMATIC AREAS: perceptions of social inequalities, attitudes towards marginal groups, self-assessment of social and economic position, identities, satisfaction with life, trust, demographic characteristics, quality of life, value orientations, attitudes toward important social and developmental issues, satisfaction with performance of institutions, perceptions of democracy, citizenship, participation, political choice.   Apart from conceptual aspects, also METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS are important. Their purpose is to improve the quality of social survey data. Research attention will be focused primarily on the following: - Various types of context effects (question order, social context) - Mode effects and problems of mixed mode data collection.   RESEARCH METHODS of the program are tied to the social survey as a fundamental research design by which the research objectives of the program are planned to be achieved. The survey is planned annually as face-to-face interview of respondents from a sample of permanent residents of Slovenia and on the basis of instruments developed by the SPO program group. Important part is related to cooperation of SPO group in international social science research programs such as ISSP, WVS/EVS and ESS.   RESEARCH OBJECTIVES and expected achievements are: - Answers to a research question on the applicability of subjective indicators - Testing and developing methodological approaches for quality survey research - Building social infrastructure – high-quality databases that are accessible to social science community for further analysis.

Internetno raziskovanje

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2024
National program
Centre for Social Informatics
Contemporary societies face the evolving integration of Internet technologies into all domains of everyday life. This demands innovative social science research insights into Internet-related social phenomena in terms of substantial knowledge and research methods. The proposed research programme deals with both aspects: the Internet as a research object and the Internet as a tool for social science research. THE INTERNET AS A RESEARCH OBJECT covers a broad research area in which the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is shaping human relations and societal structures across various social domains (e.g. e-health, e-government, e-care and e-learning). Such emerging phenomena at the intersection of technology and society demands an integrated socio-technical approach to anticipate and understand their impact. In this context, the programme focuses on the following topics: • Digital inequalities – with an emphasis on overcoming the digital exclusion of older adults and low-skilled ICT users; • The adoption and outcomes of advanced ICT-based assistive technologies in health and social care to improve the social inclusion and quality of life of various population groups in the ageing society; • Better Internet and theoretically-informed prevention of illegal and harmful content on the Internet; • Advances in user experience research methods for designing more accessible and user-friendly mobile and smart technologies. With respect to the INTERNET AS A RESEARCH TOOL, the programme strengthens existing and builds new knowledge on methods related to Internet-enabled data collection by: • Systematically investigating factors that contribute to data quality in web surveys; • Addressing new challenges of web survey applications, with an emphasis on online panels and surveys on mobile devices; • Integrating the use of machine learning and language technologies for questionnaire development and data collection; • Providing evidence-based research on the use of paradata (digital footprints) and sensor data generated by mobile devices for an in-depth analysis of the behavioural patterns of participants involved in Internet-mediated data collection; • Studying the Internet’s role in e-social sciences for the integration of virtual collaboration in all stages of the research process. The research activities will strengthen the well-established role of the research group in the scientific community – as shown by its scientific and socio-economic outcomes – both internationally (publications, citations, awards, editorial boards, involvement in international organisations, international projects and scientific collaboration, mentoring and teaching abroad, the WebSM website, the open source web survey tool 1KA) and nationally (Web Survey Day, Safer Internet Centre SAFE.SI and Spletno oko). This guarantees that the proposed programme will be carried out successfully, will develop global scientific excellence and will translate new basic knowledge into practice.

Slovene Language - Basic, Contrastive, and Applied Studies

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Monika Kalin Golob
External project leader: UL Filozofska fakulteta
Duration: 04.04.2019 - 31.12.2024
National program
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism
The research program is based on empirical approaches and focused on upgrading and maintaining language resources, and on corpus-based linguistic descriptions that belong to post-structuralist approaches to language. It is vital to continually upgrade and maintain language resources to provide a basis for empirical research. Recently, a number of corpora have been built for Slovene: Gigafida (reference corpus), Kres (sample corpus), Gos (spoken Slovene), Janes (computer-mediated communication), KAS (academic Slovene), Šolar (texts produced by pupils), Lektor (revised texts), SIGNOR (Slovene Sign Language). Maintaining and upgrading corpora is a cornerstone within the research program, as it is the only program in Slovenia that systematically deals with the development and maintenance of corpora. A significant portion of the infrastructure developed within the program has to do with terminological resources and technologies, also in terms of developing innovative methods of terminology extraction. As efficient terminology management is key in transferring knowledge between different linguistic environments as well as the conceptualizations in these environments, we also plan to develop modern terminological descriptions in addition to building and maintaining terminological resources. In so doing, we are moving from the classical understanding of terminology as alinguistic denomination of a specialized concept to investigating them in texts as dynamic conceptual-linguistic networks. Comprehensive linguistic descriptions of Slovene are still based on the structuralist tradition; thus, we hereby propose a plan for new descriptions within lexicogrammar. In addition, we are preparing a corpus-induced lexicogrammatical description of verb phrases as a model for a comprehensive description of Slovene. Even in contrastive studies in the Slovenian cultural environment, the research is based on the structuralist tradition, and this does not allow for fully functional communication skills. By researching discourse markers, we are transferring contrastive studies into the framework of discourse analysis. The digital media and new forms of communication have radically changed the means of communication. In addition, the digital media with a specific regulation in different cultural environments is also a space of discursive practices that are recognized as socially unacceptable. A type of discourse that has been radically changed in the last decade by technology and new communication channels is that of the media. At the forefront of our discourse analyses, along with socially unacceptable behavior, are the transformations of media discourse, which were significantly marked by new media with technological, social, cultural and aesthetic changes in the production, distribution and reception of content.

Defence science

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marjan Malešič
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2027
National program
Defence Research Centre
This is not a project application but 'the research programme' application. It refers to a collection of different research topics where some are a continuation from earlier research periods and others are new. Members of the research team have academic backgrounds in various social sciences disciplines, which ensures that the research is interdisciplinary. The proposed research programme is thematically organized around four clusters: analysis of threats, including war in Ukraine, international and regional security, crises (disasters), and responses to them, and selected topics in military sociology.<br />As for threats to security, we will address the war in Ukraine, which threatens the security of the European continent and other parts of the world. We will also address political radicalization and terrorism, cyber threats, organised crime, and the social consequences of the failure of critical infrastructure.<br />Within international and regional security, we will analyse geostrategic changes in the international security architecture in the light of Russian aggression against Ukraine, and the role of international organisations and the obstacles they encounter in the process of ensuring international security. We will also address regional security issues, especially in South-East Europe, and the attempts of peace-building and reconstruction of conflict-torn societies in that region. The potential secessionist attempts in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Northern Kosovo will be under scrutiny.<br />Various threats to security that trigger complex crises and crisis response will be our research topic, as well. We will focus on digitalisation of disaster relief in Slovenia and on specific issues related to crisis and crisis response: coordination as an ultimate goal, improvisation as an endemic characteristic of crisis response, paradoxical behaviour of actors, and the burden of complex crisis in critical occupations (medical and military ones).<br />The research group will examine global military trends that are a consequence of regional conflicts and other crises: changes of roles, structure and organization of armed forces. Special focus will be given to civil-military relations in Western democracies given that civilian leaders poses ever less military knowledge and experience whereas the military frequently becomes politicised. A prominent issue seems to be the use of private military and security companies in armed conflicts, especially in the light of international humanitarian law. We plan to address two more topics in this context: contemporary military family in the light of classical concepts of institution and family and the patriotic awareness of youth.<br />To answer several research questions listed in our proposal, we will apply multi-method approach, entailing quantitative and qualitative methods: scoping study, interview, comparative method, experimental method, opinion survey, the analysis of statistical data, focus groups and qualitative modelling.

Upravljanje omrežij javnega in zasebnega sektorja

Project leader at FDV: Hajdeja Iglič
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
National program
Research Center for Strategy and Governance

MP/ESS: ERIC II - European Social Survey

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Brina Malnar
Duration: 01.06.2017 - 01.06.2017
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

ESS - European Social Survey

Project leader at FDV: viš.znan.sod.dr. Slavko Kurdija
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 01.01.2016
National program
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre
The European Social Science Research Initiative (ESS ERIC) is a European infrastructure research project designed with the support of the European Science Foundation. It represents one of the most valid and reliable instruments for systematically monitoring the attitudes and subjective perceptions of the population of European countries. The ESS methodology has reached the highest level of standardisation in comparative social science research. For its achievements in ensuring methodological excellence and cross-national comparability, the ESS has been awarded with the Descartes Prize, Europe's highest award in the field of scientific research. The ESS has been running since 2002 and involves more than 30 European countries. It's the ERIC project that includes most member countries. The members of the Infrastructure Centre (ESS ERIC Slovenia and PLMER) are researchers at the Public Opinion Research Centre (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana) and are either members of the ESS ERIC core scientific team (CST) or members of the National Coordination Team (NCt), which is responsible for the implementation of the survey in the national setting. The implementation of the ESS research in Slovenia is directly linked to the strategic research priorities outlined in the draft Research Infrastructure Development Plan of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology.

RSF, A.I.1, Mladi raziskujejo mladino - raziskovalni projekt v okviru predmeta "Mladi in politika"

Project leader at FDV: asist.mag. Marko Majce
Duration: 01.12.2023 - 01.12.2023
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU- Homeless count

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.11.2023 - 01.09.2025
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies
Homelessness as a social problem has different manifestations in different parts of Europe, due to a multitude of factors, such as the differences in poverty rates, the impact of migration, the presence of shelters, the way in which local law enforcement services deal with the homeless and the role of national and local policies. These factors together not only determine the presence and visibility of this social phenomenon, but also have an impact on how data collection can be shaped.

RSF, A.II.1, Odprta učna gradiva z uporabo odprtih raziskovalnih podatkov, Štebe

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.11.2023 - 01.11.2023
National project
Social Science Data Archive

Mapping and Organizing Research on Dictatorship: Open Access Repository (M.O.R.D.O.R.)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Marko Hočevar
External project leader: Jeroen Van den Bosch (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Duration: 01.11.2021 - 31.10.2024
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

RSF A.II.1, Odprta učna gradiva za predmet Politike drž. in človekovih pravic...

Project leader at FDV: asist. Nina Vombergar
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

Analysis of Strategic Development-Innovation Partnerships (SRIP) and Competence Centers. Review, evaluation of performance and policy recommendations

Project leader at FDV: Anže Burger
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2024
National project
Centre of International Relations

CRP V5-2348 Analiza uspešnosti Strateško razvojno-inovacijskih partnerstev (SRIP) in Kompetenčnih centrov. Pregled in ocena delovanja ter priporočila za spremembe in izboljšave - MGTŠ

Project leader at FDV: Anže Burger
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre of International Relations

CRP V5-2348 Analiza uspešnosti Strateško razvojno-inovacijskih partnerstev (SRIP) in Kompetenčnih centrov. Pregled in ocena delovanja ter priporočila za spremembe in izboljšave - MKRR

Project leader at FDV: Anže Burger
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre of International Relations

CRP V5-2352 Raziskava kongresnih gostov, njihovih navad in potrošnje v Sloveniji

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Urška Tuškej Lovšin
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations
test prikaz na strani-samo dodatni podatki

Research of congress guests, their habits and consumption in Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Urška Tuškej Lovšin
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 30.09.2024
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

Stanovanjska oskrba v Sloveniji: družboslovna anketa o stanju in trendih

Project leader at FDV: Mitja Hafner Fink
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 31.12.2024
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

CRP V5-2337 Stanovanjska oskrba v Sloveniji: družboslovna anketa o stanju in trendih - MSP

Project leader at FDV: Mitja Hafner Fink
Duration: 01.10.2023 - 01.10.2023
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

RSF, S.C.1.2, Prilagajanje študijskih programov potrebam netradicionalnih skupin, Vombergar

Project leader at FDV: asist. Nina Vombergar
Duration: 01.09.2023 - 01.09.2023
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

E+ Flexible LEarning Communities Supporting Lifelong learning Across Borders

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.08.2023 - 01.08.2023
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

Rainbow Families – empower and connect (CareFor)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Nina Perger
Duration: 01.05.2023 - 01.05.2023
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

MP- Training - 2023

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.04.2023 - 01.04.2023
International project
Social Science Data Archive


Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.04.2023 - 01.04.2023
International project
Social Science Data Archive

BledCom: mednarodni simpozij za raziskovanje v odnosih z javnostmi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.01.2023 - 01.01.2023
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

Sofinanciranje znanstvenih revij - Journal of Comparative Politics

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Miro Haček
Duration: 01.01.2023 - 01.01.2023
National project
Defence Research Centre

Religijske skupnosti v virtualni dobi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleš Črnič
Duration: 01.11.2022 - 01.11.2022
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

TAP Religijske skupnosti v virtualni dobi (RECOVIRA) - EU del

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleš Črnič
Duration: 01.11.2022 - 01.11.2022
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

NRP Produkcija smisla in znanja v času krize: kulturološki, religiološki in znanstveno-razvojni vidiki družb v Sloveniji, na Balkanu, v Evropi MR del

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aljoša Pužar
Duration: 01.11.2022 - 01.11.2022
National program
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Analysis of inter-municipal cooperation in Slovenia: areas of cooperation and reasons for (non) cooperation

Project leader at FDV: Irena Bačlija Brajnik
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.11.2023
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

Slovenia's global presence and reach in the United Nations

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2023
National project
Centre of International Relations

CRP V5-2259 Globalna prisotnost in domet Slovenije v OZN MZZ del

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Centre of International Relations

With Transparency to Gender Equality in Pay (WTG)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2023
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

CRP V5-2266 S transparentnostjo do enakosti plač po spolu MDDSZ

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Establishment of a system of monitoring and forecasting skills in education

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2023
National project
Centre for Political Science Research
A system for monitoring and forecasting human resources needs in education is a prerequisite for the successful functioning of the education system. The country's urgent need for such a system is already evident in the severe shortage of teachers in certain subjects, and will only become more acute in the future. The human resources issue must be tackled in a comprehensive manner, involving all the institutions involved in this field in Slovenia - the planners of school policies, the faculties that educate future teaching staff and the management of the educational institutions that employ teaching staff. The project will identify the quality of existing databases and the extent to which the available resources can be linked. The main research question is what would be the most appropriate system for monitoring and forecasting human resources needs in education in Slovenia, given the available and newly collected data. The main objective of the project is to build and pilot a system for monitoring and forecasting human resources needs in the field of education and training in Slovenia. The more specific objectives of the project are presented below. Objectives: Analysis of strategies for monitoring and forecasting human resources needs; Review of existing data sources (databases, applications of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, SURS, etc.) and assessment of the relevance and quality of the data; analysis of the adequacy of access to databases and the relevance of the data in terms of data provision for the system of monitoring and forecasting of human resources needs in education and training; assessment of the cross-matching of data and the possibilities of data exchange and linking of different databases; Developing solutions for the design of a monitoring model and the elaboration of a strategy for forecasting human resources needs in education and training.

CRP V5-2278 Vzpostavitev sistema spremljanja in napovedovanja potreb po kadrih v vzgoji in izobraževanju MIZŠ

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

The potential of nongovernmental organisations in Slovenia in addressing the needs of local communities

Project leader at FDV: Tatjana Rakar
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2023
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies
Through their activities, nongovernmental organisations respond to the specific needs of local communities. Their role must be understood in the context of specific national and institutional arrangements, which influence the development of this sector and, in particular, in which areas the nongovernmental sector is developing more. Such activities of nongovernmental organisations in local communities, where nongovernmental organisations strengthen public services in areas where gaps exist, have not been sufficiently recognized and supported in public policies. Well-developed and innovative nongovernmental organisations by using the so-called bottom-up approach can effectively identify and respond to the needs of the local environment, especially in the context of community-based services, volunteerism, and advocacy. The project aims to identify the growing needs for community-based services, both at the level of local communities and at the level of nongovernmental organisations’ needs, in order to strengthen their capacity for quality implementation of the public services. The project will use a variety of social science research methods. In addition to an in-depth analysis of key secondary sources, primary research will be conducted based on a combination of a qualitative approach using the focus group method and a quantitative approach using a survey method. The qualitative data will be analysed based on deductive and inductive coding, while descriptive and multivariate statistical methods will be used for analysing the quantitative data. The project thus fills a gap in the nongovernmental sector research, as there have been no large-scale surveys in this field in Slovenia in the last decade. Since then, there have been changes at the level of legislation, funding, and especially at the level of nongovernmental organizations. Through an in-depth analysis of the role of the nongovernmental sector in the Slovenian welfare system, the research project will upgrade the results of previous surveys and thus contribute to the formation of appropriate public policies that will enable the nongovernmental sector not only to grow but to comprehensively develop, as well as an adequate acknowledgement of its role within the Slovenian welfare system.

CRP V5-2288 Potencial nevladnih organizacij v Sloveniji za naslavljanje potreb lokalnih skupnosti MJU del

Project leader at FDV: Tatjana Rakar
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Composite indicators of municipal development: towards internationally comparative tool for measuring municipal development

Project leader at FDV: Irena Bačlija Brajnik
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2023
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology
Coherent socio-economic development in the country is emphasized in many strategic documents of the Republic of Slovenia, including the Local Government Development Strategy until 2020. In the absence of the second level of local self-governments, public policy makers must fort he purpose of monitoring the level of socio-economic development observe development at the LAU (Local autonomy unit; see also the definition of EUROSTAT), which in the case of Slovenia is a municipality. Coherent development of municipalities is a desirable but hard to obtain goal, as municipalities are very different (in size, inclusion of the urban center, proximity to the border with another country, natural resources, pollution, etc.). In order to balance these differences, public policy makers, in addition to other fiscal measures, introduced a mechanism for measuring the development of the municipality with so called coefficient of development of the municipality. The indicators currently used by the state to calculate the coefficient are: gross value added of companies per employee, personal income tax base per capita, number of jobs per working population of the municipality, aging index of the population, registered unemployment rate, employment rate in the municipality , supply of goods and services of public utility services (level of connection to the public sewerage network by agglomerations), equipment with cultural infrastructure (cultural monuments and public cultural infrastructure facilities), share of Natura 2000 sites in the municipality and settlement of the municipality. The development coefficient is a criterion for co-financing investments of municipalities from the state budget. This means that the more developed the municipality, the smaller the share of financial resources will be allocated to the municipality by the state. As the quality of data for the preparation of public policy is of key importance for public policy-makers, the actual reflection of development expressed in terms of the coefficient of development of the municipality is very important. First, it must provide a comprehensive picture of the economic situation and quality of life in municipalities, which makes it possible to assess whether economic growth also means better non-economic results (in terms of health, environmental quality, education, etc.). Namely, spatial concentration shows advantages and disadvantages, where economies of scale can show a high level of economic prosperity, but a low level of quality of life. Second, measuring socio-economic conditions can raise public awareness of public policy objectives and encourage policy change and increase the accountability of local authorities. Knowledge of local conditions can also help policy makers to identify potential synergies between different dimensions. Many countries (including Poland, Italy, Portugal) measure the level of development of local communities, but most research and models are designed for the regional level. In order to use the development measurement at the municipal level, such indicators need to be adjusted more extensively. Composite indicators are the most suitable for such measurements, as they are especially useful for monitoring multidimensional phenomena and have been widely used to assess the performance of territorial units in various fields due to the aggregation of primary indicators. The main advantage of composite indicators is their ability to integrate large amounts of information into easily understandable formats useful for analytical and policy purposes (OECD, 2003). Composite indicators thus simplify the analysis of complex phenomena, especially those relating to objective estimates of multidimensional phenomena. From a territorial point of view, composite indicators are particularly attractive in the sense that they make it possible to classify the performance of territorial units and assess changes over time.

Composite indicators of municipal development: towards internationally comparative tool for measuring municipal development

Project leader at FDV: Irena Bačlija Brajnik
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2023
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

Governance of language policy in higher education: overview, good practices and actions

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Monika Kalin Golob
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2023
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism
By reviewing, analysing and synthesising the legal and administrative measures implemented at higher education institutions to maintain the status of Slovene as the official language and the language of instruction, and by reviewing the legal measures and activities in comparable EU countries, we will formulate questions for in-depth interviews with decision-makers. The findings will be a starting point to determine who the appropriate interviewees will be and whether additional analytical tools will be needed to be able to continue work on other work packages. By reviewing the activities already in place in higher education institutions to strengthen communicative competence in Slovene, we will identify good practices in teaching Slovene to foreign students and to teachers and lecturers in individual higher education institutions. We will provide an overview of language policy practices in the implementation of joint study programmes between Slovenian and foreign higher education institutions. A comprehensive outline of the existing offer will be devised by reviewing the current course syllabi of (selected) study programmes and publications on specific courses in the year preceding the start of the survey. Based on the interviews, the survey will provide the assessment of the relevance and effectiveness of the offer and identify possible needs for additional activities. We will be interested in the extent to which existing general and specialised digital language resources, services, portals and manuals are used, and what additional resources are needed. The survey will provide fresh information on the current offer of organised Slovenian language learning for foreign students and teachers at public higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia, as well as information on the views of those responsible for the further development of this type of activity. A systematic overview of all activities taking place in higher education institutions will be drawn up, especially from the point of view of the development of the Slovene language and professional terminology, as well as the transfer of concepts and terminology into Slovene. In the case of study programmes in a foreign language, the availability of study materials in Slovene will also be checked. The final result will, on the basis of the previous steps, set out a proposal for a unified language policy for higher education, since previous research reveals the complexity of language planning in higher education: the general declarative struggle for internationalisation and higher quality is not based on genuine reflections about the meaning of these concepts and the measures needed to achieve them. One of these considerations that has never been fully and systematically carried out is the issue of the language of instruction in higher education, which also has an international dimension, both in terms of commitments and in terms of guidelines available in the European Union, the Council of Europe, the OECD, the United Nations etc. A proposal for a long-term language policy that preserves and consolidates the position of Slovene as the language of science and higher education will be presented to political and higher education decision-makers, taking into account multilingualism and internationalisation as a necessity of a high-quality modern university.

Governance of language policy in higher education: overview, good practices and actions

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Monika Kalin Golob
External project leader: Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za družbene vede
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2023
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism
By reviewing, analysing and synthesising the legal and administrative measures implemented at higher education institutions to maintain the status of Slovene as the official language and the language of instruction, and by reviewing the legal measures and activities in comparable EU countries, we will formulate questions for in-depth interviews with decision-makers. The findings will be a starting point to determine who the appropriate interviewees will be and whether additional analytical tools will be needed to be able to continue work on other work packages. By reviewing the activities already in place in higher education institutions to strengthen communicative competence in Slovene, we will identify good practices in teaching Slovene to foreign students and to teachers and lecturers in individual higher education institutions. We will provide an overview of language policy practices in the implementation of joint study programmes between Slovenian and foreign higher education institutions. A comprehensive outline of the existing offer will be devised by reviewing the current course syllabi of (selected) study programmes and publications on specific courses in the year preceding the start of the survey. Based on the interviews, the survey will provide the assessment of the relevance and effectiveness of the offer and identify possible needs for additional activities. We will be interested in the extent to which existing general and specialised digital language resources, services, portals and manuals are used, and what additional resources are needed. The survey will provide fresh information on the current offer of organised Slovenian language learning for foreign students and teachers at public higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia, as well as information on the views of those responsible for the further development of this type of activity. A systematic overview of all activities taking place in higher education institutions will be drawn up, especially from the point of view of the development of the Slovene language and professional terminology, as well as the transfer of concepts and terminology into Slovene. In the case of study programmes in a foreign language, the availability of study materials in Slovene will also be checked. The final result will, on the basis of the previous steps, set out a proposal for a unified language policy for higher education, since previous research reveals the complexity of language planning in higher education: the general declarative struggle for internationalisation and higher quality is not based on genuine reflections about the meaning of these concepts and the measures needed to achieve them. One of these considerations that has never been fully and systematically carried out is the issue of the language of instruction in higher education, which also has an international dimension, both in terms of commitments and in terms of guidelines available in the European Union, the Council of Europe, the OECD, the United Nations etc. A proposal for a long-term language policy that preserves and consolidates the position of Slovene as the language of science and higher education will be presented to political and higher education decision-makers, taking into account multilingualism and internationalisation as a necessity of a high-quality modern university.

Inhibitory and facilitating factors of adult population's involvement in health prevention and promotion program Together for Health

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
External project leader: UL FDV
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 31.03.2024
National project
Centre for Social Psychology
The foundation in the making of a project partnership is readily available knowledge, as both partners have specific expertise and experience. Together, we can adapt and implement knowledge on a high-quality level in order to achieve project objectives. The NIPH is an institution that nationally and regionally, detects the situation and needs at the primary level of healthcare in the field of health prevention, with the expertise and competencies of its employees. Thus, the recommended measures will be based on verified findings and quality solutions. The proposed project will use the experience and findings of past qualitative research conducted in the project "Towards Better Health and Reducing Inequalities in Health - Together for Health'' and in the project "A Model of Community Approach to Promoting Health and Reducing Health Inequalities in Local Communities - Bridge«. It will apply and upgrade the direct effects of the recent international project "Global Social Sciences Network for Infectious Threats and Antimicrobial Resistance - Sonar Global''. The results of the project will be beneficial in conception of strategic decisions, decisions on the policymaking in the field of public health, as well as interministerially in the social, education and employment services. The proposed project will provide new knowledge and findings that will be useful for both the professional public and decision-makers in several scientific fields, namely public health, health care and services, health policies, primary health care, communication and social sciences. In addition, the results of the research carried out within the proposed project and the acquired new knowledge will be published and available to the experts at national and international level.

CRP V3-2331 Zaviralni in spodbujevalni dejavniki odziva odrasle populacije na preventivni program in program krepitve zdravja Skupaj za zdravje MZ del

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2022
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

Digital inequalities and older adults in Slovenia: An evaluation of the measures implemented under the Digital Inclusion Promotion Act

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Simona Hvalič Touzery
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2024
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
Despite the digital transformation of contemporary society, the number of adults aged 55 and older (older adults) who use the internet remains low. These older adults lack internet skills and face significant barriers to digital inclusion. The digital inclusion of this group would reduce digital inequalities and increase the use of digital public services. The European Commission monitors digital inclusion through the The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) to measure progress in human capital by considering citizens’ digital skills, but the DESI does not provide insight into the relationship between social and digital inequalities at all levels of the digital divide. An integrative approach is essential to understanding the underlying reasons for the disengagement of older adults and to designing and implementing strategies to reduce age-related digital inequalities with digital skills training. Thus, the main objective of this project is to facilitate the digital inclusion of older adults in Slovenia by (i) developing a deeper contextual and methodological understanding of the effectiveness of digital skills measures, (ii) conducting a comprehensive and empirically based assessment of the exposure of older adults to the three levels of the digital divide (i.e., access, skills, and tangiable outcomes), and (iii) reviewing and developing guidelines to implement age-friendly digital services. Using a mixed-methods approach, we will : 1. Conduct a comprehensive review of strategies and actions that promote the digital inclusion of older adults internationally. Specifically, we will conduct (i) a systematic analysis of strategies for the digital inclusion of older adults, (ii) a critical analysis of the different ways to improve the digital skills of older adults in the top DESI index countries, and (iii) a systematic review of the existing knowledge of the determinants of the digital inclusion of older adults in a cross-cultural comparison. 2. Conduct a qualitative study of the effectiveness of the training programmes for older adults that will be implemented as part of the Digital Inclusion Promotion Act (DIPA), examine good practices of digital skills training for them, and formulate theoretically grounded and empirically verified recommendations for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of digital skills training for older adults in Slovenia. 3. Develop and test a methodological instrument to measure aspects of the digital inclusion of older adults that builds on the DESI index and includes all three levels of the digital divide. The instrument will allow continuous monitoring of the progress in the digital skills for Slovenia’s older adults beyond the end of the project. 4. Conduct a preliminary survey in Slovenia to strengthen the conceptual and empirical understanding of the sociotechnical aspects of digital inequalities among older internet users and non-users. These aspects will relate to all levels of the digital divide. Triangulating the results of these activities, we will make recommendations for the development of age-friendly digital public services and guidelines to promote the digital inclusion of older adults and their use of digital public services. This will support a more effective achievement of DIPA’s objectives and increase the sensitivity of stakeholders and decision-makers regarding digital inequalities. The project team has more than two decades of experience conducting internationally recognised interdisciplinary research related to digital inequalities, gerontechnology, and survey methodology and has extensive experience in the research and development of age-friendly e-health and e-care services. The team has excellent international relationships with leading researchers, and the scientific and advisory board for the project is comprised of international pioneers in digital inequalities research. This ensures that the ambitious aims of the proposed project will be fully achieved.

Digital inequalities and older adults in Slovenia: An evaluation of the measures implemented under the Digital Inclusion Promotion Act

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Simona Hvalič Touzery
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2024
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
Despite the digital transformation of contemporary society, the number of adults aged 55 and older (older adults) who use the internet remains low. These older adults lack internet skills and face significant barriers to digital inclusion. The digital inclusion of this group would reduce digital inequalities and increase the use of digital public services. The European Commission monitors digital inclusion through the The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) to measure progress in human capital by considering citizens’ digital skills, but the DESI does not provide insight into the relationship between social and digital inequalities at all levels of the digital divide. An integrative approach is essential to understanding the underlying reasons for the disengagement of older adults and to designing and implementing strategies to reduce age-related digital inequalities with digital skills training. Thus, the main objective of this project is to facilitate the digital inclusion of older adults in Slovenia by (i) developing a deeper contextual and methodological understanding of the effectiveness of digital skills measures, (ii) conducting a comprehensive and empirically based assessment of the exposure of older adults to the three levels of the digital divide (i.e., access, skills, and tangiable outcomes), and (iii) reviewing and developing guidelines to implement age-friendly digital services. Using a mixed-methods approach, we will : 1. Conduct a comprehensive review of strategies and actions that promote the digital inclusion of older adults internationally. Specifically, we will conduct (i) a systematic analysis of strategies for the digital inclusion of older adults, (ii) a critical analysis of the different ways to improve the digital skills of older adults in the top DESI index countries, and (iii) a systematic review of the existing knowledge of the determinants of the digital inclusion of older adults in a cross-cultural comparison. 2. Conduct a qualitative study of the effectiveness of the training programmes for older adults that will be implemented as part of the Digital Inclusion Promotion Act (DIPA), examine good practices of digital skills training for them, and formulate theoretically grounded and empirically verified recommendations for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of digital skills training for older adults in Slovenia. 3. Develop and test a methodological instrument to measure aspects of the digital inclusion of older adults that builds on the DESI index and includes all three levels of the digital divide. The instrument will allow continuous monitoring of the progress in the digital skills for Slovenia’s older adults beyond the end of the project. 4. Conduct a preliminary survey in Slovenia to strengthen the conceptual and empirical understanding of the sociotechnical aspects of digital inequalities among older internet users and non-users. These aspects will relate to all levels of the digital divide. Triangulating the results of these activities, we will make recommendations for the development of age-friendly digital public services and guidelines to promote the digital inclusion of older adults and their use of digital public services. This will support a more effective achievement of DIPA’s objectives and increase the sensitivity of stakeholders and decision-makers regarding digital inequalities. The project team has more than two decades of experience conducting internationally recognised interdisciplinary research related to digital inequalities, gerontechnology, and survey methodology and has extensive experience in the research and development of age-friendly e-health and e-care services. The team has excellent international relationships with leading researchers, and the scientific and advisory board for the project is comprised of international pioneers in digital inequalities research. This ensures that the ambitious aims of the proposed project will be fully achieved.

Analysis of research infrastructures to strengthen national and EU research capacities

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Gregor Čehovin
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2024
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
The proposed project focuses on topics related to European research infrastructures. The research and analysis included in the project will serve as support to the National Research Infrastructure Development Plan (NRRI). Additionally, it also includes a set of topics that will contribute to the realisation of the ERA (European Research Area), in line with the objectives set out in the European Commission's Communication on a renewed Research Area. (European Commission, COM 628/20). Research infrastructures (RIs) are key to strengthening the ERA. Including the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and Technology Infrastructures (TIs), RIs are a key support to research and technological innovation and a driving force for multidisciplinary and data-intensive science. The project has two key objectives, which will be achieved through three work packages (WPs): • A review of the impact of research infrastructures on research capacities in the national and international (EU) space and the preparation of proposals for actions to implement the ESFRI Roadmap at national level. • The development of an appropriate methodology to be used in the evaluation of the development of European research infrastructures, to support both the ESFRI governance structure and the national countries in the evaluation and formulation of their own RI roadmaps. WP2: Impact of research infrastructures (RIs) on the development of ERA and the national research and innovation environment The objectives of the tasks carried out under WP2 are to contribute to the development of the ERA and the national research innovation environment. The accessibility and integrity of the system of research infrastructures in the Europe is crucial to support research work within the ERA. In WP2, a meta-study will analyse the key conceptual, operational and research aspects of the drivers and governance arrangements of RIs and TIs. In parallel, we will examine the impact of RI on the development of the Slovenian national research innovation environment. WP2 will also review the systems for monitoring and evaluating the impact of RI, and develop a methodology for monitoring and reporting on the socio-economic impact of RI. WP3: Case studies on "Collaboration with industry on the example of HPC Vega and selected ERICs The aim of the in-depth analysis of the functioning of the selected ERICs and HPC Vega is to identify to what extent the existing research infrastructures already address the needs of industry, what is the experience with RI-industry collaboration and where are the potential barriers to such collaboration. WP4: Study of funding instruments for research infrastructures in EU Member States The objective of the tasks in this work package is to examine funding systems and synergies in the use of funds through a study involving data collection by means of questionnaires and interviews among selected RIs. Here, Delfi method will be applied, which is used for forecasting, gathering information in the decision-making process or collecting opinions on different strategies. Based on the WP2 tasks, we will develop a methodology and indicators for monitoring the performance of RIs that could be applied in all (their) domains of action. We will develop recommendations for monitoring and governence RIs in the EU. An important task will be to apply the findings and recommendations to the Slovenian scientific research environment. Based on the tasks carried out in WP3, we will prepare a proposal for a long-term strategy for the operation of ERIC and other ESFRI Landmark projects, in order to proactively respond to the formation of technological infrastructures where cooperation with industry is already successfully developing. Building on the work carried out in WP4, we will prepare a review of the stable funding of RIs and, on the basis of the findings of the study carried out, make proposals and recommendations for stable funding.

Analysis of research infrastructures to strengthen national and EU research capacities

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Gregor Čehovin
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2024
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
The proposed project focuses on topics related to European research infrastructures. The research and analysis included in the project will serve as support to the National Research Infrastructure Development Plan (NRRI). Additionally, it also includes a set of topics that will contribute to the realisation of the ERA (European Research Area), in line with the objectives set out in the European Commission's Communication on a renewed Research Area. (European Commission, COM 628/20). Research infrastructures (RIs) are key to strengthening the ERA. Including the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and Technology Infrastructures (TIs), RIs are a key support to research and technological innovation and a driving force for multidisciplinary and data-intensive science. The project has two key objectives, which will be achieved through three work packages (WPs): • A review of the impact of research infrastructures on research capacities in the national and international (EU) space and the preparation of proposals for actions to implement the ESFRI Roadmap at national level. • The development of an appropriate methodology to be used in the evaluation of the development of European research infrastructures, to support both the ESFRI governance structure and the national countries in the evaluation and formulation of their own RI roadmaps. WP2: Impact of research infrastructures (RIs) on the development of ERA and the national research and innovation environment The objectives of the tasks carried out under WP2 are to contribute to the development of the ERA and the national research innovation environment. The accessibility and integrity of the system of research infrastructures in the Europe is crucial to support research work within the ERA. In WP2, a meta-study will analyse the key conceptual, operational and research aspects of the drivers and governance arrangements of RIs and TIs. In parallel, we will examine the impact of RI on the development of the Slovenian national research innovation environment. WP2 will also review the systems for monitoring and evaluating the impact of RI, and develop a methodology for monitoring and reporting on the socio-economic impact of RI. WP3: Case studies on "Collaboration with industry on the example of HPC Vega and selected ERICs The aim of the in-depth analysis of the functioning of the selected ERICs and HPC Vega is to identify to what extent the existing research infrastructures already address the needs of industry, what is the experience with RI-industry collaboration and where are the potential barriers to such collaboration. WP4: Study of funding instruments for research infrastructures in EU Member States The objective of the tasks in this work package is to examine funding systems and synergies in the use of funds through a study involving data collection by means of questionnaires and interviews among selected RIs. Here, Delfi method will be applied, which is used for forecasting, gathering information in the decision-making process or collecting opinions on different strategies. Based on the WP2 tasks, we will develop a methodology and indicators for monitoring the performance of RIs that could be applied in all (their) domains of action. We will develop recommendations for monitoring and governence RIs in the EU. An important task will be to apply the findings and recommendations to the Slovenian scientific research environment. Based on the tasks carried out in WP3, we will prepare a proposal for a long-term strategy for the operation of ERIC and other ESFRI Landmark projects, in order to proactively respond to the formation of technological infrastructures where cooperation with industry is already successfully developing. Building on the work carried out in WP4, we will prepare a review of the stable funding of RIs and, on the basis of the findings of the study carried out, make proposals and recommendations for stable funding.

Remembering As Resistance. Inclusive Commemorations Versus Competitive Victimhood After Mass Atrocity

Project leader at FDV: Natalija Majsova
Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2024
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies
The project Remembering As Resistance. Inclusive Commemorations Versus Competitive Victimhood After Mass Atrocity In The Former Yugoslavia proposes to develop an integrative approach to the study of the complex connections between war commemoration and durable peace by investigating selected sites of war violence from the perspectives of political and cultural studies. The project focuses on the crucial case of former Yugoslavia and proposes to re-position sites of memory at the crossroads of both their material and mediatized existence, trace the interactions between top-down and grassroots memorializations, as well as highlight the social impact that the latter strive to make. Over the duration of the project, the international team will address research questions such as: What role do commemorations play in the construction of collective memory in places that have been disrupted by war violence? How do such commemorations create or hinder durable peace? And to what extent can the inclusion of (non-official) grassroots commemorations, and bottom-up initiatives more broadly, stimulate a more inclusive form of remembrance? The project zooms in on a selection of sites of extreme war atrocity, places where nationalist elites regularly evoke competitive victimhood to inflame the enemy images of the war era. These nationalist mobilizations form an obstacle to inclusive citizenship and durable peace. The team aims to: 1.) explore the connection between sites of commemoration, the construction of collective memory (and collective denial), and (the lack of) durable peace in places that have been disrupted by violent conflict, focusing on Vukovar in Croatia; 2.) map to what extent and by which mechanisms local voices and grassroots perspectives are incorporated into, or excluded from, the identified competing official versions of remembrance; 3.) analyse the political dynamics surrounding the selected sites of memory and their mediatizations. We are interested in both official and alternative (bottom-up) discourses, images and narratives connected to the sites of violence and their commemorations. The overall aim is to find out what the chances are of alternative commemorations to resist and subvert the persistence of war-mongering politics. The researchers examine their relationship with the formal institutions of commemoration and check if they can form a viable and more inclusive alternative. To do so we rely on conceptual frames and methods from political research (in particular, political anthropology) on the one hand, and humanities (cultural studies/media studies, memory studies) on the other. The innovative aspect of the project is that it breaks empirical ground by finding out when and how sites of conflict and commemoration in the former Yugoslavia might function as places of reconciliation involving all citizens, including those now often excluded. The relevance of this empirical endeavour is to bring the discussion about commemoration practices in the Balkans into the wider academic conversation on the connection between commemoration and durable peace in post-violence zones.

PERHOUSE - Personal and household services (PHS) in Central and Eastern European Countries: Improving working conditions and services through industrial relations

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Branko Bembič
Duration: 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2024
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research
The PERHOUSE project analyses the characteristics of personal and household services (PHS) and the challenges related to service quality, working conditions, and industrial relations in this sector in Central and Eastern European countries. For the purposes of the project, PHS is defined as a broad range of services performed within households and for households, such as childcare, care for the elderly and disabled, cleaning, minor repairs, and other household tasks. One of the project's aims is to explore industrial relations and the potential for social dialogue in the PHS sector in the Central and Eastern European region, as well as to examine the connection with EU-level social dialogue structures. The research is coordinated by the Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) from Slovakia, with project partners including the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana (FDV UL), Charles University from the Czech Republic, the University of Tartu from Estonia, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University from Poland, MK 2025 from North Macedonia, and the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD). The sector of personal and household services (PHS) in Slovenia is very diverse. We looked at three key segments: care for the elderly and disabled, childcare and households support services - home cleaning. Most of the problems in the field of quality and accessibility of services, as well as wages and working conditions, are interrelated and arise from the problem of (in)adequate public funding and the organization of the public service. The care of the elderly and the disabled is partially financed from public funds, but insufficiently, and unpaid informal caregivers (especially family members) who provide most of the care are most affected. Due to the high-quality and relatively accessible institutional public system of preschool education, PHS in the field of childcare are less developed and mostly informal (illegal work). Supportive PHS for households are mostly provided on the market and are accessible only to people with higher incomes, the needs of a large part of the population are not met. In all segments of PHS, the main challenge is low pay and poor working conditions. Nevertheless, working conditions are much better when PHS are provided as public services. When they are left to the market, they are mainly based on precarious work, often done illegally. Informal employment and lack of social security dominate childcare and home cleaning. In caring for the elderly and the disabled, the challenges are mainly long working days, unpredictable schedules and the area of health and safety at work. Solving these problems is essential to overcome labor shortage problems. Workers from all three fields that we studied are mostly in favor of union organizing, which is widespread only in the field of care for the elderly and the disabled, where social dialogue is also relatively developed. An exception is the field of personal assistance, where neither the government nor the formal providers are ready to assume the role of social partners in collective bargaining. In the segment of support services for households, the majority of PHS is carried out by artisans and small businesses, but the sectoral collective agreement in this sector does not have widespread applicability so its use is limited.

