We execute about 80 research projects annually, funded partly by the State and partly by contracts with other organizations or institutions.
Will the gender pay gap persist in advanced societies?
A study led by the University of California, joined by the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Social Sciences (UL FDV), found that pay practices and barriers to promotion are to blame for women earning less than men in the 15 countries analysed.
New publication of the results of a survey on an e-care support system with physical activity monitoring function
Authors doc. Dr Simona Hvalič Touzery, Mojca Šetinc and Assoc. prof. Dr Vesna Dolničar from the Centre for Social Informatics at the UL FDV, among others, noted that the positive effects of using the tested service were: increased physical activity, awareness of its importance and a greater sense of security.
Empowerment for achieving behavioral and social change
Behavior change practitioners and police makers often claim to #empower people. But do they?
Researchers from the Faculty of Social Sciences presented a paper at WAPOR 2018 conference
Dr. Simona Zavratnik (Center for Spatial Sociology), M.A. Živa Broder and Rebeka Falle Zorman (Public Opinion Research Center) attended WAPOR 71st Annual Conference: Public Opinion Research in a Changing World. They presented a paper: Public opinion and migration: the case study from a Slovenian perspective, which was published in »Teorija in praksa« in 2017
The Social Sciences Research Institute is the largest research institute for Social Sciences in Slovenia. Research at the Institute is carried out within the framework of national and international research programmes. Intensive research is carried out within European Union research projects, but researchers and research centres are also involved in other international research. VICE-DEAN for Research: dr. Andreja Jaklič.
Catalogue of Research Centres of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
TAP FWI WEAVE GreTA Stališča do zelenega prehoda: Socialna tveganja in zaslužnost v kontekstu klimatskih sprememb
ZA KADR SV23: Zadrževanje kadra v Slovenski vojski
Digitalni inženiring: temeljne kompetnce za zelene tehnologije (UL za trajnostno družbo - ULTRA)
NOO NTF, Prenova VŠ programov na NTF za zelen in digitalen prehod v Družbo 5.0
NOO FS, Digitalni in v trajnostno družbo naravnan študijski program strojništva
AR NOO TRL 3-6 Hibridne Tehnologije tovarn prihodnosti za zeleni prehod
Socioecological Dynamic Models of Mental Health: Complex Crisis Burden among Professions of Critical Importance for the Society
Infra4NextGen: Providing research infrastructure services to support Next Generation EU - ADP
SIC-SI Safer Internet Centre Slovenia 2024-2025
Strengthening Capacities and Mechanisms for Enhancement of Quality Assurance System in Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
OSCARS: Open Science Clusters Action for Research and Society
WELL-CARE – Investing in the mental wellbeing and resilience of long-term care workers and informal carers through the identification, evaluation, and promotion of good practices across Europe