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prof. dr. Iztok Prezelj

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  • prof. dr. Iztok Prezelj, visokošolski učitelj
    Kontaktne informacije:
    Službeni telefon: 01/ 5805-111
    Email: is.jl-inu.vdf@jlezerp.kotzi
    Govorilne in uradne ure:

    Govorilne ure / Office hours:

    Sreda / Wednesday 13.00-14.30
    Na termin se naročite po elektronski pošti / apply for the date and hour by e-mail, please.





    AP 08
    Sodelovanje pri predmetih:

    Dodiplomski študij
    Obrambni in varnostni sistem
    Obveščevalna dejavnost
    Vojaški obrambni sistem

    Podiplomski študij
    Magistrsko delo OBR in VŠ
    Terorizem in protiteroristični ukrepi
    Varnost v jugovzhodni Evropi
    Varnostne študije in varnostna politika
    Ekspertna področja:

    Nacionalna varnost

    Krizno upravljanje

    Terorizem & protiteroristično delovanje

    Ocenjevanje groženj in tveganj

    Kritična infrastruktura

    Zahodni Balkan

  • Research Interests:

    National security, crisis management, terrorism & counter-terrorism, threat & risk assessment, intelligence studies, interagency cooperation, critical infrastructure, Western Balkans.

    Current and Recent Research Activities include the following Research Projects:

    -        E-ARMAGEDON - Družbene posledice večjih izpadov električne energije (Social Consequences of larger electrical blackouts), Project Head, 2020-2022.

    -        Secession Games: Application of Game Theory on Secession Situations in Contemporary States. Slovenian title: Odcepitvene igre: aplikacija teorije iger na odcepitvene situacije v sodobnih državah, Project Head (2018-2019), bilateral project with Princeton University, Department of Politics

    -        Radikalizacija in celoviti protiukrepi v Republiki Sloveniji, English title: Radicalization and Comprehensive Counter-measures in Slovenia, Project head (2018-2020), CRP 2017

    -         7th EU Framework Programme: Protection and Resilience of Ground Based Infrastructures for European Space Systems (PROGRESS), principal investigator and coordinator of the Slovenian team (2014-2017);

    -         Crisis management system in Slovenia - Sistem kriznega upravljanja in vodenja v RS (governmental project P7 - vladni razvojni projekt), external expert (2015-2016);

    -         Electroenergetics as critical infrastructure with focus on the role of TEB - Elektroenergetska kritična infrastruktura s poudarkom na vlogi TEB, external expert (2015)

    -          EUROATOM project: Innovative integrated tools and platforms for radiological emergency preparedness and post-accident response in Europe (PREPARE), principal investigator and coordinator of the Slovenian team (2013-2016);

    -          7th EU Framework Programme: Comprehensive European Approach to the Protection of Civil Aviation (COPRA), principal investigator and coordinator of the Slovenian team (2011-2013);
    -          EU CIPS Grant: Risk management of transport of Hazardous Substances on the Main Road Network (RMTHS), consultant and researcher (2013-2015)

    -           EU CIPS Grant: Interactive Risk Assessment in the Field of Critical Infrastructure based on the Integrated Geographic Information System (RISKGIS), consultant (2011-2014)

    -          Research project Transforming Defence Policies in Contemporary Security Environment, member of the research group, operational coordinator (2010-2013).

    -          Research project Security and Cooperation in SEE - head and principal investigator (2006-2008).

    -          Research project Definition and Protection of Critical Infrastructure in Slovenia - head and principal investigator (2006-2009).

    -          6th EU Framework Programme: Human Security in the Western Balkan region: the impact of transnational terrorist and criminal organisations on the peace-building process of the region (HUMSEC), principal investigator and coordinator of the Slovenian team (2006-2009); 

    -          Research project Modelling the national threat assessment - coordinator (2004-2006).

    -          Research project Shaping the national crisis management system in Slovenia - coordinator (2004-2006).