Politični repertoarji mladih

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Oblak Črnič
Duration: 01.07.2022 - 01.07.2022
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU - E+ EVI-DEMS Enhancing Volunteer Impact - Developing European Management Standards

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.03.2022 - 01.03.2022
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

SIC-SI Safer Internet Centre Slovenia 2022-2024

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
External project leader: Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.03.2022 - 01.03.2022
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

Tackling gender based cyberviolence among adolescent girls and young women (TRACeD)

Project leader at FDV: Urška Valentič
External project leader: Centre for European Constitutional Law - Themistokles and Dimitris Tsatsos Foundation, Athens, Greece
Duration: 01.03.2022 - 29.02.2024
International project
Centre for Social Informatics
TRACeD aims to tackle online gender-based violence against girls and young women. Technological advances have changed and expanded the ways in which sexual violence is perpetrated. Online violence against women and girls (VAWG), like all forms of violence, is an obstacle to the full realisation of gender equality. The specific needs in this area are detailed in a number of European Commission reports and include: 1) the need for tailored and practical training for teachers, parents, children and students on how to keep the internet safe; 2) the need for a coordinated, multidisciplinary response to the needs of victims of online violence; and 3) the need for a support and early prevention mechanism. The TRACeD project addresses these very needs through an interdisciplinary approach, aiming to develop a tailored, cross-sectoral, multi-agency and participatory methodology, and then to pilot it in the participating countries, Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Cyprus.

TP-BledCom 2022, 28. mednarodni simpozij za raziskovanje v odnosih z javnostmi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 01.01.2022
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

DIFFABILITY - HE Curricula & Transition Programme Empowering Students with Different Abilities

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 30.06.2024
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
The aim of the project is to create an overview of best existing practices and to present innovative solutions for the development of learning content for teaching and distance learning in higher education in the field of entrepreneurship, accessible to differently-abled students, with a focus on content accessible to blind, partially-sighted, deaf and hard-of-hearing students. The project will address themes related to inclusive (higher education) systems, the design of digital education systems adapted to differently-abled students and the promotion of innovative (digital) teaching practices. The project, in which the University of Ljubljana is a partner organisation, started in January 2022 and will run for 18 months. PARTNERS Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas (Lithuania): Univerza v Ljubljani (Slovenia): Out of The Box Europe (Portugal): Italienische Handelskammer München-Stuttgart Camera di Commercio Italo – Tedesca (Germany): CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE BELGO-ITALIENNEASBL (Belgium): Egitimde Gorme Engelliler Dernegi (Turkey): TURKIYE GENCLIK BIRLIGI DERNEGI (Turkey):


Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Barbara Brečko
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 01.01.2022
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

eWBL- Making work-based learning work in an online environment!

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
The importance of Work-based learning (WBL) in developing work-ready graduates has been documented by several EU-funded projects such as HAPHE (2016), WBLIC (2016) and WEXHE (2020). WBL is a powerful pedagogy to foster graduate work-readiness because it is embedded in authentic work environments. As work is increasingly delivered remotely, a new and digital form of WBL has emerged recently – this is what this project calls “eWBL”. The main aim of the project is to upskill educators in HE (lecturers, trainers and administrative staff) on how to design and deliver high-quality eWBL. To reach this goal, the project will explore how 25 high-quality WBL providers across Europe have dealt with the pedagogical and technological challenges associated with the transition from WBL to eWBL and the solutions they have devised. The investigation will result into frameworks and replicable models, a toolkit, open educational resources (OERs), and capacity-building activities and multiplier events that will help train those involved in WBL provision in HE. Project website: Partners: FH Münster University of Applied Sciences (Germany): Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (Italy): Momentum Education (Ireland): The University of Groningen (Netherlands): Ca' Foscari University (Italy):

TP Dvig zdravstvene pismenosti v Sloveniji (kvalitativna raziskava)

Project leader at FDV: dr. Matic Kavčič
Duration: 01.12.2021 - 01.12.2021
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Policymaking in the EU (PolEU)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Damjan Lajh
Duration: 01.12.2021 - 30.11.2024
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
<p style="text-align: justify;">The PolEU Project - Jean Monnet Chair: EU Policy-Making aims to cover and deepen teaching and research in the field of European integration studies at the University of Ljubljana &ndash; Faculty of Social Sciences. In this context, the project's goal is to strengthen curricula that address EU policy-making and public policy studies in the re-accredited undergraduate Political Science program and the newly established master&rsquo;s programs in European Studies and Political Science. With the ambition of deepening the teaching of European studies, an innovative teaching method will be introduced &ndash; EU policy-making simulations. Various models of EU policy-making simulations will be conducted: decision-making simulations in the Council of the EU, in the European Parliament, and EU decision-making simulations from the perspective of citizens. Students from non-social science disciplines interested in the European Union will be included in the project&rsquo;s activities by attending lectures given by practitioners &ndash; public officials working in EU institutions &ndash; and lectures by young researchers writing their doctoral dissertations in new areas of EU policy-making. To identify the needs for teaching European studies, the PolEU project will establish a structural dialogue among academics, experts, policymakers, and representatives of civil society in the field of EU policy-making and public policy studies. To support the teaching of EU policy-making within European studies, various open-access teaching materials will be developed. Professor Damjan Lajh, the project leader, strives to facilitate access to studies and materials on EU policy-making with the aim of achieving both academic and research excellence. The core of teaching and research revolves around the theme of the public policy-making process and public policy studies within the EU.<br /><br />More about the activities of the PolEU project on the FB page: <a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener"></a></p> <p><strong>The PolEU project has 4 key objectives:<br /></strong></p> <ol> <li style="text-align: justify;">To cover and deepen teaching and research in the field of European integration studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences. In this regard, the aim of the project is to strengthen curricula that address the design and implementation of EU public policies in the re-accredited undergraduate Political Science program and the newly established master&rsquo;s program in European Studies.</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">To introduce innovations in teaching and discussions within the framework of European Union studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences by (a) introducing teaching methods involving various types of EU policy-making simulations and (b) hosting guest lectures by practitioners and young researchers on emerging areas of EU public policy-making. These innovations will better prepare students for their future professional careers, improve their knowledge of European integration processes and EU public policy-making processes, enhance the development of communication skills, public speaking, negotiation skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving, while also increasing their motivation and interest in European studies.</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">To develop and promote reflection activities on European integration processes for students who do not automatically engage with EU studies. It is expected that this goal will be achieved by involving social science students who typically do not attend EU-related courses, such as students of journalism, sociology, and communication studies.</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">To establish and promote a structural dialogue among academics, experts, policymakers, and representatives of civil society in the field of EU policy-making. The main goal of this structural dialogue and stakeholder networking is to discuss the skills and knowledge required for working on EU matters and to address the role of EU policy-making simulations in higher education, as well as Slovenia's role in the Council of the EU. Various stakeholders will present their different perspectives on the European Union: the academic community will share their views on the development of European studies and research in related fields; students will have the opportunity to express their expectations and needs; and policymakers active in EU affairs will discuss the skills and competencies needed for the next generation of civil servants dealing with EU matters.</li> </ol> <strong>Pedagogical activities<br /><br /></strong>The PolEU project is substantively integrated into the following courses within the study program of Political Science &ndash; Public Policies and Administration.<br /> <div style="text-align: justify;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><br />(1) Decision-Making Processes in the EU<br /><br /></span><em>Objectives and competences:<br /></em>The primary objective of the course is to systematically and comprehensively provide students with the knowledge necessary to understand the characteristics and specifics of the EU public policy process, including the formulation and implementation of EU public policies. Additionally, the course aims to enable students to articulate this knowledge clearly and professionally through written and oral communication. Key subject-specific competences include understanding the decision-making processes within the institutional structure of the EU and applying related data; mastering relevant professional terminology; and using basic research, writing, and oral communication skills to present the results of their analytical work.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><em><br />Course content:<br /></em>The course addresses institutional and procedural aspects of the formulation and implementation of EU public policies. It examines the peculiarities of the EU public policy decision-making arena, reviews key reasons for the emergence and development of EU public policies and their typology, highlights the roles and characteristics of individual public policy actors involved in the EU public policy process at various decision-making levels, and explores the procedural features of EU public policy formulation and implementation.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><em><br />Expected learning outcomes:<br /></em>Key learning outcomes include knowledge and understanding of the historical development of EU public policies and the ability to apply historical-developmental methods to identify and understand current public policy phenomena and issues within the EU; knowledge and understanding of the institutional structure and decision-making processes of the EU, along with independent application and interpretation of related data; understanding and analyzing the EU public policy process; and attempts to evaluate and critically reflect on selected EU public policies. These learning outcomes are assessed according to their complexity. Knowledge and understanding are tested through written exams with tasks requiring definitions, descriptions, enumeration, or recognition of phenomena using fundamental concepts. Analytical objectives are evaluated through seminar papers involving analysis by distinguishing, examining, and illustrating conceptual knowledge in independently identified concrete cases.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><br /><span style="text-decoration: underline;">(2) Public Policies &ndash; Processes and Actors<br /><br /></span><em>Objectives and competences:</em></div> <div style="text-align: justify;">The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge to gain insight into the processes of public policy formulation and implementation and the involvement of various (state and non-state) public policy actors in these processes. key subject-specific competences of students include knowledge, understanding, and application of policy analysis models in public policy decision-making processes; understanding the role of various types of public policy actors in public policy decision-making processes; knowledge and understanding of different public policy decision-making styles; understanding variations between public policy formulation and implementation processes depending on sector, topic, and (territorial) political dimensions; application of theoretical knowledge in the analysis of specific public policy cases; knowledge of appropriate professional terminology; use of basic research, writing, and oral communication skills to communicate the results of their analytical work.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><br /><em>Course content:<br /></em>The course content includes an examination of decision-making processes in public policies (structure/phases of the public policy process/cycle, relationships between phases), with an emphasis on the role and functioning of public policy actors in public policy formulation and implementation processes. it highlights the specifics of state actors (the role of public policy instruments, different public policy styles) and the inclusiveness of non-governmental actors (public policy arenas, public policy networks) in public policy decision-making processes.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><br /><em>Expected learning outcomes:</em></div> <div style="text-align: justify;">Key substantive learning outcomes include knowledge and understanding of the role and functioning of public policy actors in the processes of public policy formulation and implementation; knowledge and understanding of different public policy decision-making styles; understanding variations between public policy formulation and implementation processes depending on sector, topic, and (territorial) political dimensions; analysis of decision-making processes in specific selected public policy cases. these learning outcomes are assessed according to their complexity. knowledge and understanding are tested through written exams with tasks requiring reproduction, description, enumeration, recognition, or interpretation of phenomena using fundamental concepts. the analytical learning objectives are tested through seminar papers involving distinction, examination, critical reflection, and illustration of conceptual knowledge in independently identified specific cases.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><br />The PolEU project is substantively integrated into the following course within the study program of political science &ndash; comparative public policies and administration<br /><br /><span style="text-decoration: underline;">(3) EU Public Policies<br /><br /></span><em>Objectives and competences:</em> <br />The aim of the course is to equip students with the ability to analytically address current issues in various public policy topics within the EU. key subject-specific competences of students include understanding and applying theories of European integration to analyze (current) public policy issues within the EU; knowledge of EU public policies, recognition, and understanding of variations among them; analysis, synthesis, and critical evaluation of the EU institutional structure and all stages of the public policy process within it, with application to the analysis of individual EU public policies (regulatory, redistributive, coordinative); knowledge of appropriate professional terminology; and the use of basic research, writing, and oral communication skills to present the results of their analytical work.</div> <div style="text-align: justify;"><br /><em>Course content:</em> <br />The course involves the analysis of the processes of formulation and implementation of selected EU public policies. the course is highly practice-oriented and addresses current issues in various public policy areas, including regulatory policies (e.g., environment and competition), redistributive policies (e.g., cohesion and agriculture), and public policies that fall under public policy coordination (e.g., education and employment) at the EU level.<br /><br /><em>Expected learning outcomes:</em> <br />Key substantive learning outcomes include understanding and the ability to apply theories of European integration to analyze EU public policies; knowledge and understanding of the functioning, decision-making processes, and impacts of various EU public policies; analysis, synthesis, and critical evaluation of the EU institutional structure and the public policy process, with application to the analysis of individual EU public policies (regulatory, redistributive, coordinative); and the ability to prescribe policies. these learning outcomes are assessed according to their complexity. knowledge and understanding are tested through written exams with tasks requiring definitions, descriptions, enumeration, or recognition of phenomena using fundamental concepts. analytical, synthesis, and evaluation objectives are tested through seminar papers on independently identified concrete cases of EU public policies, involving examination, argumentation, proposing, judgment, and evaluation.</div> <br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p>

Strengthening patriotic and civic awareness among youth

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vladimir Prebilič
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2023
National project
Defence Research Centre
The research will analyse the importance of patriotism among youth, identify different forms of patriotism and clearly demarcate it from nationalism, with which the concept of patriotism is often equated. We will attribute the place and importance of patriotism in the school and the importance of civic and patriotic education within the curricula of Slovenian primary and secondary schools, especially from the point of view of the applicability of these concepts to the Slovenian socio-political reality. We will focus on developing an action plan for the preservation and dissemination of civic and patriotic literacy (including specific security and defence issues) among primary and secondary school students and maintaining a relatively high level of awareness of national defence, military role and patriotism in society. Proponents of the research on the basis of empirical results obtained with the help of surveys and other methodological techniques within the research projects "Homeland and patriotic education in the Republic of Slovenia" (head M. Haček, 2006-07), "Development of patriotism among young people" (head M. Haček, 2007-09) and the ESF of the project "Active Citizenship and Patriotism" (head V. Prebilič, 2012-13), we find that in Slovenia, despite years of discussions, we still do not have a consensus on the concept of patriotic and civil education among youth, that the appropriate concept of civic and patriotic education has not even been developed, and that such education of young people within and outside the existing education system is given insufficient attention. Therefore, it is primarily necessary to assess the state of civic and patriotic literacy among primary and secondary school students in Slovenian schools, and then analyse the extent and level of educational policy in the field of patriotic education, programs and curricula of primary and secondary education and pedagogical practice within non-formal education (or potentially even inhibit) to the development of patriotism in Slovenian youth. The aim of the project is to analyse the positive and negative aspects of the systematic addressing of patriotic content among youth, which will have not only consequences in the field of active citizenship but also an impact on building a better self-image and active involvement of young people in the national security system. Systematic nurturing of patriotism is a constant of developed democracies, as in this way the patriotic and civic literacy of the population is ensured, and consequently the concept of an active citizen can be built on this. Unfortunately, the latest research (above-mentioned ESS project) in the field of the state of patriotism among young people was conducted eight years ago, when a high level of discrepancy in this field was detected, which was reflected not only in a complete conceptual terminological misunderstanding of patriotism, but also in the relatively high illiteracy of young people and their passivity in the field of active citizenship. Therefore, the basic goal of the proposed targeted research project is not only appropriate, as it is necessary to check the current situation among young people (longitudinal survey), and to formulate possible proposals for more systematic education and action in the field of youth and homeland. To achieve the research goals and purpose, we will use a combination of several scientific methods and techniques, among them the longitudinal survey in the field of civic and patriotic literacy among primary and secondary school students. In the research we will answer the following research questions: What is the (positive) function of patriotism? Is and how is it sensible and necessary to cultivate patriotism in a planned way, to teach it in schools (which schools, within which subjects)? How could education for patriotism take place? What are the basic dispositions and orientations of young people in the field of patriotic and civic consciousness?

The changing role of the state: state and employment policy in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Marko Hočevar
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2023
National project
Centre for Political Science Research
The research project addresses the changing role of the state in the field of employment policy in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. The project focuses on the economic aspect of the COVID-19 crisis and the specific policy instruments adopted in the field of employment policy, the transformation of relations in the policy networks and the role of state actors in the policy networks in the field of employment policy. The project is based on the comparative case study method (most different systems design). The research will focus on three cases: Slovenia, Portugal and Ireland. These three states have different types of policy networks, different types of market economy, different welfare regimes, different state and economic tradition in the 20th century and have become EU member states in different time periods. Despite these differences, we hypothesise that in all three cases a shift towards statist policy networks in the field of employment policy can be seen. The project’s main aim is, by using empirical and comparative approach, to explain the changing role of the state during the COVID-19 crisis in the field of employment policies in the three selected states. The first comparative case study analysis of the changing role of the state in the field of employment policy in the context of the COVID-19 crisis represents the crucial scientific contribution of the research project. Based on the previous research of the project leader regarding the transformation of the state in the last four decades, the research project explores the impact of the present COVID-19 crisis and the changing role of the state in the field of employment policy by using different methods: comparative case study method; in-depth (semi) structured interviews with key actors in the policy networks in the selected states (representatives of the state, trade unions, employers); focus group (different experts); analysis of available statistical data regarding the public opinion and expectations of the public regarding the role of the state in the field of employment policy (European Social Survey, European Value Study) and data regarding the labour market situation and unemployment rates in the selected states (Eurostat, EU LFS); analysis of laws in the field of employment policy, decisions made by the respective government, and any agreements between the social partners in the three selected states. The research project will fill the gap in the existing literature by focusing on the changing role of the state in relation to economy and society and by analysing specific policy instruments in the field of employment policy, the transformation of relations in the policy networks and the role of the state actors within them.

Upgrading Global Education Across Subject Areas - GEASA

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jure Požgan
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
International project
Centre of International Relations


Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

Mladi raziskovalec Tjaša Potočnik (Hudobivnik)

Project leader at FDV: Tjaša Potočnik
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Evaluating probability and nonprobability online panels

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
Due to technological developments and increased survey data collection costs, social science researchers have been gradually moving from the use of traditional surveys (i.e. face-to-face, telephone and mail surveys) to web surveys. This transition has also highlighted the importance of nonprobability online panels, sometimes called ‘access panels’, which contain large pools of respondents who willingly and regularly participate in surveys in exchange for an incentive. Most market and public opinion surveys and a certain section of social science research surveys have already switched to using these panels, which are inexpensive but might not represent the target population well. This can endanger scientific rigour and lead to dubious outcomes. To avoid these problems, some government and academic surveys now use more expensive probability online panels because probability sampling supports standard statistical inference. The literature suggests that probability online panels perform relatively well compared to traditional probability surveys, while nonprobability online panels underperform when compared to any probability survey. However, these comparisons typically consider survey estimates as the only evaluation criteria and ignore costs, which makes these evaluations incomplete and misrepresentative of nonprobability online panels. Thus, there exists a major resear In an environment of limited resources, researchers and decision-makers increasingly face the dilemma of whether the better data quality of probability online panels truly outweighs the substantially higher costs. Recent COVID-19-related issues have made this issue even more critical, as face-to-face recruitments for probability online panels are now difficult. The project aims to develop an integrated evaluation approach for comparing probability and nonprobability online panels. The project objectives are as follows: 1. To perform a review and synthesis of past comparisons that will focus on the evaluation criteria used and the survey characteristics (e.g. topic, respondent characteristics and other panel specificities) related to these criteria. 2. To develop a new integrated evaluation approach that simultaneously encompasses the three evaluation criteria when comparing the performances of probability and nonprobability online panels: (i) estimates, (ii) costs and (iii) response quality. 3. To analyse the relationships between the evaluation criteria and the survey characteristics with a mixed method perceptual mapping study on the importance of various cost-error aspects amongst researchers. 4. To apply the integrated evaluation approach in an experimental study that will simultaneously implement the same questions in probability and nonprobability online panels. The proposed project addresses a very complex and highly relevant problem in contemporary social science research. The project promises a breakthrough in this area by developing an integrated evaluation approach, as this will provide the research community and other stakeholders with new knowledge to facilitate the decision between the two panel types. Crucially, it will also contribute to general unresolved problems on comprehensive comparisons between alternative survey designs. The proposed research group has conducted pioneering research in web survey methodology and contributed to highly cited papers, a comprehensive monograph on this topic and an open-source web survey tool (1KA). This experience promises that the ambitious goals of the project will be achieved. Moreover, the capabilities of the group are strengthened by its associations with the partnering organisation, which stands at the very frontier of the corresponding research, the international Scientific Advisory Board, which is composed of the most prominent researchers worldwide, and the National Expert Panel, which includes the leading Slovenian gap in the comprehensive evaluation of these two panel types.

Mentoring relationships in the processes of scientific collaboration and knowledge production

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Luka Kronegger
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics
BACKGROUND: In contemporary science, the interactions among scientists and their scientific collaboration (SC) are critical processes for sharing knowledge, developing human creativity and creating new ideas, which propel social and scientific innovations. This project focuses on a specific form of SC embedded in the higher education context – the mentorship relationship between two or more researchers (i.e. mentor and mentee) and the interaction of social context and knowledge creation. PROBLEM DEFINITION: The concepts of SC and the mentorship relationship in the higher education setting are well studied as separate phenomena. However, such efforts have neglected the important fact that the mentor–mentee relationship in the higher education context is one of the first and most crucial SC processes of great importance for the further scientific work, performance and experiences of the mentee. This project builds on the premise that the mentorship relationship is a fundamental scientific collaboration process whose substantial purpose provides a platform for the generation of new knowledge. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: (1) To design and evaluate measurement instruments to guage individual and institutional factors that affect the nature of the mentorship relationship in the higher education context. (2) To identify different career paths of mentees through time and analyse the mentorship relationship on different social levels (micro, mezzo, macro). (3) To investigate the impact of personal characteristics as well as system and legal regulations that could benefit/hinder the mentorship relationship and assocated collaboration (4) To study the phenomenon through the lens of the production of ideas, their transfer across generations and to position them within the disciplinary knowledge space to thereby provide insights into the scientific knowledge production process. METHODS: The project’s main goals will be pursued using a mixed methods approach, with a palette of qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches and thus through a combination of different data collection techniques (e.g., in-depth interviews, survey, retrieving data from bibliographic information systems) and data analysis methods (e.g., inductive thematic analysis, multivariate analysis, blockmodeling of dynamic networks, multilevel structural equation modelling). The biggest methodological advances of the project are expected in the areas of social network analysis with adaptation using methods for analysis of temporal networks, blockmodeling and the development of survey measurement tools. RELEVANCE AND IMPACT: This project is an innovative interdisciplinary study. The results will make an important contribution to understanding the dynamics of the mentoring relationship as an integral part of SC. At the same time, they will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the system and the local environment in which researchers operate with a view to providing initiatives and recommendations for achieving a stable and stimulating environment for new knowledge so as to advance the system of science. In addition to contributing to basic science, it also has an applied value: the project results could be directly used in the development of the Doctoral School of the University of Ljubljana and be evaluated in collaboration with Mlada Akademija society. ORGANISATION AND FEASIBILITY: Data on collaboration networks will be obtained from existing databases; namely, greater emphasis will be on conducting a survey, the qualitative data collection, and building appropriate research models. Informal collaboration with the Doctoral School of the University of Ljubljana and the Mlada akademija society will provide a direct source for evaluating the results during the course of the project and dissemination of the results. ### Key Findings of the project1. **Mentorship and Knowledge Production** - Mentorship plays a central role in fostering scientific collaboration and knowledge production during doctoral studies. Various mentor-mentee dynamics influence the success and experience of doctoral students. - Distinct styles of mentorship (e.g., managerial, parental, collegial) impact mentees differently, particularly in terms of their academic confidence, work habits, and long-term collaboration outcomes.2. **Patterns of Collaboration** - Three primary collaboration patterns were identified: - **Study-Limited:** Focused collaboration within the doctoral period, common in natural and technical sciences. - **Already Established:** Existing collaborative networks before the doctoral journey. - **Born and Raised:** Initial isolation evolving into strong integration and high productivity. - Mentees participating in the "Young Researchers Programme" tend to follow a structured, well-supported path, often leading to higher success rates in publishing and professional integration.3. **Systemic Factors** - The Slovenian academic system's reliance on the Young Researchers Programme has significantly contributed to structured mentorship and integration of doctoral students into research ecosystems. However, challenges such as limited interdisciplinary collaboration and financial instability persist in some areas. - Negative systemic aspects, including bureaucratic hurdles and constrained funding, were noted as barriers to seamless mentor-mentee collaboration.4. **Interdisciplinary Collaboration** - Disciplines such as social sciences and medical sciences exhibit higher levels of interdisciplinary collaboration compared to natural sciences and humanities. The trend towards interdisciplinary approaches, though slowly increasing, still faces skepticism among academic staff.5. **Impact of Co-Mentorship** - Co-mentorship patterns revealed that while some pairs of mentors engage in long-term collaboration, although a significant portion of mentor pairs show minimal collaboration beyond the doctoral period. Effective co-mentorship seems to depend on shared disciplines and aligned research interests.6. **The Role of Cultural and Social Backgrounds** - The qualitative findings highlight the importance of mentees' socio-cultural environments in shaping their academic trajectories. Supportive family backgrounds and exposure to intellectual resources were key enablers of academic success.### Ongoing WorkThe survey data analysis is currently underway and is expected to provide further insights into mentees' experiences and perspectives on mentorship and knowledge production. This additional layer of quantitative data will complement the existing qualitative and bibliometric analyses.

Outside the ballot box: Youth perceptions and practices of political participation

Project leader at FDV: Marinko Banjac
External project leader: UL FDV
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024
National project
Centre for Political Theory
Youth political participation is one of the key challenges of contemporary democracies and one of the most studied phenomena within political science and, more broadly, social sciences. The reasons for such interest are related to normative assumptions that citizens’ participation, especially young, is crucial for democracy. Another reason is also in recognizing persistently low levels of youth involvement in formal political participation, which is commonly regarded as one of the fundamental indicators of the crisis of representative democracy. As contemporary studies convincingly argue, young people, despite their lack of interest in formal channels of political participation, are attracted to alternative ways of participating in political life. However, most researches on youth political participation use narrow definitions and pre-defined channels of political participation, leaving out essential questions, namely how young people perceive themselves and what meanings they attach to politics and political participation. In response to this identified problem of research, the project builds on the contemporary orientations of “researching with youth”, which places young people at the centre of research, gives them a voice, and treats them as active participants providing key contributions to the research. In the project application, we designed a “beyond the ballot box” approach, which will start from the position of young people and: 1) derive from a broad definition of politics and political participation, 2) recognize and include the youth heterogeneity, 3) address apolitical youth, 4) compare political representations and portrayals of youth political participation in formal (youth) policies with the youth perceptions of political participation beyond voting, and 5) use multidisciplinary approach and mixed methodology. In accordance with the above starting points, the Beyond the Ballot Box: Perceptions and Practices of Political Participation of Young People project will be implemented in a methodologically innovative way, through an integration of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Reconfiguration of journalism amidst the rise of the attention economy and the decline of the public sphere

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024
National project
Social Communication Research Centre
Journalism as a specific mode of knowledge production and as a profession has changed significantly over the years under the significant but not exclusive influence of (communication) technology. Pervasive historical changes make a comprehensive study of new technological tools, social trends and professional orientations in journalism essential not only for its existence and development, but also for the existence and development of the entire public sphere, which largely rests on journalism. Based on this general historical background, the project has three main objectives: (1) to examine how new modes of digital communication affect, (re)create and protect actions, conditions and qualities of (Slovenian) journalism in the context of the global attention economy and the liquefied public sphere, (2) to identify key journalistic “boundary objects” shared with key economic, technological and political complementary and competitive non-journalistic actors, and (3) to assess the consequences and future implications of regulatory claims and actions addressed to journalistic “boundary objects”. To achieve these objectives, an innovative boundary-work model of journalism’s responses to technological challenges will be developed to address four sets of specific questions: 1. How do changes in the labor process affect the nature and boundaries of journalistic production and the professional status of journalism by reshaping journalistic skill requirements, restructuring the division of labor and social control in newsrooms, and rearranging the degree of journalists’ autonomy in relation to management? 2. How do changes in news subsidies, particularly advertising and marketing, imposed by the attention economy affect news media business models and the deprofessionalization of journalism in a situation where information is over-abundant and attention has become commodified, scarce, concentrated, and fragmented? 3. Do the financial incentives provided by technology companies strengthen the link between journalists and the communities they serve, or jeopardize the practices, autonomy and authority of journalism? 4. How do communicative and regulatory actions implemented by political actors and representatives of the Slovenian executive, legislative, and judicial authorities affect journalism by enabling or preventing it to perform the role of guardian of the principle of publicness? Associated with the main objectives and research questions, the project is structured into four work packages of research activities addressing (1) changes in the journalistic labor process, actors and boundaries (WP1), (2) related to the status of journalistic profession between the market form of the attention economy and possibilities for public participation (WP2), (3) affected by technological incentives that transform journalistic practices and values (WP3), and (4) new forms of political, legal and judicial actions regulating journalism (WP4).

TAP J5-3117 Politična participacija narodnih manjšin in njihovih pripadnikov: primerjalna študija politične participacije slovenskih skupnosti v sosednjih državah RS

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
National project
Centre of International Relations

Immigrant integration through civic and political participation

Project leader at FDV: Mitja Hafner Fink
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

TAP J6-3135 Glasba mladih po 1945 in Glasbena mladina Slovenije

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
National project
Centre of International Relations

TAP J6-3144 Protesti, umetniške prakse in kultura spomina v post-jugoslovanskem kontekstu

Project leader at FDV: Mirt Komel
Duration: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2021
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Management with capital revenue in Slovene municipalities

Project leader at FDV: Irena Bačlija Brajnik
Duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology
Globalization and the post-industrial revitalization of local communities have influenced the competition between them (Bramezza 1996). We understand competitiveness as a competition for investors, new residents and tourists (depending on the orientation of the local community). Capability of local communities to compete stems from a wave of decentralization that results in more and more tasks and responsibilities in the domain of local authorities, which gives them the strength and opportunity to design and develop new activities and strategies (Hall 1993). Porter’s (1998) empirical research confirms that a competitive environment is a very important factor in gaining a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Strategic marketing planning is based on the assumption that the future is quite uncertain and therefore depends on strategic activities and plans. The challenge facing the local community is to develop as a flexible system that can absorb shocks and adapt quickly and efficiently to new development opportunities. Many authors (Phillips 1993; Kotler 1999) point out that strategic marketing planning is more difficult for local communities than for businesses. Companies have clearly defined competencies and responsibilities, a hierarchy, a clear statement of profit or loss, with which they measure annual progress. On the other hand, local communities are constant battlefields where individual interest groups try to assert their interests and strategies. Despite the stated limitations of local communities in strategic market planning, the opportunities that local communities have should not be neglected. Just like companies, they can define their goals and measurable business criteria. Local communities in Slovenia are increasingly adapting to global conditions, as they are fighting for a market position due to increased mobility (as well as cross-border). In doing so, they are, of course, limited by the legal framework that defines fiscal autonomy. However, as recent findings show (Bačlija, Kronegger and Prebilič, 2021), there is still a lot of room for optimizing local fiscal policies. However, tax instruments are not the only ones that local communities compete with in the market. Capital income is also a very important aspect of the financial situation. As a rule, capital revenues of municipalities in Slovenia do not exceed 0.5% of all revenues.Currently databases only provide a sumerative insight into capital revenues, which means that it is not known how much municipalities gain from an individual capital source. According to the legislation, capital sources include revenues from the sale of business facilities and business premises, from the sale of residential buildings and apartments, and from the sale of other buildings and premises. As well as revenues from the sale of means of transport. An important part is revenue from the sale of agricultural land, from the sale of forests, from the sale of building land, and from the sale of property rights and other intangible assets. In addition, it would be expedient (at least in terms of content) to include other types of revenues in capital revenues, which indicate the capital management capacity of municipalities. Capital incomealso includes the group of revenues from the sale of goods and services (entrance fees, waste, etc.) and revenues from property (revenues from rents for agricultural land and forests, for business premises, rents for apartments, revenues from rents for equipment, revenues from rents, revenues from the granted concessions and royalties, revenues from concession fees from special games of chance). The developed database of capital resources would enable to establish wich municipalities are more capable of managing capital. Understanding this causality, however, is crucial for the further policy making in the area of municipal financing.

InnovaTion in Health and Care for All

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
External project leader: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 01.09.2021 - 01.09.2021
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EurOMo: Euromedia Ownership Monitor

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marko Milosavljević
External project leader: Univerza v Salzburgu, Avstrija
Duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022
International project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

Preparation of the methodology and evaluation of the effectiveness of measures under the Smart Specialization Strategy

Project leader at FDV: Anže Burger
Duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2023
National project
Centre of International Relations
The research project examines the connection between RDI activities and various incentives offered to companies by the state in connection with the implementation of RDI activities, as well as the connection with state incentives for supported RDI expenditures of companies and the performance of companies. The objectives of the project are to establish a comprehensive and coherent monitoring and evaluation of the Smart Specialization Strategy and cohesion policy measures in the field of research, development and promotion of innovation. To this end, we will first establish appropriate databases for monitoring and evaluating measures and identify measures to evaluate the effects. We will then identify the relevant characteristics of each of these measures and, based on them, select and implement appropriate econometric methods to assess the causal effect of the measure. To compare the operation and growth of indicators between recipients and non-recipients of the program, it is necessary to implement statistical methods that correct biases due to non-random selection, weak overlap in distributions of control variables and selection based on unobtrusive factors. The next goal of the project is to derive econometric methods for assessing the causal effects of programs, which are suitable for each measure separately according to parameters such as sample size, method and criteria for allocating funds, objectives of the measure, mechanisms of the measure and availability of quantitative data. Based on the findings of the evaluation of the Smart Specialization Strategy in the period 2014-2020, we will formulate an evaluation proposal and propose an appropriate methodology for changing Policy Objective 1 in the MFF 2021-2027: Smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation, and specific objectives in other European Cohesion Policy objectives. periods 2021-2027, which are the enabling condition of the renewal of the Smart Specialization Strategy.

Probability web panels in national statistics for persons and households

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2023
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
Due to developments in information and communication technologies and the growing problems associated with traditional survey modes (i.e., increasing costs and decreasing cooperation), survey research is shifting to web-based surveys or mixed-mode surveys. In this context, web panels, where panel members agree in advance to regularly participate (e.g., monthly) in various web surveys for an incentive, present a very specific challenge. In the realm of business and opinion surveys of the general population, the web panels already dominate, especially the nonprobability web panel (i.e., access panels), where the probabilities of the units included in the panel are not known in advance. However, official statistics standards require probability surveys, in which the probabilities of the units potentially included in the panel are positive and known in advance for the entire population. Probability web panels have spread rapidly in recent years in academic research and in some areas of the public sector, but they have not yet gained acceptance in official statistics. Nevertheless, recent challenges in survey research caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the difficulties in conducting face-to-face interviews, have accelerated the process of considering the suitability of probability web panels also in official statistics. On the one hand, probability web panels reduce costs while retaining the principles of probability sampling; on the other hand, they omit the population that does not use the internet and provide lower response rates, at least when compared to face-to-face surveys (which, however, are not feasible in COVID-19 circumstances). In general, the literature reports that probability web panels are as successful as traditional probability surveys in terms of the quality of survey estimates and, notably, that they are more successful than nonprobability web panels. Against this background, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia is also confronted with the challenges of probability web panels, although—similar to other statistical offices—it does not yet use these panels in its general population surveys. The project will therefore test the potential of probability web panels comprised of the general population (i.e., persons and households) for the needs of official statistics. The objectives are as follows: 1.provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the global state-of-the-art on the topic in the literature and of the related activities in the leading statistical offices; the content of potential survey questions suitable for inclusion in such a panel in official statistics, and also consider potential synergies with other public sector stakeholders with relevant survey content and similar interests;3.conduct a pilot probability web panel to gain insight into survey costs and the quality of statistical estimates and to develop an integrated comparative approach for assessing the quality and costs; 4. conduct a comprehensive feasibility study for the establishment of a probability web panel for official statistics in Slovenia that discusses all related financial, methodological, legal and organizational aspects. The results will provide the stakeholders with new and up-to-date knowledge, including about the corresponding dilemmas. This information will also be the basis for competent decisions.The proposed research group is globally recognized in the field of web surveys. It has conducted pioneering research, published with major publishers and authored highly cited articles and a central monograph in this field. The group has excellent links to leading international researchers and has developed an open-source tool to support the web survey process (1KA). Nationally, the group has established annual professional events on web surveys. This proven track record ensures that the ambitious goals of the proposed project will be fully achieved.

Verjetnostni spletni paneli v državni statistiki za osebe in gospodinjstva

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2023
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Anxieties in 'divided cities' in post-conflict societies: developing and testing innovative (experimental) approaches in peacebuilding

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Rok Zupančič
Duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2023
National project
Defence Research Centre

Tackling ILLIberal/Eurosceptic Narratives from Below – EUROTHINK

Project leader at FDV: Marko Lovec
External project leader: Marko Lovec (FDV)
Duration: 01.06.2021 - 01.06.2021
International project
Centre of International Relations

MPT – Transformativno izobraževanje Bridge 47, globalno učenje

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jana Arbeiter
Duration: 01.04.2021 - 01.04.2021
National project
Centre of International Relations


Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.04.2021 - 01.04.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

EU Coordination and Support Action (CSA) "Children Online: Research and Evidence (CO:RE), funded by the European Commision under Grant Agreement

Project leader at FDV: Bojana Lobe
Duration: 01.02.2021 - 01.02.2021
International project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

PLACEDU – Digital social place for the next normal in education

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.11.2021 - 31.10.2023
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
The project examines the impact of e-learning on students and teachers, with its objectives being to identify the key drawbacks of this form of teaching, but also to take a positive approach and look for possible (and existing) adaptations to create a better version of e-learning, with an emphasis on preserving the features that are lost when education moves from physical to virtual spaces. The project aims to provide training for teachers that will serve as a tool for successful distance learning. The project, in which the University of Ljubljana is a partner organisation, started in November 2021 and will run for 2 years. PARTNERS Vilniaus Universitetas (Lithuania): Univerza v Ljubljani (Slovenia): CSI Center for Social Innovation Ltd (Cyprus): Out of the Box International (Belgium): Haskoli Islands (Iceland): Social Policy Academy (Greece)

SIC-SI 2021: Safer Internet Centre Slovenia;, Spletno oko and Tom telefon 2021

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
External project leader: Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

TP BledCom 2021, 28. mednarodni simpozij za raziskovanje v odnosih z javnostmi 2021

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

MP - Agenda 21-22 Tools Pillar Task 2 Plan for CDC Uppgrade (requirements specification)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

EU-E+ Le mladi Only Young people about Young people

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

Journal of Comparative Politics 2021/22

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Miro Haček
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
National project
Center for Analysis of Administrative - Political Processes and Institutions

MP - CESSDA Agenda 21-22 Trust Pillar Task 1 Trust Activities

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP - CESSDA Product Mintainance Service Level Agreement: Content Contact CVS

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP -Agenda 21-22 Widening & Outreach Pillar Task 1 Widening of CESSDA European Coverage

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP- CESSDA Agenda 21-22 Training Pillar Task 1 Training Events

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP- CESSDA Agenda 21-22 Training Pillar Task 2 Journals Outreach

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP-CESSDA Agenda 21-22 Training Pillar Task 3 Data Archiving Guide, Data Management Expert Guide and promotion

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP-CESSDA Training WG 21-22, Training Working Group in 2021-22

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Social Science Data Archive

EU-E+-BRAnd Values Alignment through Dual Career

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Klement Podnar
Duration: 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2021
International project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

TP Nadgradnja spletnega portala Jezikovna Slovenija

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Monika Kalin Golob
Duration: 01.11.2020 - 01.11.2020
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism


Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andrej Rus
Duration: 01.11.2020 - 30.06.2023
International project
Research Center for Strategy and Governance

TP Primerjalno pravna analiza dnevnega in tedenskega počitka po koncu dnevnega in tedenskega delovnega časa

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

TP Ovrednotenje resolucije o nacionalnem programu za enake možnosti žensk in moških, 2015-2020

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

MP-TRANS BUDDY Building the Capacity of Transgender People to Respond to the need of Transgender Youth in Accessing Gender Confirmation Healthcare

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Nina Perger
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
International project
Centre for Social Psychology

Mladi raziskovalec Tej Gonza

Project leader at FDV: Tej Gonza
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Europeanisation meets democracy from below: The Western Balkans on search for new European and democratic Momentum - WB2EU

Project leader at FDV: Marko Lovec
External project leader: Marko Lovec (FDV)
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
International project
Centre of International Relations

Mlada raziskovalka Barbara Duvnjak

Project leader at FDV: asist. Barbara Duvnjak
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Mlada raziskovalka Nina Žnidaršič

Project leader at FDV: asist. Nina Žnidaršič
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

Mlada raziskovalka Sara Bauman

Project leader at FDV: asist. Sara Bauman
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

Mlada raziskovalka Tinca Lukan

Project leader at FDV: asist. Tinca Lukan
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Mladi raziskovalec Jošt Bartol

Project leader at FDV: asist. Jošt Bartol
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Mladi raziskovalec Luka Zalokar

Project leader at FDV: asist. Luka Zalokar
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 01.10.2020
National project
Defence Research Centre

MPT Sodelovanje FDV z ECPR

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 01.09.2020
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Building teachers cempetence about cyber violence against girls,

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Barbara Brečko
External project leader: Barbara Brečko
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 01.09.2020
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU-JM-VotEU Strenghthening active citizenship and increasing EU knowledge among youth

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Damjan Lajh
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 01.09.2020
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU-E+ CREST Creative Repurposing of Educational Spaces for Innovative Student-centred Environments

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 01.09.2020
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU-E+-European Master on Active Ageing and Age Friendly Sociaety EMMA

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 01.09.2020
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Opening the black-box of policy consultations in EU policymaking

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Damjan Lajh
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
National project
Centre for Political Science Research
With populist parties on the rise, dropping voters’ turnout and decreasing trust in political parties and institutions, European countries are facing democratic deficit. The latter is an even more pressing issue at the supranational level. Due to the lack of legitimacy of its institutions, the European Union (EU) has been especially a subject of criticism for its democratic deficit. Consequently, European Commission has taken several measures towards more inclusive governance with the aim to improve legitimacy of policies formulated at the EU level. This includes turn towards participatory democracy and inclusion of interest groups and other stakeholders in policymaking. Although stakeholders can take advantage of various opportunity structures at the EU level, organisation of policy consultations in the policy formulation stage of EU policymaking provides the tool for broader mobilisation of interests where individuals as well as interest groups can take part. Lately, scholars have raised concern that despite openness of policy consultations, interest representation remains biased. Thus, equal representation in participatory democracy is questionable, as various studies stipulates that economic interests, transnational interest groups and interest groups from older, Western democracies, are more likely to enter complex process of EU policymaking. This project aims to empirically approach the normative issue of interest groups’ access to and influence on policymaking process, tackling the issue of interest groups’ (un)equal representation in relation to democratic deficit/legitimacy at the EU level. The focus will be on policy consultations, organized in the frame of policy formulation stage that remains black box of EU policymaking. In particular, it is unclear how the Commission handles interest groups’ consultation contributions and what the Commission actually considers when preparing legislative proposals, what is left out, and on what grounds. The project aims to answer what are the main characteristics of interest groups that participate in policy consultations in policy formulation stage at the EU level, which factors determine the influence of interest groups on outputs of policy consultations, and what is the bias in access and influence. To do so, we will conduct intensive analysis organised in 5 activities and 9 work packages that will include: analysis of sample of policy consultations organised in the Commission’s 2014–2019 mandate, mapping of the population of interest groups that responded to policy consultations, content analyses on interest groups’ contributions and Commission’s legislative proposals to measure the influence of interest groups on policy results, online survey among interest groups representatives, and face‐to‐face interviews with EC policy officials to understand how policy consultations at the EU level are organised and implemented and what are their policy effects. Previous research has been limited to the study of bias in access and on the analyses of characteristics of interest groups that participated in consultations and their contributions. Unanswered remains the factors that determine the interest groups’ influence, how does bias in access translate to the bias in influence, and how EU policy officials decide whose positions submitted in the frame of policy consultations and on which basis are considered. The proposed project seeks to close these research gaps. Answering these questions will address also the issue of contribution of participatory democracy to the quality of democracy, reduction of the democratic deficit and improvement of legitimacy of policymaking at the EU level. The project will be implemented by the members of the Centre for Political Science Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences, which is one of the leading research centres in scrutinising European integration processes. The project team has rich experiences in interest groups research and EU policymaking.

