Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

  • Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

  • Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research

  • Trade unions and sustainability transitions

    Trade unions and sustainability transitions

  • Trade unions and sustainability transitions

    Trade unions and sustainability transitions

The basic framework of the Centre’s activities is an important social change that the general public often defines as 'the transition to a knowledge society'. Centre is focused on identifying social conditions and consequences of this transition, as well as the search for appropriate policies and management practices that enable this transition and reduce its undesirable social effects. Within this framework, members of the Centre research the labour market, employment systems, education, industrial relations and social partnership; on a micro level  profitable as well as other organizations; with a special emphasis on the mutual interference of the both levels: systemic and organizational.

CRP V5-24071 Sodobne prakse in glavni izzivi lastništva zaposlenih v Sloveniji - ARIS

prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela | 1. October 2024 - 31. March 2026

CRP V5-24071 Sodobne prakse in glavni izzivi lastništva zaposlenih v Sloveniji - MSP

prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela | 1. October 2024 - 31. March 2026

Analysis of ownership structures in the Slovenian economy and the potential for promoting socially responsible ownership

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela | Duration: 1. October 2023 - 30. September 2025

Analysis of ownership structures in the Slovenian economy and the potential for promoting socially responsible ownership

Project leader at FDV: prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela | Duration: 1. October 2023 - 30. September 2025

MDinGBV: Master's Degree in Gender Based Violence

prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela | 1. December 2023 - 30. November 2026

GETM4: Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 4 Andrej Kohont | 1. November 2023 - 31. October 2027

EIRO: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions - EIRO Network of Correspondents

prof.dr. Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela | 1. January 2022 - 31. December 2026