    Educational Activities (courses):

    -          Terrorism and System Countermeasures (2012 - , 2006-2009)

    -          Crisis Management and Contemporary Security (2011- )

    -          Contemporary Intelligence Systems (2009- )

    -          Comparative Defence Systems (1997- )

    -          Security in South Eastern Europe (2015- , 2009-2013)

    -          Security and Defence System (1997-2012, 2015-)

    -          Security Studies (2009-2012)

    -          Security Sector and Society (2009-2012)

    -          Security in International Relations (1997-2006)

    -          course National and International Security (at the Command and Staff School of the Slovenian Armed Forces, 2000-2011)

    -          Security and Defence System (1999-2003, at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor)

    -          Intelligence Methods (2014- , Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor)



    - Ph.D., 2004, Topic: National Crisis Management System in Contemporary State, University of Ljubljana.

    - M.Sc., 2000, Topic: Security as a Multidimensional Phenomena: Shaping a Methodological Model for Threat Assessment.

    - B.A., 1997, Topic: Communication between Armed Forces and Publics, University of Ljubljana.


    Study and research abroad:

    -Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 2019, Department of Politics - Program in Analytical International Relations and Strategy, Guest Researcher.

    - Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 2018, Department of Politics - Program in Analytical International Relations and Strategy, Guest Researcher.

    - Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 2017, Department of Politics - Program in Analytical International Relations and Strategy, Guest Research Fellow.

    - University of Leiden, Netherlands, 2017, Institute of Security and Global Affairs at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Guest Research Fellow.

    - Programme on Terrorism and Security Studies (PTSS), 2014, European Center for Security Studies - George C. Marshall, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Adjunct Professor.

    - University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Security and Peace Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU Basileus Scholar, 2012.

    - Programme on Terrorism and Security Studies (PTSS), 2005, European Center for Security Studies – George C. Marshall, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

    - Institute for Security Studies, EU (WEU), 1998, Paris, Topic: Relations among international security organisations (NATO, UN, EU, OSCE, WEU), research scholarship.
    - International Institute for Political and Economic Studies (IIPES), Georgetown University, The Fund for American Studies (D.C.) and the Greek Association for the Atlantic & European Studies, 1996.

     - American Institute on Political and Economic Systems (AIPES) Georgetown University, Charles University (Prague) and The Fund for American Studies, 1995.


    Member of Editorial Boards:

    - Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (Wiley) (2017- ),

    - Journal of Criminal Justice and Security (Varstvoslovje) (2010 - ), 

    - Security, Terrorism and Society (Sicurezza, Terrorismo e Società), Member of the Scientific Committee (2014-)

    - HUMSEC journal (presently Human Security Perspectives Journal). Graz: European Trainings and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (ETC), 2007-2010,

    Past Research and Analytical Cooperation with the following Institutions (not all of them are listed here):

    Princeton University, USA

    Rutgers University, USA

    Fraunhofer Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI), Germany

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

    Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK/CEN), Belgium

    Europaeisches Trainings- und Forschungszentrum fuer Menschen-Rechte und Demokratie, Austria,

    George C.Marshall European Centre for Security Studies, Germany

    TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Netherlands

    University of Leiden, Netherlands

    European Center for Aviation Development - ECAD GmbH (ECAD), Germany

    Airbus S.A.S (AIR), France

    European Organisation for Security (EOS), Belgium

    Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide (FRA), Germany

    Morpho (MPH), France

    Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), France

    Smiths Heimann GmbH (SMI), Germany

    KLM- Royal Dutch Airlines, Netherlands

    Centre d'étude sur l'Evaluation de la Protection dans le domaine Nucléaire, France

    Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Norway

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

    MUTADIS, France

    Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

    Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, Slovenia

    Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, France

    Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

    University of Milan, Italy

    EnerWebWatch/Coopaname, France

    Association pour le Contrôle de la Radioactivité dans l'Ouest, France

    Crabbe Consulting ltd , United Kingdom

    DLR Gesellschaft für Raumfahrtanwendungen (gfr) mbh (dlr-gfr), Germany




    Decisio bv, Netherlands

    Qascom srl, Italy

    Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Germany

    London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom

    University of Oxford, United Kingdom

    Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, Netherlands

    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Germany

    Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Serbia

    Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaft, Germany

    University of Prishtina, Kosovo.

