Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Centre for Social Studies of Science

  • Centre for Social Studies of Science

    is an academic research institution engaged in the study of the various social dimensions of novel scientific and technological developments, both internationally and in Slovenia.

The Center for Social Studies of Science (CSSS) is an academic research institution engaged in the study of the various social dimensions of novel scientific and technological developments, both internationally and in Slovenia. It was founded in 1982, and is part of the Institute of Social Sciences at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The CSSS mostly conducts theoretical and empirical research in the areas of the sociology, cultural aspects and policies of science and technology. The central research topics are ethical, legal and societal aspect and implications of novel scientific and technological developments, risks of new and emerging technologies, the science-society relationship, mechanisms of scientific output evaluation, the role of expert knowledge in science and technology policymaking, collaboration practices among scientists, the bibliometrics of science, knowledge transfer from the academic to the business-enterprise sector, etc. As part of their research activities, the members of the CSSS are linked with the Slovenian and international scientific communities and are involved in different international and Slovenian research projects. They also transfer their research results into the teaching processes at the Faculty of Social Sciences and develop various types of expert cooperation with different users and stakeholders in Slovenia.

Mlada raziskovalka Maruška Nardoni

asist. Maruška Nardoni | 1. November 2018 - 31. October 2022

Electronic waste - Risk assessment

Project leader at FDV: viš.znan.sod.dr. Jennie Kristina Olofsson | Duration: 1. February 2018 - 30. January 2020

EU/E+/SP-VET: ROTENA - Robotics - Training for the New Age

doc.dr. Toni Pustovrh | 1. October 2016 - 30. September 2018

EU/FP7: SYN-ENERGENE - SYnthetic Biology – Engaging with New and Emerging Science and Technology in Responsible Governance of the Science and Social Relationship

prof.dr. Franc Mali | 1. July 2013 - 30. June 2017

EU/FP7: EPOCH - Ethichs in Public Policy Making: The Case of Human Enhancement

prof.dr. Franc Mali | 1. November 2010 - 31. October 2012


    Associate members:
  • Jennie Kristina Olofsson
  • Matjaž Vidmar