Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Centre for Political Theory

  • Centre for Political Theory

Centre for Political Theory was established in 2006 and is one of the research centres within the framework of the Institute of Social Sciences (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana). Main research topics of the Centre are democracy, citizenship, citizenship/civic education, globalisation and its socio-political impacts, im(migration), and other. Besides current socio-political issues, the members of the Centre also conduct research on the history of political processes, institutions and ideas. Members of the centre regularly participate at international political science events and actively cooperate with other scientific institutions from Slovenia and from abroad.

Outside the ballot box: Youth perceptions and practices of political participation

Project leader at FDV: Marinko Banjac | External project leader: UL FDV | Duration: 1. October 2021 - 30. September 2024 | CPT

Aktivno državljanstvo v globalni dobi Marinko Banjac | 1. March 2013 - 30. November 2013 | CPT

EU-E+ BEAT - Be an active EU Teacher: Enhancing the teaching of the EU through Teacher Trainings Marinko Banjac | 1. March 2022 - 28. February 2025 | CPT

EU/E+/SP-Youth: PRISOP - Mladina ustvarja: partnerstvo za razvoj izobraževanja za socialno podjetništvo Marinko Banjac | 1. January 2016 - 31. January 2018 | CPT

EU/E+/Jean Monnet-Project: STANDUP for your career: Innovative humour - based approach to teaching and learning EU topics Marinko Banjac | 1. September 2015 - 31. August 2017 | CPT

EU/E+/SP-Youth: Recognize it - Priznajmo neformalno Marinko Banjac | 1. February 2015 - 31. December 2016 | CPT