Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Gostujoče predavanje dr. Stefanie Müller (ZPID)

Med 19. in 22. majem 2019 bosta Center za proučevanje družbene blaginje in Center za družboslovno informatiko Fakultete za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani gostila dr. Stefanie Müller z Leibniz-Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation (ZPID) z Univerze v Trieru.

Dr. Müller-jeva bo Fakulteto za družbene vede obiskala v sklopu bilateralnega sodelovanja z Univerzo v Trieru, ki ga sofinancirata Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije in Nemška raziskovalna fundacija (DFG).

V času obiska bo dr. Müller-jeva za dodiplomske študente Družboslovne informatike izvedla gostujoče predavanje z naslovom »Eye-tracking in usability research«. Predavanje bo v četrtek, 21.5.2019 ob 14. uri v predavalnici FDV-15.

Abstrakt predavanja in kratka biografija dr. Müller-jeve sta dostopna spodaj.


Eye-tracking in usability research

A well-known phrase says that the eyes are the windows to the soul and, in usability research that aims to understand how the user feels and experiences the interaction with a product, employing eye-tracking has indeed shown to be advantageous. In this session, the basic concepts underlying the research of eye movements as well as its historical development will be reviewed, before narrowing down on how eye-tracking can nowadays contribute to usability research. The main part of the talk will focus on the do’s and don’ts of designing a usability study that is combined with the recording of eye movements and a practical example of an on-the-fly data analysis will be given.


Stefanie Müller obtained her PhD in the lab of Katja Fiehler at the Department of Experimental Psychology at Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen and stayed three more years as a PostDoc. Her research focused on multisensory integration of visual and haptic information and the reference frames used to spatially code somatosensory stimuli. Since October 2018 she is the head of the study planning, data collection, and data analyses services at the ZPID in Trier where she implements a panel/eye-tracking lab allowing researchers to collect data free of charge.

Nazaj na seznam vseh obvestilObjavljeno: 14. maj 2019 | v kategoriji: Obvestila