Media repertoires among the Youth: Social, political and cultural aspects of digitalised everyday life

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Oblak Črnič
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
National project
Centre for Political Science Research
The research goal of the project is to create a typology of media consumption and media preferences or media repertoires of young people. In addition, the relationship between young people's media types and differences in cultural consumption, media and digital education, political participation, and structural differences in young people's everyday digital lives will be determined. At the same time, we examine the relationship between young people's media use and their value orientations, social position, and other demographic characteristics (class, gender, and other sociodemographic differences). At the same time, we aim to gain insights into the ethnography of young people's everyday practices and rituals in the context of a networked society where attention is fragmented and dispersed. Finally, the goal of the project is to find out what young people's attitudes are toward politics and political engagement, in terms of their core value orientations. That is, we will find out how value orientations affect the evaluation of conventional and unconventional political forms and how young people practice politics and civic styles in a highly digitized everyday life.

Slovenian Folk-Pop as Politics: Perceptions, Receptions and Identities

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Peter Stanković
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies
A wedding, a funeral, a sports victory or simply a party in Slovenia hardly goes by without the tunes of folk-pop (narodno-zabavna glasba) &ndash; the most ubiquitous, all-pervasive, mainstream, proverbially &ldquo;Slovenian&rdquo; musical genre. Surprisingly, this very genre, which continues to exhibit profound influence on Slovenian &ldquo;national aesthetics&rdquo; (Mlekuž 2015, Močnik 2009, Stanković 2015), the nation's symbolic imaginary, its party and celebration playlists, as well as other musical genres, has managed to escape the attention of researchers. Slovenian popular music has thus far predominantly been studied as a tool of alternative identity formation and articulation; in terms of its politics, its productively disruptive capacities in particular have been emphasized (Hofman 2015; Velikonja 2003; Velikonja 2013).The value of such studies, which, understandably, focus on alternative genres and practices, cannot be overstated. They point to the vibrant complexity of the Slovenian cultural landscape, both demonstrating the formative role of music in place- and identity-articulation, and effectively contextualizing the Slovenian landscape of musical production and consumption practices from regional and transnational musical, cultural, and theoretical perspectives. This project wishes to take these studies further by scrutinizing folk-pop, a prominent and arguably the most underresearched aspect of the Slovenian contemporary musicscape. The project builds on the PI Prof. Dr. Peter Stanković&rsquo;s extensive previous research on Slovenian popular music (Stanković 2002, 2006, 2014, 2015) and addresses the research gaps and challenges identified in the last major study on Slovenian mainstream popular music (2010-2013). This study, headed by Stanković, was part of a HERA-funded project on popular music heritage, cultural memory and identity. Among other findings, the results of this project demonstrated the perseverance of strong links between folk-pop and national identity in political and educational discourse (Zevnik 2014) and in audience research (Majsova 2016), and, at the same time, the absence of this genre in heritage discourse (Stanković 2014) and in scholarly literature (Stanković 2015). Taking these findings as its point of departure, this project aims to determine the contemporary cultural impact of folk-pop and its involvement in governance in Slovenia by investigating it from the perspectives of a) policies and production; b) media exposure; c) reception and d) texts, aiming to analyze it in terms of representation and mediatized performance. We intend to provide a multifaceted mapping of contemporary folk-pop in terms of 1) its presence in music production, print and audiovisual media; 2) its visibility in legislation, cultural policies, political and commercial discourse; 3) its perceived entanglements with local, regional and national history, cultural memory and identification, and 4) its expressed aesthetics (text, performance and imagery, with special attention to its navigation of gender roles and its aesthetics of the rural and the urban, as well as the traditional and the modern). In doing so, the project will enrich Slovenian popular music studies by providing a valuable contextualization of the contemporary popular-musicscape, and thereby complementing studies on other genres. The project will also provide a much-needed assessment of the contemporary transformations of the genre&rsquo;s place in the national economy, and of its status as a &ldquo;national&rdquo; genre. It will be the first study to date to interrogate folk-pop&rsquo;s traditionalist, conservative and nationalist aesthetic by analyzing its contemporary impetus to respond to and incorporate developments from other genres, and also its impact on other genres (such as pop-rock). Follow us on

Homelessness in Slovenia: extent, profile and attitudes

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
External project leader: Izr. prof. dr. Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies
In Slovenia housing policy and development has been neglected and underdevelopment of the social housing sector and the predominance of homeownership makes entry into stable, permanent housing more difficult for groups that are more vulnerable. Furthermore, new risks arising during the period of economic crisis, such as high unemployment rates, poverty and increasing eviction rates put additional pressure on existing welfare systems and are source of additional vulnerabilities. These recent developments have fractured the traditional solidarities, and it is vital to understand these and research welfare attitudes and deservingness perceptions regarding the homeless as most vulnerable group of welfare recipients. The aim of this project is twofold. Firstly, to gather data on homelessness in Slovenia at the national level, addressing the lack of data on extent of homeless and the profile of homeless in Slovenia. Secondly, to gather data on public perceptions to better understand the attitudes to this diverse and very vulnerable population groups. We will evaluate the extent and profile of homelessness in Slovenia, as defined by ETHOS light (Feantsa, European typology of homelessness and housing exclusion. We will use existing databases to test their ability to measure extent and profile of homeless, (such as EVAPRO database, database of social programmes, Social data database - BSP), which are not systematically used and analysed for the purpose of measuring homelessness in Slovenia. The relevance of using existing databases is that it would enable sustainable development of measures and development of regular data gathering method. We will supplement this data with primary research – carrying out a survey among the Slovene households that would enable us also to measure hidden forms of homelessness and housing exclusion, as well as attitudes toward homeless as welfare recipients. The latter will be supplemented by qualitative approach (focus groups), following most recent developments in the welfare attitudes research and addressing the gap in this field.

Long-term care for people with dementia in social work theory and practice

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies
The rapid aging of the population and the simultaneous decrease in the percentage of the young population in modern industrial societies have radically affected the systems that until recently have been relatively stable. The increase in life expectancy involves various risks which are characteristic of older, among which is a marked increase in dementia. It is estimated that in Slovenia, due to the rapid ageing of the population, the number of people with dementia will increase for 60 % until 2035; the projections on the global scale are similar – from 47 million in 2015 to 75 million in 2050. Although dementia is a disease, its consequences are above all social. Slovenia, compared to other countries, lags far behind the research in the area of social dimensions of dementia. It also does not have any uniform research that would be conducted in the area of long-term care. Recognising the experiences of people with dementia is of utmost relevance for social work, since it provides us with an insight into their needs and the adequacy of the existing forms of help in terms of responses to their needs. Through this approach, people working in social work strive to find new forms of help to enable people with dementia to live independently within their community. It is necessary to find ways of including people with dementia as active co-creators of help in the helping process. The care that is tailored according to people and based on their needs is also the central guideline of long-term care of people with dementia and directly associated with the theory and practice of social work. The research project stems from two research themes – dementia and long-term care with social work being the link between – discipline and science striving to establish social justice and prevent social exclusion and marginalisation of individuals, groups and communities. Namely, both research themes are associated with marginalisation. People with dementia feel marginalised in multiple ways as patients, old people and users of long-term care. The content and the programme of the project shall be designed in a way as to enable the research group to organise its work in finding answers to research questions by using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The method we shall use in the project is called Rapid assessment of needs and services that has been developed in Slovenia at the Faculty of Social Work. We shall verify three research questions: 1. What is the typology of long-term care of people with dementia in Slovenia? 2. Which responses to the needs of people with dementia need to be established anew in long-term care for people with dementia? 3. What is the role of social work in designing the methods of help for people with dementia in the system of long-term care? By using the method of rapid assessment of needs and services we shall find out the level and the nature of needs of people with dementia and the current response available. We shall stem from the typology of community care (institutional and social care provided in old people’s home) for old residents in Slovenia, established on the basis of the basic project Hlebec, Mali and Filipovič Hrast (2014a). We assume that the existing response is not adequate in terms of the needs of people with dementia, therefore we shall analyse the data (collected with the HOPS method, anthropological and sociological research and studying literature), find out which changes in terms of organising care (sectorial distribution, the offer of services, means) and ways of providing care (services, work methods, the role of users) we need to establish for a long, sustained system of long-term care for people with dementia. We shall verify how the methods of social work, more specifically, the method of personal planning and providing services as a central method of social work and long-term care may provide an active role of people with dementia in the helping processes.

Comparison and evaluation of different approaches to blockmodeling dynamic networks by simulations with application to Slovenian co-authorship networks

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleš Žiberna
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics
BACKGROUND: Network analysis has become the main approach to analysing social interactions. A network is defined by the set of nodes (or vertices, units, actors) and by the set of links which represent ties between the nodes. Recently, much attention has been devoted to the analysis of dynamic networks. We use the term &ldquo;dynamic networks&rdquo; to describe a set of networks with the same set of nodes (incomers and outgoers are allowed), observed at/in different consecutive time points/periods. Blockmodeling is an approach for partitioning the nodes of a network (according to the structure of their links) and determining the ties among the clusters then obtained and thus may be used to describe the global structure of a studied network. Blockmodeling is widely used in the operationalization of social role and for data reduction. Since most approaches to blockmodeling dynamic networks were developed only in the last decade, researchers usually blockmodel networks from different time points separately. However, this approach is inadequate because it assumes that the networks from the different points in time are independent. The dependency between links from different points in time can be taken into account by the approaches to the blockmodeling of dynamic networks. Such analysis allows for more accurate results, smoother changes in time and hence improves the study of these changes. PROBLEM DEFINITION: Blockmodeling approaches for dynamic networks have not yet been systematically evaluated and compared using Monte Carlo simulations. Their evaluation is needed to help develop guidelines on the selection and use of blockmodeling approaches. To perform such simulations, one needs to generate random dynamic networks based on local mechanisms with a specified blockmodel type and partition for at each point in time. Currently, none of the existing approaches is able to do this. The approaches to blockmodeling dynamic networks should be very useful for studying scientific collaboration as operationalized by co-authorship (due to &lsquo;noise&rsquo;, lag in publications, etc.), and should make observing changes over time easier, namely, a very important issue in the social sciences. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: The project has three main objectives: (i) To evaluate different blockmodeling approaches to dynamic networks that have different characteristics (e.g. density, nodes&rsquo; fluctuation, number of nodes at different time points, change of a blockmodel type in time). (ii) To develop algorithms for generating dynamic random networks based on local network mechanisms that allow the specification of the partition and the global structure for each time point. Using local mechanisms is necessary so that the networks then generated are closer to the real-world network dynamics, while known partition and global structure is needed for evaluation of the blockmodeling results. (iii) To apply one or several appropriate blockmodeling approaches to the dynamic co-authorship networks of Slovenian researchers. This should add to the validity of the results by way of more stable partitions and more easily observable changes. The main outputs of the project are (i) an algorithm for generating random time networks with known grouping of units and known block structure and according to local network mechanisms and (ii) an evaluation (mainly using this algorithm) of different approaches for blockmodelling of dynamic networks. Thus, we first developed a suitable algorithm for generating random networks for directed networks where all units are present at all time points and used it to evaluate different approaches on such networks (Cugmas and Žiberna, 2023). Among the approaches evaluated are several approaches developed by members of the project, including the stochastic block modelling approach for linked networks (Škulj and Žiberna, 2022), which was developed as part of this project. The main findings are that approaches that consider multiple time points together are more efficient in almost all cases (except for highly unstable clusters) than approaches that analyse each time point separately. Surprisingly, the results show that approaches developed for so-called linked networks often turn out to be more efficient compared to approaches developed specifically for dynamic networks.Additionally, we have developed an algorithm for generating undirected networks where units can also come and go over time. The algorithm and the results of simulations where it has been applied have been presented at several conferences (e.g. EUSN 2022, 2023) and a scientific paper is currently (December 2024) in review. The main conclusions are consistent with those described above (based on directed networks). As mentioned above, the project has also developed its own approach for stochastic block modelling of dynamic networks. The simulation results show that the new approach outperforms the existing ones in several cases. The paper is currently under preparation.We have also investigated the block structure of Slovenian researchers from 1991 to 2020 using the approaches that proved to be most appropriate (Telarico, Mali, & Žiberna, 2024). The main findings are that the importance of disciplines is decreasing over time, the importance of institutions remains high, and interdisciplinarity is only slowly increasing.

The Implications of Proxy Internet Use for the Internet Skills of Older Adults

Project leader at FDV: Andraž Petrovčič
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
The overarching research aim of this project is to deepen our understanding of the notion of PIU on a theoretical and methodological level by integrating the PIU concept within existing theoretical models of digital inequalities and internet skills learning, and developing new frameworks for measuring PIU and for the validation of existing measures of internet skills among older adults. To this end, the project will use a mixedmethod approach to: a) Systematically examine existing theoretical and empirical elaborations of PIU and develop a comprehensive explanatory model of PIU socio-technical factors and outcomes in terms of different types of internet skills that explains the short- and long-term implications of PIU for digital (dis)engagement; b) Refine the proposed model based on focus group insights that will result in a typology of the digital (dis)engagement of older adults that could explain the role of PIU in the dynamics of transitions between stages of internet use in later life; and c) Carry out a large-scale survey in Slovenia that will test the proposed model and validate the developed innovative measure of PIU and internet skills among older adults.

Public space for the needs of the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.12.2023
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies
Western society is characterized by increasing aging. Compared to other regions, the problem of aging is especially acute in Europe. Slovenia is no exception. Moreover, Slovenian society is aging even faster than the European average. The problem of population aging is so severe that it has become an important topic in many areas, including living and spatial planning. In the case of Slovenia, this is particularly highlighted by two characteristics. First, Slovenia is characterized by high ownership occupancy of dwellings; on the other hand, during socialism, housing construction focused on building large, concentrated housing estates. Due to rapid industrialization and urbanization, however, cities faced a chronic lack of housing after the Second World War. The countries of central and eastern Europe rapidly built up working-class neighborhoods to address the scarcity of housing due to large migration of the rural population to cities, where it was easier to find jobs. The urban plans envisaged that young and healthy people would live in these large housing estates, and therefore public space in these neighborhoods was adapted to their needs. Because Slovenia is characterized by low housing mobility, and because residents had the option to buy their rental apartments after independence, most of the first residents still live in large housing estates. As a result, the age structure of these large housing estates has changed considerably; their residents have grown old, but the public space in them is still adapted for younger and healthy people, as planned, rather than for the elderly. This reduces the quality of life of the elderly, increases the risk of their social exclusion, and reduces the possibility of their active involvement in the community and the local environment. This is particularly worrying because the elderly would like to remain in their home environment as long as possible, where they can lead their lives as independently as possible with the best possible quality of life. However, it is important that the public space in large housing estates be adapted to the needs of the elderly to ensure everyone a dignified—and, first and foremost, high-quality—life in old age, and active integration into the local community, which is also an important source of social support for the elderly. For these reasons, it is important to explore public space in large housing estates and the needs, habits, and expectations of their elderly residents regarding this space. The main objective of this project is to define the key elements of public space in large housing estates regarding the needs of the elderly to remain full members of the community for as long as possible and thus be actively involved in social life in their neighborhoods. This objective will be realized using various methods and systematically structured work. With this kind of organization and a top-notch project team it will be possible to complete the project in three years. The results of the project will comply with the goals of EU and Slovenian strategic and other documents (e.g., the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities, and so on). They will also be highly relevant for the discipline and professional community. The well-thought-out theoretical and methodological design of the study will open a new important research field for all further and even more specific studies and specialist discussions connected with the increasing issue of population aging and public space adaptation. The guidelines and recommendations developed can be used by policymakers and professionals in establishing new and more successful practices related to the design of public space. The research findings (as well as the research concept and methodology) will also be relevant for countries that, like Slovenia, have large housing estates and a high percentage of homeownership (e.g., post-socialist countries of central and eastern Europe).

Corporate Governance of Public Services – between Efficiency and Social Responsibility

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Rado Bohinc
External project leader: UL FDV
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023
National project
Research Centre for Comparative Corporate Law
There are several paradigmatically contradictory concepts that intertwine in modern theories and practices of the public sector and public administration: democracy, efficiency, liberalization, professionalism, hierarchy of the organization, etc. The changing and complex social, political and technological processes (globalization, digitization, social networks) are increasingly changing the classical Weberian role and power function of the public sector and public administration. The function and structure of the public sector and related services are the result of wider legal, political, economic and social effects and changes. We can observe a merging trend from the private corporate governance models into the public administration field that to some extent controls the public administration (Bohinc 2005, p. 31); these models are not always suitable for the public sector (Wettenhall 2004; Benz and Frey 2007). The latter is a result of the rise of the new public management (NPM), rising from the neoliberal ideology in 1980s. NPM is characterized by a commitment to: a) limiting the growth of the state and public administration (Hood 1991), b) privatization (Dunleavy 1986), c) development of automatization (information technology), production and distribution of public services/ goods (Hood 1991), d) development of a common international agenda focusing on general public management, public policy making and international cooperation (Hood 1991), e) less taxes, f) cutting public expenditure (Hood in Kickert 1997, p. 18), g) deregulation and h) liberalization (Harvey 2005). Thus, the logic of management is transferred from the private sector to the public sphere. Introduction of standards, performance measurement, exit control, decentralization, business methods, economic resource utilization, professional management (Hood in Kickert 1997, p.18) efficiency and competitiveness become the main elements/ criteria in the functioning of the public sector and public services (Peters, 1998). This strongly influences the scope, role and power of the state government and the bureaucratic apparatus. The latter is evident in the area of public and social services in the domain of state power. With an attempt to establish internal market relations the NPM is innovative while at the same time it represents a deficient model that needs upgrading in terms of giving more importance to values, ethics, fairness, a democratic type of governance (Goodsell 2003), responsibilities (Bohinc 2018, Matei and Drumas 2015) and the public interest (Uhrig 2003, p. 30-32; Armstrong et al. 2005, p. 4). Therefore, it is necessary to harmonize both the market efficiency of operations and governance as well as the social responsibility of the public sector and related services. Since its independence (in 1991), Slovenia has been part of the aforementioned diametric processes. On one hand it is part of the western capitalist system that introduces market relations as the main basis for the regulation of social processes on the other hand, it is used to strong regulatory functions of the state, public institutions and its services in all areas (economy and society) due to its historical integrity in the former socialist system. The scientific background of the research is thus to define a balanced model of corporate governance of public services providers, based on efficiency and social responsibility. The latter thus defines the field of economic, legal, ethical as well as discretionary responsibilities (Bohinc 2016, p. 35). According to definition of the European Commission (2001, p. 7-8) and various authors (Berrett 2002, Edwards and Clough 2005, p. 33; Mulyadi et al. 2012, p. 25-27), the principles of effectiveness and social responsibility are two of the five principles of the corporate governance of the public sector. This corporate governance is consisted of two components that need to be intertwined and considered in the study; e.g. formal component including legal framework, structure, organization, public sector services and informal component including organizational culture and employee behavior (Tucker 2010, p. 105).

TAP Modeli in prakse mednarodne kulturne izmenjave Gibanja neuvrščenih: raziskovanje prostorsko-časovnih kulturnih dinamik

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Mitja Velikonja
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 01.09.2020
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

TAP Oblikovanje novega kulturnega polja v Sloveniji v 1980-ih: civilna družba med nacionalističnimi politikami in medkulturnim sodelovanjem

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Maruša Pušnik
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 01.09.2020
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

Norm transfer in the EU and Slovenia – evaluating environmental and sustainability transformation

Project leader at FDV: Marko Lovec
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2024
National project
Centre of International Relations
Environmental issues are making their way to the top of the political agenda in the EU, supported by the public expectations and scientific recommendations. It is expected that the body of environmental law in the EU is poised to grow and undergo an extensive overhaul. The coming of this wave of regulation is in need of careful scholarly attention in order to a) generate an accurate account of the process, b) offer a persuasive explanation of why it came along and thus enhance capacity to anticipate the future regulatory framework, and finally, c) offer an informed and critical evaluation of the proposed action, also to contribute to its improvement. The objective of this project is to introduce the role of paradigms and norm diffusion to the portrayal of the EU regulatory action related to environment, and thus to contribute to a theoretically rich and nuanced understanding of the recent EU and transnational environmental law, including its drivers, assumptions and the scope of ambition in relation to sustainability, but also of the voices that are excluded. The project will rely on multiple methodologies inherent in transnational environmental law (where problems do not fit neatly into a single legal category) and combine them with the work from international relations (in particular that on norm diffusion and discourse analysis). It will develop an analysis of norm change in two dimensions: horizontal (a time-focussed dimension exploring the EU policy discourse) and vertical (spatial dimension, involving governance levels of the EU and of the Member State Slovenia in two emerging policy areas – a transition to blue economy and sustainable food systems). This project has the ambition of contributing to the cutting-edge discussions in Europe, both at the scholarly and practical level. It aims to produce excellent-quality papers in peer-reviewed journals under open access. It will also engage in dissemination of the results to give the scholarly work the required visibility among the stakeholders, scholarly community and general public. It will result in a more pronounced normative dimension of the EU and transnational environmental law, which is typically approached in a strictly positivist, technical manner. It will highlight the role of environmental law that is capable of going beyond an instrumentalist tool. The research will also advance the study of norm diffusion as a two-way exchange, including a case study in two complex policy domains. Finally, it will nurture a reflective attitude among stakeholders and encourage their engagement in the strategic policy planning and coordination. These benefits are of direct relevance in the context of the Slovenian presidency to the EU in 2021 and beyond, and are the bedrock of a strong and beneficial EU integration.

TAP Računalniško podprta večjezična analiza novičarskega diskurza s kontekstualnimi besednimi vložitvami

Project leader at FDV: Andreja Vezovnik
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 01.09.2020
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

EU-JM-DebatEU 2021 Debating Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Damjan Lajh
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 01.09.2020
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

TP URI – Soča Zgodnja poklicna in zaposlitvena rehabilitacija v procesu vračanja na delo

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.07.2020 - 01.07.2020
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Developing, piloting and validating smart care models in Danube region for supporting social innovation, improving competences and entrepreneurship (D-CARE)

Project leader at FDV: asist. Lea Lebar
Duration: 01.07.2020 - 01.07.2020
International project
Centre for Social Informatics
A main objective of the D-CARE project is to improve the skills and develop, validate and scale up smart solutions that will strengthen and integrate the regional social and healthcare systems in 9 Danube regions. The project will promote e-care and e-health services for older people with chronic diseases and cognitive impairments. The project activities are divided into three pillars: 1) Design of networked innovative learning environments responsible for the development of new learning tools, content and training programs to improve the skills needed by the project regions to provide new integrated care services (innovative smart care models). 2) Deploying Smart Care Pilots to explore, select, optimize, test and validate innovative smart care services for older adults with chronic diseases or cognitive impairments; 3) establishment of Transnational Learning Policy Center that should ensure the generation of know-how and the dissemination of results and knowledge to policy-makers. Lead University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hateganu" Cluj Napoca, Romania Partner 1 Dr. Vasile Micu Association, Romania Partner 2 National Human Management Association, Hungary Partner 3 Mayor's Office of the City of Kaba, Hungary Partner 4 DBH Investment Venture Capital Fund Management Public Limited Company, Hungary Partner 5 CedarNet Association CEDNET, Hungary Partner 6 Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic Partner 7 Volunteer Center, Czech Republic Partner 8 BioLAGO e.V., Germany Partner 9 Gruenderschiff UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) & Co. KG, Germany Partner 10 University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Partner 11 RRA Green Karst, Slovenia Partner 12 Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia Partner 13 Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Varna, Bulgaria Partner 14 National Alliance for Social Responsibility, Bulgaria Partner 15 Johanniter Austria Research and Education, Austria Partner 16 UIV-Urban Innovation Vienna, Austria Partner 17 City of Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina Partner 18 Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Banja Luka Region, Bosnia and Herzegovina Partner 19 Public Medical Sanitary Institution Institute of Oncology, Moldova Associated partner 1 Cluj Napoca City Hall, Romania Associated partner 2 Local Action Group Brdy-Vltava, Czech Republic Associated partner 3 Lovosice Municipal Authority, Czech Republic Associated partner 4 Tisa Local Authority, Czech Republic Associated partner 5 Municipality of Aksakovo, Bulgaria Associated partner 6 INNOVA Észak-Alföld Regional Development and Innovation Agency Nonprofit Limited Liability Company, Hungary Associated partner 7 Public Institution Retirement Home Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Development of Slovene in a Digital Environment - DSDE

Project leader at FDV: Nataša Logar
External project leader: dr. Simon Krek, UL FRI
Duration: 01.05.2020 - 01.02.2023
International project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism
The project aimed to meet the needs for computational tools and services in the field of language technologies for Slovene – for research institutions, companies, and a wider public. The outcomes of the project are tools that help language user communicate, collaborate, conduct business, share knowledge, and take part in social and political debates in a user-friendly way. Additionally, these tools help overcome language barriers. Language resourcesWe renew training datasets and procedures for automatic linguistic annotation of modern Slovene. Speech technologiesWe created a speech database and a general speech recognizer for Slovene. Semantic resources and technologiesWe created a central open-access digital dictionary database, which combines different types of linguistic data for Slovene. Machine translationWe tested alternative Neural Machine Translation (NMT) frameworks and developed a machine translation portal.Terminology portalWe developed of a terminology portal with an accompanying search engine capable of searching through terminological resources, and an online concordancer for the analysis of specialized corpora.

E-ARMAGEDON - družbene posledice večjih izpadov električne energije

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Iztok Prezelj
Duration: 01.05.2020 - 30.11.2021
National project
Defence Research Centre

Mladi raziskovalec Nejc Slukan

Project leader at FDV: asist. Nejc Slukan
Duration: 01.04.2020 - 01.04.2020
National project

Evaluation of the project Transforming existing networks to provide community-based care services and programs for older adults

Project leader at FDV: asist. Lea Lebar
Duration: 01.02.2020 - 30.09.2022
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
Slovenia has been working for many years to develop and adopt a unified law on long-term care that would strengthen community-based care, emphasize deinstitutionalisation and regulate all services and benefits in one place. Ministry of Health issued a call for pilot sites to test solutions in provision of long-term care, using funds proposed under the specific objective 9.2.1 in the Operational Program for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy (2014-2020), the priority axis 9 (Social inclusion and poverty reduction), subsection 9.2 (Enhancing access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health care and social services of general interest). Five project regions (Koper, Maribor, Tržič, Ptuj and Poljčane) were selected to test newly proposed eligibility assessments, single entry points, new services in the community, integration between and within the health and care sectors, personal planning and training of formal carers. UNI-LJ FDV, together with Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (lead partner) and the Institute for Economic Research (partner), is responsible for evaluating the project and preparing policy recommendations. The investment is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund and the Republic of Slovenia. Research organisations: - Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (lead partner) - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences (partner) - Institute for Economic Research (partner)

EU/H2020: Protect – The Right to International Protection: A Pendulum between Globalization and Nativization?

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.02.2020 - 01.02.2020
International project
Social Communication Research Centre


Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP - CESSDA Trust Working Group Budget 2020

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
International project

MP-CESSDA Training activities 2020

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP-CESSDA Training Working Group 2020

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP-CESSDA Trust Support 2020

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP-CESSDA Widening Activities and Journals Outreach 2020

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
International project
Social Science Data Archive

TP-BledCom 2020, 27. mednarodni simpozij za raziskovanje v odnosih z javnostmi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

BEHAVE: SEE Beyond Hate: Learning and Acting to Counter Hate Speech Online in South East Europe

Project leader at FDV: Urška Valentič
External project leader: Mirovni inštitut, Ljubljana
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 30.06.2021
International project
Centre for Social Informatics
Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, countries of former Yugoslavia located on the Balkan migration route, face increasing hate speech online that exploit tensions and negative attitudes to minority groups. Spread of hatred and radicalization of youth online is a burning issue. Teachers lack knowledge how to address it in classrooms. Several good practices of countering hate speech online exist in the region and EU with few sharing opportunities. The project aims at: - Identifying good practices and supporting mutual learning on countering hate speech online between state and non-state actors in the three countries; - Understanding hate speech online, strengthening critical thinking and responding to dominant hate narratives in new media forms addressing particularly young users; - Raising competencies of secondary school teachers for working with students in addressing hate speech online. PARTNERS: - The Peace Institute (coordinator); - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences; - Center for Peace Studies, Croatia - Novi Sad School of Journalism.

TAP Made in YU: Kako so neljudje gor spravili Jugoslavijo

Project leader at FDV: Natalija Majsova
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

EU/H2020: SUSTAIN-2, Next Steps in Securing the Sustainability of the European Social Survey

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Brina Malnar
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 01.01.2020
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

EU-E+ Eutopia European Universities Transforming to an Open, Inclusive Academy for 2050

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.12.2019 - 01.12.2019
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

CRP Prestrukturiranje podjetij: sistem zgodnjega opozarjanja in primeren odziv države MGRT del

Project leader at FDV: Anže Burger
Duration: 01.11.2019 - 01.11.2019
National project
Centre of International Relations

Fiscal capacity of Slovene municipalities

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vladimir Prebilič
Duration: 01.11.2019 - 30.01.2021
National project
Defence Research Centre
Economic globalization, increasingly differentiated and unstable markets and the financial crisis are elements of the uncertain future for local communities. Thus local communities ought to appropriately respond to these growing challenges. Due to the pressures of the citizens which demand quality of public services on one hand and the institutional frameworks set by the national government on the other, local communities cannot only passively execute its basic functions. Regardless, local communities in order to carry out their tasks require a material basis, which guarantees the necessary capacity, autonomy and independence. Respectively, fiscal decentralization and the financial autonomy of local communities are vital. Within the relationship between the state and local communities, we adopt the principle of vertical tax equalization, which represents the proportionality between the obligations for the tasks transferred to the local level and the allocated resources and horizontal equalization, which presupposes the proportional distribution of resources among local government units. An optimal system that would ensure an adequate ratio between revenues and cost of carrying out tasks in all local communities is merely an ideal, therefore in practice there are divergences between these categories. The solution of these inequalities could be addressed through (implementing) fiscal autonomy, which aims to allocate adequate financial resources to local communities, which local communities can determine (at least in part) according to their needs and public policies (development strategies). The purpose of allocating jurisdiction over local tax resources is to ensure that local authorities are motivated to exploit their own potentials according to the needs of the local community. In this context, the question on the implementation of appropriate taxes that can be allocated to local communities appears. In principle, they should meet the following criteria: the stability in the tax base, the tax base should be evenly distributed within the jurisdiction, taxes should be clear and identifiable to people, the subject of taxation is tangible and based on the principle of benefit wherever possible, stable and sufficient to cover the needs of the local community (Arora and Norrregaard, 1997: 8). In addition to the autonomy of implementing their own taxes, an important aspect is the possibility for local communities to, in accordance to legislation, determine the benefits and tariffs of local services, which allow them to change the amount of financial inflows and link the financial burden according to the strategic orientation of the local community.   Fiscal decentralization is therefore not under question, as it is also envisaged by the European Charter of Local Self-Government. The question is what kind of fiscal decentralization system is optimal. Or how to move the existing system to a point where municipalities would be financially more autonomous, since Slovenia, according to the Local Autonomy  Index (Ladner, Keuffer, and Baldersheim, 2015) is at the edge of European countries, concerning the fiscal autonomy of municipalities. Since there are several possibilities and models of optimization, it is crucial that a detailed analysis of the actual fiscal autonomy of municipalities is made, and a detailed calculation of all revenue accounts, comparable between the years and comparative between municipalities, before the possible modification or optimization of the system of financing of municipalities. The Article 6 of the Municipal Financing Act lists the tax and non-tax sources of municipalities, but there are different sources within these categories, which also have a different legislative basis. Since most of these resources in relative terms are relatively small (representing a small share of own municipal revenues), they are not getting much attention, unlike to the largest source - Compensation for the use of building land.

CRP FisKap Fiskalna kapaciteta občin v Sloveniji MJU

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vladimir Prebilič
Duration: 01.11.2019 - 01.11.2019
National project
Defence Research Centre

Prestrukturiranje podjetij: sistem zgodnjega opozarjanja in primeren odziv države (Slovene)

Project leader at FDV: Anže Burger
Duration: 01.11.2019 - 31.10.2020
National project
Centre of International Relations

Spremljanje in presoja učinkov strateških razvojno-inovacijskih partnerstev (Slovene)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Maja Bučar
Duration: 01.11.2019 - 31.10.2022
National project
Centre of International Relations
The proposed project represents a continuation and an upgrade of the Targeted research project »Strategic development and innovation partnerships as a tool to strengthen innovation capability of Slovenian economy« (Oct.1, 2016- Sept. 30, 2019). The research team, which monitors the SRIPs from their formation on, has developed and tested a methodology for monitoring and evaluating SRIPs as the central instrument for the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4). Based on this methodology, a midterm monitoring was performed. The objective of the proposed project is to upgrade the existing indicators and contribute to the preparation of the reports of the individual SRIPs in a manner which acknowledges the proposed methodology as well as indicators. On the basis of such reports the research team will be able to implement realistically the evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of SRIPs by 2022, in spite of relatively short time period after the end of the instrument. Important goal of the project is also the elaboration of the proposals for an upgrade of the system of management of SRIPs, which will enable not only more intensive internal communication, but also communication between different SRIPs. The proposals for better integration of SRIPs in the design of the priorities for research and innovation policy at the country level are to be prepared as well to assure full cooperation of the SRIPs in strategic planning of Slovenian economic development. The research group will assist the Government Office for Development and Cohesion Policy in the programming of Cohesion policy after 2020. This was the project should contribute to the overall development context of the country. Through close cooperation with SRIPs’ offices, the research team will focus on gathering the missing data for the implementation of both, quantitative and qualitative analyses. This will be done through assistance in the preparation of the annual reports of the SRIPs with defining the necessary indicators to be included. Research team is organised so that each member is dedicated to a specific SRIP for monitoring activities of the SRIPs and gathers all relevant information to be able to provide assessment of their performance and effectiveness. An important segment of the proposed project is also the cooperation with the respective government offices in the preparation of background data for reports on the implementation of S4. Assuming that the S4 is aimed at development of a more sustainable and coherent research-innovation policy, which will enable the focusing of the available resources (both financial and human), the assessment of the central instrument like SRIP is essential for the evaluation of the S4 as such as well as for the programming of the Cohesion policy after 2020. The monitoring and the evaluation of the on-going phase (until Sept. 2019) provides the opportunity for certain corrections and upgrades of the current instrument. This is why the important part of the proposed project is not only to evaluate the effectiveness and success of the SRIP instrument as such, but to analyse possible optimisation of the S4 implementation with the objective to maximise its contribution to economic as well as research-development- innovation potential of Slovenia.

TP Uvajanje sodelavcev v organizacijo prek sodelovanja z akademskimi institucijami.

Project leader at FDV: Andrej Kohont
External project leader: Andrej Kohont
Duration: 01.10.2019 - 01.10.2019
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Mlada raziskovalka Ana Jagodic

Project leader at FDV: asist. Ana Jagodic
Duration: 01.10.2019 - 01.10.2019
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

EU/H2020: TRIPLE - Transforming Research through innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.10.2019 - 01.10.2019
International project
Social Science Data Archive

Mlada raziskovalka Ajda Hedžet

Project leader at FDV: asist. Ajda Hedžet
Duration: 01.10.2019 - 01.10.2019
National project
Centre of International Relations

Mlada raziskovalka Natalija Rebrica

Project leader at FDV: asist. Natalija Rebrica
Duration: 01.10.2019 - 01.10.2019
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Mlada raziskovalka Valentina Konrad

Project leader at FDV: asist. Valentina Konrad
Duration: 01.10.2019 - 01.10.2019
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

MPT-BAG EU/Vezovnik Bringing the Access Gap – A Comparison of Educational Oportunities of Young Newcomers in the European Union

Project leader at FDV: Andreja Vezovnik
Duration: 01.07.2019 - 01.07.2019
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

MESTUR - Analysis of territorial and social impacts of the urban tourism and its territorial governance: the cases of Ljubljana, Graz and Maribor

Project leader at FDV: Matjaž Uršič
Duration: 01.07.2019 - 30.06.2022
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology
In line with this call’s objective 5 Urban Europe - today’s period could be identified as an urban development period. The cities do not act only as economic and immigration nodes, but at the same time attract a larger number of tourists causing significant spatial, social, environmental and economic impacts in the city. Under this pressure certain parts of the cities have been ‘touristified’ and a term ‘overtourism’ has been erected to describe this phenomenon. On average, the number of visitors in bigger cities increases with the rate of 5% per year; in the EU cities with the most demand with 10 to 15% rate. In Ljubljana the growth 2016/2017 accounted even for 16%. On one side the cities are aiming for the sustainable management of resources, while on the other they intensively promote themselves as tourist destinations. Reluctance to address this phenomenon is present in the existing tourism and spatial development strategies in which the urban tourism has gained attention only lately. The lack of cross-sectoral co-operation between urban planning and tourism sector can be addressed by utilisation of integrative planning. Therefore, the first project’s aim is to identify and evaluate the spatial and social impacts of tourism and the second one to find the tourism and spatial planning management model to address and mitigate these impacts. The project applies the mixed methods’ approach which relies on public participation techniques (surveys, workshop, interviews), cartographic analysis and mapping. Research questions are addressed via four thematic WPs. In WP1 the urban tourism is characterised on the basis of existing definitions and spatial models (literature review). For the selected cities (Ljubljana, Maribor, Graz) statistical analysis of tourist visits is done, together with the review of the relevant studies addressing the topic. The field survey with the tourists focuses on their opinion about the infrastructure, and on mapping their routes around destination. In the WP2 the spatial dimension of the urban tourism is inspected via the Territorial Impact Assessment workshop, mapping of the potential tourists’ routes in the city (as suggested via different channels, e.g. guides), and the survey among inhabitants. WP3 is dedicated to the policy and institutional analysis (complemented with the interviews) and field trips to the benchmarking cities. The good practice analysis of the management practices serves as an input for the WP4 in which the sustainable tourism and spatial planning management model is developed and validated via the workshops. In addition to the interim and final report, the dissemination includes Open Access publications in scientific journals and conferences’ presentations, the joint seminar for the MSc students and the scientific monograph. The research requires an interdisciplinary approach; hence an interdisciplinary team of geographers, economists, sociologists, landscape architects and architects has been formed in the consortium of five partners. Participation of the Austrian university enables comparison of the situation between the countries, and exchange of knowledge and good practices. The importance of the expected results for the scientific progress is in addressing new interdisciplinary research topic, namely understanding the relation between urban tourism and urban planning, and by offering integrative solutions for better urban management. The transnational comparison of the urban tourism in the mid-size Central EU cities gives the research additional international flare. In regards to the benefits of the society, the research will provide answers for more efficient urban tourism management in middle-sized cities, achieved through the solutions spatial planning is offering. The circle of the potential beneficiaries includes the city planners, policy makers, local tourist offices, and the residents.

