Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Plateform Experts and Tools: Specialised Cyber Activists Network

Splošne informacije

Vodja projekta na FDV: prof.dr. Vasja Vehovar

Rezultati / ključne ugotovitve

During the past two years, the sCAN partners have worked together closely to analyse and monitor hate speech online and to develop online and offline trainings. We made our insights available to the larger public and contributed to building capacities in civil society to combat hate speech together.

To facilitate monitoring and research efforts, the sCAN partners took stock of already existing resources and tools. As many of the tools work with keywords to identify hate speech, the sCAN partners compiled a Hate Ontology of keywords in all project languages, including additional information on the context in which those words are used in the respective national discourses. This research provided important insights into the nature of hate speech in the analysed countries.

To complement these findings, the project produced a study mapping available software solutions to automatically monitor cyber hate. The sCAN partners Licra and conducted testing campaigns to evaluate the crawlers identified in the mapping study and explore the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in monitoring hate speech online. For this, the sCAN project cooperated with the company Factmata, who developed an algorithm to identify ate speech online. The main objective was to provide an evaluation of the accuracy and relevance of the selected tools in order to integrate them in the SCAN consortium monitoring task.

The results of these testing campaigns have been analysed in order to produce a comprehensive user guide on automated monitoring tools. In this guide, the sCAN consortium aims to explain how to use available tools to improve hate speech monitoring and removal.

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