    Danish Centre for International Studies and Human Rights, Denmark

    University of Montenegro, Montenegro

    University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Universität Graz, Austria

    University of Shkoder Luigj Gurakuqi, Albania

    Instituto Portugues de Relacoes Internacionais e Seguranca, Portugal

    University of Zagreb, Croatia

    Cardiff University, United Kingdom

    Universite de Toulouse, France

    University of Skopje, Macedonia

    Aerodrom Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Aeroport Stockholm, Arlanda, Sweden

    Aeroport Schiphol, Netherlands

    Ministry of Defense, Slovenia

    Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief – Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Slovenia

    Ministry of Interior, Slovenia

    Slovenian Police, Slovenia

    Slovenian Armed Forces, Slovenia

    Government of Republic of Slovenia – Vlada RS, Slovenia

    LUZ – Ljubljanski urbanistični institut – Urban Planning Institute of Ljubljana, Slovenia

    TEB – Termoelektrarna Brestanica, Slovenia

    Dr. DM, Simulacije in analize d.o.o., Slovenia

    Kosovar Centre for Security Studies, Kosovo



    Allied Command for Transformation, NATO

    RCC – Regional Cooperation Centre, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    EU/WEU – Institute for Security Studies, France

    Ministry of Interior, Netherlands

    Armed Forces, Netherlands

    CRISMART, Sweden

    Florida State University, USA

  • Some relevant publications (some of them authored alone and some of them as a co-author, for more press COBISS sign on this page):
    The Use of Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Systems by Modern Armed Forces and Some Related Concerns’. In: Katarzyna Zombory – János Ede Szilágyi (eds.) Shielding Europe with the Common Security and Defence Policy. The EU Legal Framework for the Development of an Innovative European Defence Industry in Times of a Changing Global Security Environment, 2024, pp. 357–394. Miskolc–Budapest, Central European Academic Publishing.

    - Crisis management, In: Podnar, Klement (ed.). Elgar encyclopedia of corporate communication. Cheltenham; Northampton: E. Elgar, 2024. pp. 272-279. 

    - Recruitment models and approaches of Islamist terrorist groups: The cases of al Qaeda and ISIS, Cogent Social Sciences, 2024, no. 1, January. Accessible at: 
    - The Risk of Domino Secessions: Interdependent Secessions and Lessons from the Western Balkans, European Security, vol. 33, no.1. 2023, 

    - Knjiga / Book: E-armagedon: družbene posledice večjih izpadov električne energije / E-armagedon: societal consequences of large blackouts. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV, 2022. 431 str., ilustr. Knjižna zbirka Varnostne študije. ISBN 978-961-295-025-5.

    - Protecting critical infrastructures against cyber threats: An analysis of relevant regulation, good practices, international law and norms, 2022, Publishers: Microsoft, Faculty of Social Sciences - University of Ljubljana, Euroatlantic Council of Slovenia and Government Information Security Office - Republic of Slovenia; accessible at: 

    - Intelligence Scandals: A Comparative Analytical Model and Lessons Learned from the Test Case of North Macedonia, Intelligence and National Security, 2022, Volume 38 Issue 1, 24 April.

    - Editorial article: Interorganizational and international cooperation and coordination in providing security: current practice and lessons learned. Information & security. 2021, vol. 48, no. 1;

    - Radikalizacija v smeri nasilja: Temeljni koncepti, nekateri tuji pristopi in primer Slovenije - Radicalization towards Violence: Key Concepts, Selected Foreign Approaches and the Case of Slovenia, Založba FDV, 2021. 

    - Democratisation of Defence Policies and Systems in Slovenia and Montenegro: Developmental and Comparative Aspects, Politics in Central Europe, Vol. 16, No. 3. 2020   

    - Criminal and Networked State Capture in the Western Balkans: The Case of the Zemun Clan, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, vol. 20, no. 4, 2020. 