Factors impacting intention to use smart technology enabled care services among family carers of older people in the context of long-distance care

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 01.07.2019 - 30.06.2022
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
Family carers of older people in Slovenia represent the backbone of the Slovenian long-term care system, yet the support available to them is scarce and scattered. Currently, the Slovenian long-term care system is fragmented, and there is no long-term care policy that addresses this type of care holistically. This places additional pressure on families to provide care. An under-investigated group of family carers are so-called distant family carers, who face several unique challenges which are not properly met. Developments in assistive telecare (AT) systems have created new spaces of care, enabling care at a distance and reshaping care and care relationships both within and across the traditional boundaries of the home. However, Slovenia is still lagging in the implementation of assistive telecare systems. A preliminary literature review shows that there is a lack of research that would empirically test the acceptance and outcomes of assistive telecare system use for family carers of older people within a spatial context of care. The proposed project addresses issues that are highly relevant to general social science and narrows existing knowledge gaps by pursuing the following objectives: 1. developing an innovative and currently non-existent socio-technical theoretical framework of the acceptability of assistive telecare systems and the outcomes of their use for distant and proximate family carers of older people, taking into consideration the spatial context of family care; 2. empirically validating a theoretical assistive telecare system acceptance model for distant and proximate family carers of older people, on a representative sample of family carers of older people, considering attitudinal, behavioural and contextual factors, including the emotio-spatial and time-spatial context of care and the caregiving situation; 3. providing new knowledge on the outcomes of a tested stand-alone assistive telecare solution in real-life settings, focusing on (1) emotio-spatial and time-spatial aspects of care partnerships and (2) the characteristics of distant and proximate family carers of older people (coping, burden, wellbeing) and their caregiving situations; 4. providing currently still non-existent and urgently needed representative data on Slovenian family carers of older people, including their characteristics, contexts, experiences and family caregiving situations; 5. developing an original segmentation model of family carers’ assistive telecare system acceptance in the spatial context and corresponding personas of family carers of older people. The above objectives will be achieved by conducting a pioneering nation-wide representative survey and a mixed-method intervention study among family carers of older people. The proposed study will be conducted among (1) family carers of older people in the general population, who will be included in the national representative survey, and (2) a subgroup of family carers of older people (distant carers and proximate family carers) who will test and evaluate the innovative stand-alone assistive telecare solution GoLiveClip, which is available in the international market (but not yet in Slovenia). The project team has extensive experience with large-scale international projects (FP6-7, H2020, Erasmus+, Interreg, EC tenders) in the fields of long-term care, informal care and telecare and telehealth interventions. The quality and feasibility of the project is assured by the close involvement of globally leading scholars as Scientific Advisory Board members, who all have long-standing cooperation with the project team members.

The role of communication inequalities in disintegration of a multinational society

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Igor Vobič
Duration: 01.07.2019 - 30.06.2022
National project
Social Communication Research Centre
This project addresses the impact of communication inequalities as a significant deterrent to generating, obtaining and using information, and participating in social transactions, on the processes of social differentiation and integration. It is primarily focused on the processes of fragmentation and disintegration of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). However, by focusing on the rise of nationalisms ultimately leading to violent bloodshed and demise of SFRY, the project is also designed as a “thought experiment” to enhance our understanding of the contemporary tendencies towards differentiation, fragmentation and disintegration in Europe (e.g. Brexit, rise of right-wing populism) and beyond, which are closely connected to delegitimation of some of the key political and economic institutions in Western democracies. The theoretical basis of the project is the concept of communication inequality, which is defined for the purpose of this project as differences in the access to the means of producing, manipulating and receiving information between individuals and social groups as well as different levels of development of information and communication infrastructure between countries and regions of the world. In order to engage with structural factors shaping communication inequalities and focus on the historical dimension we ground our research in the critical paradigm in communication studies, which has engaged with the dynamics of international communication and media in relation to global structural inequalities, development and economic dependency. The disintegration of Yugoslavia has been the focus of sustained scholarly interest, which has identified a number of factors that have contributed to the rise of nationalism and ethnic hatred in the 1980s. However, the role of the news media and journalism in these processes has been scarcely researched, despite the fact that they represent the principal sphere of production and circulation of ideas in society. To overcome this deficit, the main objective of the proposed project is to investigate the impact of communication (in)equalities on the "life and death" of SFRY as a specific, and to some degree unique, historical case and potential exemplification of wider and more general trends spanning from social integration to differentiation, fragmentation, and disintegration. We will focus our attention both on the internal inequalities between republics and social groups within SFRY and their complex interactions with social disparities, as well as the leading role of SFRY within the Non-Aligned Movement in addressing global communication inequalities. The main research question of the project is: What is (was) the significance of internal and external communication inequalities in fostering and hampering cultural, economic and political differentiation and (dis)integration in multinational society (of the former Yugoslavia)? The project combines political science and historical perspectives and analyses in order to focus on three main research areas (RAs) in which disparate communication capacities of individuals, groups and organisations influenced communication inequalities and their broader consequences in SFRY: (1) Everyday media use and creation of shared memories and collective identities, with reference to national, transnational (Yugoslav) and global (Non-Alignment) imaginaries; (2) Autonomy and nationalism in journalism, with the role of journalists and media content producers in generating communication (in)equalities; (3) (In)equalities in news flows and the role of the Yugoslav news agency Tanjug in creating communication inequalities within Yugoslavia and overcoming them in the international distribution of news.

Military specific risk and protective factors for military family health outcomes

Project leader at FDV: Janja Vuga Beršnak
External project leader: Fakulteta za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani
Duration: 01.07.2019 - 30.06.2023
National project
Defence Research Centre
More on research project available at: Through the centuries, the military organization has been subjected to evolution, much like any other organization. Therefore, the position of the military in societies has been changing as well. Similarly, the research on military organizations from the perspective of military sociology has been moving from general themes to very specific ones. The research on military families’ health is congruent with such a development. We have applied the United Nations definition: The family is constituted of at least one adult person or more adults taking care of a child/children. We add that for the purpose of our research one of the parents must be member of Slovenian armed forces and there must be at least one child younger than 18 years, to classify the family as military family. The military as an institution, as well as service members and their families, constitute a significant part of society; consequently, their well-being and health outcomes manifest on various social levels. Research on military families needs to be put into the wider social context, especially social changes in this field during the last fifty years. This enables us to explain specific characteristics of military families and their way of family life and the challenges and problems that they are facing. Particular attention is paid to general trends, characteristic for Western countries, as well as specificities of family life in Slovenia. This is particularly relevant since the majority of literature comes from other Western countries. Among the phenomena that have to be taken into account we find changes in gender roles (gender equality, employment of women), division of labour in the family and reconciliation of work and family responsibilities, and changes in relation to children or new social imperatives regarding parenting (protective child-rearing, continuously increasing norms regarding successful parenting etc.). In the Slovenian context, we must not overlook the fact that despite the predominant model of two-generational families (parents and children), we have strong and well-developed intergenerational and kinship networks and that the third generation (grandparents) plays an important role, especially regarding caring for children/grandchildren, unpaid family work etc., which is an extremely important element in terms of support the family receives in everyday life. All aforementioned needs to be taken into account when analysing military demands (e.g., the demand on service members to devote their lives to the service or take the lives of others in the name of the country). Such demands affect the whole family and often lead to various dysfunctions (e.g., stress in children, family violence, alcohol abuse, depression), which have a long-term negative impact on society (e.g., health, education). Coser (1974) defined both the military and the family as ‘greedy’ institutions. Part 2 will outline the spectrum of demands that military life puts on service members and their families and the effect of these demands on family health outcomes and well-being. Based on indicators identified in previous research and application of the Bronfenbrenner's model, we have developed a causation model of socio-ecological risk/protective factors affecting family health outcomes. We used a top down approach and identified the main problems that should be resolved in order to understand potential negative health outcomes. Those are: identification of key risk/protective factors (including the national and institutional formal/legal frame), developing an appropriate measuring tool to quantify them, as well as understanding the differences between military and civilian environments. Only addressing all aforementioned problems will enable us to identify the full spectrum of negative health outcomes within military families and to develop/propose appropriate interventions. Research objectives 1) Review current national (Slovenian) policies and support programmes, as well as compare general national and specific military support programmes and policies. 2) Modify the list of identified military family health outcomes based on social and cultural specifics and evaluate the appropriateness of the selected measurement tool. 3) Identify key risk/protective factors for each health outcome within an individual socio-ecological level and develop an integrative risk/protective factors model, along with proposals for intervention. 4) Establish whether risk/protective factors are military-specific. We will apply an integrative approach, observing military families from various scientific perspectives (e.g., military sociology, psychology, behavioural science) and on different socio-ecological levels, enabling us to observe the interplay of risk/protective factors on various socio-ecological levels. The measurement tool (scales) has mostly been developed in Western societies and needs to be tested it to find out whether it is appropriate for the Slovenian cultural and social environment. We have developed the model of risk/protective factors for selected military family health outcomes, which will be tested and modified, providing a comprehensive overview of essential issues military families are facing. Simultaneously, we will include a civilian sample to test whether risk/protective factors are military-specific. Our research project is the first integrative research on military families that will include all aforementioned risk protective factors on various socio-ecological levels with the aim to identify how as well as how strongly they affect family health outcomes. Additionally, we will include a comparison with civilian families with the purpose of identifying military specific factors. The civilian testing will open up the possibility for further research on the significance of the effect that military life has on risk/protective factors for family health outcomes. The project will broaden and deepen the research on a specific subfield within military sociology in Slovenia and internationally. Thirdly, the research project will integrate different scientific approaches and perspectives, leading to a comprehensive approach to studying military families. Fourthly, the tested Model of risk/preventive factors for military family health outcomes will enable various stakeholders (e.g., military support structures, military leaders, teachers, social workers, etc.) to recognise the issues pertaining to military families and know how to address them. Based on survey results, we will propose appropriate interventions to prevent negative health outcomes. Testing the interventions will not be a part of this research project.

EU/H2020: NEWCOMERS - New clean energy communities in a changing European energy system

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.06.2019 - 01.06.2019
International project
Centre for Social Psychology

MTP Monitoring media pluralism in the digital media

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marko Milosavljević
Duration: 01.04.2019 - 01.04.2019
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

Articulation of the Trade Unions of Strategies on upward convergence of social standards in the enlarged European Union – voice of CEE countries (VS/2019/0070)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Branko Bembič
Duration: 01.03.2019 - 28.02.2021
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Supporting Evidence-based Education of Youth Workers (SEEYW)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.02.2019 - 31.08.2021
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
The project primarily aims at strengthening capacities of youth workers. Through laying the groundwork for the professionalization of youth work and delivering a set of outputs related to the evidence-based education and training of youth workers, the project will contribute in the long term to the overall quality of youth work provision in project partner countries, as well as potentially having an impact in a wider geographical context. The priorities of the project are based on the established needs for quality youth work education and training, which have been articulated through research and policy recommendations, and by relevant stakeholders directly involved in youth work provision, both at EU and national levels. In order to support and sustain the provision of quality youth work in project partner countries, the partnership will produce a research-based core framework of standards for youth work and innovative curricula for youth work education and training programmes.

MP/CESSDA: TRUST - Trust working group 2019

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 01.01.2019
International project
Social Science Data Archive


Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 01.01.2019
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP/CESSDA: Training WG Core 2019

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 01.01.2019
International project
Social Science Data Archive

TP-BledCom 2019, 26. mednarodni simpozij za raziskovanje v odnosih z javnostmi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 01.01.2019
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations


Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 01.01.2019
International project
Social Science Data Archive

SIC-SI 2019-2020 - Safer Internet Centre Slovenia: Spletno oko and Tom Telefon

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 01.01.2019
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/H2020: SSHOC - Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 01.01.2019
International project
Social Science Data Archive

EMBEDDIA: Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marko Milosavljević
External project leader: Institut Jožef Stefan, Slovenija
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 31.03.2022
International project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

NRP Produkcija smisla in znanja v času krize: kulturološki, religiološki in znanstveno-razvojni vidiki družb v Sloveniji, na Balkanu, v Evropi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Mitja Velikonja
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 01.01.2019
National program
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Changing Attitudes among Teenagers on Cyber Violence against Women and Girls

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Barbara Brečko
Duration: 01.12.2018 - 01.12.2018
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

Evaluation of the pilot projects in the field of long-term care

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 10.12.2018 - 10.12.2020
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
Slovenia has been working for many years to develop and adopt a unified law on long-term care that would strengthen community-based care, emphasize deinstitutionalisation and regulate all services and benefits in one place. Ministry of Health issued a call for pilot sites to test solutions in provision of long-term care, using funds proposed under the specific objective 9.2.1 in the Operational Program for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy (2014-2020), the priority axis 9 (Social inclusion and poverty reduction), subsection 9.2 (Enhancing access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health care and social services of general interest). Three project regions (Celje, Krško, Dravograd) were selected to test newly proposed eligibility assessments, single entry points, new services in the community, integration between and within the health and care sectors, and personal planning. UNI-LJ FDV, together with Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (lead partner) and the Institute for Economic Research (partner), is responsible for evaluating the project and preparing policy recommendations. The investment is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund and the Republic of Slovenia. Research organisations: Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (lead partner) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences (partner) Institute for Economic Research (partner)

Mladi raziskovalec Faris Kočan

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Faris Kočan
Duration: 01.12.2018 - 01.12.2018
National project
Centre of International Relations

EU/H2020: RDA Node Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.11.2018 - 01.11.2018
International project
Social Science Data Archive

IT4CAP Design of information-technology solutions in support of data-based implementation of Common agricultural policy of the European Union

Project leader at FDV: Marko Lovec
Duration: 01.11.2018 - 31.10.2020
National project
Centre of International Relations
Starting point of the proposed project is growing importance of and need for primary data in the process of European Union’s (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) implementation in the period 2021-2027 characterised by a turn from compliance towards result based policy. Among other things, the turn will bring more flexibility, ability to define instruments on national level and national responsibility for control. All of this requires for data support in order to programme obligatory national Strategic, plan part of which will be monitoring and impact assessment as well as to ensure compliance with national adaptations and definitions during the control stage. The future requirements include (a) addressing the issue of sufficiency and efficiency of the existing indicators and data sources (e.g. on income or environment), (b) finding possible solutions within existing resources when it comes to the new priorities (Regulation lists 9 priorities) and indicators such as rural poverty, infrastructure, sustainability understood in broader sense (Annex on indicators to Regulation) and (c) to define data needs based on preliminary conditionality (ex cross compliance), defining of eco schemes (passive type of support within pillar I) and national definitions which will require for changes to national registries. All of this will have to be implemented in a relatively short period of time (by the 2020) which is also the period of this project that wants to provide for support to the ministry in charge within this demanding process. The specific issues and objectives addressed by this project in compliance with requirements of strategies and legislative documents on one and existing scientific evidence on the other hand are as follows: - Poor awareness of existing data sources that result from various tasks (by different agents and for different purposes, from implementation to control and science (Volk et al. 2017, Rač et al. 2017; Lovec, Juvančič and Erjavec 2018), particularly from the viewpoint of methodology, new needs based on new policy framework, data linking, IT improvements and upgrades; - Need for a centralised approach towards data sources based on specific protocols and IT solutions to unify standards and access to data for different purposes and by different stakeholders via a comprehensive platform and based on proper solution for user interface, data visualisation and analytical tools (all based on existing solutions for public and private sector domestically and abroad); - Addressing specific needs in the process of CAP 2021-2027 implementation which are based on adaptation of instruments at national level, new indicators to monitor and evaluate effectiveness and policy impact as well as needs related with stakeholder dialogue, all of which will require for data support in the process of programming and implementation as well as a specific data strategy including operational roadmap (see result of CRP Perspectives and challenges of CAP post-2020 implementation in Slovenia); - A need for a concrete IT solution (unified platform and user interface) for data mining and analytical needs in accordance with tasks performed by different agents and stakeholders, from ministry in charge, to control and implementation agency, advisory service, research and education institutions, NGOs and others; - A need for broad dissemination of results and inclusiveness in the process to ensure wide access and usability as well as sustainability of the project beyond the funding period.

CRP ITzaSKP – Zasnova informacijskih rešitev v podporo izvajanju Skupne kmetijske politike Evropske unije na podlagi podatkov MKGP del

Project leader at FDV: Marko Lovec
Duration: 01.11.2018 - 01.11.2018
National project
Centre of International Relations

Bridging gaps in Bioeconomy: from Foresty and Agriculture Biomass to Innovative Technological solutions (BRIDGE2BIO

Project leader at FDV: Marko Lovec
Duration: 01.11.2018 - 31.10.2021
National project
Centre of International Relations
According to the EC’s definition (2012), the bioeconomy is an “…economy based on the sustainable production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, fibers, materials, chemicals and bioenergy with the use of efficient and innovative technologies”. The transition to the bio-economy marks a new paradigm in the organization of business processes. By-products and residues are thus becoming raw materials in existing optimized or new processes. This transition is enabled by new knowledge and technologies for converting biomass into different products, interconnected in cascade and circular (in terms of energy and material) production cycles. Such an organization of business processes brings numerous economic, social and environmental benefits. New biomass deconstruction technologies and the inclusion of the resulting building blocks in bio-based materials (e.g. extracts, nanomaterials, biopolymers) allow entry into new value chains (e.g. health, smart packaging) and achieving significantly higher value added than the current methods of biomass processing. Producers of agricultural and forestry products also receive direct benefits (income, employment). This is due to an increase in demand for primary products, as well as an increase in the market value of residues (e.g. straw, pomace, green cuttings, slaughter residues), which are becoming established as a low-cost and technologically attractive raw material basis. Further benefits can be seen in manufacturing, where the transition to bio-based technologies represents a potential for adding value to products and better utilization of input materials. A larger number of products from the same input raw material means better branched value chains, and consequently a larger number of transactions between economic entities. The multiplicative impact on the national economy is reflected in a greater accumulation of revenues (and consequently investments, income, as well as tax revenues) and in a larger number of employees. Due to the low cost of transporting input materials, connecting into biochemical values chain usually takes place locally, most often in rural areas. Therefore, the expansion of the bioeconomy brings opportunities to achieve economic convergence between cities and the countryside. Furthermore, the bioeconomy contributes to the circular economy, as it promotes sustainable and efficient exploitation of renewable resources in closed material and energy loops without waste. In terms of social and environmental sustainability, the aspect of the transition to the bioeconomy relating to the substitution of energy and raw materials of fossil origin with bio-based ones is particularly important. Its multi-sectoral nature is a key characteristic of the bioeconomy. Therefore, for a competitive, dynamic and sustainable bioeconomy, policies need to be fully integrated in a number of areas (e.g. agri-food, forestry, energy, environment, science, technological development). All these areas have their own operating principles, research needs and innovations, which are however interconnected and complementary in the bioeconomy, encouraging the emergence of new products, processes and technologies. Leading countries in the field of the bio-economy, including some EU Member States, are aware of the interconnectedness and complexity of interactions in the bio-economy and are trying to promote their harmonious operation. The bioeconomy is given special attention in sectoral strategies or even dedicated bioeconomy strategies. In recent years, Slovenia has been investing in research, development and innovation in this field as welll, both in relevant national strategic programmes (we highlight the Smart Specialization Strategy with its accompanying SRIPs, which promotes the development of knowledge and the integration of the economy into new value chains) and through investments of the economy in connection with the introduction and commercialization of bio-bas

Mlada raziskovalka Maruška Nardoni

Project leader at FDV: asist. Maruška Nardoni
Duration: 01.11.2018 - 01.11.2018
National project
Centre for Social Studies of Science

Digital transformation of quantitative data collection in social science research: Integrating survey data collection in social science research: Integrating survey data collection with big data and paradata for identifying social behaviour

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2020
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
The proposed research aims to provide theoretical and practical underpinnings for the augmentation and triangulation of digital trace data with web survey data and with corresponding paradata. The research will focus on identifying, collecting, fusing, analysing and visualising these different data types to produce rich datasets. Within this context, topics highly relevant for general social science research methodology will be explored. This includes developing new methodological approaches to data collection in the social sciences, as well as practical contributions to increase understanding of online user behaviour (e.g. skills, literacy, use and impacts, digital divide, privacy concerns, hate speech). The broader context of policy research will be addressed as well, particularly the information needs, perception and understanding of policymakers. More specifically, the proposed research will introduce several conceptual, methodological and practical contributions for combining surveys and Big Data: (1) laying the methodological foundations for augmenting and triangulating different digital data sources; (2) creating standardised sets of composite indices of digital trace data; (3) establishing specific sets of survey questions to complement the Big Data; (4) proposing a set of paradata composite indices as a professional standard for augmenting survey responses with paradata; (5) designing practical guidelines on using the new types of datasets for policy decision-makers; (6) expanding visualisation techniques for evaluating online user behaviour based on rich datasets; and (7) compiling suggestions to address ethical and legal challenges arising from rich datasets.

Mlada raziskovalka Sinja Čož

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Sinja Gerdina
Duration: 01.10.2018 - 01.10.2018
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

EU/European Social Fund: INOVUP- Inovativno učenje in poučevanje za kakovostne kariere diplomantov in odlično visoko šolstvo

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.10.2018 - 30.09.2022
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
Purpose and objectives: The purpose of the project Innovative Learning and Teaching for Quality Careers of Graduates and Excellent Higher Education is to improve the quality of higher education by introducing more flexible, modern forms of learning and teaching. Through its activities, INOVUP helps to improve teaching competencies of higher education teachers and other employees. Teacher trainings and other events, establishing multipliers and preparing didactic materials will ensure the transfer of knowledge on innovative and flexible forms of teaching to Slovene higher education teaching staff, also from teaching practice from abroad. The latter will help to gain and improve knowledge, competencies and skills of future graduates that are relevant for a successful integration of young people into society and the labour market. INOVUP follows strategic guidelines and objectives defined in fundamental European and national documents regarding higher education. As part of the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020) four common EU objectives are defined for addressing the challenges in education and training systems until 2020: - Make lifelong learning and mobility a reality; - Improve the quality and efficiency of education and training; - Promote equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship; - Enhance creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training. Project activities Planned project activities: - Implementation of trainings and creation of multipliers, which will help to introduce more flexible and innovative forms of learning and teaching in Slovene higher education institutions. At workshops, higher education teachers and other employees learn how to use modern forms, methods and approaches of teaching, resulting in improved key competencies of students for lifelong learning. Multipliers are trained at foreign higher education institutions and disseminate the gained knowledge into the Slovene Higher Education Area. - Analysis of the situation, which is carried out for all project partners and interested higher education institutions in order to define the current situation regarding the promotion of innovative pedagogical approaches, methods and forms of teaching. Based on the analysis and other project activities, a strategic document of the training of higher education teachers and other employees for teaching in higher education in Slovenia will be prepared by the end of the project. - Establishment and operation of the Project Council for expert and substantive monitoring of project implementation as well as promoting strategic alliances between consortium partners. The Project Council is responsible for the implementation of activities in accordance with the latest findings in higher education didactics. - Preparing materials on higher education didactics from all fields of study, considering the results of the carried out situation analysis and the use of the established modern, flexible and innovative forms of teaching and learning, disseminated by trainers and multipliers. The latter will enable further realisation of modern, innovative and flexible forms of learning and teaching, the establishment of a training system as well as continuous professional development of higher education teachers in pedagogy. - Raising awareness of the importance of higher education didactics. Through various events and national consultations as well as by publishing expert material on the web page, the consortium is extending modern, flexible and innovative forms of learning and teaching to the Slovene Higher Education Area as well as to other sectors of education.

Mlada raziskovalka Anamarija Šiša

Project leader at FDV: asist. Anamarija Šiša
Duration: 01.10.2018 - 01.10.2018
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

Mlada raziskovalka Teodora Tea Ristevska

Project leader at FDV: asist. Teodora Tea Ristevska Skušek
Duration: 01.10.2018 - 01.10.2018
National project
Defence Research Centre

Mladi raziskovalec Jan Kostanjevec

Project leader at FDV: asist. Jan Kostanjevec
Duration: 01.10.2018 - 01.10.2018
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

Mladi raziskovalec Klemen Knez

Project leader at FDV: Klemen Knez
Duration: 01.10.2018 - 01.10.2018
National project
Centre of International Relations

Mladi raziskovalec Tilen Jernej Blatnik

Project leader at FDV: Tilen Jernej Blatnik
Duration: 01.10.2018 - 01.10.2018
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

Leading local community: bureaucratisation of politics or politicisation of bureaucracy?

Project leader at FDV: Simona Kukovič
Duration: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2020
National project
Center for Analysis of Administrative - Political Processes and Institutions
In the traditional (Weberian and Wilsonian) understanding of the relationship between bureaucrats and politicians, there is a clear hierarchy and division of labor between them: the politician functions as a sovereign representative of political values and interests, while the bureaucrat is the subordinate expert adviser and policy implementer, whose major concern is efficiency. In this conception, leadership is exercised, by definition, by politicians, with bureaucrats specializing in creating order and proposing workable alternatives in the face of complex social problems (‘t Hart 2014, 27; ‘t Hart and Uhr 2008). Most of the contemporary authors, such as Peters (1988), Aberbach, Putnam and Rockman (1981), Svara (1999), Heady (2001), Mouritzen and Svara (2002) disagree with the notion of a strict division between administration and politics as advocated by Weber and Wilson, therefore they have presented and advocated models that describe the relations between administration and politics in differing manners. The conflict between senior civil servants and politicians is in administrative or/and political science commonly stated as one of the basic problems of contemporary political authority and public leadership. If we want to fully understand the processes of leadership and their effects, it is urgent to proceed with in-depth research of the relations between both key groups that influence the processes of governance the most. The post-doc project is originating from political science, but also includes some interdisciplinary elements, combining the study of two phenomena: public leadership and the politico-administrative dichotomy at the government level closest to the citizens. No comprehensive study has been undertaken in Slovenia since the introduction of the current system of local government in 1994, to address the relationship between politics and administration in relation to public leadership. Therefore, the results of our project will enable the development of typologies of political and administrative leadership. The crucial research question is ‘who is in charge in the municipal hall?’ An exploration of leadership in the municipalities must be concerned not only with the individual contributions of mayors or DMAs, but with how they relate to each other and how the work of local government is divided between them. The aim of the research is to link together the fragmented knowledge that has been developed about politico-administrative relations at the local level. At the same time, we are exploring the infamous overlap between the political role and the administrative role of Slovenian mayors, proving the existence of the so-called pure hybrid that was so far only theoretically implied (but never clearly demonstrated), representing the total overlap of political and administrative roles in the performance of public functions. The post-doc research project includes an analysis of primary data; the main research method is fieldwork, using a structured multi-modular questionnaire among the mayors and DMAs of Slovenian municipalities. Observation is therefore directed towards the political leaders and top administrators in the Slovenian local government. In addition to the standard quantitative method, we are also using qualitative data obtained through a series of in-depth interviews. We are conducting structured interviews with selected mayors to detect presence of the pure hybrid situation, i.e. the fourth image configuration of Aberbach, Putnam and Rockman. Since this proposed postdoctoral research project is among very few attempts to search for the actual existence of a heretofore purely theoretical image, involving a complete overlap of political and administrative roles in the performance of public functions at the local level, we are using interviews to identify the consequences of such a setting in for municipal leadership.

EU/E+/SP: COSMIC - Community Support Migrant Informal Carers

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.09.2018 - 01.09.2018
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

EU@Home / Bringing EU and youth closer together

Project leader at FDV: Meta Novak
Duration: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2021
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
Main objectives of EU@Home project are A) to Bring Slovenian youth and Europe closer together, B) to strengthen EU democratic legitimacy, and C) to encourage political participation among youth. Our aim is to develop innovative and tailor-made didactic approaches for teaching EU contents to future voters – pupils and students in the age between 12 and 17 years. The main innovation of the EU@Home project is to bring EU closer to youth through organized guest lectures by Slovenians employed at EU institutions. The activties of the EU@Home project will be implemented in close cooperation between partner primary and secondary schools and an interdisciplinary team. During the project's life-time we will conduct (1) two seminars for teachers, (2) two trainings for teachers, (3) 16 workshops for pupils and students organized at primary and secondary schools, and (4) 16 guest lectures at primary and secondary schools given by Slovenians employed at EU institutions. Project activities will be accompanied with a set of corresponding project's deliverables: (A) Online Kahoot Quizzes for students and pupils with different difficulty levels and covering different EU-related topics, (B) EU@Home Blog as platform for pupils and students to share their views on the EU and its future with the public, (C) letters from pupils and students to guest lecturers from EU institutions, (D) EU@Home: Agenda with EU contents for a whole school year, and (E) Interactive manual for teachers: Bringing EU and youth closer together as the main project' deliverable to disseminate project's core results. Project activities and results will be disseminated in various ways and through different channels that will reach also broader general public. The sustainability of the project will be ensured by the development of open-access new learning tools and approaches available on the project Website. An important dimension of developing new learning tools and approaches will be continuous process of evaluation and validation.

EU/E+/SP-HE: VCL4IB – Open Access Digital Video Case Library for Teaching International Business

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andreja Jaklič
Duration: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2021
International project
Centre of International Relations
Teaching international business to today’s students is different, isn’t it? Has international business also changed? Four European Universities (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from Belgium – the project coordinator; University of Leeds from the UK, University of Ljubljana from Slovenia – whereby the Centre of International Relations is managing the project at UL; and Poznan University of Economics and Business from Poland) and a partnering enterprise (El Izi Communications Consultancy from the UK) have joined forces to tackle the current challenges of teaching international business and design innovative international business teaching tools. As part of an ERASMUS+ project, titled ‘Open Access Digital Video Case Library for Teaching International Business’ (VCL4IB), the five project partners will create an open access digital video ‘textbook’ (i.e. a library of videos) for international business. This innovative ‘textbook’ will facilitate more attractive and engaging teaching in both higher education and vocational education and training. In the ‘textbook’, the traditional textual chapters usual for teaching materials will be substituted by videos. This means that the entire content will be delivered in a video format. Videos in the ‘textbook’ will cover relevant international business topics through presenting real-life cases from different countries and industries. Evergreen questions on when, where, and how to internationalise, as well as on how to deal with risks in global business, will be addressed through up-to-date solutions from CEOs and other international business practitioners. Practical examples will also be complemented by theoretical explanations – including some of the most recently developed international business theories. In order to enhance experiential learning, students using the digital video textbook will first be exposed to a case (i.e. a problem). Theory and in-class Q&A sessions will follow. The first video cases will be tested in 2020, while the full video textbook will be published and freely available in 2021. The project was launched in September 2018. Since then, a survey on the needs and barriers on video teaching in international business (both from students’ and professors’ perspectives) for the video textbook quality and relevance assurance was already conducted. Its preliminary results were presented at the 44th European International Business Academy (EIBA) conference, which took place in Poznan, Poland, in December 2018. In February 2019, all project partners also participated in media trainings at LIMEL KU Leuven in Belgium to upgrade their video preparation and e-lecturing skills for further project work. Official project website: Social media presence: The project is co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.


Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.09.2018 - 01.09.2018
International project
Centre for Social Psychology

TP LOCAL4GREEN - Lokalne politike za zeleno energijo

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vladimir Prebilič
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 01.07.2018
National project
Defence Research Centre

Social acceptability of territorial effects in RES scenarios

Project leader at FDV: viš.znan.sod.dr. Slavko Kurdija
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 30.06.2020
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre
Political agreements and severity of climate change predictions call for urgent improvement of energy production and use. Amongst the many measures to address this problem, one of the most perspective besides consumption decrease is also increase in share of energy produced from renewable energy sources (RES). While technological progress is swift, political support high and market conditions relatively favourable, RES use implementation faced considerable social opposition. The public generally supports increase in use of RES but finds concrete projects unacceptable. Research shows that main reason for opposition stems from changes and impacts on landscape and distributions of benefits and damages, perceived as unjust by local communities. The proposed project addresses this issue with an interdisciplinary contextualized approach on multiple levels. Setting EU and Slovenia’s RES targets as our basis, we will construct scenarios of reaching them by combining different RES technologies. For each scenario will design a spatial model, showing the most appropriate areas in Slovenia to implement those RES facilities. We will choose reference areas for which visualizations will be made to show landscape consequences of the implementation.  This will allow us to link together national targets, which generally have high public support, with concrete local consequences of achieving them, which often evoke opposition. Social acceptability of scenarios, spatial models and visualizations will be explored using a public opinion survey conducted on a representative sample. We will also include various compensations and ownership schemes of RES facilities, which were shown to have a beneficial effect on social acceptability. We will employ focus groups to further study the results of the survey in order to better understand motivation for (un)acceptance. Survey and focus group findings will explain the relative importance of landscape and economic factors for social acceptability as well as reveal the socially most acceptable scenario. By understanding the publics value system we will also be able to improve the spatial models. Results will be gathered in recommendations for ensuring higher social acceptance of RES facilities, paying special attention to impacts of compensations and ownership. They will also reveal in which landscape types the use of RES and which technology is most acceptable to the public. Using the described approach we will address some of the key questions in the research of social aspects of energy transition. We will link together acceptability on multiple levels, test effects of compensation and ownership and connect the perception of national RES targets and local consequences of their fulfilment. Besides the crucial knowledge for development of RES in Slovenia, this will also bring together issues that are mostly studied separately and set a common framework to ground existing research in a common perspective.

Novi načini in globalni vzorci (re)produkcije spletnih novic (Slovene)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 30.06.2021
National project
Social Communication Research Centre
New private, public and hybrid modes of communication challenge social researchers to reconsider democratic potentials of ‘revolutionary’ communication technologies and reconceptualise privateness, publicness, and conceptual categories related to them. This brings us also to the central research question of this project: How can the communicative potential of the internet be used to support an effective public opinion generated by publics, able to achieve an outlet in collective action extending beyond short-term mobilization, and protected against autonomy and privacy threats? Its primary interest is in the internet’s emancipatory power: Is it strong enough to enhance new democratic platforms cultivating reflexive publicity, the Kantian “public use of reason?” Or has internetization blended publicness and privateness in a way that not only would not allow us to reach “the final stage of democracy,” but may also seriously compromise our rights and freedoms? The project is structured in two work packages concentrating on hybridization of journalism (WP1) and reconfiguration of the 'newsworthiness' of events (WP2). They are both focused on the expanding scope of publicity attributed to the internet and its emancipatory potential of creating new democratic platforms and fostering reflexive publicity. Information abundance appears to generate an inflation in political communication and a communicative liquefaction of politics. In the anarchic online environment, citizens function as their own gatekeepers navigating a world saturated with information, yet strongly affected by corporations that increasingly control both the infrastructure of integrated public-private communication networks and content production, distribution and consumption. While customising their services to users’ tastes and preferences, corporate content providers suppress visibility of certain actors and contents, and trap internet users in the ‘filter bubbles’ of like-minded people not exposed to information that could challenge opinions reinforcing their preferences. The threat of structural invisibility, a permanent possibility of not being granted online visibility by algorithmic logic of search engines and news feeds, is as perilous as the Benthamian-Orwellian threat of a permanent digital surveillance and imposed visibility. Specifically, WP1 is designed to provide a clearer picture of the new dynamics in the field of journalism that internetization spurred, in regard to professional identities, practices and norms of journalism, modes of engagement and the struggles for legitimacy of various categories of journalism, and its mediating role in the public sphere. WP2 is aimed at the reconfiguration of the 'newsworthiness' of events that has been originally defined by Galtung and Ruge (1965) and subsequently amended with additional “news values” or “factors”, but never reconceptualized from the viewpoint of citizens or internet users as editors or gatekeepers – as ‘public-worthiness’. The idea of public-worthiness refers to the question, what events, processes and actors should be (able to be made) visible, and to whom? The public-worthiness algorithm should offer the internet users information on relevant events and processes with potentially important long-term consequences for a significant number of people.

