Korea Corner
The Korea Corner aims to become most authoritative Korea-related reference source for academic, research and business purposes. It offers an extensive collection of Korean literature for the study of Korean culture, society, history, economy, and politics.
There are four Samsung Galaxy S2 tablets and four pairs of Audiotechnica M40x headphones available in the Korea Corner. The area of the Korea Corner is equipped with two comfortable loungers and accompanying tables for a laptop or tablet computer. All equipment is a donation from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea.
Catalogue of books in the Korea Corner.
Jangseogak Collections Digital Image Service
The Jangseogak Archives holds pre-modern historical manuscripts, government documents, literati writings from Chosŏn (1392-1910) Korea. The Jangseogak collections contains digital images and the digitized texts.
Digitized Materials of National Library of Korea
The Library provides digitization services for some of the materials held by the NLK, including old and rare documents such as valuable materials and single copies, and the materials for which five years have passed since the dates of their publication.
Access to Digitized Materials of NLK is provided by the National Library of Korea.
Korea Citation Index Collection
The Korea Citation Index contains nearly 2 million articles from nearly 6,000 journals, and accessibility depends on the policy of each journal.
RISS International or RISS - Research Information Sharing Service
The platform is managed by KERIS, a public institution established by the Korean Ministry of Education. Contains over 6 million articles.