    - Recognizing youth radicalization in schools: Slovenian ‘frontline’ school workers in search of a compass, International Sociology, published online, November 17. 2020.

     - A Broad Spectrum of Signs of Islamic Radicalisation and Extremism in a Country without a Single Terrorist Attack: The Case of Slovenia, Perspectives on Terrorism, Volume 14, Issue 3,2020,

    - Identifikacija in spremljanje radikalizacije na osnovi indikatorjev. Varstvoslovje: revija za teorijo in prakso varstvoslovja, 2020, letn. 22, št. 1,, (Indicator-based Monitoring of Radicalization, Journal of Criminal Justice and Security, vol. 22, no. 1. 

    Public dilemmas about security measures in the field of civil aviation. Security journal, ISSN 1743-4645, 2020, vol. , no. , 19 str., doi: 10.1057/s41284-020-00240-8.

    - Islamist Radicalisation towards Extreme Violence and Terrorism, Šolsko polje: revija za teorijo in raziskave vzgoje in izobraževanja, 2018, vol. 29, no. 5/6.

    Confidence and Security-Building Measures in Europe at a Crossroads, NOMOS, Baden-Baden, 2018, ISBN 978-3-8487-4670-5,
    eISBN 978-3-8452-8897-0,, Nomos eLibrary:

    Fukushima Through the Prism of Chernobyl: How Newspapers in Europe and Russia Used Past Nuclear Accidents, Environmental Communication, vol 13, 2019.

    Editorial article: Resilience in a Complex and Unpredictable World, Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management, vol. 25. no.3, 2017.

    -     Elektroenergetska kritična infrastruktura v Sloveniji : scenariji izpadov električne energije in pomen kritične redundance, (Knjižna zbirka Varnostne študije). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2017 (book in Slovenian language, title: Critical Electric Infrastructure in Slovenia: Scenarios of Electric Power Outages and the Importance of Critical Redundancy, 2017).
    -     Issues of local ownership in Kosovo’s security sector, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, published online May 5, 2017,

    -     The limits of public communication coordination in a nuclear emergency: lessons from media reporting on the Fukushima case, Journal of Radiological Protection, 2016, vol. 36, no. 2,;

    -       Quantitative monitoring of military transformation in the period 1992–2010: Do the protagonists of transformation really change more than other countries? Defence Studies, 2016, vol. 16, no. 1,

    -       Interagency cooperation in counter-terrorism. In: WITHER, James K. & MULLINS, Sam (eds.). Combating transnational terrorism. Sofia: Procon, 2016.

    -       Slovenia: The Intelligence System, Its Development, and Some Key Challenges. In: De Graaff Bob and James M. Nyce (eds.): The handbook of European intelligence Cultures, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.

    -       Relationship between security and human rights in counter-terrorism: a case of introducing body scanners in civil aviation. International studies. 2015, vol. 17, iss. 1,

    -       Evolutionary reality of the revolution in military affairs: results of a comparative study. Romanian Journal of political Science, Win. 2015, vol. 15, no. 2,

    Comprehensive security and some implemental limits. Information & Security,  2015, vol. 33, issue 1, str. 13-34,  

    Military Transformation as Perceived by Experts, Slavic Journal of Military Studies, 2015, vol. 28, no. 1;

    -        Razmerje med tajnostjo in javnostjo nacionalnovarnostnih podatkov v sodobni demokratični državi. Teorija in praksa, jul.-avg. 2015,

    -         Evacuation in the Event of a Nuclear Disaster: Planned Activity or Improvisation? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, June, 2015;

    -          Improving Interorganisational Cooperation in Counterterrorism Based on a Quantitative SWOT Assessment, Public Management Review, 2015, vol. 17, no. 1-2;
    published online 2013, May:

    -          Inter-organizational Cooperation and Coordination in the Fight against Terrorism: From Undisputable Necessity to Paradoxical Challenges, Comparative Strategy, 2014, vol.33, no. 4;

    -         Units Related to Radiation Exposure and Radioactivity in Mass Media: The Fukushima Case Study in Europe and Russia, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2014,

    -         Managing a Potential Crisis : Evacuation in the Event of a Nuclear Disaster at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant. Collegium antropologicum, 2014, vol. 38, suppl. 1.