TAP Kako pospešiti rast slovenskih podjetij: stukturna dinamizacija, granularnost, internacionalizacija in inovativnost

Project leader at FDV: Matija Rojec
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 01.07.2018
National project
Centre of International Relations

Opportunities and dangers of online health communities for healthcare

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Gregor Petrič
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 30.06.2021
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics
Online health communities (OHCs) are online communication spaces, which enable interactions between patients, caregivers and health-professional moderators and cover a variety of health conditions. OHCs have become one of the most important and popular eHealth applications, often serving as primary sources for receiving health-related information, support and professional consultations. Uses of OHCs have important consequences for healthcare, especially for its two essential components – for patients and patient-doctor relationship. It is unsurprising that the Global Observatory of eHealth of the World Health Organization has made investigating the effects of OHCs on healthcare a top priority. Existing research on OHCs is characterized by psychological studies, focusing on the concept of individual empowerment. The field of research, however, has been unable to address several crucial issues identified in more recent research, such as: 1) What if individual empowerment is based on misinformation, and how would this impact health outcomes and relationships with doctors? 2) Is the empowerment obtained via OHCs leading to more cooperative relationships with doctors; and if so, under what conditions? 3) What are the impacts of the within-community social processes and community management of OHCs on healthcare? Our main goal is to develop a socio-technical model of empowerment in OHCs that will permit us to empirically investigate opportunities and dangers of OHCs for healthcare. The main hypothesis is that empowerment is a crucial intermediary mechanism between social processes in OHCs and impacts on healthcare. The latter are in this study focused on crucial patient-related perspectives on three levels of healthcare: a) individual level: achieving positive health outcomes, b) interactional level: achieving cooperative relationships with doctors, and c) system level: achieving effective access to healthcare services. The project will combine different disciplines and methodologies to offer innovative tools for studying the impacts of OHCs on healthcare. First, a theoretical model will be developed by integrating empowerment, social support, online community management and misinformation in social media theories on the one hand, and qualitative insights into within-OHC processes and their impacts on healthcare on the other. The proposed theoretical model will be tested with a multilevel structural equation approach employing three data modes: 1) structural characteristics, obtained with social network analysis; 2) quality of information, obtained by coding OHC messages; 3) individual and interactional characteristics, obtained via online survey. The model will be tested on two OHCs – one general and one for cancer-related issues. This project represents an innovative transdisciplinary study, the results of which will contribute to necessary advancements in theoretical frameworks for understanding OHCs as socio-technical systems as well as their impacts on healthcare. Moreover, the project will provide a much-needed revision of the empowerment concept and open new avenues for its application. The project will generate a theoretical and methodological framework for studying misinformation in social media. The project also has applicative value, as its results can lay the basis for the formulation of strategies and measures for OHC management and their integration into the healthcare system. The project will be completed by a transdisciplinary group of accomplished and internationally recognised scholars from a range of fields, including sociology of health, internet studies, network analysis, statistics, health sciences and oncology. The project will be divided into eight interconnected work packages, each with clear objectives. Project publications and results: Original scientific papers: ATANASOVA, Sara, PETRIČ, Gregor. Collective empowerment in online health communities: scale development and empirical validation. Journal of medical internet research: JMIR. Nov. 2019, vol. 21, no. 11, ilustr. ISSN 1438-8871., DOI: 10.2196/14392. [COBISS.SI-ID 36474205] Conference papers: ATANASOVA, Sara, KOINIG, Isabell. Individual empowerment from a health communication lens: negotiating meaning between health and disease. V: Health communication dynamics in turbulent times: book of abstracts, pp. 115-116. European Conference on Health Communication, 4-5 November 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 84210435] ATANASOVA, Sara, KAMIN, Tanja, PETRIČ, Gregor. The differences between the effects of online support groups, counselling, and socializing forums' affordances on patient empowerment in online health communities: presentation at the 7th European Communication Conference, Lugano, 31. 10. - 3. 11. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 35887965] ATANASOVA, Sara, KAMIN, Tanja, PETRIČ, Gregor. Impact of online health communities on transformation of doctor-patient relationship. V: Book of abstracts. [Graz: Technische Universität, 2019]. [COBISS.SI-ID 36134749] ATANASOVA, Sara, KAMIN, Tanja, PETRIČ, Gregor. Vpliv participacije in različnih oblik kapitala na individualno opolnomočenje uporabnikov spletnih zdravstvenih skupnosti. V: IGNJATOVIĆ, Miroljub (ur.), KANJUO-MRČELA, Aleksandra (ur.), KUHAR, Roman (ur.). Znanost in družbe prihodnosti. Slovensko sociološko srečanje, Bled, 18.-19. oktober 2019. 1. natis. Ljubljana: Slovensko sociološko društvo, 2019. Str. 64-68, tabela. ISBN 978-961-94302-3-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 36400733] ATANASOVA, Sara, KAMIN, Tanja, PETRIČ, Gregor. The role of e-health literacy in patient empowerment in online health community. V: STARC, Andrej (ur.), MILAVEC KAPUN, Marija (ur.), FICZKO, Jelena (ur.). Digital technologies and health ecosystems: book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Faculty of Health Sciences, 2019. Str. 17. [COBISS.SI-ID 36302685] ATANASOVA, Sara, PETRIČ, Gregor. Empowered, but not fully empowered: a cluster analysis of online health community users' individual and collective empowerment. V: Book of abstracts. Zurich: University, [2019]. Str. 226-231. [COBISS.SI-ID 36474973] ATANASOVA, Sara, PETRIČ, Gregor. Social and structural factors of collective empowerment in online health communities: presentation at the 3rd NKL Conference, December 5, 2019, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 36499037] Research reports: ATANASOVA, Sara. Kvalitativna raziskava projekta Priložnosti in nevarnosti spletnih zdravstvenih skupnosti za zdravstvo: raziskovalno poročilo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Center za metodologijo in informatiko, 2020. 77 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 13457155] CUGMAS, Marjan, PETRIČ, Gregor. Analiza interakcijskih struktur v spletni zdravstveni skupnosti MedOverNet: raziskovalno poročilo projekta Priložnosti in nevarnosti spletnih zdravstvenih skupnosti za zdravstvo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Center za metodologijo in informatiko, 2021. 16 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 51021315] CUGMAS, Marjan, PETRIČ, Gregor. Identifikacija z rakom povezanih sporočil v spletni zdravstveni skupnosti MedOverNet: raziskovalno poročilo projekta Priložnosti in nevarnosti spletnih zdravstvenih skupnosti za zdravstvo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Center za metodologijo in informatiko, 2020. 48 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 28792067] ATANASOVA, Sara, PETRIČ, Gregor. Poročilo o anketnem zbiranju podatkov projekta Priložnosti in nevarnosti spletnih zdravstvenih skupnosti za zdravstvo: Oblikovanje, testiranje in evalvacija anketnega vprašalnika: raziskovalno poročilo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Center za metodologijo in informatiko, 2021. 40 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 67907587] ATANASOVA, Sara, CUGMAS, Marjan, PETRIČ, Gregor. Poročilo o anketnem zbiranju podatkov projekta Priložnosti in nevarnosti spletnih zdravstvenih skupnosti za zdravstvo: Postopek zbiranja podatkov in ocena kvalitete zbranih podatkov: raziskovalno poročilo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Center za metodologijo in informatiko, 2021. 42 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 81590019] CUGMAS, Marjan, PETRIČ, Gregor. Poročilo o analizi kvalitete z zdravjem povezanih informacij v spletnih zdravstvenih skupnostih: raziskovalno poročilo projekta Priložnosti in nevarnosti spletnih zdravstvenih skupnosti za zdravstvo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Center za metodologijo in informatiko, 2021. 21 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 81593091] ATANASOVA, Sara, CUGMAS, Marjan, PETRIČ, Gregor. Poročilo o empiričnem preverjanju vpliva uporabe spletnih zdravstvenih skupnosti na različne vidika zdravstva: raziskovalno poročilo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Center za metodologijo in informatiko, 2022. 35 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 112953603]

Radicalisation and violent extremism: philosophical, sociological and educational perspective

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 30.06.2021
National project
Centre for Political Science Research
The problem of radicalization and violent extremism is one of the most important challenges of modern plural societies. The gap between ensuring security and stability on the one hand and respecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals on the other reveals a number of tensions and dilemmas that both policy makers as well as professionals and pedagogues face. The issue is all the more problematic, since the brutality of terrorist attacks and their ever-increasing frequency opens the space for 'moral panic', Islamophobia and prejudices and stereotypes that promote the polarization of society and the associated conflicting diversity. The proposed research project consists of analyzing different concepts of radicalization, the explication of a number of unarticulated distinctions and the explanation of various tensions, problems and challenges that the 'standard' analysis of this problem [the 'security paradigm'] leaves largely unexplored. The proposed research project will consist of individual research activities that will provide an answer to the research questions specified above and will focus on the creation of a comprehensive approach to the problem of radicalization and violent extremism, i.e.: - identification of the basic concepts that are traditionally associated with the problems of radicalization and violent extremism [e.g. indoctrination, multiculturalism of fear, trust, social inclusion, moral panic, islamophobia, the limits of tolerance, discrimination, racism, populism; hate speech, freedom of expression, prejudices, stereotypes, etc.] and the analysis of their with the process of radicalisation; - identification of key social problems that are part of the 'causal' interpretation of the process of radicalization together with the analysis of various models of radicalization; - analysis of the paths of reasoning in chosen examples of religious epistemology (the case studies will be taken especially from Christianity and Islam, both fundamentalist and “moderate” varieties, both those which appear to lead to extremist conclusions to those which challenge and reject such conclusion); - analysis of the ethical dimension of terrorism as the 'final stage' of the process of radicalisation and as a paradigm case of violent extremism; - analysis of individual models, policies and strategies for dealing with the problem of radicalization and violent extremism (counter-radicalization, deradicization, anti-polarization); - identification of fundamental distinctions between radicalization, violent extremism and terrorism, and the related objection of non-equivalence; - analysis of the 'integration gap' that represents the basic premise of cultural distance and conflict diversity; - analysis of the most important manifestations of discrimination, racism and intolerance, which offer the basis of Islamophobia and other forms of prejudice and stereotypes; - assessment of the needs of educational staff and transformational role of civic education in both formal and non-formal education (curriculum analysis, survey with students, student acquisition); - identification of the civic styles of young people that pose risks to extremism and radicalization; - preparation of various pedagogical 'scenarios' for tackling the problem of radicalization and violent extremism in both formal and non-formal educational settings. This interdisciplinary research project is designed as a three-year research work, which will provide an analytically appropriate clarification of the various ethical, sociological as well as educational dimensions of the problem of radicalization and violent extremism as well as conflicting diversity in general. A wide range of research methods, including the basic philosophical method of conceptual analysis, qualitative and quantitative sociological methods and analysis of educational are to be used.

Understanding and analysis of users' needs for the development of e-services for integrated social and health care in the aging society

Project leader at FDV: Andraž Petrovčič
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 30.06.2021
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
This project will build on (1) evidence-based state-of-the-art research on ITCs and on (2) currently available ready-to-market telecare and telehealth products. Three strands of services, implemented by the co-funding organization, shall be investigated: sensor-based telecare service, telehealth service and ITC. The project will contribute to the long-term acceptance and facilitation of new avenues for cost-effective deployment of ITC. The project addresses an overarching research question on how telecare and telehealth services should be designed and delivered within health and social care to implement ITC in a way that is accepted by and beneficial for OCPs and ICs. To answer this question, the project will: - evaluate – using a comprehensive mixed-method user-centred approach the complex needs, user experience, acceptability factors and psychological outcomes related to ITC uptake among different OCPs and ICs with the primary objective of engaging and empowering the OCPs and ICs; - develop personas and a segmentation model that will enable different stakeholders and end-users to select the most optimal and personalised set of ITC, that reflects OCPs’ and ICs’ needs and characteristics; - design a set of guidelines for different stakeholders regarding how to foster acceptance of ITC across different stages of adoption from the user experience perspective. This project makes significant contributions by: - Developing innovative acceptance models and models of psychological and health outcomes of the use of ITC for OCPs and ICs. This approach will result in an understanding of OCPs’ and ICs’ needs, abilities, social support, motivations, values and usefulness of ITC, which are relevant for leveraging the acceptance and benefits of ITC. The findings will result in new design and deployment guidelines for ITC. - Testing ready-to-market telecare and telehealth services to strengthen the applied foundation of ITC research. By evaluating ITC from the end-users’ perspective using a novel integrated assessment framework, the project will support policy makers, service providers and end-users regarding their choices in the allocation of limited resources. - Validating the results with intense involvement of end-users (OCPs, ICs) not only within laboratory settings but also with an intervention study conducted in real-life settings. This will give better insight into how ITC can provide positive outcomes to its users.

Segmentacija nestandardnega zaposlovanja v Sloveniji (Slovene)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Miroljub Ignjatović
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 30.06.2021
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research
The European researchers of the labour market have long since explored the social unsustainability of the expansion of the most disadvantaged forms of non-standard employment relationships (Supiot, 2001; Pedersini, 2002; Eichhorst et al., 2013; Harvey in Behling, 2010). They stress the importance of the analysis of socio-economic factors that generate and accompany such types of employment as the key to understanding the most problematic social phenomena, and drew attention to certain specific phenomena, such as the problem of the expansion of the informal sector and informal employment relationships in developed countries (which until recently had been characteristic of underdeveloped countries only), and the types of employment relationships in which the usual traits of precarious work are intertwined with that of the unlawful status (Standing, 2008; Chang, 2009; Williams and Lansky, 2013). The deterioration of the situation of the most disadvantaged employees in standard employment relationships is another strong trend that creates an additional problem. In the context of the general trend towards deregulation of employment regimes (liberalization of dismissal procedures), the level of uncertainty of workers in standard employment relationships has been increasing while their situation has a tendency to be equalized with that of the most disadvantaged workers in non-standard employment relationships. The destandardization of employment is an acute problem also because of its negative impact on the ability of social partners to maintain the social dialogue which plays an important role in the “European pillar of social rights” (the European Commission, 2017a; 2017b). The main goal of the research is to explain (identify the sources of) the inter-sectoral segmentation of non-standard employment relationships and its social consequences in Slovenia. Our study will focus on the analysis of sector-specific traits of non-standard employment relationships and on the sector-determined combinations of standard and various types of non-standard employment relationships. Using inter-sectoral comparisons, we will try to identify both the common and sector-specific factors that generate non-standard employment. The emphasis will be placed on the most disadvantage types of such employment – precarious, informal and unlawful employment. We will compare the situation of workers in those non-standard employment relationships with that of the most disadvantaged workers in formally standard employment relationships. The study will cover four sectors: the manufacturing, the retail sector, the information and communication sector and the scientific sector. Within this framework, we will focus on several precisely defined research goals. First, we will seek to determine the extent of (non)standard employment and related trends in the four sectors. Second, we will identify the factors enabling the expansion of various types of (non)standard employment as well as segmentation within those types of employment (splits along the lines of the sustainable/unsustainable). Third, we will define the sources of power of those groups and compare them to the sources of power of standard employees. Fourth, we will explore the effects of the de-standardization of employment on unionisation of non-standard workers, as well as its counter-effect on the sources of power of standard employees. Fifth, we will analyse socio-economic effects (segmentation) of non-standard employment relationships in the four sectors.

TAP Teorija kazni in demokratična kultura v Sloveniji

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Rado Bohinc
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 01.07.2018
National project
Research Centre for Comparative Corporate Law

Using paradata to evaluate response quality in surveys

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.07.2018 - 30.06.2021
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
The proposed project addresses issues that are highly relevant to general social science methodology and narrows existing knowledge gaps by pursuing the following objectives: 1. providing new knowledge via a systematic overview of the literature and global research practice on the use of paradata; 2. establishing original knowledge on the link between paradata, response quality and the effects of removing low quality responses; 3. developing new approaches to identify respondents who – according to paradata and response data – demonstrate probability for low quality of response, whereby their removal would increase the overall data quality; 4. developing a set of standardised paradata-based compound indicators – related to quality of responses and also to the social and psychological traits of respondents – to enrich response data. The above objectives will be achieved by studying dedicated web surveys where detailed paradata were captured and specific methodological questions were used, which includes the European Social Survey online panel (CRONOS 2017). In addition, new studies will be conducted with a leading Slovenian online panel (e.g. Valicon), with a global online panel (e.g. Survey Monkey) and with non-panel respondents. Another research stream will comprise a meta-study of around 100,000 web surveys from the 1KA open-survey platform.

MP/Euricse: Up-date of the mapping of social enterprises and their eco-systems in Europe

Project leader at FDV: Tatjana Rakar
Duration: 01.06.2018 - 01.06.2018
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

EU/H2020: STOP - Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Luka Kronegger
Duration: 01.06.2018 - 01.06.2018
International project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

Cross-sectoral Alliances for Smart Helthcare Solutions

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
External project leader: Fachhochschule Kärnten – gemeinnützige Privatstiftung
Duration: 01.05.2018 - 01.05.2018
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

Plateform Experts and Tools: Specialised Cyber Activists Network

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.05.2018 - 01.05.2018
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

Strenghtening European Integration through the analysis of conflict discourses: revisiting the past, anticipating the future

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Rok Zupančič
Duration: 01.05.2018 - 01.05.2018
International project
Defence Research Centre


Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marjan Hočevar
Duration: 01.04.2018 - 31.03.2019
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology
Research into public (people’s) values about the natural and built environment is one of the key contextual instruments for understanding social changes and guiding society’s development. The problems in the environment indeed always reflect the social conditions, while spatial problems per se exist only exceptionally. People’s value patterns about dwelling and their (individual) “opinionated ideas” about land use and environment management should be a guidance principle in the elaboration of spatial strategies and the long-term planning of interventions into space at the local, regional, national, and European levels. During the transition to a post-modern (and globalized) society, society’s complexity constantly increases, intensifying diverse questions about the legitimacy of the interventions into space. Due to the necessary formal procedures, people often perceive spatial planning as out of touch with everyday life and restrictive. Spatial regulations, aimed at creating order and ensuring development as envisaged, can hardly satisfy people’s very diverse interests, in particular their increasingly individualized needs for space and in space. It is therefore necessary to find a kind of modus vivendi between integrative and differential principles in spatial planning. The research project is to continue, update, and complement in contents and methods the longitudinal public opinion monitoring of values, opinions, and ideas about the natural and built environment of a representative sample of the adult population of Slovenia in the 2003-2018 period. The first survey was carried out by the project applicant – the Centre for Spatial Sociology (CSS) of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana – as part of the Targeted Research Project “Slovenia's competitiveness 2001-2006”. The field research was carried out from March to May 2004. The key question was how to reconcile common social, i.e. public, developmental objectives with people’s individual, personal values. To this purpose, land use and long-term spatial development should correspond as much as possible to the needs of the people, local communities, and the national spatial strategy, as this would facilitate an integrative disposition towards the emerging European spatial order and Europe’s environmental principles of nature-friendly development. The present research, the second public opinion survey of values, focuses on a more detailed identification of the (dis)agreements between the national spatial strategies and the growing reflexivity of individuals concerning environmental opinions and approaches to land use. We will therefore develop a more accurate measurement instrument for analyzing the anticipated changes in the population's preferences for dispersed or contiguous settlement. We further aim to explicitly examine how compatible people’s values about dwelling are with Slovenia’s (and the EU’s) long-term strategic development towards a more contiguous settlement system. The shifts in the value patterns of Slovenia’s population will be examined in relation to the trends of accelerated social differentiation in space, and the newly emerging life styles of dwelling, work, mobility, and leisure. Life styles are directly related to the phenomenon of the spatial contextualization of entrepreneurship and a sharing economy, along with newly emerging patterns of environmental awareness and spatial management. We anticipate changes in people’s value patterns towards a more rational, economical, and flexible use (exploitation) of both their personal as well as public spatial resources, based on the findings of the first research, where we definitely registered powerful traditional, static, and non-mobile principles of territorial affiliation. Simultaneously, we will try to establish how the mobility values of the Slovene population correspond to the European (and global) trends, established in their research projects by researchers elsewhere. Furthermore, we will empirically evaluate recent sociological, conceptual premises about a long-term strengthening of social fluidity and the importance of mobility capital in a risk society.

The Challenges of Multi-Religious Society for Public School

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleš Črnič
Duration: 01.04.2018 - 31.03.2020
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies
The context of modern globalisation, which is periodically additionally heightened by various political, economic, and ecological crises, makes Western societies increasingly susceptible to influxes of heterogeneous groups of immigrants, whose culture and religion are often markedly different from that of the majority of the local population. This contrast is giving rise to complex and demanding social challenges, which manifest themselves in the field of public education as well – in an increasingly pluralised environment, certain old questions are being amplified, while new dilemmas are also being introduced. The proposed research project will analytically address this problem in three stages. First, we will examine the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the complex questions pertaining to the relationship between religion and public education with an added emphasis on the growing pluralisation of European societies. By theoretically applying fundamental principles and concepts (human rights, tolerance, multiculturalism) to the chosen research question, we will examine the development and difficulties relating to the concept of secularity and neutrality in schools. We will systematically gather and examine the terms of key international documents conventions, declarations, etc.) that are relevant to the research question. After a preliminary conceptualisation of the problem, the second stage of the project will encompass an analytical examination of the complex influences of the growing pluralisation on the question of religious content in the public schools’ curriculum. European countries are responding to new challenges in different ways. We will perform case studies of existing contexts in chosen countries (based on conceptual and theoretical foundations and international recommendations) and then perform a comparative analysis of the various models of education about religions in public schools implemented in practice. Both elements of this stage will include an analysis of (national and international) legislation and relevant judicial practice. After the comparative international analysis we will contextualise and critically evaluate the mandatory elective subject in the last triad of Slovenian primary schools, i.e., Religions and Ethics. Analytical reflection on the subject’s formal parameters and its existing position (as well as an anticipation of its causes) should provide a sound foundation on which possible changes to the conceptualisation of the subject and other measures for its practical revitalisation can be developed. In the third stage, we will examine the complex problem of religious symbols in the spaces of contemporary public education, which are coming to the fore with the growing pluralisation. With the advent of modern secularity and the increased pluralisation of the 21 century, the marking of school spaces with Christian symbols is not longer a forgone conclusion. Simultaneously, pupils(and to a lesser extent teachers) are increasingly frequently entering educational spaces with visible symbols of their minority religious affiliation (e.g., Muslim girls and women wearing veils), which challenges the (until recently) prevailing image of a monolithic society, as well as problematizes the principle of equality (regardless of cultural differences) ensured by modern democratic societies. We will conduct case studies of select countries and perform a comparative analysis of specific empirical situations in individual countries in line with the conceptual foundations defined in the first stage, national and international legislation, and relevant judicial practice. Finally, we will attempt to construct a typology of different models of educational systems’ attitudes toward the presence of religious symbols in educational spaces and apply it to the Slovenian context. The principal aim of the proposed conceptual and practical comparative analyses is a formation of an academically substantiated framework, which would aid the systematic regulation of identified problems faced by the Slovenian school system in an ever increasingly plural society.

Hate speech on online social networks in Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.04.2018 - 31.03.2020
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
The basic research activities of the project will follow two directions. Participating partners will first examine the occurrence of hate speech in the Slovene language in the corresponding parts of global OSNs. The existing data sources (especially for Facebook and Twitter networks) that are available to FDV partner (University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Social Sciences) will be available on the basis of intensive cooperation in specific monitoring projects of the European Commission in 2016 and 2017 respectively. FDV is among the first twelve countries that, at the initiative of the European Commission in the autumn of 2016, began to conduct monitoring in the field of hate speech, where the responsiveness of the largest global SDOs is checked. On this basis, it will be identified in which social networks and at which locations (groups, profiles) hate speech is most present, and then the phenomena will be analyzed qualitatively. The distinction between hate speech in a broader, sociological sense (as well as other related controversial communications) and hate speech in the legal sense will be made. A qualitative analysis of hate speech on social networks will be followed by an analysis of the criteria used by OSNs in removing reported cases of alleged hate speech and an analysis of response indicators – in particular the speed of removal, the type of (non) response (eg probable automatic handling, the presence of a specific explanation, complete non-response) and rates of removal in individual cases of hate speech that the OSN provider performs on the basis of the application. Whether and how the responsiveness of networks is affected by who is the content submitter will be checked. There is an important distinction between the normal user, OSN approved reporters or “trusted flaggers”, and an official authority (police). Preliminary data from the FDV partner, who has gained the status of a Slovenian “trusted flagger” for the leading OSNs (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) suggests that these authentic notifiers achieve the removal of the disputable content much faster. The second course of activities will include the analysis of actual and normative (to the extent of availability of these regulations) criteria of the OSN providers in removing alleged cases of hate speech (their self-regulation in their role of Internet service providers) and the corresponding comparison with the Slovenian Constitution and the criminal law regulations in the area of restrictions to the freedom of speech in Slovenia. Accordingly, hate speech in the criminal law perspective will be firstly delineated, and then, on the basis of the practice of the European Court of Human Right and Council of Europe directives demarcation between freedom of expression and the prohibition of hate speech will be shown. In this context, the attention to conceptual problems, inconsistencies, contradictions and inconsistencies of existing legal solutions and connected legal practice will be drawn, as well as – based on the position of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia - a potential anomy when hate speech can be prosecuted on one hand as a criminal offense under Article 297 of the Slovenian Penal Code (KZ-1), and at the same time it is defined in several other legal acts as an offense will be mentioned. Based on the international activities of the project team - in particular FDV's membership in the International Network Against Cyber Hate, which systematically monitors and reports hate speech on a global level and advises on policy-making, findings will also be placed in an international context.

CRP Enakost spolov na področju izobraževanja, vodja projekta

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Marjeta Mencin
Duration: 01.04.2018 - 01.04.2018
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

Prevalence and long-term effects of adverse childhood experiences on adult functioning

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Metka Kuhar
Duration: 01.04.2018 - 30.09.2020
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies
An increasing number of foreign studies show that experiences (both positive and adverse) in childhood strongly affect a person’s physical and mental health as well as socioeconomic status during their lifetime and/or even several generations. There even exist financial calculations of how expensive the consequences of adverse events are for a state, in terms of both taxes from individuals as well as healthcare and social security funds. Awareness of what early adverse experiences and their consequences are and primarily recognition of this phenomenon and ensuring of support aimed at reducing the risk factors and damage are among the key social and public health tasks. Adverse life experiences can be ranked within a continuum from subtle to obvious, from minor to serious, from one-off events to years of abuse, neglect etc. There are experiences that a person finds extremely distressing and threatening, too intense to tolerate and/or cope with in conventional ways. Early adverse experiences have particularly negative and long-term effects on health and different aspects of functioning. The bulk of data on the prevalence of adverse experiences in childhood and research evidence about the correlations between them and various outcomes in adulthood stem from the globally recognised Adverse Childhood Experience Study, also known as the ACE study. This study was conducted for the first time in the 1995–97 period in the USA and is still conducted every year in all US states. It was also conducted in many other countries, e.g. England, Wales, Scotland; recently also in Romania, Macedonia, Serbia, Lithuania, Latvia, Albania, Turkey, Montenegro, the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic, Poland, Norway, Canada, Brazil, China, the Philippines, Jordan etc. Despite the multitude of countries that have already conducted the ACE study, Slovenia is not one of them. Individual ACE studies always show important connections between the quantity of adverse experiences in childhood and health, psycho-social welfare and socioeconomic situation in adulthood. In the ACE studies, usually more than three-quarters of those surveyed report at least one highly adverse experience in childhood (in the original study 87% of the subjects reported more than one out of ten), whereas one-tenth to one-sixth of subjects report even four or more such experiences. These rates are higher in marginalised groups of population and in populations with a lower socioeconomic status. The highest probability that a person develops poor physical or mental health and/or other adverse outcomes is with those people who had four or more adverse experiences in childhood and adolescence. Our study aims to acquire data on the prevalence of adverse experiences, particularly in childhood, most frequent adverse experiences in childhood, their correlation with health and psychosocial outcomes in adulthood as well as on risk factors and protective factors in childhood and adulthood. In the second part of the project we will systematically review existing foreign models of good practices in the context of kindergartens and schools. In addition, in we will conduct focus groups with preschool teachers, school teachers and school consultants, with which we will determine whether or to what extent professionals working with children, recognize the adverse experiences in the lives of children, whether they are aware of the impact and consequences of adverse experiences and how they are equipped to respond appropriately in case of recognizing these experiences. Based on a profound understanding of perception and the actions of the education professionals, we will provide the possibilities for a more explicit, profound and systematic addressing of this subject also in the context of kindergartens and schools which are considered to be the core institutions which, through development of stimulative environments, can function as the basic protective factor in the lives of children with adverse experiences. Both qualitative and the quantitative methods will be applied. The survey will be conducted using a sample of Slovenian adult population (18–75 years). Besides the already established surveys from the ACE studies, we will broaden our study by including additional potential adverse experiences. These are for example participation in war, major injuries and accidents, invasive medical procedures etc., which have been recognised, in recent years, as potentially traumatic. Moreover, we will verify the influence of the socioeconomic factors, with particular attention on vulnerable groups (ethnicity, history of poverty, growing up in foster care etc.) Special focus will be on identification of protective factors as the key premises for developing competence of education professionals who work with children. In the qualitative part, the method of focus groups (presumably 4–6 groups with up to 10 members each, i.e. preschool teachers, teachers of lower grades of primary school and social workers) will be applied. This research will enable developing appropriate models of preventive action and systematic early intervention aimed at identifying and preventing adverse experiences, especially in children, mitigating their consequences and strengthening the protective factors. Moreover, we will be able to raise awareness among professionals in different spheres about the importance of recognising adverse experiences as well as develop good practice for mitigating the consequences, along with strengthening the protective factors.


Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Iztok Prezelj
Duration: 01.04.2018 - 31.12.2020
National project
Defence Research Centre
Violent extremism, radicalization and terrorism have become an increasing problem in contemporary Europe. Trends on the use of terrorist violence show increasing brutality, primacy of civilian targets and victims, connections with military presence in crisis areas, connections with migrations and inter-cultural and inter-religious relations, and broadening of the spectrum of methods (such as, use of suicide terrorists in Europe, simultaneous attacks, use of vans, attacks on concerts, restaurants, media houses…). Radicalization is a complex process of adopting radical views by individuals and social groups about political or social problems, which can eventually lead to the use of extreme violence (terrorism). European countries and relevant international organizations (UN, EU, OSCE and NATO) identified radicalization as a threat to national and international security. Presently, these countries are shaping or reshaping their policies and programs for monitoring radicalization and de-radicalization. Slovenia has relatively few experience with terrorism on its territory, yet it has had witnessed some forms of radicalization, but at a much lower level than many of comparable European countries (e.g. problem of foreign fighters). The purpose of this project is to help Slovenia develop its policy and program of multi-dimensional and multi-institutional systematic monitoring of radicalization processes that might lead into use of violence and help creating a networked governmental and non-governmental structures for de-radicalization of vulnerable groups and individuals. This project is focusing on all forms of potential radicalization, such as Islamic, right wing, left wing, secessionist and single issue. The project will achieve the following goals: 1. Creation of conceptual and terminological ground for studying and monitoring radicalization and measures against it. Terminological clarity needs to be established in Slovenia before the official concept and policy of monitoring radicalization and de-radicalization are created. It is of great importance to clarify the relations among violent extremism, radicalization, social polarization and terrorism. 2. Analysis of violent radicalization processes in Slovenia, which includes the following sub-goals: - Analysis and assessment of selected foreign approaches to monitoring of radicalization. - Identification and short description of cases of violent radicalization in Slovenia based on media records and report of the parliamentary Investigation commission on radicalization in Slovenia (where two members of the project group cooperated as expert witnesses). - Identification of social groups vulnerable to violent radicalization (for example youth groups, religious groups, ethnic groups, immigrants, second generation of immigrants, asylum seekers, sports fan groups, etc.). - Workshops with focus groups: holders of security information on the existing radicalization in Slovenia (police, civilian and defence intelligence services), advisers of the Employment Service of Slovenia, representatives of the Sector for Execution of Penal Sanctions in RS, social advisers in public schools, head of the former parliamentary Investigation commission on radicalization in Slovenia, etc. - Quantitative analysis: opinion polls on susceptibility to radicalization on the sample of students of the University of Maribor and University of Ljubljana. 3. Creation of spectrum of indicators for early detection of violent radicalization with the following sub-goals: - Definition of early warning process/system in the field of radicalization. - Analysis of selected foreign concepts and practical cases of indicator-based radicalization monitoring. Special attention will be drawn also to indicators related to the “lone wolf” cases. - Creation of the MODEL of mezzo- and micro-level indicators for identification of violent radicalization, including description of indicators and their mutual relations, creation of the graphical image of the model, etc. The model will be adopted to the Slovenian local circumstances and responsive to pan-European trans-border processes. 4. Creation of a comprehensive MODEL for multi-institutional response to radicalization in Slovenia: - Identification of a broad spectrum of governmental and non-governmental institutions that (potentially) play a role in monitoring of radicalization and/or fight against it. This includes interviews with all these institutions and description of their actual or potential role, including related legal basis. - Creation of the inter-institutional or inter-organizational concept or model of cooperation in the fight against radicalization, including its structural and graphical design, description of the mechanism for recognition of good practices, etc.

i-evAALution – integrating and evaluating AAL solutions

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
External project leader: University of Innsbruck
Duration: 01.04.2018 - 01.04.2018
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

MP/EUROFOUND: EIRO - European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions - EIRO Network of Correspondents

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.03.2018 - 01.03.2018
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

TP Mobilne aplikacije, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS

Project leader at FDV: Nataša Logar
Duration: 01.02.2018 - 01.02.2018
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

Electronic waste - Risk assessment

Project leader at FDV: viš.znan.sod.dr. Jennie Kristina Olofsson
Duration: 01.02.2018 - 30.01.2020
National project
Centre for Social Studies of Science
Drawing on the field of Science and Technology Studies (S&TS), this project has engaged in the regulations that govern the management of electronic waste (e-waste). The overall aim was to investigate the relation between the increasing generation of e-waste, regulations to manage this increase and their subsequent implementation. Focus has been on management of graveside candles, and in particular electronic graveside candles. Slovenia is one of Europe’s largest consumer of graveside candles. Appr. 15 million graveside candles are put on the market each year. The large amount has led to graveside candles currently being covered by the EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility), something that is unique for Slovenia; while countries such as Austria and Poland are big consumers of graveside candles, no other country in the European Union has an EPR on graveside candles. The EPR requires graveside candles to be disposed of, and collected separately in containers that are located on the cemeteries in Slovenia. An approximate of 10 percent of the graveside candles is electronic graveside candles. Saying this, according to Slovenian regulations, electronic graveside candles do not comprise their own fraction. Instead, they are part of the larger fraction graveside candles, and as such, they are also disposed of in the same containers as paraffin candles. Electronic graveside candles severely complicate the recycling process of graveside candles as they require manual disassembly, a most time-consuming undertaking. Also, electronic graveside candles generate huge amount of waste as they cannot be recycled to the same extent as paraffin candles. As electronic graveside candles are lighter than paraffin candles, they also contain weights to prevent them from tilting or being blown away. The material used as weights varies: from plaster to stones, to sand, to iron rods, to metal spirals. Not only does this require rigorous manual disassembly; it also generates huge amounts of waste. The outcomes include a) recommendations for how to develop and/or revise regulations governing management of waste graveside candles, b) an enhanced public awareness of the socio-environmental consequences of e-waste in general, particularly addressing students in upper secondary school. In order to address the aim of this project, it has employed feminist methodologies. Feminist methodologies has thus served as a tool box to generate new problematics, concepts, hypotheses and purposes of inquiry when it comes to investigating the relation between the consumption and disposal of graveside candles, regulations to manage the disposal and their subsequent implementation. Feminist methodologies has also facilitated the communication and dissemination strategies of this project as it is concurrently critical and praxis-oriented.

MP/CESSDA: Dataverse - CESSDA-DataverseEU 2018

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP/CESSDA: RDM/DMM 2 – CESSDA Data Discovery & Research Data Management training

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP/CESSDA: Trust – CESSDA Trust Working Group

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP/CESSDA: VOICE - Vocabulary Services Multilingual Content Management Plahse 1

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP/CESSDA: Widening – CESSDA Widening Activities 2018

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
International project
Social Science Data Archive

TP Evalvacija/vrednotenje ukrepov, ki se izvajajo v okviru Programa razvoja podeželja RS za obdobje 2014-2020

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Maja Bučar
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
National project
Centre of International Relations

TP-BledCom 2018, 25. mednarodni simpozij za raziskovanje v odnosih z javnostmi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

PP Pedagoške ankete

Project leader at FDV: Katja Lozar Manfreda
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
National project

EU/H2020: ME-WE – Promoting mental health and well-being in the young; European Commission

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

EU/H2020: ME-WE – Promoting mental health and well-being in the young; European Commission

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

MP/DFG/DE: CRC - Collaborative Research Centre “Global Dynamics of Social Policy”

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

TP Brez izgovora 2017-2022; BI 17-22; Mladinska zveza, Brez izgovora Slovenija – Youth Association No Excuse

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2018
National project
Centre for Social Psychology


Project leader at FDV: mag. Mirjam Kotar
Duration: 01.12.2017 - 01.12.2017
National project

MP/CESSDA: ERAN – European Remote Access Network Pathfinder

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.11.2017 - 01.11.2017
International project
Social Science Data Archive

MP/ESRC/UK: Sustainable Care: Connecting People and Systems

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.11.2017 - 01.11.2017
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Mlada raziskovalka Nina Pejič

Project leader at FDV: asist. Nina Pejič
Duration: 01.11.2017 - 01.11.2017
National project
Centre of International Relations

EU/COST-CA 16206: EMPOWER-SE- Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars

Project leader at FDV: Tatjana Rakar
Duration: 01.11.2017 - 01.11.2017
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

EU/E+/SP-HE: BLUES - Blended learning international entrepreneurship skills program

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.10.2017 - 31.01.2020
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
The project BLUES – Blended-learning international entrepreneurship skills program for Universities – co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union with a total budget of 274.000€ - was launched in October 2017 to design and implement a pioneering entrepreneurship education program that connects students across Europe and trains them in relevant key skills required by the labour market such as an entrepreneurial mind-set, digital and foreign language skills. The latest European research shows that Higher Education needs to promote the entrepreneurial mind-set among the students, as well as provide them with the cross skills to make them more employable. As an answer to this need, the BLUES project will carry out entrepreneurship development initiatives that will give the students a set of tools and abilities along their formal education such as leadership, creative thinking, innovation and teamwork. This new European project will result in the implementation of an innovative learning methodology through both face-to-face and online educational resources, based on some of the best practices carried out in the continent and within the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, thus assuring the quality and effectiveness of the entrepreneurial learning at various European universities where the programmes will be performed. Besides, during the two years the project will last for, different tools, manuals, MOOCs and multimedia tutorials will be created to facilitate the scalability and replicability of the methodology by other European Universities. BLUES will also promote cooperation between universities and companies on the regional level, involving different local business representatives with the design and implementation of the project, as well as taking part in entrepreneurship programmes. BLUES integrates the expertise of four European entrepreneurial Universities, a scientific technology park, an international entrepreneurship centre, two chambers of commerce and a business association to develop a cutting-edge programme.

EU/E+/SP-HE: EDY-CARE – Innovative School Education Methodologies and Tools for Guaranteeing Social Inclusion of Young Carers

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.10.2017 - 01.10.2017
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Mlada raziskovalka Špela Orehek

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Špela Orehek
Duration: 01.10.2017 - 01.10.2017
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

Mladi raziskovalec Klemen Ploštajner

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Klemen Ploštajner
Duration: 01.10.2017 - 01.10.2017
National project
Research Center for Strategy and Governance

Mladi raziskovalec Matevž Malčič

Project leader at FDV: dr. Matevž Malčič
Duration: 01.10.2017 - 01.10.2017
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

Mladi raziskovalec Otto Gerdina

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Otto Gerdina
Duration: 01.10.2017 - 01.10.2017
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

Mladi raziskovalec Robin Fabrin Petersen

Project leader at FDV: Robin Fabrin-Petersen
Duration: 01.10.2017 - 01.10.2017
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Europe for Citizens: PopEU - Anti EU-rhetoric versus own national interests? Nationalistic populism and its reception in Central Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Maja Bučar
Duration: 01.09.2017 - 28.02.2019
International project
Centre of International Relations
Political discourse in Central Europe is (1) increasingly shaped and influenced by EU-skepticism, (2) progressively focused on national-based policy solutions rather than joint European strategies, and (3) often characterized by simplified, nationalist-populistic rhetoric. The 'Anti EU-rhetoric versus national interests? Nationalistic populism and its reception in Central Europe’ project thus explores why political and societal actors resort to the ‘anti-European’ rhetoric. The project aims to discover if and to what extent as well as why people believe in this rhetoric and regard it as justified. It also depicts if and to what extent ‘EU bashing’ and isolationist policymaking fail to deliver on its promises and how (in the medium and long run) they may even damage national interests. A bottom-up approach to studying these issues is employed, whereby great emphasis is put on citizens’ opinions. Research is conducted in five countries, from which project partners originate (i.e. Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia). Project partners: • ÖGfE – Austrian Society for European Politics, Vienna, Austria (Lead Organisation) • EUROPEUM – Institute for European Policy, Prague, Czech Republic • Center for European Neighborhood Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary • GLOBSEC Policy Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia • Centre of International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia The project is co-founded by the Europe for Citizens programme.

Enhancing VIsibility of the Academic DialogUe on EU-Turkey - VIADUCT

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Maja Bučar
Duration: 01.09.2017 - 01.09.2017
International project
Centre of International Relations

EU/E+/Jean Monnet-Chair: DebatEU – The University of Ljubljana Centre of Excellence

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Damjan Lajh
Duration: 01.09.2017 - 01.09.2017
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

New technologies, new inequalities? Theoretical and empirical investigation of the role of mobile Internet access in differential engagement with online services

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Darja Grošelj
Duration: 01.09.2017 - 31.08.2019
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
The ways people go online have been transformed by the emergence of new mobile Internet technologies. Technologies like smartphones, tablets, Internet TV and wearable technologies not only support new uses of the Internet but also reconfigure spatial, temporal and social dimensions of use. Therefore, the changing nature of Internet access, its implications for disparities in online engagement and their potential role in social differentiation need to be thoroughly examined. Inequalities in Internet access have been neglected in the “second-level digital divide” research, which has focused on differences in skills and usage, resulting in two shortcomings in current research. First, no theory-grounded framework of Internet access exists. Yet, only with a good understanding of what constitutes Internet access we can disentangle its role in engagement with online resources and, consequently, the impact new Internet technologies can have on social differentiation. Second, measures of Internet access employed in survey research have not been appropriately updated and do not capture social complexities around emerging technologies. Inadequate measures of Internet access are problematic because they can obscure important policy issues impeding successful transformation to a digital society. The proposed project will address these gaps in our understanding of Internet access in general and mobile Internet technologies in particular by pursuing three main objectives: • developing a theoretically-informed framework of Internet access identifying and describing its specific socio-technical dimensions; • developing nuanced survey measures of Internet access that will encompass current and future socio-technical developments surrounding ways in which people access online services; • determining what aspects of use of online services are most significantly reconfigured by mobile Internet technologies and assessing their potential impact on social differentiation. The project objectives will be achieved by following a detailed work programme with eight work packages. Empirically, a mixed methods research design is proposed including: • a series of focus groups to elicit users’ perceptions about new mobile technologies, • cognitive interviews to evaluate a newly developed survey instrument, • deployment of the questionnaire through the Slovenian implementation of the annual Eurostat survey on Information society technologies within in households, and • a systematic multivariate data analysis. The project results are expected to have an impact in various areas, but most importantly: • in the scientific community by providing a socio-technical framework of internet access and a survey instrument for measuring access inequalities. Importantly, the conceptual framework will not be technology specific and will as such be applicable in future studies on emerging technologies. Likewise, the readily available survey instrument will enable researchers interested in digital inequalities and their impact on social differentiation to effectively include high-quality measures of access in their research, regardless of the main focus of their research. • in the policy making sector by providing valid and high-quality data on contemporary complexities surrounding internet access and new mobile technologies. As our society is undergoing a digital transformation (e.g. EU’s Digital Agenda) such insight is crucial for effective addressing of policy issues stemming from digital inequalities. The proposed project will bring together theoretical knowledge, methodological approaches and international networks of the project leader who obtained her PhD at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, which is the world’s leading institution in the social science of the Internet, and of the Centre for Social Informatics, University of Ljubljana, which has one of the longest traditions in researching the Internet and related social issues.

