Splošne informacije
Vodja projekta na FDV: znan.sod.dr. Barbara Brečko
Zunanji vodja: Barbara Brečko
Sofinancerji: European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement n° 101058092
Rezultati / ključne ugotovitve
The StR-ESFRI3 Project is led by Athena Research Center and the project members include experienced entities from Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic and Slovenia with strong involvement in ESFRI and its activities.
The StR-ESFRI objectives are in line with ESFRI's new mandate which adequately addresses the existing challenges in the field of research infrastructures, towards a reinforced European research area partnership for excellence and growth.
The StR-ESFRI Project is led by Athena Research Center and the project members include experienced entities from Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic and Slovenia with strong involvement in ESFRI and its activities.
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