    -          Smart Counterterrorism: Incorporating the N-order Effects and Adopting a Human Security Perspective, The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, vol. 22, no. 1, 2013.

    -          Consequence, Time and Interdependency-based Risk Assessment in the Field of Critical Infrastructure, Risk Management, vol. 15, no. 2, 2013.

    -         Challenges of multilateral regional security and defence cooperation in South East Europe. European perspectives, ISSN 1855-7694, Oct. 2013, vol. 5, no. 2, str. 83-112.

    -          Cross-sectoral Scanning of Critical Infrastructures: from Functional Differences to Policy-relevant Similarities. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 2012, Vol. 9, No. 1.$002fjhsem.2012.9.issue-1$002f1547-7355.1901$002f1547-7355.1901.xml;jsessionid=4811F5EA6DC384C96CD9C800FFB60E07

    -          The Small Arms and Light Weapons Problem in the Western Balkans. In: Benedek, Daase, Dimitrijević & Duyne (eds.). Transnational terrorism, organized crime and peace-building : human security in the Western Balkans. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

    -          Critical Infrastructure in Slovenia - Kritična infrastruktura v Sloveniji, PREZELJ, Iztok (ed.).Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2010.

    -          The Fight against Terrorism and Crisis Management in the Western Balkans, (Iztok Prezelj, ed.), IOS Press, 2008.

    -          Challenges in conceptualizing and providing human security. HUMSEC Journal, iss. 2, 2008,

    -          VOGRIN, Andreja, PREZELJ, Iztok, BUČAR, Bojko. Človekova varnost v mednarodnih odnosih, (Human Security in International Relations). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2008.

    -          Model celovitega ocenjevanja ogrožanja nacionalne varnosti RS (Model for Comprehensive Threat Assessment) (Iztok Prezelj, ed.), MO RS, Ljubljana, 2007.

    -          Teroristično ogrožanje nacionalne in mednarodne varnosti (Terrorist Threats to National and International Security), Varstvoslovje (guest.ed. Iztok Prezelj), no. 1, vol. 8, 2006.

    -          Nacionalni sistemi kriznega menedžmenta (National Crisis Management Systems), Založba FDV, Ljubljana, 2005.

    -          Smuggling as a Threat to National and International Security: Slovenia and the Balkan Route, Athena Paper, G. Marshall Center, Germany, 2005,

    -          Shocks Without Frontiers - Transnational Breakdowns and Critical Incidents: What Role for the EU? EPC Issue Paper No. 42, European Policy Centre, Brussels, 2005 (together with Arjen Boin et all.).

    -          Crisis Management in the November 1998 Floods. In: Brandstrom, Annika & Malešič, Marjan (eds.). Crisis management in Slovenia: comparative perspectives, A publication of the Crisis Management Europe Research Program, 26). Stockholm: Swedish National Defence College, 2004.

    -          The Interorganizational Dimension of Security Cooperation: Pre-dayton Crisis Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Grizold, Anton & Prezelj, Iztok (eds.). Security and cooperation in Southeastern Europe, (Security studies collection). Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, 2003.

    -          Nacionalna sigurnost Republike Slovenije između pridruživanja NATO-u i nemirnog jugoistoka Europe. Međunarodne studije, winter 2001, vol. 1, no. 4.

    -          Konceptualizacija nacionalnih varnostnih interesov. Teorija in praksa, July-August 2002, vol.39, no.4.

    -          Kompleksno ogrožanje varnosti in nastajanje kompleksnih kriz : analiza primera terorističnih napadov na Svetovni trgovinski center v New Yorku in Pentagon. In: Malešič, Marjan (ed.). Nacionalna in mednarodna varnost. Založba FDV, 2002.

    Osebna bibliografija