Vloga transnacionalnih zasebnih standardov v okoljskem upravljanju (Slovene)

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jerneja Penca
Duration: 01.07.2017 - 30.06.2019
National project
Centre of International Relations

Cyber Violence and Harrasment against Women and Girls

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.07.2017 - 01.07.2017
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

UEL; Urban Education Live

Project leader at FDV: Matjaž Uršič
External project leader: prof. dr. Panu Lehtovuori, School of Architecture, Tampere University of Technology (TUT)
Duration: 01.07.2017 - 30.06.2020
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology
The goal of the Urban Education Live (UEL) is to spark collaboration between universities and urban communities. We achieve this goal by developing local skills and knowledge that benefit communities AND the learning process of students. The work in urban communities is supported by a new kind of social mapping, discovering what people find either valuable or problematic in their own everyday surroundings. Based on these findings the project will establish Local Hubs for learning and doing that enable citizens to improve their neighbourhood and work together with city authorities and companies. Project Consortium: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Spatial Sociology (CSS) School of Architecture, Tampere University of Technology (TUT) School of Architecture, The University of Sheffield (SSoA) Urban Transition Association (ATU), Bukarešta Institute for Policies of Space (IPOP) Ljubljana Group of inovative small and medium enterprises (SME), Tekes, Finland City of Salo, Finland City of Tampere, Hiedanranta project, Finland Project web page:

DET_CAREMIX: Exploring and understanding welfare state determinants of care provision for older people in the community in Slovenia and Austria

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.06.2017 - 31.05.2020
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies
Demographic ageing has raised questions about how to best provide quality, sustainable and affordable longterm care (LTC) to dependent older people living in the community. There is a growing concern that reliance on informal care alone for older people living in the community could have adverse effects on the well-being and health of carers and result in a high level of unmet care needs. Supplementing informal care with care services and support for carers may thus be a more efficient and effective way to care for an ageing population. Understanding how public policies can impact the care mix (i.e. whether informal care, formal care or a combination of both is used and for which tasks) is therefore crucial for policymakers to foster more efficient use of care. The adverse effects mentioned above disproportionately affect some groups, including those with limited financial resources or those residing in rural settlements, which raises issues of equity. To date, there is a dearth of empirical evidence on how different public policies across countries impact the use of different types of care (i.e. informal care, formal care or both) and the distribution of care tasks (e.g. personal care, domestic aid) between informal and formal carers among different groups of dependent older people (e.g. concerning socioeconomic status). This could hamper the targeting of public policies and understate possible equity issues related with public policies in LTC. Regarding public policies, the available studies have mostly compared the impact of providing either cash benefits (e.g. in Germany), which can be used to pay informal carers, or generous care services (e.g. in the Nordic countries) on the type of care older people receive (informal care, formal care or both) and the distribution of care tasks between informal and formal carers. These comparisons overlook the fact that the majority of European countries have LTC systems that either rely by default on informal carers or support informal carers as the main providers of care, thus falling short of the generous care service provision found in some of the Nordic countries. Studying the impact of different forms of familialization in LTC is therefore relevant for a wider European audience. Within this context , our project aims to analyze how dependent older people and their families make choices regarding the care mix and care tasks in LTC. In particular, we are interested in understanding how these choices are influenced by the degree of familialization in policies for LTC and how they are differentiated for different groups of dependent older people. In the context of this study, care mix is understood as the use of informal and formal care, or both. The care tasks we consider include nursing care (e.g. putting on prostheses or elastic stockings), personal care (e.g. assistance with dressing), domestic aid (e.g. help with household chores such shopping or food preparation) and technical aid, as well as assistance with travel arrangements and socializing. The study focuses on older people who co-reside with a spouse or children, or that otherwise live alone but have children that is, on older people for whom the choice of informal care, besides formal care, is an option.

TP-Oblikovanje celovitega modela vodenja odziva na nesreče za vse ravni vodenja na področju ZRP v RS - ICS

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Uroš Svete
Duration: 01.05.2017 - 01.05.2017
National project
Defence Research Centre

MP/CESSDA: CMM2 – CESSDA Metadata Management Phase

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.05.2017 - 01.05.2017
International project
Social Science Data Archive

Blockmodeling multilevel and temporal networks

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleš Žiberna
Duration: 01.05.2017 - 30.04.2020
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics
BACKGROUND: Blockmodeling is a method for partitioning the units of a network and determining the ties among the (obtained) clusters and therefore enables finding the global structure of the network. It tries to find such a partition of the vertices/units in the network where an appropriate model (a small network we obtain by shrinking all clusters of the partitions) describes the initial network’s globla (overall) structure. Recently, a lot of attention has been devoted to the analysis of multilevel and temporal networks. When analysing multilevel networks, we simultaneously study the ties among units from at least two levels (the ties both within and between levels). Often the first level represents individuals and the second organisations. We will use the term “linked networks” for both types of network, that is, multilevel and temporal networks (as networks measured at several time points). Numerous deterministic and stochastic methods have been developed for blockmodeling. Nevertheless, most of them cannot be used for blockmodeling multilevel and temporal networks or so-called linked networks. There exist versions of stochastic blockmodeling for temporal networks and we have developed methods for generalised blockmodeling of multilevel networks, which can also be used for blockmodeling other linked networks. However, the first are not applicable to multilevel networks and do not support the use of pre-specified blockmodeling, while the others in their current development stage are only appropriate for relatively small networks (up to 100 units in each network in the case of only two networks), in part also due to the use of a non-tailored optimisation procedure. With our approach, there is also a need to improve the way different parts of the solution are weighted. PROBLEM DEFINITION: Currently, there is no method for blockmodeling linked networks that would enable the blockmodeling of larger linked networks (with at least several hundred vertices/units) within a reasonable time. This is the problem we would like to solve and by using methods that would incorporate at least some elements of generalised blockmodeling. In addition, we will study which models, especially for so-called linking networks, namely, parts of the linked networks that represent ties among individual onemode networks, are appropriate for different kinds of linked networks (multilevel, temporal, temporal multilevel). RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: The project has two main objectives: (i) to improve the optimisation method for generalised blockmodeling for use in blockmodeling linked networks; and (ii) to adapt faster blockmodeling approaches (e.g. stochastic blockmodeling) for blockmodeling linked networks with selected elements of generalised blockmodeling. An additional objective is to apply the developed methods to empirical networks in the field of collaboration in science (e.g. collaboration among researchers through time and collaboration among researchers and their institutions) and supply the appropriate findings. Within the project, we will also research local mechanisms that lead towards a certain global (blockmodeling) network structure or change the global structure and enable the generating of random networks with a given blockmodeling structure. EXECUTION: For most of its duration, the project will be split into two main branches, each one dealing with its own core objective (that is, either improving optimisation methods or adapting faster approaches to blockmodeling for linked networks). Each branch will be led by one institution (IMFM or FSS). The work plan is actually similar for both. The initial literature review will be followed by the design of new algorithms or methods, which will then go through testing phases (including applications), improvements and, if needed, also return to design phase developed into final methods in line with the objective of the individual branch. All developed methods will also be applied to networks of collaboration in science. The project addressed the challenge of developing methods for blockmodelling (BM) complex, linked networks, in particular multilevel networks, which allow the analysis of networks with hundreds of units. It focused on improving optimisation methods for generalised BM and adapting faster approaches for BM, which is crucial for dealing with larger networks. We developed faster approaches for block modelling of linked networks, based on either k-means and stochastic BM approaches. The project also developed methodologies that take into account the sparsity of networks and allow for more efficient analyses using list representations of the links present, which significantly reduces the computational complexity.The developed methods have also been implemented in publicly available software packages. These methods have been successfully applied to the analysis of empirical networks, providing valuable insights into the structure of scientific collaboration and interactions between researchers and organisations in Slovenia. The analyses revealed a high degree of collaboration between organisations and revealed the dynamics of scientific collaborations over time, allowing for a better understanding of the complexity of scientific networks.In addition, the project has contributed to the theoretical understanding of the local mechanisms leading to specific global structures in networks, thus enabling the development of new models for generating networks with a specific block structure. This work has increased the understanding of the underlying processes that shape network structures and opened up new possibilities for their analysis.Overall, the project has not only extended existing methodological tools for BM of linked networks, but has also provided new insights into the dynamics and structure of complex networks. This will have a long-term impact on the network analysis research community and will contribute to a better understanding and modelling of social, scientific and organisational networks.

Integration of mobile devices into survey research in social sciences: Development of a comprehensive methodological approach

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.05.2017 - 30.04.2020
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
This project will address the integration of mobile devices into survey research, which is one the most promising recent developments in survey methodology. Mobile web surveys, which are designed for completion on smartphones and tablet computers, offer improvements in survey data collection in terms of access to research participants and enhancing survey answers using specific features of mobile devices (e.g. taking photographs, recording audio and scanning barcodes). They also allow data integration from sensors built into mobile devices to provide further insights into an individual’s location, movement, activity, environment and more. However, the exploitation of these potentials in the social sciences remains scattered and limited. The project will combine a range of methods to conduct research in the following areas: 1. Evaluation of representation issues of mobile web surveys. We will analyse the characteristics of mobile device users to understand which population groups are suitable for administration of mobile web surveys. We will then evaluate the willingness to participate in mobile web surveys and the effectiveness of various measures used to improve participation, particularly when collecting various types of sensor data from mobile devices. 2. Elaboration of mobile web questionnaire design principles. We will systematically evaluate problems with questionnaire presentation on mobile devices, where appropriate adjustments are needed to ensure response quality and comparability with web questionnaires for personal computers. Specifically, we will address the methodological performance of enhancing survey answers with photographs and other specific features of mobile devices. 3. Assessment of integrating sensor data to enhance survey data and improve data quality. We will study the methodological performance of sensor data from mobile devices regarding the user’s location, environment (noise and light) and activity (movement). We will also focus on the potential of sensor data for tailoring survey procedures and understanding the influence of a survey context on data quality. This will also serve as a proof-of-concept for integrating sensor and survey data for other applications in substantive social science research. The systematic methodological elaboration of mobile web surveys achieved by these project objectives will present a pioneering contribution to the field. It will allow the establishment of comprehensive methodological guidelines and recommendations for the implementation of mobile web surveys in the social sciences. All developed technical solutions will be freely available in the open-source survey application 1KA. The project results are expected to have a profound impact on survey methodology and social science disciplines that benefit from surveying studied participants in various target environments and enrich survey data with location and other sensor data (e.g. sociology of health, spatial sociology, communication and leisure studies). The outcomes will also be relevant for the development of mobile data collection methodologies in commercial research and official statistics. The team from the Faculty of Social Sciences is among the pioneers of web survey methodology and is internationally recognized for its scientific publications, international projects, the central resource of information on web surveys (, and development of the open source survey software 1KA. The project group also includes partners from the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Jožef Stefan Institute, who are among the leading researchers in machine learning and data mining, and the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Arts, who work on location data collection and analysis. We will jointly elaborate the project’s activities and exchange findings with other renowned experts from the University of Michigan, Stanford University, Utrecht University and the leading Slovenian market research company Valicon.

Kolokacije kot temelj jezikovnega opisa: semantični in časovni vidiki (Slovene)

Project leader at FDV: Nataša Logar
Duration: 01.05.2017 - 30.04.2020
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

Model za kakovostno staranje v domačem bivalnem okolju v Sloveniji (Slovene)

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.05.2017 - 30.04.2020
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Moškosti, enakost, skrbstvene prakse - MESP (Slovene)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.05.2017 - 30.04.2020
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Substantive representation of youth in representative bodies

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.05.2017 - 30.04.2020
National project
Centre for Political Science Research
As we have witnessed in the last few years, modern representative democracy is facing numerous challenges and criticisms, all of which have some connection to the question of the quality of representation. Trust in representative institutions as well as satisfaction with the functioning of democracy are extremely low, in some countries even reaching critical levels. Under the strain of depleting trust in political representatives and institutions of democracy, it is no surprise to hear emerging voices questioning the validity of the concept of representative democracy itself. Hence, the focus of contemporary debates should be centred on the quality of the current form of political representation and the way it corresponds to the changed political imaginary of citizens, primarily youth. This is in line with the evidence of misrepresentation of the citizenry in parliaments and debates focussing on withdrawal of youth from institutional politics. The population most affected by this problem and also most hostile to this image of democracy is youth. With less than 2,8 per cent of representatives in national parliaments (IPU, 2015), and accompanying evidence of low levels of political participation reinforced by unfavourable political structure and unfavourable policy outcomes (EYF, 2015; Deželan, 2016), the main challenge therefore entails the question of how members of parliament (MPs) understand and perceive their representational roles and, conversely, how citizens, primarily youth, perceive these roles and behaviour. This project shall address two dimensions of representation; the style and focus of observed political representatives, which both have an impact on the characteristics and quality of representation as observed by citizens, primarily youth. Yet it seems more appropriate to talk about role-switching for representatives since they are not necessarily loyal to merely one style and focus of representation but self-perceive their roles as variable. In that sense, the issue of the determinants of those role-takings (institutional, political/career patterns and socio-demographic/personal) is crucially important, particularly in terms of addressing different identities, ideologies and interests present in the political arena. This research project aims to address the key issues of political representation and the problem of the transmission of citizens' preferences to MPs as well as the question of the constraints citizens' preferences may impose on MPs and their behaviour. On the other hand, we wish to identify the type of representation most suitable to the political imaginary of youth and the key barriers to introduction of such representation type. We believe it is vital to (1) identify the characteristics of representational roles (in terms of the style and focus of representation) and their determinants in order to combat the crisis of political representation. This will be achieved by implementing a face-to-face survey conducted among deputies and upgraded with interviews with MPs. At the same time, the (2) identification of representation style and focus suitable to youth, shall be performed by analysing available survey data, which will serve as the basis for public opinion research conducted on the population of youth aged between 15 and 30. To allow a greater insight into the changed political imaginary of youth we shall subsequently apply the oral histories approach. Both strands of results shall be tested and validated through deliberative forums with stakeholders. By implementing this, we wish to contribute to contemporary debates about the crisis of representation npr. Thorley, 2015; Keane, 2009; Rosanvallon, 2008; Micheletti, 2012) and debates about a problem of political participation and representation of youth (Putnam, 2000; Macedo et al., 2005; Dalton, 2008; Wattenberg, 2012; Garcia-Albacete, 2014; Roger in Marti, 2015; Loader et al. 2015).

Viri, metode in orodja za razumevanje, prepoznavanje in razvrščanje različnih oblik družbeno nesprejemljivega diskurza v informacijski družbi (Slovene)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.05.2017 - 30.04.2020
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
Socially unacceptable discourse, such as hate, discriminatory, offensive or threatening speech is by no means a new phenomenon. It has, however, recently gained significant momentum due to a number of substantial societal, cultural and economic changes. Furthermore, the boom of the information-communication technology and the speed at which information is spread on the Internet have given such discourse practices an unprecedented reach and impact that can only be studied and efficiently mitigated with interdisciplinary methods and automatic approaches. The project combines state-of-the-art quantitative and qualitative multidisciplinary approaches which will be employed to investigate the use of socially unacceptable discourse in its sociocultural context. The use of novel data-driven approaches on unstructured and semi-structured data will move the frontiers of the traditional humanities and social sciences. As a side-effect, the project will also support the development of the new field of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences, which combines tools and methods from computer science with those of humanities and social sciences. In the scope of the project we will construct large corpora of Slovene computer mediated communication in general and socially unacceptable discourse in particular, which will serve as the basis for our empirically based research. The collected corpora will be highly structured and their texts linguistically processed as well as enriched with various metadata. We will develop a typology of socially unacceptable discourse and its targets, and manually annotate a representative sample of texts with this typology. This will result in a gold-standard dataset for researching such communication. By using machine learning techniques on this dataset, an automatic method to flag and categorise SUD texts and their targets will be developed and applied to the compiled corpora. Interdisciplinary sociolinguistic analyses will be performed on the basis of the collected and processed resources, focusing on migrants and Islamophobia, homophobia and gay rights, and sexism and misogyny. We will use the methodologies and instruments of corpus linguistics, critical discourse analysis and inferential statistics. These approaches will be supplemented with a corpus analysis of legal aspects of socially unacceptable discourse and surveys on its the perception in the Slovene society. The project will organise an international interdisciplinary workshop and publish a monograph. It is important to note that the project will enable free and open access to the research results through the research infrastructure CLARIN.SI and the Social Science Data Archive. The research data will consist of the developed language resources and software. All legal and ethical issues with regard to personal data distribution will be taken into account. Through this, the project will also support the move to open science, enabling reproducibility of its research results.

TP Razvoj in podpora za anketni sistem

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.05.2017 - 01.05.2017
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Inovacijska kultura v mednarodni gospodarski družbi

Project leader at FDV: Andrej Kohont
Duration: 01.04.2017 - 01.04.2017
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Excellence in research, social and technological innovation project management«

Project leader at FDV: Jaroslav Berce
Duration: 01.02.2017 - 01.02.2017
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

BledCom 2017, 24. mednarodni simpozij za raziskovanje v odnosih z javnostm

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 01.01.2017
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

MP/CESSDA: RDM-DMM - Collaborative data management module for comparative social science researchers.

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 01.01.2017
International project
Social Science Data Archive


Project leader at FDV: Niko Toš
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 01.01.2017
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

EU/E+/Knowledge Alliance: WEXHE - Integrating Entrepreneurship and Work Experience into Higher Education

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2019
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
WEXHE is a three-year Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance Project supporting the development of work-based learning relating to HE internships/work placements, traineeships and entrepreneurship. The project does this by building on past research and existing practice, engaging stakeholders and practitioners, developing tools and capacity, informing policy, and piloting ways forward. The project is led by University of Groningen, with ten participating organisations representing HEIs, SMEs, Chambers of Commerce, and Associations. The Alliance has been designed in order to ensure that the main stakeholders for work experience and entrepreneurship in HE are engaged, are able to learn from one another and are able to actively shape and disseminate outcomes and build capacity. The major fieldwork of IEWEXHE is implemented in 7 countries – Cyprus, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Slovenia and the UK – to identify and analyse current provision of work experience in the HEIs, and create 12 replicable modules of WBL together with guidance on management, quality assurance, learning outcomes, funding and accreditation. In the last year of the project the results will be promoted in all EU countries and other world regions through Tuning.

Sociological aspects of sustainable sociospatial and manpower development of Slovenia in Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Samo Pavlin
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2019
National program
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/H2020: GTM3 - Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3

Project leader at FDV: Andrej Kohont
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 01.01.2017
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

P5-0200 Kakovost življenja družbenih skupin

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 01.01.2017
National program
Centre for Welfare Studies

Socialna psihologija in sociologija vsakdanjega življenja

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 01.01.2017
National program
Centre for Social Psychology

InnovaTion in Health And Care for All

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
External project leader: Noord Brabant
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 01.01.2017
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

Mladi raziskovalec Boris Mance

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Boris Mance
Duration: 01.12.2016 - 01.12.2016
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

EU/EUROSTAT: Better data to assess the impact of ICT, R&D and Innovation on the economy

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Barbara Brečko
Duration: 01.11.2016 - 01.11.2016
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

TP Vrednotenje ukrepa samozaposlovanja aktivne politike zaposlovanja v obdobju 2007-2013

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Barbara Brečko
Duration: 01.11.2016 - 01.11.2016
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Mladi raziskovalec Miha Šlebir

Project leader at FDV: dr. Miha Šlebir
Duration: 01.11.2016 - 01.11.2016
National project
Defence Research Centre

Analytical tools for S4 revision in 2018

Project leader at FDV: Anže Burger
Duration: 01.10.2016 - 30.09.2017
National project
Centre of International Relations
Slovenia prepared its first Research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3) in September 2015. Even though the priorites determined according to analytical studies and in an open dialog through the entrepreneurial discovery process, only the first years of RIS3 implementation will be able to show the advantages and shortcomings of the new system of implementation and the chosen detemination of priority areas. The revision of RIS3 in 2008 will therefore provide an opportunity for the strategy structure and implementation to adapt to feedback information and to encompass thematically and methodologically updated empirical toolkit. The objective of the project is to update and improve analytical backing for the preparation of Slovenian RIS3 in order to provide foundation for its revision in 2018, predominately to improve the designation of priority sectors and areas. The primary issue in this sense is whether the currently defined priorities already include all relevant horizontal and vertical priorities and pillars of economic and RRI activities. Potential inclusion of new priority areas, omission of previously unjustified priority areas or other similar permutations are of secondary issue since basic RIS3 structure already rests on sound and evidence-based analytical foundation. Radical changes in methodology are not only excluded due to the mentioned quality of the present methodological framework, but also due to the principle of stability and predictability of the system and development policy. Specific goals of the project are as follows: C1. Comparative analysis of methodological frameworks of RIS3 in other EU member states. C2. Critical appraisal of present RIS3 analytical tools in the context of international benchmark comparison, methodology presently used and adequate consideration of relevant areas. C3. Update and expansion of the current analytical methods that are based on business activities of economic subjects and industries. C4. New analytical tools that will be based on currently unused or underused data sources on business activities of different agents on the market. C5. New analytical tools based on the data on research, technological and innovation activities of knowledge institutions and their cooperation with business actors. C6. Comparison of methodological outcomes between East and West cohesion regions. C7. Critical appraisal of the current methodological framework using the updated methodology. C8. Specific recommendations for RIS3 revision based on the proposed update of the methodological toolkit and the evaluation of the curent framework. Project work will be segmented into 3 consecutive parts. 1. The goal of the first workpackage is to idetify deficiencies of the present methodology for preparation of Slovenian RIS3. These shortcomings will be determined as follows: - benchmark comparison and analysis of RIS3 methodological foundations in other EU member states, - review of the recent state of the art literature on driversof competitiveness of countries, regions, clusters, firms, and the role different levels of government has in the process of improving competitiveness, - review of relevant recent domestic analyses and sources on the topic of RIS3 implementation, - analysis of key emphasis in a series of structured dialogues with the stakeholders during the preparation of the RIS3 document, - survey of available data, including research and technological development, that could be used in the revised evidence-based analytical framework. 2. The goal of the second workpackage will be to use the identified shorcomings in the previous workpackage in the formulation and testing a revised and upgraded methodological framework. Proposal of updated methodology and its operationalization will be carried out with the following activities: - analysis of technological fields, R&D and science with the focus on the linkages between business and public and private knowledge creation i

Evaluation of occupational medicine system in Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andrej Rus
Duration: 01.10.2016 - 30.09.2018
National project
Research Center for Strategy and Governance
In Slovenia, the number of reports on violations of safety and health at work is increasing. Specifically, in the field of occupational medicine, according to the Labour inspectorate of the RS, the conditions are not improving. Most of the violations of the preventive health checks are related to the inadequate performance of occupational medicine providers. The main task of the occupational medicine is to prevent (and cure) the occupational diseases and diseases related to work and injuries at work. Provision of surveillance over the working conditions is very important. Dangerous substances, that represent risk for worker's health and safety, are present at most of the workplaces. New and different risks are present at workplaces as a consequence of technological progress, nanotechnology and electromagnetic fields. Workers are working longer and older workers represent a large part of the active working population. Changes of the risk factors should be included in the risk assessment. Unfortunately, there is no clear overview of the state of the art in this field, so we do not know exactly how employers are carrying out these tasks. There is no research in the field of occupational medicine, that would give us information about how activities are carried out by different stakeholders. In Slovenia, we also do not have a methodology that would provide us with the information about the quality of service provision. Research in this field is fragmented. The aim of the proposed project is to assess the provision of occupational medicine services. The starting points of the project are: (1) Goals and measures in the field of future health protection at work that are stipulated in the resolution on the national safety and health programme 2016-2025, that considers occupational medicine as an important factor. (2) New law on safety and health at work, that came into force in 2011, regulates rights and obligations of employers and workers about the necessary health measures; (3) There are additional laws that regulate his field; (4) Rules in the field of safety and health at work. The main goal of the project is to examine the conditions that regulate the role of occupational medicine service providers and its financing. Safety and health at work is one of the main challenges in terms of the way services are organized and consequently on the occupational medicine as expertise. Therefore, the project will: Prepare holistic analysis of the provision of occupational medicine services; Evaluate the existing state of the art; Analyse the system of financing these services; Analyse new working requirements and risks; Prepare basis for strategic guidance for the Ministry of Health.

Slovenian scientists home and abroad

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Zlatko Šabič
Duration: 01.10.2016 - 30.09.2018
National project
Centre of International Relations
In Slovenia, internationalization is a priority in all segments of society, including in science. This is emphasised in its strategic national document on Slovenia’s role internationally, i.e. the Foreign Policy Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia. According to the latter (p. 29), science is recognised as a long-term strategic goal. It is therefore of utmost importance to develop plans and policies that will enable better co-operation with scholars abroad, particularly Slovenian ones, and thus promote further development of Slovenian science and its better (more efficient) promotion abroad. In the literature, there are many analyses related to the mobility and networking of scientists. The OECD has carried out comprehensive research in this area. Some comparative (sub)regional studies on the same issue are also available. These studies have made an important contribution to our understanding of the role of science in a globalised world. However, the research and especially policy agenda have not been exhausted, which is particularly the case in Slovenia. For in Slovenia, the knowledge about mobility, connections, networking and collaborative endeavours by Slovenian scientists is lacking - this is in spite of a rather sophisticated system of monitoring of the scientific output through SICRIS / COBISS.   The proposed project intends to fill in this gap in four ways: by examining the state of affairs as regards possibilities and opportunities for co-operation with Slovenian scientists abroad and for promotion of Slovenian science abroad; on this basis, the project aims to carry out preliminary research on the presence of Slovenian science abroad in order to allow for an in-depth exploration of this presence and of its added value, leading to publications addressing this problematique. by organising the data on Slovenian scientists abroad and by gathering examples of good practice of their co-operation with Slovenia (i.e. institutions and individuals in Slovenia). by organising, with practical solutions, and strengthening the significance of the presence of Slovenian science abroad, by promoting achievements of Slovenian scientists abroad and thus promoting Slovenia as an attractive hub for co-operation with scientists from abroad. by preparing policy proposals that will seeks to strengthen activities of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of internationalisation, popularisation and co-operation of Slovenian science with scholars abroad, in both directions. The visibility of the project results will be secured through the portal Metina lista, which is a partner in this project. The Metina lista is also a part of our vision to create a central Slovenian portal for popularisation and visibility of Slovenian science. The proposed projects thus seeks to use the available experience and infrastructure of the Metina lista on the one hand, and to enhance its robustness with a view to making it a truly authoritative source of information nationwide but also internationally.

EU/E+/SP-VET: ROTENA - Robotics - Training for the New Age

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Toni Pustovrh
Duration: 01.10.2016 - 01.10.2016
International project
Centre for Social Studies of Science

Strategic development and innovation partnerships as a tool to strengthen innovation capability of Slovenian economy

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Maja Bučar
Duration: 01.10.2016 - 30.09.2019
National project
Centre of International Relations
The analyses of Slovenian innovation systems (OECD 2012; ERAC 2010; MVZT 2011; RIO reports on Slovenia) often stress two central problems: lack of specialisation in research financing as well as insufficient and improper cooperation between relatively well developed public research sphere and business sector. One of the ways which should, not just in Slovenia, but also in other EU countries, help in improved and more focused research and innovation activity and closer interlinkage of public research domain and business sector, is to be the development of smart specialisation strategy. In parallel, there should be new measures formulated which will help in implementing the strategy. The key objective of the strategy of smart specialisation, as defined by EU is to »set priorities at national and regional level to build competitive advantage by developing and matching research and innovation own strengths with business needs, to address emerging opportunities and market developments in a coherent manner, while avoiding duplication and fragmentation of efforts.[i]  The Slovenian focus is captured in the introductory section of the Slovenian smart specialisation strategy (S4): » Smart specialisation is a platform for concentrating development investments in areas where Slovenia has the critical mass of knowledge, capacities and competences and where there is innovation potential for placing Slovenia within global markets and thus enhancing its recognisability«. (SVRK 2015:1) During the design of the objectives of the Operational Programme for the implementation of the European cohesion policy 2014-2020 (SVRK, 2014) in the fields of research, development, innovation and entrepreneurship a new instrument was proposed within the framework of Smart specialisation strategy (SVRK, 2015a). This new instrument should enable a formation of a novel model for cooperation between business entities, public research organisations and other stakeholders. The establishment of so called »strategic partnerships« (SVRK, 2015b) should contribute to the formation of long-term public-private partnerships with the leading role of the stakeholders (not the government) in establishment of value chains and organisation of complex support to the research and innovation activity with the objective of transition to the market in priority areas of S4. With the interlinkages build among the strategic partners the upgrading of the existing cooperation mechanisms (centres of excellence, competence centres, clusters, etc.) will be achieved, providing for improved competencies to enable a strategic breakthrough in the individual priority areas of S4.  Since the instrument is designed so that its financing and content focus will be in the hands of stakeholders and not the government, it is expected that strategic partnerships will be successful in the formation of linkages which would lead towards long-term partnerships with objective of increased value added in Slovenian economy. The concepts and objectives of strategic partnerships are defined in the documents accompanying the preparation of S4 and in their concept represent a novelty in Slovenian research and innovation system. The specific attention is given to the active role of business sector, focus on promotion of joint research and development objectives, which are not driven by scientific goals only, but primarily aimed at promoting access to market in the identified priority areas, also through formation of value chains, where the result is high value added.  A systematic participation of stakeholders from Slovenia in the international value chains is a highly demanding task, which assumes new quality in the cooperation of stakeholders. The demanding process of establishment of strategic partnerships will have to be followed in the development of the methodology to evaluate their results. Such a methodology will have to be multi-layer and integrate the use of standard evaluation techniques as well as c


Project leader at FDV: Marko Lovec
Duration: 01.10.2016 - 30.09.2019
National project
Centre of International Relations
Impacts and perspectives of CAP on Slovenian agriculture and rural areas The goals, instruments, amount of funding and implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) importantly affect the economic situation in agriculture, as well its related sectors – forestry and agro-food, the state of the environment, and rural settlement and vitality. Due to various external (the international community) and internal (public opinion, budgetary considerations, the institutional development of the Union) factors, the CAP changes in fairly regular seven-year cycles. These reforms change the structure and amount of support funding. The policy is becoming more transparent and is introducing new goals and intentions; its environmental aspect is becoming more accentuated and markets are becoming less regulated. However, its supporting nature and the approximate level of funding remain. In 2016 a new reform cycle is beginning and it will culminate in the change of the CAP's basic regulations, presumably in the years 2018/19. We can only conjecture as to the actual radicality of reform and possible paradigm changes (Buckwell, 2015), but at the moment it seems that the changes will be less pronounced and that the key elements of the 2013 reform will remain in place. This study is intended to support the decision-making of governmental and non-governmental actors in the process of amending or adopting new CAP regulations (direct payments, market intervention, rural development). We wish to develop a broad array and focus of contextual and quantitative analysis that will en gender new knowledge regarding the effects of current measures and possibilities of new policies. There have been no integral and quantitative data-supported analyses of the effects of both CAP Pillars since Slovenia's accession to the EU. This is therefore the first key purpose of this study. We wish to add to the existing yearly monitoring of the state of agriculture, conducted by the Agricultural institute for the competent ministry, and use evaluation theory and econometric analysis to provide an integral, scientifically supported (evidence-based) assessment of the policy. The second purpose of our study is to follow, analyse and support the discussions regarding the future CAP with suggestions and empirical analyses. The study group will systematically monitor all official proposals, their amendments, and especially the positions of the many stakeholders included in the process. Based on these proposals, we will prepare reform scenarios and evaluate them (impact assessment) using adapted empirical tools. The initially conducted assessment of existing policy will play an important role in the impact assessment and development of proposals and recommendations to governmental and non-governmental organisations. We have formed a national study group consisting of individuals representing six research organisations working in the field of agriculture, forestry, public policy assessment (especially agricultural and environmental) and international relations; all have references in the field in question. Work will be conducted in 6 work packages (WPs): WP 1: Context and approach to assessment. We will formulate the specific research questions and methodology of the project. We will determine the goals of national agricultural policy and intervention logic of the measures. A detailed research plan will be prepared. WP 2: Indicators of agricultural policy. We will analyse formal and potential indicators that enable the monitoring of the realisation of set goals. A database with indicators will be established. We will analyse changes and provide a preliminary assessment regarding the realisation of agricultural policy goals. WP 3: Agricultural policy impact assessment using econometric analysis. The WP 2 database will also serve fort he purpose of econometric analysis of the influence of agricultural policy on specific indicators. This analysis will be conducted i

Mlada raziskovalka Jana Arbeiter

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jana Arbeiter
Duration: 01.10.2016 - 01.10.2016
National project
Centre of International Relations

Mlada raziskovalka Jasna Mikič

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Jasna Mikić Ljubi
Duration: 01.10.2016 - 01.10.2016
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Mladi raziskovalec Marko Hočevar

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Marko Hočevar
Duration: 01.10.2016 - 01.10.2016
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Mladi raziskovalec Primož Mlačnik

Project leader at FDV: asist. Primož Mlačnik
Duration: 01.10.2016 - 01.10.2016
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

MP/FORS: RRPP data rescue

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.09.2016 - 01.09.2016
International project
Social Science Data Archive

EU/E+/Jean Monnet-Project: EU4Me - Learning European Diversity: Respecting Multiculturalism, Multilingualism, Minorities and Migration in the EU

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Damjan Lajh
Duration: 01.09.2016 - 01.09.2016
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU/E+/Jean Monnet-Project: trACES - Tacking Radicalism through Active Citizenship of Europe in Schools

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2018
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
The aim of the project (trACES) is to prepare a curriculum, designed to combat youth radicalization, and to complement a blended learning toolkit for teaching and learning (EU) citizenship, which is based on a methodology developed under our ACES project (ACES - 542835-LLP-1-2013-1-AJM-ICS), which has been labelled as Success Story by the EC. The project trACES tackles growing concern of radicalization by providing special seminars and development of appropriate educational tools for teachers and trainers to empower and inform them how to tackle the phenomenon of radicalization. The use of the newly-designed Anti-Radicalization curriculums for primary schools, general secondary and VET schools, and youth centres and youth clubs will not only improve youth's knowledge of European political processes and facilitate European values but also steer youth towards democracy and tolerance. Moreover, the curriculum will contribute to respond to the opportunities and challenges raised by the increasing numbers of refugees in the EU by condemning the use of stereotype and xenophobic violence against refugees and immigrants. The project is set to achieve the goals set by acquainting students with the concepts of civil, political and social citizenship in the context of the EU and address barriers that drive radicalization. Based on the inclusion of all relevant stakeholders in the field, trACES assures greatest possible quality assurance and translation of results to the actual policies.

Jean Monnet Module: EU Environmental Policy: Internal and External Dimensions (EU ENVI)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko
Duration: 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2019
International project
Centre of International Relations
The module ‘EU Environmental Policy: Internal and External Dimensions’ aims at exploring legal, policy and practical dimensions of the EU actions in the field of environment, taking into account and highlighting close interactions between its internal and external dimensions. International, EU and national perspectives are employed to study environmental governance. The module traces how global commitments influence the development of EU environmental policies and how this further impacts the national level. Attention is given to ways in which the EU and its Member States seek to influence global environmental regimes. To put the discussed matters into an analytical context the EU’s internal policy-making is studied; the EU’s competences in environmental matters broadly defined and instruments that the EU uses to pursue the objectives analysed. As a response to topics discussed as indicated above, students are encouraged to reflect on the role that political and corporate interests can play in socially and physically complex problems; the response of the public, in particular advocates of a less anthropocentric approach towards environmental governance; and the role of the EU in a deeply interdependent international community. Project deliverables: teaching material (lectures, seminars and simulation of decision-making in Council of the EU on Environment), round table notes from the round table on EU environmental policy organised on 9 May 2018, interviews with the module holder, guest lecturers and students enrolled in the module, a newspaper article on EU environmental policy and an edited volume of student research under supervision of the module holder and two editors on current challenges of internal and external dimensions of EU environmental policy. Academic coordinator and contact person: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko (e-mail:; phone: +386 (0)1 5805 224) Project results and related publications: Jean Monnet Module EU ENVI Europe Day round table and with Student Conference: Interview with module coordinator Assoc. Prof. dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko on Jean Monnet activities (in Slovene): Newspaper article by Katja Miklavčič in Marko Maver, Phd, on Carbon Capture Storage: E-book (edited book featuring students' research articles on EU's domestic and external environmental policy) - in preparation

EU/E+/JMChair: ECCE - Education for Contemporary Citizenship of Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2019
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
The aim of the Chair is developing a course Education for Contemporary Citizenship of Europe (ECCE) for social science students (political science, sociology, communication research, journalism). The course’s content intertwines with 3 main topics: new technologies (IT – flipped classrooms, learning management system), new innovative curricula (educational methods), and overcoming skills mismatches in the labour market as well as lack of competences critically needed to perform the role of active citizens. ECCE shall acquaint students with the concepts of civil, political and social citizenship in the context of the EU and shall also focus on different tendencies (e.g. free movement, democratic deficit) recognized in the politics of EU citizenship. Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, equipped with special or additional knowledge and competence needed in a daily practice, will thus gain comparative advantage improving their position in the labour market. Based on vast research and teaching experience of the chair holder, the project will be based on innovative flipped classroom approach, which will allow it to be on offer as an open educational resource on Moodle educational platform. The key activity of the project consists of lectures and seminars, but in an innovative way. With practical exercises (e.g. drafting European citizenship’ initiative, prepare a response for a real proposal of directive that could be submitted to European Commission, engaging in public consultations etc.) students will not just gain important skills, but also understand the meaning of active citizenship and understand the potential impact of individuals on European policy making. In addition to students, an important beneficiary groups from the JM Chair are also professionals from the field that already completed their studies as well as high-school teachers and non-formal educators who tackle EU within their civics courses. The latter will be informed through the extensive networks created by JM projects coordinated by the chair holder.

EU/E+/SP-HE: ACADEMIC REFUGE - Strategic Partnership to Promote Core Academic Values and Welcome Refugees and Threatened Academics to European Campuses

Project leader at FDV: Andreja Vezovnik
Duration: 01.09.2016 - 01.09.2016
International project
Centre for Social Psychology

EU/COST-CA15218: Measuring homelessness in Europe

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.09.2016 - 01.09.2016
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

EU/CEF Programme: SIC SI 2016-2018: Safer Internet Centre Slovenia:, Spletno oko and Tom telefon 2016-2018

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.07.2016 - 01.07.2016
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

MP/ILO: ILO-EC project on Industrial Relations and Inequalities

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Branko Bembič
Duration: 01.06.2016 - 01.06.2016
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

The Language of Touch: Linguistical Perspectives in Haptic Studies

Project leader at FDV: Mirt Komel
Duration: 01.06.2016 - 31.05.2018
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies
The project proposes an innovative philosophical approach in researching the link between touch and language in the field of haptic studies. The epistemology of the proposed project understands touch as a philosophical problem that underlines all research in contemporary haptic studies, and, complementarly, our mundane understanding of touching. Touch was, in the history of philosophy, conceptually employed either as a mere bodily sense, a sense among other senses (Aristoteles, Hume), or as a metaphor for grasping an abstract metaphyisical knowledge (Plato, Descartes). However, there is at least one exception to the rule, namely Hegel, whose concept of Begriff allows a dialectical understanding of touch as both, concept and touching. The proposed philosophical innovation starts from this Hegelian conception of touch that If touch is a concept then the very theoretical activity of conception implies touching. As the preliminary research for this project proposal shows, most if not all approaches in the developing haptic studies, that is, the humanities and social sciences of touch (especially anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies), deal with touch mainly in the first sense (touch as an empirical, bodily, sensorial experience) or at best through a phenomenological perspective (Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Levinas). While considering various sociocultural aspects that structure the way we are touching (Classen, Paterson, Harvey, Dent) these aproaches, however, never surpass or reflect on their philosophical points of origins, and neither they incorporate various other philosophical currents. Since language is already considered as one of the socio-cultural aspects of touching in haptic studies our project proposal proposes to research in detail this specific link between touch and language through a lingustic analysis, more precisly, through Lacanian theoretical psychoanalysis (especially Dolar’s philosophy of the voice and touch in the millieu of Ljubljana’s Lacanian school) on the one hand, and through the Derridaian linguistic turn in philosophy on the other (especially the philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy who dedicated his best works to touch and body). The novelty of the project proposal lies in its questioning touch not only in its determination throught language (“how does language structure touching?”) but also in questioning language through touch (“how does touch structure language”). In this sense the purpose of the project is: 1. Research contemporary linguistic philosophies of touch, especially psychoanalysis and phenomenology; 2. Research the link between touch and language in the field of haptic studies; 3. Research the methodological possibilities of a new theory of touch based on lingustic philosophy. If the research proceedings will prove fruitfull this project proposal will be the springboard for the re-application for the ERC grant where a new theory of touch will be developed as the groundbreaking result of the applied project.

