Splošne informacije
Vodja projekta na FDV: prof.dr. Iztok Prezelj
Sofinancerji: Evropska komisija
Rezultati / ključne ugotovitve
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) services are used in almost all important societal sectors. The performance of these products is determined by parameters such as accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity as well as data confidentiality. The project focused on improving the resilience of Global Navigation Satelite Systems, such as Galileo (and EGNOS). PROGRESS focused on detecting and mitigating attacks on GNSS by highly skilled attackers, the number of which could increase in the near future. The ultimate goal was to enable advanced intelligence in GNSS architectures to ensure uninterrupted service performance. The potential impact of attacks should be reduced by proposed protection solutions, attacks should be detected and analysed for their impact, and if necessary, the affected elements of the GNSS should be reconfigured.
PROGRESS has led to the following concrete results:
1. A comprehensive risk assessment model has been developed that enables the identification of potential vulnerabilities in the cyber system architecture and physical infrastructure.
2. Protection and detection methods were developed for scenarios of the following types of attack: Cyber Attacks, Radio Frequency (RF) Interference and Spoofing, Explosive and High Power Microwave Attacks. The detection technologies developed enable online threat monitoring and severity assessment.
3. The central contribution of the project was the development of prototypes of The Security Monitoring System (E-SMoS) and Security Control Centre (E-SCC) to process alarms generated by the detection technologies, assess the impact, create situational awareness and support operators in responding and reconfiguring the systems after attacks. System reconfiguration can be done automatically or through human intervention. It is of vital importance for GNSS to understand the location of an attack and its impact. The main technological results of the project were validated in laboratories at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4.
4. Methodological approach for assessing the societal and cross-sectoral impact of GNSS malfunction was developed and tested.
5. Policy Roadmaps have been developed detailing the activities, timelines and costs to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the project results.
Ključne besede
ekspertni sistem, global navigation satellite systems, grožnje, napadi, navigacija, obramba, varnost
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