Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Quality at Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Quality assurance

    V dolgoročni strategiji zagotavljanja kakovosti sledimo vzpostavitvi preglednega sistema zagotavljanja kakovosti s sprotnim spremljanjem kakovosti.

  • Quality assurance

    Redna samoevalvacija in nenehno izboljševanje kakovosti sta temeljna predpogoja za uresničevanje vizije in poslanstva Fakultete za družbene vede UL.

Vision of quality

Care for quality with active monitoring of all activities is the basic value and mission in all fields of our activity.

Our lecturers and external collaborators are involved in the design of educational, scientific-research and professional activity through departments and other bodies of the faculty as well as directly. Students have the possibility of expressing their opinions about quality through their representatives in all important bodies of the faculty, directly in the processes of the faculty and they can also express their suggestions, comments, criticism and praise through the tutor system. Students also evaluates the implementation of individual courses and programs through student surveys.

In long-term strategy of the established transparent quality assurance system we are following the establishment of a transparent quality assurance system with quality monitoring (regular annual self-evaluations, periodic external evaluations) based on indicators and criteria that take into account both foreign and national standards. Quality is assured in all the basic fields of activity of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana: educational, research and management. An important contribution to quality assurance is continuous communication to both the internal and external public. 

System of quality assurance

In accordance with these standards, the basic quality mechanism is a completed QA feedback loop, based on the process of setting goals and priorities, planning, implementation and evaluation of implemented activities and planned measures, which follows as input information for the new cycle of quality system operation.

The quality assurance process takes place at various strategic and implementation levels, involving all relevant stakeholders: employees, students, management and the external environment (e.g. employers, service contractors). As part of the quality system, all the mentioned stakeholders are familiar with both the quality system process and its content. The overall quality assurance system of the FSS UL is set out in the Rules of procedure of quality.

Quality assurance processes

The Faculty of Social Sciences regularly performs self-evaluation in the framework of the basic quality processes defined in the following documents

Commission for quality

Is a commission of Senate of the Faculty of Social Sciences which monitors, determines and guarantees the quality of the faculty´s work, study programs, scientific research and professional work.

Tasks and goals: 1. determines visions and missions of the Faculty and submits them to Senate for conformation; 2. monitors, determines and ensures the quality of the faculty`s work, study programs, scientific research and professional work and preparation of the annual quality report (faculty`s self-evaluation); 3. prepares action plans and measures for improvements; 4. designs a strategic renovation plan for the Faculty in accordance with European guidelines; 5. performs other tasks falling within its substantive framework or determined by the Senate.

Members of Commission for quality