EU/COST-CA15122: ROSEnet - Reducing Old-Age Social Exclusion: Collaborations in Research and Policy

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.04.2016 - 01.04.2016
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

EU/COST-CA15130: SAREP - Study Abroad Research in European Perspective

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Monika Kalin Golob
Duration: 01.04.2016 - 01.04.2016
International project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

Social mechanisms for establishing and maintaining of scientific collaboration

Project leader at FDV: Anuška Ferligoj
Duration: 01.03.2016 - 28.02.2019
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics
BACKGROUND: Researcher collaboration is one of the fundamental principles of modern science. The collective nature of the research work in modern science represents the driving mechanism of contemporary scientific advancement. It is a complex phenomenon, which is studied at the level of individual researchers, research institutions and national or global networks. In the proposed project we will investigate which are the factors that influence short-term collaborations and which are those that influence long-term, in-depth collaboration at various levels. PROBLEM DEFINITION: The study of different types of scientific collaboration, both of co-authorship networks (as an expression of the internal cognitive developmental needs of science), and of those emerging from inter-institutional collaboration projects (mosty dictated by external political and other strategic frameworks and objectives), will enable new insights into the dynamics and structure of mechanisms for establishing or for maintaining scientific collaborations. The factors that lead to the establishment or maintenance of ties in co-authorship and inter-institutional networks will be studied at the micro and the macro level. The macro factors refer to economic, political, geographical and other conditions, and the micro factors to the expectations of scientists and institutions about direct or indirect benefits that cooperation can bring. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study is to explore the macro and micro factors and mechanisms for establishing or maintaining scientific collaboration in two contexts: the context of co-authorship collaborations among Slovenian researchers and the context of inter-institutional collaborations in the implementation of projects on sustainable development funded by the EU Framework Programmes (EU FP). By combining the theoretical knowledge on macro and micro factors and the empirical study of co-authorship and inter-institutional project networks, we aim to identify those mechanisms and factors that are common in both contexts, as well as those specific to each context. Such a differentiation will, inter alia, enable the identification and evaluation of measures that are the most effective for promoting collaboration at the level of individual researchers in Slovenia, as well as at the level of institutions from various countries that operate in the environment of the European project collaboration. METHODS: Quantitative and qualitative methodologies will be used. Co-authorship networks at the individual level will be generated based on the COBISS bibliographic database, at the institutional level based on the CORDIS database (EU FP). The focus groups, in-depth interviews and a web survey will serve to collect additional information on the factors influencing the establishment and duration of collaboration on both levels. The analysis and visualization of co-authorship networks in time will be conducted with methods, implemented in the PAJEK programme. The network dynamics will be analyzed with models implemented in the tERGM package of the Statnet programme. RELEVANCE AND IMPACT: This is an innovative interdisciplinary study. The results will make an important contribution to understanding the dynamics of scientific collaboration and the trends of different origins that drive the modern system of science. In addition to contributing to basic science, it has also applicative value: the results can form a basis for the formulation of strategies and measures within Slovenian research policy. ORGANISATION AND FEASIBILITY: Data on collaboration networks will be obtained in collaboration with a partner organization from existing databases, thus a strong emphasis will be on qualitative data collection and the development and application of appropriate methods and models. For latter case we have formed a partnership with the company EKTIMO.

Smart ICT Solutions for Active and Healthy Ageing: Integrating Informal e-Care Services in Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 01.03.2016 - 28.02.2019
National project
Centre for Social Informatics
The need of older adults to live at home for as long as possible, increasing costs of long-term care (leading to unsustainable health and social care systems), and burdened informal carers can nowadays no longer be ignored. These characteristics of an ageing society are pressuring Slovenian policy makers, industry, researchers, and civil society organizations to develop and mainstream ICT-based assistive services (ASs). Despite the growing body of evidence about ICT-based ASs’ positive effects, Slovenia is in its infancy regarding the adoption of smart solutions for active and healthy ageing (AHA).   The project develops an integrated theory-driven and evidence-based approach in order to stimulate the uptake of technological solutions for AHA for a “triple-win” outcome: 1) improved well-being of older adults and their informal carers; 2) financial gains for the health and social care sectors; 3) new market opportunities for providers of ASs.   The project will address these problems by pursuing three main aims: Understanding how an usable, sustainable and affordable ASs on a cloud-based platform for the prolonged independent living and AHA of older people can be (re)designed to consider both the needs of older adults and their informal carers; Testing and evaluating the ASs in a realistic environment involving care receivers and caregivers in their home environment;  Outlining a methodological approach that would allow the active involvement of end-users throughout all stages of the R&D of ASs.   The project will include a study of the redesign and exploitation of a cloud-based home care AS (CareSignal), developed by the co-funding organisation, which will comprise of various components of telecare and telehealth.   The project breaks new ground by developing: An innovative socio-technical model to evaluate acceptance factors of care receivers and caregivers in relation to the (re)design of ICT-based ASs for independent living at home, which could be used for generating new design solutions and setting new deployment guidelines for ASs. This approach will result in a comprehensive understanding of older adults' and their informal carers' needs, abilities, social support, motivations and values, their perspective on costs and benefits, and the perceived quality of the ICT-based ASs, all of which are relevant to their willingness to accept ASs. A novel methodological approach based on the idea of iterative design that will consider older adults and their informal carers and will be validated with extensive user involvement throughout the R&D process. Such a participatory approach will facilitate a move from technology-driven to user-centered design to R&D of ICT-based ASs. Needs and perceptions shall be studied in three stages: 1) eliciting user needs and generating general design ideas; 2) evaluating existing AS in lab settings and real environments; 3) generating specific redesign ideas, culminating in suggestions for new or improved functionalities and characteristics of the CareSignal.   The project brings together over two decades of internationally recognized interdisciplinary research by the project team in areas of social informatics, methodology, including mixed-methods data collection and evaluation designs for elderly, gerontechnology, experience with large international empirical digital inclusion and AHA (FP5, FP6, FP7, Erasmus+, LLP, Interreg) projects, as well as R&D of ASs, online learning games and mobile applications for older adults.   The core research team will cooperate with two researchers from University of Maribor, who have participated in more than 60 projects and are internationally recognized specialists in HCI and User Experience for older adults and impaired persons, as well as with the co-funding organization Smart Com, a Slovenian leading high-tech company with a strong R&D and commercial interest in the application of ICTs for AHA, which has been involved in numerous (inter)national R&D proje

EU/COST-CA15109: COSTNET - European Cooperation for Statistics of Network Data Science

Project leader at FDV: Anuška Ferligoj
Duration: 01.03.2016 - 01.03.2016
International project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

BledCom 2016, 23. mednarodni simpozij za raziskovanje v odnosih z javnostmi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 01.01.2016
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

EU/E+/SP-Youth: PRISOP - Mladina ustvarja: partnerstvo za razvoj izobraževanja za socialno podjetništvo

Project leader at FDV: Marinko Banjac
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 01.01.2016
International project
Centre for Political Theory

Heritage of the First World War: Representations and Reinterpretations

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Mitja Velikonja
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies
This project will examine the production and maintenance of social memory of WWI in the Slovene region of the Kingdom SCS as well as in Italian and Austrian lands with Slovene residents. In doing so, we will be interested in examining the ways that social memory of the war is diversely defined, focusing on the positionality of individual countries (winners and losers), the partiality and politics of memory, and the range of strategies for preserving memory given the diversity, contradictions and contesteded nature of memories.   1.MILITARY CEMETARIES AND MONUMENTS   In the Kingdom SCS, Serbian military victories were celebrated with monuments built with state support while the memories of the Austro-Hungarian military tradition were relegated to obscurity. Erecting monuments to fallen soldiers of various ethnicities became a secular ritual that supported either “official” or “subversive” political values. Researchers will compile a register of such monuments, identifying who built them and when, how they were interpreted, what stories are linked to them, and who participates at the commemorations that take place at the monuments.   After 1918, the tomb of the unknown soldier became one of the most distinctive expressions of social memory, which is evident in these monuments’ central location in state capitals of countries that participated in WWI. Slovene veterans began to plan such a collective memorial in 1927 in Brezje instead of the capital of Ljubljana, as it was easier to hold ceremonies as apolitical, pious events at such a memorial in Brezje, a pilgramage site. However, the outbreak of WWII interrupted such plans. We will with the aid of available resources research the monuments built to fallen soliders in order to examine the symbolic meaning of the plans of the Slovenian monument built for the unknown soldier, which elsewhere are otherwise located in state capitals.   2. COMMEMORATIVE PRACTICES   The end of WWI brought with it a new reality with new heroes and new practices of forgetting. We will pay particular attention to commemorative practices and the practices of producing as well as modifying memories of the beginning of the war, both in Slovenia as well as in other parts of the former Yugoslavia.   Numerous commemorative ceremonies in the first years after the war were of an exclusionary nature, emphasizing their as state- or nation-building function Ritual ceremonies helped build an image of a monolithic state that defines itself in opposition to the Other. The nationalisation of space and peoples took place in this manner in all four countries in which Slovenes lived.   Research will be focused on the development of ritual practices and recollections of the war in all these countries, including both the strategies of majority populations (official, media and common sense discourses) as well as the counterstrategies of Slovene minority residents.    3.CONTEMPORARY (RE)INTERPRETATIONS OF WWI   Memories of WWI remained in the shadows of WWII virtually until 1991. This section is examines the distinctiveness of contemporary WWI memorials, their position, and their function within the broader physical and social landscape as elements of heritage. In particular, we will focus on the landscape along the Isonzo Front.   We will identify the diverse perspectives, agendas and roles that local social actors and institutions have in shifting constructions of social memory by focusing on their interactions and their activities in producing such heritage elements as well as on the numerous discourses through which this diversity is articulated. We will also assess through comparative work the role that contemporary Europeanisation processes play in reframing wartime social memories in terms of a common history and a message of global peace.

Social aspects of the organ donation in Slovenia: Analysis of the stimulating and inhibitory factors for designing programs to achieve behavioural change

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018
National project
Centre for Social Psychology
Transplantation as a form of medical treatment is making substantial progress, both in terms of patient survival after transplantation, but also in terms of new transplantation methods. The expansion of organ transplantation as an increasingly successful medical treatment results in greater unbalance between organs available for procurement and the number of people waiting for transplantation. Demand for viable organs has grown exponentially in the last decades and donation rates have not kept pace with the demand, leading to an increasing number of deaths, as for many chronic heart, lung and liver patients transplantation is still the only chance of survival. In Slovenia there are currently 245 patients waiting on transplantation list for donation that will both extend their life expectancy and significantly improve their quality of life; in 2013 alone 10 people died in Slovenia while awaiting transplantation, as their disease progressed beyond the point at which transplantation was possible. Transplantation treatment can reach its potential only when society openly accepts it and when the number of people who are willing to donate their organs after their death is consistent with the demand for transplantable organs. Although more than half of Slovenes agree with organ and tissue transplantation as a form of medical treatment and even indicate their intention to donate organs and tissue after their death or to give next-of-kin consent for the donation. Only 0.22 % of the Slovenian population has registered as a potential organ donor. In general attitudes towards organ donation are rather positive, yet behaviour does not appear to have followed such positive attitudes. Since there is no research touching upon the issue we do not have a proper understanding of this gap. Centrally designed organ donation campaigns are not likely to be effective and efficient and this fact is further demonstrating that there is no efficient promotion of post-mortem organ donation without understanding of pro-donation and anti-donation factors in particular society.   Therefore, this project aims to take the challenge to find ways to narrow the gap between organ demand and supply under the precondition that organ transplantation remains totally voluntary. The project aims at providing in-depth knowledge about factors that influence willingness to donate organs and understanding of the discrepancy between the expressed willingness, intention and actual behaviour related to organ and tissue donation. The main goal of the project is to explore, problematize and provide in-depth knowledge on social aspects of the organ donation in Slovenia. This will be achieved through a detailed analysis of the barriers to and incentives for postmortem organ and tissue donation followed by recommendations for programs designed to achieve behavioural change (more discussion about organ donation with family members and more donors) in the Slovenian population. The understanding of barriers and incentives will be obtained by quantitative representative survey conducted on the general population of Slovenia, qualitative in-depth interviews with medical experts, online communities moderators and health journalists and focus groups with general public and with specific segments/groups of segmented population as well as the analysis of mass media and social media discourses shaping the public opinion, peoples’ believes and information on organ and tissue donation.  In addition the project will focus on developing recommendations and guidelines for the development of programs for behaviour change in the field of organ and tissue donation, which will inform the efficient and effective promotion of organ and tissue donation in a way that acknowledges Slovenian cultural and social context of organ donation.

Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises: Contemporary Issues and Challenges for Slovenia and EU

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Rado Bohinc
External project leader: UL FDV
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018
National project
Research Centre for Comparative Corporate Law
Slovenia is one of the EU countries most affected by the world financial and economic crisis. An important reason for this is demonstrated by the findings of the research project, entitled “Legal and Economic Aspects of Corporate Governance in the Public and Private Sector as a Tool for Overcoming Economic and Development Crisis” (project leader Prof. Rado Bohinc, PhD), which was conducted from 2011 to 2014, and was financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS). The project showed that poor corporate governance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is an important reason for Slovenia’s poor economic performance over the last years. Moreover, the European Commission in its Communication of 5 March 2014 draws attention to the excessive macroeconomic imbalances in Slovenia, and mentions the high level of state involvement in the economy and weak corporate governance, especially of SOEs, as risk factors. Similarly, the OECD in its reports from 2011, 2013 and 2015 concludes that poor corporate governance of SOEs is one of the main causes for the crisis in Slovenia. Hence, the proposed research project will focus on the contemporary challenges in the corporate governance of SOEs, especially in Slovenia, but also from the EU and OECD perspective.   The first part of the project will focus primarily on an in-depth analysis of the essential weaknesses, at the normative as well as the implementation level of SOE corporate governance activity in Slovenia. Good practices in the EU and OECD countries will be identified and analysed. The central focus will be on the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of SOEs (Guidelines) as in 2014 – based on new findings from the ten years of experience with their (in)application in praxis – a revision procedure has been initiated and a new draft of the Guidelines has already been drawn up. The project will, among others, address the following issues: ensuring an effective legal and regulatory framework for SOEs (including the separation between the state’s regulatory and ownership function); the position and particularities of the state acting as an owner, equitable treatment of shareholders, transparency of business activities and disclosure, and the staffing, position and responsibilities of boards in SOEs.   With regard to the newest findings from the fields of legal and economic sciences, the second part of the project will take a thorough look at the rationales behind state ownership, state ownership policy, including sustainable business and socially responsible corporate governance, and the related social market economy for the 21st century. The demand that everybody can benefit from growth is one of the key emphases of the Commission’s strategy document “Europe 2020”, to which the state as a socially responsible owner can contribute considerably.   The third part of the project will provide concrete institutional solutions and social innovations taking into account the social reality and the specifics of post(transition) Slovenia, based not only on good foreign practices but also on bad local practices in the corporate governance of SOEs. The proposed solutions and innovations will not be based on the simplified and repeatedly ineffective mechanical transfer of legal institutions from one (well-functioning) social system to the Slovene context. In Slovenia and other comparable countries, soft law in the form of codes and recommendations does not have the same effect as in well-managed countries with a rich and successful tradition of the rule of law and market economy. It is significant that the draft of the revised Guidelines strongly emphasises that the same approach and recommendations are neither effective nor applicable in all (social) contexts. In this third part, suggestions will be put forward with respect to the corporate legislation by introducing the most advanced approaches for the corporate governance of companies, especially of SOEs.

Slovene scientific texts: resources and description

Project leader at FDV: Nataša Logar
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism
The development and use of Slovene academic language at universities and in research is one of the central questions of the Slovene language policy. The problem is highlighted in the National Programme for Language Policy of the Republic of Slovenia 2014–2018 and a number of European studies also draw attention to the impact that the knowledge and development of academic discourse have on language vitality. It is therefore of fundamental importance to develop contemporary reference language resources that will help empower Slovene academic language and to undertake comprehensive research based on a representative sample of such language. In recent years, Slovene universities have started to establish institutional repositories of scientific publications, containing various types of texts from PhD theses to scientific and professional papers. An important milestone is the establishment of the National Portal for Open Science,, launched in 2013, which aggregates access to the digital libraries of individual universities. The portal already offers access to over 123,000 Slovene language publications from a wide range of disciplines. These publications are a highly valuable but so far completely unused source of data on Slovene academic writing, including terminological data. The goal of the project is to overcome these limitations in several ways. First, it will compile a large corpus of Slovene academic writing containing texts harvested from the Open Science portal. The texts will be extracted from their source (usually PDF) format, which involves developing methods for text clean-up and structure extraction, and up-conversion to a uniform and standardised XML representation. The corpus will be linguistically annotated, with new tools and resources developed to improve the quality of the annotations. Text classification and keyphrase extraction methods will be developed as well, in order to enhance the usability of the Open Science portal by allowing better faceted search and recommender systems for university librarians entering the publications into the repositories. The corpus will serve as the basis for studies in terminology extraction. The extracted term candidates will be exported to a public online dictionary viewer and editor, so that Slovene scientific communities from a range of subject fields will be able to engage in the management of their terminologies. A very important aspect of the work undertaken in the project will be the first empirically based study of Slovene academic discourse, founded on a representative corpus. Data usability studies and in-depth interviews will also be conducted in an attempt to determine the process and obstacles for academic writing in Slovene, resulting in an online manual of style for academic writing in Slovene. The project will make its results as widely available as possible: the produced language resources and tools will be made freely and openly available to the wider research community, which will also improve the state-of-the art of corpus linguistics, digital humanities, and language technologies for Slovene. The resources will be archived in the repository of the research infrastructure CLARIN.SI, which will undertake the maintenance of the corpus after the close of the project. Furthermore, the project will engage with the Slovene scientific community through workshops and a conference. The project will be conducted by ten researchers from four academic institutions with distinct but complementary expertise to attain its goals: to strengthen Slovene academic language; to make Slovene better equipped for functioning in the information society; and to promote open dissemination of scientific results.

Spolna diferenciacija v medijski industriji

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Breda Luthar
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 01.01.2016
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

In search of sustainable and responsible consumption (SRC)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Urška Golob Podnar
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations
Background The field of sustainable consumption and production has been developing rapidly in recent years. Intensive development and various ethical aspects of sustainability have created many inconsistencies, contradictions and ambiguities. Researchers and experts from practice often confront some basic questions such as: What are the dimensions of sustainability? Who is responsible for sustainable development? What is the role of consumers and companies in this process?   Problem identification Current research is lacking a holistic perspective, connecting all stakeholders in order to achieve sustainable responsible consumption. Due to the steadily evolving concept of sustainability and global systemic changes in markets and lifestyles, the sustainability concept has not been fully operationalized in practice. That is, most emphasis on macro and micro level is put on the environmental dimension of sustainability. However, how consumers can become more responsible and how companies are developing a more actionable agenda for sustainable growth with regard to sustainable responsible consumption, remain areas for further research.   Aims of the project Research shows that both consumption and production patterns in certain industries are mostly unsustainable, and changing them poses a significant challenge that needs to be addressed both on macro and micro level. Hence, an improved international and dynamic macroeconomic insight into these patterns can help discover suitable leverages for the change. We will use institutional approaches together with social constructivism theory to explore sustainability issues on a macro level. Implementation of these insights on the micro level requires a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and managerial practices. We will focus on identifying the antecedents that play the most prominent role in shaping the individual’s behavior and conflicting consumption goals that create gaps leading to sustainable behavior. Managerial practices and inclusion of sustainability goals in strategic plans will be researched to establish potential consumer value propositions of sustainable strategies. At this level our research will be informed by the theory of social exchange and service-dominant logic thinking. We aim at a deeper understanding of the sustainable strategy development process and potential outcomes that could enable companies to make better decisions as well as to explore interaction effects between consumers and companies in creating sustainable value.   Methodology The project applies a multi-method, mixed methodology approach for the study of the research problem from different perspectives (companies and consumers, using content analysis, microeconomic models, econometric analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, conjoint analysis and experiments).   Contribution The proposed project is expected to introduce a novel state-of-the-art tool to empirically follow the changes in the condition of sustainability on a macro and micro level. Our contribution is in the theoretical and empirical attempt to combine different levels and facets of sustainability issues and understand how sustainability is valued on the production and consumption side, how consumers and managers decide on trade-offs between different sustainability dimensions and how sustainability can be further institutionalised on a national/European level. Team strengths The partners combine a multitude of knowledge and skills necessary for the success of the project: consumer behavior and management strategy (EF), micro and macroeconomic modeling and econometrics (IER), corporate social responsibility research and communications (FDV). The team has rich experience in best practice recommendations for management and policy and dissemination through educational practices. Researchers benefit from cooperation with distinguished researchers from WU Vienna, Austria, Leeds University, UK, Harvard University, USA and Aarhus Universi

Razvoj komunikološke znanosti

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.01.2016 - 01.01.2016
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

MP/CESSDA: CMM - CESSDA Metadata Management

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.11.2015 - 01.11.2015
International project
Social Science Data Archive


Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Metka Kuhar
Duration: 01.11.2015 - 01.11.2015
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

Mladi raziskovalec Marjan Cugmas

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleš Žiberna
Duration: 01.11.2015 - 01.11.2015
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

EU/CEDEFOP: Learning Culture in Organisations

Project leader at FDV: dr. Dana Mesner Andolšek
Duration: 01.10.2015 - 01.10.2015
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Pisarna IDV

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.10.2015 - 01.10.2015
National project

EU/H2020: SUSTAIN - European Social Survey Sustainability

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Brina Malnar
Duration: 01.10.2015 - 01.10.2015
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre


Project leader at FDV: Anže Burger
Duration: 01.10.2015 - 01.10.2015
National project
Centre of International Relations


Project leader at FDV: Mitja Hafner Fink
Duration: 01.10.2015 - 01.10.2015
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre


Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alenka Švab
Duration: 01.10.2015 - 01.10.2015
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

Research-based Analysis and Monitoring of European Youth Programmes (RAY)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.10.2015 - 31.12.2020
National project
Centre for Political Science Research
The RAY Network is an open, growing and self-governed European research network of National Agencies of the Erasmus+: Youth in Action & European Solidarity Corps and their research partners. The main aim of RAY is to contribute to a better understanding of international youth work and youth learning mobility and thus to an evidence-based policy development in the youth field in Europe as well as to the development of international youth work and learning mobility practice. The focus of research within RAY is on research-based analysis and monitoring of Erasmus+: Youth in Action & European Solidarity Corps, including all its key actions. Respective research activities are planned to be conducted continuously for the full duration of the European youth programmes (2014 to 2020). The RAY Network aims at conducting high quality research, building on the RAY Network partners’ high degree of competence and expertise in the field of (international) youth work and youth learning mobility. RAY Network partners adhere to common standards of social and educational research, complying with internationally accepted ethical standards. In this respect, RAY aims to promote the dialogue between research, policy and practice. A special feature of the RAY network is its European dimension as well as the transnational, multilingual, intercultural and interdisciplinary research approach. The RAY research programme includes seven research projects. These research activities are prepared by working groups and in consultation with the European Commission and related structures. Three long-term researches were planned for Slovenia during this period: 1. Research-based analysis and monitoring of Erasmus+: Youth in Action; 2. A research project on the long-term effects of Erasmus+: Youth in Action on participation and citizenship of the actors involved; 3. A research project on competence development and capacity building of youth workers and youth leaders involved in training/support activities in Erasmus+: Youth in Action. The analyses provide reliable evidence for a better understanding of processes and outcomes in youth work and non-formal education.

EU/E+/CBHE: EuroPS - Curriculum Development Joint European Political Science MA

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Miro Haček
Duration: 01.09.2015 - 01.09.2015
International project
Center for Analysis of Administrative - Political Processes and Institutions

EU/E+/Jean Monnet-Project: STANDUP for your career: Innovative humour - based approach to teaching and learning EU topics

Project leader at FDV: Marinko Banjac
Duration: 01.09.2015 - 01.09.2015
International project
Centre for Political Theory

EU/E+/Jean Monnet-Modules: CASEU - Contemporary Administrative System of the European Union

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2018
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
The proposed project aims to develop a course focusing on European Union as a contemporary administrative system for the students listening to this course primarily out of two reasons. Firstly, students for whom the course is developed only marginally cover the European Union within their core curriculum as their curriculum is designed as standard public administration curriculum for political scientists. As a result, they only have the opportunity to listen to the Introduction to the European Union in the second year of their first cycle Bologna programme. Secondly, as the main transitional path of these students is public sector - primarily state administration - Deželan and Fink Hafner (2012) identified increasing lack of knowledge, skills and competence in terms of performing their work at their workplace when the work assignments deal with the European Union, more particularly EU policies. As a result, we propose a renewal of standard contemporary administrative systems course, which promises to give much needed knowledge about the processes of the EU as an administrative system, which is currently not on offer on any of the Slovene universities, thus creating an opportunity also for students of other programmes and universities to listen to this course as well as professionals dealing with EU issues that already completed their studies (also former students), but facing a need for additional in-depth knowledge to overcome their skill mismatches. The course will be taught by the best academics in the field with vast research and teaching experience in European studies, public administration, multi-level governance, organizational management, European public policy making and EUropean processes and policies in general. The course will also be on offer as an open educational resource as all teaching materials and lectures will be available on a freely accessible Moodle blended learning educational platform. As a result, all interested individuals will have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the field and participate in an online community together with students and teachers. We will try to prepare high quality teaching programme of the course Contemporary Administrative Systems. This will be done by introduction of the newest literature and research results into the content of the course, guest lectures by academics coming from different disciplinary backgrounds, multidisciplinary approach to the content of the courses, guest lectures by public policy makers and civil society representatives and by introduction of new pedagogical approaches – flipped classroom approach – but also others (primarily during seminars) such as: small group discussions, panel discussions, Buzz-Groups, Group Assignments, Case Studies, Skill Practices and Quizzes. In the frame of the project we will try to exit the form of ex-cathedra lectures by “flipping the classroom” and introduce the following into the teaching programme: (1) new content such as resent research results, (2) quest lecturers from different disciplines and different professional environments (in advance recorded lectures and debate with the lecturer in the classroom); and (3) new pedagogical approaches that will base on practical assignments and develop confidence and group working skills of students. A constant evaluation of the teaching project by participating students and implementation of these cognitions in the teaching programme will ensure excellence in teaching. In addition, the open educational platform (Moodle) will allow also former students to get to grips with these topics as well as share their work-related experience. The research on political scientist’s profession reveals that many of our student are employed in public administration, civil society organisation and EU institutions. Since Slovenian full membership in EU employees in these areas of work increasingly need knowledge on European union as well as understanding of European union processes. In order to make our students competent to work in this environments there is a necessity of introduction of EU angle in the obligatory courses of our study programme. The content of the course will thus be renovated in a way to introduce EU dimension integrally -- focusing on the aspects of the European Union as an administrative system -- and as such the course will provide a novelty in the Slovene political science curriculum.

EU/H2020: SAW - Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.08.2015 - 01.08.2015
International project
Social Science Data Archive

EU/H2020: SERISS - Synergies or Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Brina Malnar
Duration: 01.07.2015 - 01.07.2015
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

Raziskovanje ravni aktivnega državljanstva med študenti UL

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Miro Haček
Duration: 01.05.2015 - 01.05.2015
National project
Center for Analysis of Administrative - Political Processes and Institutions

MP/FORS/SNSF/SCOPES: SEEDS - South-Eastern European Data Services

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.05.2015 - 01.05.2015
International project
Social Science Data Archive

Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities in EU Conflict Prevention

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Rok Zupančič
Duration: 01.05.2015 - 01.05.2015
International project
Defence Research Centre

EU/COST- IC1410: DigiLitEY - The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children

Project leader at FDV: Bojana Lobe
Duration: 01.04.2015 - 01.04.2015
International project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

EU/COST-IC1408: CRoNoS - Computationally-intensive methods for the robust analysis of non-standard data

Project leader at FDV: Anuška Ferligoj
Duration: 01.03.2015 - 01.03.2015
International project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

MP/NFM: ODA - Očetje in delodajalci v akciji

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.02.2015 - 01.02.2015
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

MP/NFM: EQPOWEREC - Enakost spolov pri razdelitvi ekonomske moči: razumevanje in preseganje ovir enakosti spolov pri odločanju v gospodarstvu

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.02.2015 - 01.02.2015
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

EU/E+/SP-Youth: Recognize it - Priznajmo neformalno

Project leader at FDV: Marinko Banjac
Duration: 01.02.2015 - 01.02.2015
International project
Centre for Political Theory

MP/NORFACE WSF: OSI - Our Childrens Future

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.02.2015 - 01.02.2015
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

BledCom 2015, 22. mednarodni simpozij za raziskovanje v odnosih z javnostmi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 01.01.2015
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

EU/EaSI Programme: Addressing the needs of informal carers throughout the EU with particular reference to social inclusion and poverty reduction

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 01.01.2015
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

EU/CEF Programme: SIC SI 2015-2016 - Safer Internet Centre Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 01.01.2015
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

Internet research

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2018
National program
Centre for Social Informatics
Integration of the Internet into modern societies is an extremely important issue in contemporary social science research that is opening new prospects of innovative research methods. The proposed research programme covers both aspects: the Internet as a research object and the Internet as a tool for social science research. THE INTERNET AS A RESEARCH OBJECT covers a broad research area in which information and communication technologies (ICTs) are discussed from various aspects, including the foundations of the Internet society, the socio-technological context, communication, education, human resources and marketing - New developments of social applications (e.g. e-learning, e-health, e-government, e-commerce, gamification) are also included here. Within this broad context, the research programme largely focuses on the following topics: the Internet’s role in e-social sciences for the integration of virtual collaboration in all stages of the research process; digital inequalities with an emphasis on overcoming the exclusion of the elderly, using an analysis of the digital divide based on the time distance methodology; safer Internet and the prevention of illegal and harmful content on the Internet; factors and consequences of (Internet-related) media multi-tasking associated with the use of ICTs in everyday life; the adoption of advanced assistive and mobile technologies to improve the social inclusion and quality of life of various population groups; and innovative applications of interactive online games in informal education. With respect to the INTERNET AS A RESEARCH TOOL, the programme focuses on the advancement of innovative knowledge and methods related to Internet-mediated data collection: researching the methodological determinants of data quality in web surveys; new challenges of web survey applications (e.g. like online panels, mobile devices etc.); integration of artificial intelligence and language technologies into questionnaire development and data collection; refinement of usability methods for testing Internet services on multi-functional mobile devices based on the characteristics of the target populations; and the use of paradata (digital footprints) for an in-depth analysis of the behavioural patterns of participants involved in Internet-mediated data collection. The research group is well established in the international scientific community, as shown in its scientific and socio-economic achievements – both internationally (publications, citations, awards, editorial boards, involvement in international organisations, international projects and scientific collaboration, mentoring, the WebSM website, the 1KA web survey tool) and nationally (the RIS project, Web Survey Day, Safer Internet centre SAFE.SI and hotline SPLETNO-OKO). These all guarantee that the proposed programme will be successfully carried out, while developing global scientific excellence and transferring new knowledge into practice.

Slovenski jezik – bazične, kontrastivne in aplikativne raziskave

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Monika Kalin Golob
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 01.01.2015
National program
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

Work, Education and Employment Analyses

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Miroslav Stanojević
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2019
National program
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research
In general terms, the research is framed by the wide topic of the transition from ‘real socialism’ to a ‘market economy’, which overlaps processes of the Europeanisation of ‘post-communist’ societies and their transition from Fordism to post-Fordism. The starting conceptual framework is neo-institutional theory as defined in the VoC literature (Hall and Soskice, 2001) and critically revised by different authors (Crouch: 2005; Streeck and Thelen, 2005). The VoC theory basically suggests there are strong and systematic mutual interconnections – ‘institutional complementarities’ – between social protection systems, basic types of skills and prevailing companies’ market strategies within advanced national economies. The VoC theory resumes these complementarities within its core concept – the welfare production regime (WPR) (Estevez-Abe, Iversen and Soskice, 2001; Iversen, 2005).   The rapid political pluralisation of former ‘real socialist’ societies after the late 1980s and early 1990s was followed by waves of mostly non-conflictive, neoliberal changes and the corresponding abrupt work recommodification. When compared to the liberalisations within Western capitalist societies, the results of these processes were significantly more radical, more neoliberal than the results of a similar type of change in the West.   Slovenia was an exception. It took on capitalism in an alternative manner. In this case, (already in the early 1990s) a neo-corporatist system with all the corresponding welfare, i.e. Keynesian, correlates was formed (Bohle & Greskovits, 2007; Feldmann, 2006). The system worked well for the first decade or so. However, in more recent times, approximately since the mid-2000s, it has been exposed to a new abrupt change.   The main goal of the programme is to explain the genesis of as well as the changes that have marked the Slovenian system recently, within the context of the escalating pressures connected to globalisation and Europeanisation processes.   On the basis of the team’s research results up to now, the outlined conceptual framework, and in lie with the main goal of the programme, we intend to proceed with an analysis of the ‘institutional (non)complementarities’, i.e. the transformation of the Slovenian WPR in the forthcoming research period. Within the wide spectrum of the ‘institutional (non)complementarities’ the team will focus, first, on the ‘(non)complementarities at the micro level’ – especially between companies and the their stakeholders and the broader social environment; second, we will try to connect these relationships at the micro level with changes and/or cleavages in the labour market (labour market segmentation and flexibilisation); and, third, with changes within the sphere of intermediary interests’ representation (trade unions and employers’ organisations) and the corresponding formation of public policies.

MRIC UL, Center za jezikovne vire in tehnologije - CJVT

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Monika Kalin Golob
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 01.01.2015
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

NRP Politološke raziskave

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Danica Fink Hafner
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 01.01.2015
National program
Centre for Political Science Research

NRP Družboslovna metodologija, statistika in informatika

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Gregor Petrič
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 01.01.2015
National program
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

NRP Množični mediji, javna sfera in družbene spremembe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.01.2015 - 01.01.2015
National program
Social Communication Research Centre

Slovenia and its actors in international relations and European integrations

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andreja Jaklič
Duration: 04.04.2019 - 01.01.2015
National program
Centre of International Relations
Tectonic changes worldwide (e.g. rising new powers such as China, eroding US dominance, mass migration, Brexit, trade wars, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and digitalisation) have been enhanced by the Covid-19 pandemic. As international relations (IR) are becoming more complex and states and other actors increasingly interdependent in the international community is facing new challenges (e.g. economic, social, climate, environmental and health crises) and opportunities that require multilateral responses. The liberal world order has enabled independence and stable international (co)operation to many small states like Slovenia. The understanding of and prompt reactions to a changing world order and the development of resilience to volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous situations (VUCA WORLD) is critical for small states. Equally important is the ability of small states to finding new solutions to the weaknesses and risks of the current international system. All this is an integral part of international relations science, international (political) economy, international business and international law. The complexity of issues in IR requires interdisciplinary analysis and solutions. The goals of the programme are thus: (1) developing and generating knowledge in IR, international (political) economy, integration processes and the resilience factors for small states and non-state actors, (2) facilitating the development and strengthening of Slovenia's international influence within and beyond the EU, (3) (co)designing proactive, responsive and agile strategies and policies for Slovenia, its firms and other actors to strengthen Slovenia's competitiveness and ability to achieve sustainable development. The research team studies the causes and factors of changes in IR and the world order as well as their consequences for Slovenia by looking at three interconnected areas: 1) GOVERNANCE: (a) changes in the world order and their consequences for Slovenia, (b) norms and values as the framework for governance in IR, (c) diplomacy development; 2) INTEGRATION: (a) EU's responsiveness to global changes and its strategic autonomy, (b) differentiated integration and the implementation of European policies, (c) post-conflict management and the integration of Western Balkan states in the EU; 3) INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT of (Slovenian) economic entities and national economy: (a) the efficiency of different forms of international engagement by firms, (b) firms' competitive advantages, (c) the impact of the external environment on the processes of business internationalisation and the economic policy for successful engagement in globalisation. The interdisciplinary character of the research programme allows for original linkages between disciplines and theories therein. We combine theoretical analyses with empirical work that connects modern statistical methods and develop original methodologies through mixed method approaches.

EU/EaSI Programme: PRECARIR – The rise of the dual labour market: fighting precarious employment in the new member states through industrial relations.

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Miroslav Stanojević
Duration: 01.12.2014 - 01.12.2014
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

EU/EaSI Programme: PRECARIOUS - Reducing precarious work in Europe through social dialogue

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.12.2014 - 01.12.2014
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Mladi raziskovalec Gregor Čehovin

Project leader at FDV: asist.dr. Gregor Čehovin
Duration: 01.11.2014 - 01.11.2014
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Mladi raziskovalec

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Branko Bembič
Duration: 01.10.2014 - 01.10.2014
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Mladi raziskovalec

Project leader at FDV: Ana Podvršič
Duration: 01.10.2014 - 01.10.2014
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Primerjalno raziskovanje organizacijskega razvoja interesnih skupin v Evropi – Flamsko slovenski projekt

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Danica Fink Hafner
Duration: 01.10.2014 - 01.10.2014
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU/EUROFOUND: EQLS - Feasibility study regarding web-based data collection in the European Quality of Life Survey

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.09.2014 - 01.09.2014
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

European Union at School

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko
Duration: 01.02.2011 - 31.08.2015
International project
Centre of International Relations
The European Union in school is a collection of three projects on teaching and learning of EU at primary and secondary schools in Slovenia implemented in the period 2010–2015 by Centre of International Relations (CIR) at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences. They were financed by the EU’s Lifelong Learning and Erasmus+ programme and carried out by interdisciplinary teams of academics from Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Pedagogics at the University of Ljubljana. These projects involved diverse research and teaching activities, namely analysis of formal curricula and teaching materials, implementation of 38 experimental teaching hours based on innovative didactics in schools in a form of peer-to-peer teaching visits, followed by systematic evaluation, focus group interviews with 103 teachers and students of education, and direct and indirect feedback from almost 1000 primary and secondary school pupils and students. In 2017, the project EU4PRIM (Enhanced EU content in primary school curricula), which was one of the three projects within the European Union in school collection, received the Success story and best practice award by European Commission Directory General for Education and Culture. Additional information: Ana Bojinović Fenko (e-mail:; phone: +386 1 5805 224).

MP/NFM: ZaGOVOR - Z (od)govorom nad sovražni govor - Zagon neodvisnega povezovalnega telesa

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.09.2014 - 01.09.2014
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/E+/Jean Monnet-Project: DACES - Development of Active Citizens of Europe through School

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.09.2014 - 31.08.2016
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
DACES aims to test, validate and promote a blended learning toolkit for teaching and learning (EU) citizenship that we constructed under the ACES JM EU@School project. This toolkit that tackles growing alienation, lack of knowledge and distrust of (young) EU citizens from European institutions and EU at large (see EC, 2010; Hoskins et al., 2012) is aimed at fostering reflective learning process (Wales and Clarke, 2005) resting on a circular mode (Radovan, 2014) constructivist pedagogical paradigm (Williams, 2010) and on a freely accessible open educational platform (Moodle). The tool focuses on learning about the rights of EU citizenship, the role of the EU and EU instititions and citizenship in general and aims to foster knowledge on EU citizenship in content dimension (subject matter), affective-behavioral dimension (student perceptions and activities) and cognitive dimension (thinking processes) (see Shulz et al., 2008). The project therefore addresses the need for a more structured and holistic citizenship education within secondary education institutions as well as youth organizations. Civic education in Slovenian secondary schools is normally organised in frame of so-called obligatory content of choice (OIV content). Though OIV is part of curriculum, it is usually carried out in less formal way. The OIV content is usually organised at the end of school year or just before Christmas holidays and are perceived as a ‘lighter’ learning content, when attention of students to education process is poorer. Content that is taught in OIV frame thus has to apply attractive, innovative and interesting didactic approaches in order to make the citizenship education more appealing for students. Due to a small number of hours directly intended for citizenship education, teachers usually introduce civic education as a cross-curricular subject (Karba, 2013). In congruence, youth organizations, though being active in the field, struggle with the absence of a structured approach to citizenship education (Skrinar, 2014). Both educational environments suffer from the lack of European dimension, primarily in terms of citizenship as students and youth overall is not aware of their rights granted from the citizenship of the Union. The aim of this project is therefore to fully test, validate, revise and finalize and promote an EU citizenship toolkit that will consist of variety of teaching strategies to promote content dimension (subject matter), affective-behavioral dimension (student perceptions and activities) and cognitive dimension (thinking processes) of citizenship education of high school students and youth within youth organizations. It shall provide the youth the opportunity to participate as well as the knowledge and skills needed to act as a citizen of the Union (see Wales and Clarke 2005).

EU/E+/SP-HE: ISOLearn: Innovation and Social Learning in HEI

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 01.09.2014 - 01.09.2014
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

Raziskava med podjetji s tujim in mešanim kapitalov v SLO: Motivi in ovire za tuje investitorje

Project leader at FDV: Matija Rojec
Duration: 01.09.2014 - 01.09.2014
National project
Centre of International Relations

1KA Enklik Anketa

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.09.2014 - 01.09.2014
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

» Obvladovanje nalezljivih bolezni s cepljenjem: kdo so dvomljivci in nasprotniki cepljenja in kako z njimi komunicirati?«

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.07.2014 - 01.07.2014
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

Avtomatizacija razvoja in evalvacije anketnega vprašalnika

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.07.2014 - 01.07.2014
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Determinante in učinki pozicioniranja slovenskih podjetij v globalnih verigah vrednosti

Project leader at FDV: Matija Rojec
Duration: 01.07.2014 - 01.07.2014
National project
Centre of International Relations

Digitalna vključenost in aktivno staranje: Razvoj k uporabnikom usmerjenega metodološkega pristopa za preučevanje uporabe mobilne telefonije med starejšimi posamezniki

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 01.07.2014 - 01.07.2014
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Socially Responsible Corporate Governance as the Foundation of the new Development Paradigm of Slovenia and EU

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Rado Bohinc
Duration: 01.07.2014 - 30.06.2017
National project
Research Centre for Comparative Corporate Law
The subject of research shows the diagram in the Annex 2. Improving corporate governance Weak corporate governance (CG) contributed substantially to the emergence of financial and economic crisis, which follows also from the results of an on-going project “Legal and economic aspects of corporate governance in the public and private sector as a tool for overcoming economic and development crisis”, financed by Slovenian Research Agency. Unfortunately, weak CG is still very present in Slovenia, which can be seen in Communication, adopted by Commission in 2014, about macroeconomic imbalances, stating that the substantial risks are still present due to weak CG, high level of state involvement in the economy, losses in cost competitiveness and the corporate debt overhang.  As seen, there is strong necessity towards a new model of CG. Therefore, some recommendations for an improved framework in Slovenia will be provided, by introduction of some changes, such as: a) DIVERSIFICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF THE UNIFORM PROPERTY RIGHTS This anachronism has been resulting to distortions in the structure of the modern society, significant for predominant contribution of innovations and qualified human skills to added value, known today as world economic and financial crisis. Adaptation of classical tools of capitalism is more than needed. One of the issues researched in this project is whether the transformation of property relations can be achieved. Such a transformation would change the contemporary economic paradigm and is therefore condictio sine qua non for reforms needed for the implementation of innovative modern society. That is why the subject of the project will be to diversify uniform private property to new types of property, such as:  - private property right, - public (state/municipal) property right, - corporate property right and - social (social undertakings) property right. b) INTRODUCTION OF APPROPRIATE INCENTIVES FOR INTRODUCTION OF FINANCIAL AND STRUCTURAL PARTICIPATION European Commissioner Barnier emphasized that employee financial participation enhances social cohesion which encourages long-term economic growth; enhances CG, improves employees’ motivation and enterprises’ profitability and creates more jobs. The great importance of this issue at present is seen in recent documents, adopted by Commission and by European Parliament as well as in the conference which took place in Brussels this year. c) ENHANCEMENT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR)  One of the important parts of the research project will deal with thorough analysis of legal and economic incentives for ensuring long-term interest of wide range of stakeholders, stemming from the key findings of the recent project: "Impact Measurement and Performance Analysis of CSR". d) ESTABLISHMENT OF SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND COOPERATIVES  CG related to deleveraging the real sector As mentioned before, the corporate debt overhang seems to be one of risk presented in Slovenia. Inefficient corporate governance has led to increased debt and to an inappropriate structure of financing resources. Therefore, we will try to find if there is some possibility to establish a project group under the auspices of competent institutions to restructure the economy and preserve the healthy company cores. Furthermore, we will make some proposals for the formation of legal bases enabling the functioning of organisations dealing with these activities. Financing SMEs  More than 99% of all European businesses are SMEs which are the true back-bone of the European economy, being primarily responsible for wealth and economic growth. Being aware of the their importance, we will try to find what are the ways in which the institutional conditions for its financing in Slovenia and EU could be improved.

Medijatizacija javnega življenja: protislovja v sferi politike in vsakdanjega življenja

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.07.2014 - 01.07.2014
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

Omejena racionalnost in ekonomska uspešnost

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Andreja Živoder
Duration: 01.07.2014 - 01.07.2014
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

TAP ARRS Inovativne oblike bivalnih okolij za starejše ljudi v Sloveniji, skupaj z Urbanističnim inštitutom

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.07.2014 - 01.07.2014
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies


Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Petra Roter
Duration: 01.06.2014 - 01.06.2014
National project

MP/FP7- Subcontract: FOSTER -Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.06.2014 - 01.06.2014
International project
Social Science Data Archive

EU/FP7: PROGRESS - Protection and Resilience of Ground based infRastructures for European Space Systems

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Iztok Prezelj
Duration: 01.05.2014 - 01.05.2014
International project
Defence Research Centre

EU/COST-IS1311: INTERFASOL - Intergenerational Family Solidarity across Europe

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 01.05.2014 - 01.05.2014
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/COST-TD1306: PEERE -New Frontiers of Peer Review

Project leader at FDV: Anuška Ferligoj
Duration: 01.05.2014 - 01.05.2014
International project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

Center za marketing in odnose z javnostmi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.04.2014 - 01.04.2014
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

EU/COST-IS1308: Populist Political Communication in Europe: Comprehending the Challenge of Mediated Political Populism for Democratic Politics

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.04.2014 - 01.04.2014
International project
Social Communication Research Centre

Po projektna finančna podpora - Post Award Support

Project leader at FDV: Anuška Ferligoj
Duration: 01.01.2014 - 01.01.2014
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Po projektna finančna podpora - Post Award Support

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2014 - 01.01.2014
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

TP-Javno naročilo »Evalvacija instrumentov in operacij centrov odličnosti in kompetenčnih centrov

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Maja Bučar
Duration: 01.01.2014 - 01.01.2014
National project
Centre of International Relations

Kakovost življenja družbenih skupin

Project leader at FDV: znan.svet.dr. Srna Mandič
Duration: 01.01.2014 - 01.01.2014
National program
Centre for Welfare Studies

Defence science

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marjan Malešič
Duration: 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2017
National program
Defence Research Centre
The basic premise for the work of the research team is represented by key theoretical paradigms dealing with the questions of security in the contemporary world, with emphasis on the theories that are critical to traditional approaches to security, that warn of unconventional forms of threats to security, and emphasize the individual and different social groups as the key referent objects of security. The research will also take into consideration the context of socio-economic and financial crisis in the world, which undoubtedly exacerbates the existing security problems and influences on the appearance of the new ones, while at the same time limiting the possibilities of states and international community to deal with them adequately, as the available resources are already scarce due to the mentioned crisis and its consequences. The team will operate on the basis of interdisciplinarity, and thus cooperate with experts and researchers from other research institutions at home and abroad. The team will formulate adjustable modules for dealing with the following thematic sets: global, regional, national security vs. security of individuals and social groups; prevention of armed conflicts, conflict analysis and the role of international actors in the stopping of conflicts and in post-conflict reconstruction of states (security, economic, political, administrative, and value aspects); peace operations and missions as a form of security globalization – effectiveness and efficiency of international intervention, the influence of armed forces engagement in international operations and missions on the processes of their functional professionalization, the processes of leadership in multicultural environment; economic aspects of security, with emphasis on the economic warfare and economic sanctions as a means for achieving the foreign policy objectives and security interests, and on the analysis of defense expenditures; cognitive institutional analysis of contemporary complex crises, and crisis management; environmental security and the related energy security; information security and cyber space as the new strategic domain; fight against terrorism; transformation of defense policy and defense, in particular the military systems of contemporary states; ethical and legal aspects of the use of contemporary security technologies; security culture of young population in particular, and selected themes from the sociology of the military and the recent military history of Slovenia.

Upravljanje omrežij javnega in zasebnega sektorja

Project leader at FDV: Hajdeja Iglič
Duration: 01.01.2014 - 01.01.2014
National program
Research Center for Strategy and Governance

Druga tranzicija in produkcija smisla: kulturološki vidiki lokalnih odgovorov na globalizacijo na osi Balkan-Slovenija-Evropa

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Mitja Velikonja
Duration: 01.01.2014 - 01.01.2014
National program
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Slovenian Public Opinion

Project leader at FDV: Mitja Hafner Fink
Duration: 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2019
National program
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre
The program is a continuation of the existing program Slovenian Public Opinion (SPO) and is based on the idea of monitoring social development through so called subjective indicators that are usually used in the framework of social surveys. We build on the assumption that development processes in various dimensions of social "life" should not be considered isolated and excluded from the complexity of social systems and social structures. Thus social and human development is usually studied on the following three dimensions: a) socio-economic, b) cultural; c) institutional. Coming from this starting point our general interest lies in the following research question: Can we see, both in Slovenia and in international comparative context of current global social trends and by means of so called "subjective indicators", any association between different dimensions of development – socio-economic, cultural and institutional (political), and how these connections are exhibited? For each of the three dimensions of the human and social development (socio-economic, cultural, institutional) , subjective indicators will include primarily the following thematic areas: perceptions of social inequalities and conflicts, attitudes towards marginal social groups, self-assessment of individual’s social and economic position, satisfaction with various aspects of personal and social life, social trust, social networks, demographic characteristics, quality of life, value orientations, life-style patterns, attitudes, religion, political values and orientations, trust in institutions, satisfaction with the performance institutions, perceptions of democracy, citizenship, voting behaviour, political participation, mass media, Slovenia in supra-national associations.   Apart from conceptual aspects, also methodological aspects of investigating social development by means of subjective indicators are important. This mainly concerns the following issues of operationalization and measurement: validity and reliability, equivalence, survey sampling design.   General and specific research methods of the program are tied to the social survey as a fundamental research design by which the research objectives of the program are planned to be achieved. The survey is planned annualy as personal interview of respondents from a sample of permanent residents of Slovenia and on the basis of instruments developed by the SPO program group. Important part is related to the SPO international cooperation, most notably participation in the annual international social survey the ISSP, and also WVS, EVS, and CSES. Thus, in this framework other methodological approaches should be mentioned: cross-national and cross-time comparative analyses, quantitative analyses (of social survey data), secondary analysis of the datasets (from cross-national) surveys, methodological experiment (for testing research instruments).   Research objectives and expected achievements can be classified into two groups: a) substantive – an answer to the research question through the testing of specific hypotheses, and b) practical (and methodological) – which, primarily include the creation of high-quality databases that will be accessible to social science community for further analysis.

EU/EaSI Programme: Social dialogue - during the economic crisis: The impact of Industrial relations reforms on collective bargaining in the manufacturing sector

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.12.2013 - 01.12.2013
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Razvoj prostorske sociologije

Project leader at FDV: Drago Kos
Duration: 01.12.2013 - 01.12.2013
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/ESS: ERIC - European Social Survey - European Research Infrastructure Consortium

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Brina Malnar
Duration: 01.12.2013 - 01.12.2013
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

EU/LLP/Erasmus-Network: PADEMIA - Erasmus Academic Network on Parliamentary Democracy in Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Zlatko Šabič
Duration: 01.10.2013 - 01.10.2013
International project
Centre of International Relations

Mlada raziskovalka Sara Atanasova

Project leader at FDV: Anuška Ferligoj
Duration: 01.10.2013 - 01.10.2013
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

EU/LLP/Jean Monnet- Information and research activities: AcadEU - Post-Yugoslav network on the EU

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Zlatko Šabič
Duration: 01.09.2013 - 01.09.2013
International project
Centre of International Relations

EU/LLP/Jean Monnet-School: ACES - Active Citizens of Europe through School

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tomaž Deželan
Duration: 01.09.2013 - 31.08.2014
International project
Centre for Political Science Research
The project “Active Citizens for Europe through School” (ACES - 542835-LLP-1-2013-1-AJM-ICS) tackles growing concern of alienation of community citizens from European institutions and the EU phenomena as such. It aims to improve the quality of participatory citizenship of high-school students by creating a tool that will foster a coherent learning process in terms of acquianting students with the concept of citizenship as well as make them more aware of the rights granted by the EU citizenship. By demonstrating the scope and manner of making use of their citizenship rights, the project therefore aims to foster higher levels of participation, ownership of the European project and sense of belonging. ACES is set to achieve our aims by promoting several overlapping levels of influence: 1) influence on schools (teachers and students) and university (teaching and research); 2) influence on wider community encompassing civil society and individual citizens; and 3) influence on policy makers. The project is structured around several activities: 1. an in-depth analysis of high-school citizenship education curriculum; 2. preparation of teaching materials (for teachers and students) to promote EU citizenship; 3. preparation of four workshops where the teachers will be educated and trained in EU citizenship as well as; 4. involved in the construction of a blended-learning interactive toolbox that will be integrated in the project's website (learning management software) and available to all in order to promote computer-mediated learning process based on constructivist paradigm (Williams, 2010); 5. preparation of a final series of five events promoting the toolbox; and 6. the evaluation of the process resulting in publishing results of the project in the national media, on the project website as well as in the academic press. We expect to produce a coherent tool for application in addition to existing curricula and raise awareness among students regarding EU citizenship.

EU/LLP/Jean Monnet-School: MEUA - Making the EU attractive for primary school pupils: development of non-formal learning approaches

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Damjan Lajh
Duration: 01.09.2013 - 01.09.2013
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU/LLP/Jean Monnet-School: PROCROS – Problem based learning (PBL) and cross-curricular teaching (CCT) of the EU

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.09.2013 - 01.09.2013
International project
Centre of International Relations

EU/Europe for Citizens Programme 2007-2013: SPF EU - Perspectives on the Euro(pean) Crisis

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 01.08.2013
International project
Centre of International Relations

Medkulturne razlike in stereotipi(zacija): prednost in slabost pri političnem in gospodarskem sodelovanju med državami nekdanje Jugoslavije

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 01.08.2013
National project
Centre of International Relations

Digitalno državljanstvo

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Mojca Pajnik
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 01.08.2013
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

Metodologija družboslovnega raziskovanja v kontekstu e-družboslovja

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 01.08.2013
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Possibilites of Labour Market Desegmentation

Project leader at FDV: dr. Ivan Svetlik
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 31.07.2016
National project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research
The “Possibilities for labour market desegmentation” project addresses one of the most difficult developmental problems in Slovenia. Labour market segmentation is making the labour market highly rigid and also affecting the unequal status of the different social groups in it. The result is the more difficult adjustment of the economy to the changing market conditions, along with the uneven distribution of the burden of the crisis and of the unemployment among different categories of the active population exposed to both social exclusion and reduced social security. The project aims to examine the extent of labour market segmentation, the rigidity of the labour market, as well as the related social exclusion and social security. We will examine to what extent the current financial and economic crisis has contributed to this situation and to what extent employment, education, social and fiscal policies and appropriate institutional arrangements of these areas have contributed via their own measures to reducing or increasing labour market segmentation. Special attention will be paid to finding alternative solutions or actions that would reduce the labour market’s segmentation, increase its flexibility and at the same time contribute to increasing social inclusion and social security. The project will encompass a conceptual analysis, an analysis of relevant databases, a policy analysis, an analysis of evaluations and institutional documents, an analysis of the social partners’ and policy makers’ standpoints as well as a case study. It focuses on the period of the current crisis and the situation in Slovenia compared with selected EU countries.

Novinarstvo in internet: politični, ekonomski in kulturni vidiki tehnoloških transformacij sodobnega novinarstva

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Melita Poler Kovačič
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 01.08.2013
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

Omrežja sodelovanj v slovenski znanosti

Project leader at FDV: Anuška Ferligoj
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 01.08.2013
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

Spolnost srednješolcev v Sloveniji: vedenje, zdravje, stališča

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tina Kogovšek
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 01.08.2013
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

Mobilizacija skupnosti za zmanjšano uporabo alkohola med mladimi (MOSA)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Tanja Kamin
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 01.08.2013
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

Deliberativne diskurzivne prakse v slovenski formalni in neformalni javni sferi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Metka Kuhar
Duration: 01.08.2013 - 01.08.2013
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

Izvedba usposabljanj s področja družbenih in izobraževalnih ved o informatiki

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Uroš Svete
Duration: 01.07.2013 - 01.07.2013
National project
Defence Research Centre

EU/FP7: SYN-ENERGENE - SYnthetic Biology – Engaging with New and Emerging Science and Technology in Responsible Governance of the Science and Social Relationship

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Franc Mali
Duration: 01.07.2013 - 01.07.2013
International project
Centre for Social Studies of Science

EU/LLP/Eurydice and Policy Support: 4YOUTH - A Partnership for Youth: Towards new Learning Pathways for better Employability of Young Active Citizens

Project leader at FDV: Marinko Banjac
Duration: 01.04.2013 - 01.04.2013
International project
Centre for Political Theory

Aktivno državljanstvo v globalni dobi

Project leader at FDV: Marinko Banjac
Duration: 01.03.2013 - 01.03.2013
National project
Centre for Political Theory

Razvoj kritičnega mišljenja o sodobnih družbenih procesih in aktualnih političnih problemih med mladimi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Danica Fink Hafner
Duration: 01.03.2013 - 01.03.2013
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU/COST-IS1207: LocRef - Local Public Sector Reforms: An International Comparison

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Miro Haček
Duration: 01.03.2013 - 01.03.2013
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/European Social Fund: PIAAC - Merjenje učinkovitosti sistema izobraževanja in usposabljanja za izboljšanje usposobljenosti izobraževalcev odraslih

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 01.02.2013 - 01.02.2013
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/FP7: PREPARE - Innovative integrative tools and platforms to be prepared for radiological emergencies and post-accident response in Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Iztok Prezelj
External project leader: Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie - KIT, Germany
Duration: 01.02.2013 - 01.02.2013
International project
Defence Research Centre

EU/FP7:HIGHRISE – Energy efficient demo multiresidential highr ise building

Project leader at FDV: Drago Kos
Duration: 01.01.2013 - 01.01.2013
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

Socialna psihologija in sociologija vsakdanjega življenja

Project leader at FDV: Mirjana Ule
Duration: 01.01.2013 - 01.01.2013
National program
Centre for Social Psychology

Sociološki vidiki trajnostnega družbenoprostorskega in kadrovskega razvoje Slovenije v Evropi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Samo Pavlin
Duration: 01.01.2013 - 01.01.2013
National program
Centre for Spatial Sociology

Revija SHS (Studia Historica Slovenica)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Boštjan Udovič
Duration: 01.01.2013 - 01.01.2013
National project
Centre of International Relations

EU/FRAC Programme: EVENING WITH OMBUDSMAN - Empowering rural communities through knowledge on fundamental rights

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Igor Lukšič
Duration: 01.11.2012 - 01.11.2012
International project
Centre for Political Theory

EU/LLP/Transversal Programme: e-Trees - An online service to improve communication skills

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 01.11.2012 - 01.11.2012
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/Europe for Citizens Programme 2007-2013: INHERIT - Innovating Heritage – Development new practices and tools of participatory citizenship in Europe

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Andrej Kurnik
Duration: 01.10.2012 - 01.10.2012
International project
Centre for Political Theory

EU/LLP/Erasmus-MP: EMCOSU - Emerging Modes of Cooperation between Private Sector

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Samo Pavlin
Duration: 01.10.2012 - 01.10.2012
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/COST-IS1202: Dynamics of Virtual Work

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.10.2012 - 01.10.2012
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/COST-IS1203: In Search of Transcultural Memory in Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Mitja Velikonja
Duration: 01.10.2012 - 01.10.2012
International project
Centre for Political Science ResearchK

EU/LLP/Jean Monnet-School: I Feel Europe - Teaching Europe in Rural Areas

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Damjan Lajh
Duration: 01.09.2012 - 01.09.2012
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU/Jean Monnet-Chair: EPP - European Policy Processes

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Damjan Lajh
Duration: 01.09.2012 - 01.09.2012
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

Analiza slovenskega in medijskega in oglaševalskega trga – vrednosti in ocene vrednosti posameznih segmentov in trgov

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marko Milosavljević
Duration: 01.07.2012 - 01.07.2012
National project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

EU/Safer Internet Programme: SI SIC 2012-2014 - Safer Internet Centre with Hotline and Helpline

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.03.2012 - 01.03.2012
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/YOUTH in Action Programme: PoliPedia - Online Civic Education

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Jernej Pikalo
Duration: 01.02.2012 - 01.02.2012
International project
Centre for Political Theory

EU/LLP/Jean Monnet-School: Engaging the youth - Building the future: teaching European democratic citizenship

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Jernej Pikalo
Duration: 01.02.2012 - 01.02.2012
International project
Centre for Political Theory

EU/LLP/Jean Monnet-School: Innovative teaching for continuig learning of EU integration

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko
Duration: 01.02.2012 - 01.02.2012
International project
Centre of International Relations

EU/FP7: SERSCIDA - Support for Establishment of National/Regional Social Sciences Data Archives

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2012 - 01.01.2012
International project
Social Science Data Archive

ECRP- Social Influence in Dynamic Network

Project leader at FDV: Anuška Ferligoj
Duration: 01.01.2012 - 01.01.2012
National project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

EU/LLP/Erasmus: ECOPSI - European Communication Professionals Skills & Innovation Programme

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Dejan Verčič
Duration: 01.10.2011 - 01.10.2011
International project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations

EU/LLP/Leonardo: NoBoMa - NoBordersManual in elderly care to promote mobility, international lifelong learning and transfer of competences in Eastern, Central and South-Eastern Europe

Project leader at FDV: Niko Toš
Duration: 01.10.2011 - 01.10.2011
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

ESF INTEREURO - Comparative research on interest group politics in Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Danica Fink Hafner
Duration: 01.10.2011 - 01.10.2011
National project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU/LLP/Erasmus: EUPRHA - European Universities on Professionalization on Humanitarian Action

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Bojko Bučar
Duration: 01.10.2011 - 01.10.2011
International project
Centre of International Relations

Quality of fish on Slovenian market and analysis of possibilities to adjust supply to demand with respect to secure nutritional safety and increase competitiveness of fisheries and aquaculture (Healthy fish - healthy as fish: competitive fishermen - satisfied consumer)

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Klement Podnar
Duration: 01.10.2011 - 30.09.2014
National project
Centre for Marketing and Public Relations/Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research
Total yearly fish production in Slovenia (fisheries catch and aquaculture) in the last years amounted around 3000 metric tons. The average consumption of fish per capita in the same period was 7 kg, what places the Slovenia among countries with the lowest fish consumption in Europe. The percentage of domestic production in the total fish consumption is therefore only around 20%; nevertheless domestic producer of some species have problems in placing their products on the market due to low competitiveness. Detailed data about fish consumption in different regions, age and economical segments, as well as data about preferences, perceptions and obstacles regarding fish consumption are scarce. The systematically done analysis of nutritional quality of fish and contents of elements harmful or beneficial for human health are also missing. Even the nutritional quality and safety are important there are also other factors like physical and sensorial parameters of food, price, availability, convenience as well as personal interest for health and healthy nutrition which influence fish consumption. In the research project the fish which are in Slovenia the most important from production and consumption side will be analyzed for presence of heavy metals and polychlorinated biphenyls and the chemical composition with the special emphasis on fatty acids will be determined. By comparing results determined for different species and paralleling them with the standards the suitability of consumption for the health reasons will be assessed. By using quantitative research methods detailed data about type, amount, temporal distribution and type of catching or production method and placing of fish on the market will be collected. Qualitative research methods will be used to combine these data with the data how producers perceive the situation on the supply side of market regarding issues mentioned, and about possible solutions of the problems which they face. On the demand side of market, the data about fish consumption within different geographical and age segments regarding type, place, amount and frequency of purchase will be gathered using quantitative research methods: while qualitative research methods will be used to get insight into perception regarding different parameters (origin, freshness, quality control, safety) and their influence on purchasing behavior. Recommendations which strategies could be employed by governmental and nongovernmental organizations to inform different publics regarding safety and health issues associated with the consumption of fish for the sake of improved nutritional security will be done on the basis of combined and synthetized research findings. Knowing general marketing situation and production potential and capacities of producers will make it possible to identify their strengths, weaknesses, threads and opportunities. Producers will be advised how to take opportunities and how to avoid threads identified and how advantages of domestic producers over competitors from abroad could be increased.  Research findings will be useful for governmental organizations and institutions to prepare measures for improving competitiveness of domestic producers (fisherman and aquaculturists), to change patterns of food consumption and to improve nutritional safety and general health condition of population.

EU/LLP/Erasmus: SS-ECREA - European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School

Project leader at FDV: Ilija Tomanić-Trivundža
Duration: 01.09.2011 - 01.09.2011
International project
Social Communication Research Centre

EU/European Social Fund: VRI II - Uspešno vključevanje Romov v vzgojo in izobraževanje II

Project leader at FDV: Irena Bačlija Brajnik
Duration: 01.09.2011 - 01.09.2011
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/FP7: COPRA - Comprehensive European Approach to the Protection of Civil Aviation

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Iztok Prezelj
External project leader: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG) – Fraunhofer Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI), Germany
Duration: 01.09.2011 - 01.09.2011
International project
Defence Research Centre

Etika hendikepa: socialne identitete ljudi z ovirami v teoriji in praksi

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Darja Zaviršek
Duration: 01.07.2011 - 01.07.2011
National project
Centre for Social Psychology

Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije in preobrazba anketnega raziskovanja v družboslovju

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.07.2011 - 01.07.2011
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Oskrba starejših v skupnosti v Sloveniji

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Valentina Hlebec
Duration: 01.07.2011 - 01.07.2011
National project
Centre for Welfare Studies

Pravno ekonomski vidiki korporacijskega upravljanja v javnem in zasebnem sektorju kot orodja za premagovanje gospodarske in razvojne krize

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Rado Bohinc
Duration: 01.07.2011 - 01.07.2011
National project
Research Centre for Comparative Corporate Law

Prazniki in oblikovanje nacionalne skupnosti na Slovenskem

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Božidar Jezernik
Duration: 01.07.2011 - 01.07.2011
National project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Razvoj integralnega modela kazalnikov za spremljanje in vrednotenje uspešnosti politik na področju e-uprave

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Mirko Vintar
Duration: 01.07.2011 - 01.07.2011
National project
Centre for Social Informatics

Trajnostni razvoj v globalni konvergenci novih medijev in javne sfere

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.07.2011 - 01.07.2011
National project
Social Communication Research Centre

EU/COST-IS1004: WEBDATANET - Web-based data-collection - methodological challenges, solutions and implementation

Project leader at FDV: Katja Lozar Manfreda
Duration: 01.06.2011 - 01.06.2011
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/FP7: DwB - Data without Boundaries

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.05.2011 - 01.05.2011
International project
Social Science Data Archive

EU/DAPHNE III: Pro-SAVE - Prosociality Against Violence and Exclusion

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2011 - 01.01.2011
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/LLP/Grundtvig: LEAGE - LEArning Games for elder Europeans

Project leader at FDV: Vesna Dolničar
Duration: 01.01.2011 - 01.01.2011
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

SHARE- Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, skupaj z IER, ki so nosilci za Evropo (v okviru DODATNEGA infrastrukturnega programa), ARRS

Project leader at FDV: viš.znan.sod.dr. Slavko Kurdija
Duration: 01.01.2011 - 01.01.2011
National project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

ESS v okviru MRIC UL - samo materialni stroški od 2016

Project leader at FDV: viš.znan.sod.dr. Slavko Kurdija
Duration: 01.01.2011 - 01.01.2011
National program
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre


Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Zlatko Šabič
Duration: 01.12.2010 - 01.12.2010
National project
Centre of International Relations

EU/FP7: EPOCH - Ethichs in Public Policy Making: The Case of Human Enhancement

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Franc Mali
Duration: 01.11.2010 - 01.11.2010
International project
Centre for Social Studies of Science

EU/LLP/Erasmus: LISBOAN - Linking Interdisciplinary Integration Studies by Broadening the European Network

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marjan Svetličič
Duration: 01.10.2010 - 01.10.2010
International project
Centre of International Relations

EU/TEMPUS: MAS - Master Programme in Applied Statistics

Project leader at FDV: Anuška Ferligoj
Duration: 01.10.2010 - 01.10.2010
International project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

EU/LLP/Erasmus: SS-ECREA - European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School

Project leader at FDV: Ilija Tomanić-Trivundža
Duration: 01.09.2010 - 01.09.2010
International project
Social Communication Research Centre

EU/Safer Internet Programme: SI-SIC - Safer Internet Centre Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.09.2010 - 01.09.2010
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/COST-TU1001: Public Private Partnership in Transport: Trends and Theory

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Andrej Rus
Duration: 01.08.2010 - 01.08.2010
International project
Research Center for Strategy and Governance

EU/FP7: PROGR-EAST - Inovative PROcurement techniques to support the GRowth of competitiveness for public services in EASTern Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.07.2010 - 01.07.2010
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/FP7: DACE - The European Social Survey - Data for a Changing Europe

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Brina Malnar
Duration: 01.07.2010 - 01.07.2010
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

MP/HERA: POPID - Popular music heritage, cultural memory and cultural identity: Localised popular music histories and their significance for music audience and music industries in Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Peter Stanković
Duration: 01.06.2010 - 01.06.2010
International project
Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies

Raziskava o kakovosti življenja v Ljubljani

Project leader at FDV: Drago Kos
Duration: 01.05.2010 - 01.05.2010
National project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/COST-IS0905: The Emergence of Southern Mulitnationals and their Impact on Europe

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marjan Svetličič
Duration: 01.05.2010 - 01.05.2010
International project
Centre of International Relations

EU/COST-IS0906: Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.03.2010 - 01.03.2010
International project
Social Communication Research Centre

EU/Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme: CHIPDAP - Children Protecting Personal Data and Privacy

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2010 - 01.01.2010
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/European Social Fund: DMG - Državljanstvo v novi dobi: Državljanska vzgoja za multikulturalni in globalizirani svet

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Jernej Pikalo
Duration: 01.01.2010 - 01.01.2010
International project
Centre for Political Theory

EU/FP7: GOETE - Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe (Access coping and relevance of education for young people in European knowledge societies in comparative perspective)

Project leader at FDV: Mirjana Ule
Duration: 01.01.2010 - 01.01.2010
International project
Centre for Social Psychology

EU/LLP/Policy Cooperation and Innovation: 7EU-VET - Detailed Methodological Approach to understanding the VET educational system in 7 European counties

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2010 - 01.01.2010
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

MP/FP7-subc.: GINI - Growing Inequalities' Impact

Project leader at FDV: Maša Filipovič Hrast
Duration: 01.01.2010 - 01.01.2010
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

EU/LLP/Erasmus: DEHEMS - Network for the Development of Higher Education Management Systems

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Samo Pavlin
Duration: 01.10.2009 - 01.10.2009
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/LLP/Erasmus: SS-ECREA - European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.09.2009 - 01.09.2009
International project
Social Communication Research Centre

EU/LLP/Erasmus: SS Youth - Actor of Social Change

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Metka Kuhar
Duration: 01.09.2009 - 01.09.2009
International project
Social Communication Research Centre

EU/FP7-stakeholder: gen-SET - Building Institutional Capacity for Action on Gender Dimension in Science

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Danica Fink Hafner
Duration: 01.09.2009 - 01.09.2009
International project
Centre for Political Science Research

EU/European Social Fund: AGORA - Koncept odprtega okolja za celovito e-participacijo na lokalni ravni

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Jernej Pikalo
Duration: 01.07.2009 - 01.07.2009
International project
Centre for Political Theory

EU/Safer Internet Programme: EUKidsOnline II -Enhancing Knowledge Regarding European Children's Use, Risk and Safety Online

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.07.2009 - 01.07.2009
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

MP/UNDP: Kapuscinski Development Lectures

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Maja Bučar
Duration: 01.06.2009 - 01.06.2009
International project
Centre of International Relations

EU/COST-IS0805 - New Challenges of Peacekeeping and the European Union's Role in Multilateral Crisis Management

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Marjan Malešič
Duration: 01.03.2009 - 01.03.2009
International project
Defence Research Centre

EU/FP7: GGP - Generations and Gender Programme: A European Research Infrastructure on the Causes and Consequences of Demographic Developments

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Gregor Petrič
Duration: 01.01.2009 - 01.01.2009
International project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

Analiza dela, izobraževanja in zaposlovanja

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Miroslav Stanojević
Duration: 01.01.2009 - 01.01.2009
National program
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Družboslovna metodologija, statistika in informatika

Project leader at FDV: Anuška Ferligoj
Duration: 01.01.2009 - 01.01.2009
National program
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

Mass media, public sphere and social changes

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 04.04.2019 - 01.01.2009
National program
Social Communication Research Centre
The research programme is based on a comprehensive understanding of publicness, as advocated by the founders of the principle of publicness, Bentham, Kant, Marx, and Dewey, and further developed, analysed, and supplemented by many other authors. It is focused on six key theoretical dimensions and their empirical manifestations: (1) Visibility is the foundation of publicness as it brings to the forefront reporting on developments in the socio-political environment with important long-term consequences for citizens. (2) If actions of political authorities become visible, the public (as a social category and a "medium of publicness") can control political authorities and legitimacy of their decisions. (3) Citizens' access to the communication channels, which are necessary for their "public use of reason," encourages the formation and expression of public opinion. (4) Reflexive or critical publicity creates and cultivates democratic discursive order. (5) Mediation between the ruling and the ruled, between decision-making bodies and civil society is the foundation of freedom of the press, which, together with the right to public expression, is constitutive of the public. (6) Empowering the public through institutionally structured discourse enables the translation of public opinion into the formation of political will and its effective implementation. These dimensions also point to the key functions of media and journalism that our research will focus on in the period 2022-2028. Publicness, like its communication infrastructure, is not a static construct, but a dynamically structured process that is not external to other social changes, but is their (essential) part. While technology and software (e.g. algorithms, artificial intelligence) have a significant impact on the dynamic changes of publicness and journalism, which has played an important role throughout the history of publicness, they are not the only factors in its transformation. The transformation of publicness is the result of the interaction of new technologies (that enable and encourage changes in communication) and social actors who, with their needs, interests and values, also change the nature and functions of publicness. The nature of publicness does not change due to the technological characteristics of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, but depends on how they are used in society by individuals, and how society includes them in its development and accordingly regulates them. Based on these starting points, the research programme Mass Media, Public Sphere and Social Change will be conducted in the period 2022-2028 in four directions with four work packages: 1. Digitisation of publicness: theoretical (re)conceptualisations and empirical transformations, 2. Social consequences of algorithmisation and platformisation of communication, 3. Crisis of journalism in the relationship between government and the public and 4. Media regulation in the age of digitisation.

Možnosti in priložnosti Slovenije in njenih akterjev v procesih globalizacije

Project leader at FDV: Matija Rojec
Duration: 01.01.2009 - 01.01.2009
National program
Centre of International Relations

Politološke raziskave

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Danica Fink Hafner
Duration: 01.01.2009 - 01.01.2009
National program
Centre for Political Science Research

Slovenski jezik - bazične, kontrastivne in aplikativne raziskave

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Vojko Gorjanc
Duration: 01.01.2009 - 01.01.2009
National program
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

EU/LLP/Leonardo da Vinci: VETAS - VET Stakeholders of the Automotive Sector

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Samo Pavlin
Duration: 01.12.2008 - 01.12.2008
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/LLP/Erasmus: CDCS - Curriculum Development – Communication Studies

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Breda Luthar
Duration: 01.10.2008 - 01.10.2008
International project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

EU/European Social Fund: SDK - Profesionalno usposabljanje strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju v letih 2008-2011 na področju socialnih in državljanskih kompetenc

Project leader at FDV: Andrej Lukšič
Duration: 01.10.2008 - 01.10.2008
International project
Centre for Political Theory

EU/Safer Internet Programme: SIP-SI - Combined Safer Internet Node for Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.09.2008 - 01.09.2008
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/FP7 : CIVITAS ELAN - Mobilising citizens for vital cities Ljubljana-Gent-Zagreb-Brno-Porto

Project leader at FDV: Matjaž Uršič
Duration: 01.09.2008 - 01.09.2008
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/FP7: MULTIPART - Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in Post-Conflict Reconstruction: The Role of the European Union

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Petra Roter
Duration: 01.04.2008 - 01.04.2008
International project
Centre of International Relations

EU/FP7: DEMHOW - Demographic Change and Housing Wealth

Project leader at FDV: znan.svet.dr. Srna Mandič
Duration: 01.03.2008 - 01.03.2008
International project
Centre for Welfare Studies

EU/FP7: ESSPrep - The European Social Survey Infrastructure Preparatory Phase

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Brina Malnar
Duration: 01.02.2008 - 01.02.2008
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

EU/FP7: SERVPPIN - The Contribution of Public and Private Services to European Growth and Welfare, and the Role of Public -Private Innovation Networks

Project leader at FDV: znan.svet.dr. Metka Stare
Duration: 01.02.2008 - 01.02.2008
International project
Centre of International Relations

EU/FP7: CESSDA-PPP - Preparatory phase project for a major upgrade of the Council of European Social Science Data Archives research infrastructure

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.2008 - 01.01.2008
International project
Social Science Data Archive

EU/European Social Fund: SSJ - Sporazumevanje v slovenskem jeziku

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Monika Kalin Golob
Duration: 01.01.2008 - 01.01.2008
International project
Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism

EU/LLP/Leonardo da Vinci: VQTS II - Vocational Qualification Transfer System II

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Samo Pavlin
Duration: 01.12.2007 - 01.12.2007
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/LLP/Erasmus: HEGESCO - Higher Education as a Generator of Strategic Competence

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Samo Pavlin
Duration: 01.10.2007 - 01.10.2007
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/Safer Internet Programme: MAPAP - Measurement and Analysis of P2P activity Against Paedophile content

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.10.2007 - 01.10.2007
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/LLP/Leonardo da Vinci: car_easyVET - ECVET - Compatibility of Competencies. Sector related credit point system as a basis for the compatibility in the automotive system

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Samo Pavlin
Duration: 01.10.2007 - 01.10.2007
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/EU-Canada Programme: SEPHS - Student Exchange Programme in Human Security

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Bojko Bučar
Duration: 01.10.2007 - 01.10.2007
International project
Centre of International Relations

EU/FP6: ESS4 - European Social Survey Round 4 - Improving Social Measurement in Europe

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Brina Malnar
Duration: 01.06.2007 - 01.06.2007
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

MP/ERA-NET programme/NORFACE: What are the Impacts of Religius Diversity? Regions in three European Countries Compared

Project leader at FDV: Marjan Smrke
Duration: 01.06.2007 - 01.06.2007
International project
Centre for Political Science ResearchK

EU/Safer Internet Programe: SAFE-SI 2 - Awareness Node on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies among young people in Slovenia

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.03.2007 - 01.03.2007
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/FP6: SOPRANO - Service Oriented PRogrammable smArt enviroNments for Older Europeans

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2007 - 01.01.2007
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/LLP/Erasmus: Media SS - European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.10.2006 - 01.10.2006
International project
Social Communication Research Centre

EU/FP6: RECWOWE - Reconciling Work and Welfare in Europe

Project leader at FDV: Anton Kramberger
Duration: 01.10.2006 - 01.10.2006
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

EU/Safer Internet Programme: HOTLINE-SPLETNO OKO - Fighting Against Illegal Content

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.09.2006 - 01.09.2006
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/FP6: CIVICWEB - Youth People, the Internet and Civic Participation

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Alojzij Slavko Splichal
Duration: 01.09.2006 - 01.09.2006
International project
Social Communication Research Centre

EU/Safer Internet Programme: EUKidsOnline I - European Research on Cultural, Contextual and Risk Issues in Children's Safe Use of the Internet and New Media

Project leader at FDV: Bojana Lobe
Duration: 01.06.2006 - 01.06.2006
International project
Centre for Methodology and Informatics

EU/FP6: HUMSEC - Human Security in the Western Balkan Region: The Impact of Transnational Terrorist and Criminal Organisations on the Peace-building Process of the Region

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Iztok Prezelj
External project leader: European Training and Research Centre for Hu-man Rights and Democracy (ETC)
Duration: 01.05.2006 - 01.05.2006
International project
Defence Research Centre

EU/FP6: UP2YOUTH - Youth - Actor of Social Change

Project leader at FDV: Mirjana Ule
Duration: 01.05.2006 - 01.05.2006
International project
Centre for Social Psychology

EU/FP6: ESSi-3 - European Social Survey Infrastructure-improving social measurement in Europe

Project leader at FDV: znan.sod.dr. Brina Malnar
Duration: 01.05.2006 - 01.05.2006
International project
Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

EU/European Social Fund: MUNUS - Posodabljanje in razvoj programov poklicnega in srednjega strokovnega izobraževanja v letih 2006-2007

Project leader at FDV: Anton Kramberger
Duration: 01.03.2006 - 01.03.2006
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

EU/FP6: UNITE - Unified eLearning Environment for the School

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.02.2006 - 01.02.2006
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/FP6: TRANSFER-EAST - TRANSFERring Government to Business IST Good Practices to EASTern European New Member States

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar
Duration: 01.01.2006 - 01.01.2006
International project
Centre for Social Informatics

EU/FP6: SAFEFOODNET - Chemical Food Safety Network for the Enlarging Europe

Project leader at FDV: Drago Kos
Duration: 01.01.2005 - 01.01.2005
International project
Centre for Spatial Sociology

EU/EUROFOUND: EIRO - European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions - EIRO Network of Correspondents

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela
Duration: 01.01.2005 - 01.01.2005
International project
Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov - infrastrukturni DODATNI

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.1999 - 01.01.1999
National project
Social Science Data Archive

Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov - infrastrukturni

Project leader at FDV: doc.dr. Janez Štebe
Duration: 01.01.1999 - 01.01.1999
National program
Social Science Data Archive