Research Interests:
National security, crisis management, terrorism & counter-terrorism, threat & risk assessment, intelligence studies, interagency cooperation, critical infrastructure, Western Balkans.
Current and Recent Research Activities include the following Research Projects:
- E-ARMAGEDON - Družbene posledice večjih izpadov električne energije (Social Consequences of larger electrical blackouts), Project Head, 2020-2022.
- Secession Games: Application of Game Theory on Secession Situations in Contemporary States. Slovenian title: Odcepitvene igre: aplikacija teorije iger na odcepitvene situacije v sodobnih državah, Project Head (2018-2019), bilateral project with Princeton University, Department of Politics
- Radikalizacija in celoviti protiukrepi v Republiki Sloveniji, English title: Radicalization and Comprehensive Counter-measures in Slovenia, Project head (2018-2020), CRP 2017
- 7th EU Framework Programme: Protection and Resilience of Ground Based Infrastructures for European Space Systems (PROGRESS), principal investigator and coordinator of the Slovenian team (2014-2017);
- Crisis management system in Slovenia - Sistem kriznega upravljanja in vodenja v RS (governmental project P7 - vladni razvojni projekt), external expert (2015-2016);
- Electroenergetics as critical infrastructure with focus on the role of TEB - Elektroenergetska kritična infrastruktura s poudarkom na vlogi TEB, external expert (2015)
- EUROATOM project: Innovative integrated tools and platforms for radiological emergency preparedness and post-accident response in Europe (PREPARE), principal investigator and coordinator of the Slovenian team (2013-2016);
- 7th EU Framework Programme: Comprehensive European Approach to the Protection of Civil Aviation (COPRA), principal investigator and coordinator of the Slovenian team (2011-2013);
- EU CIPS Grant: Risk management of transport of Hazardous Substances on the Main Road Network (RMTHS), consultant and researcher (2013-2015)
- EU CIPS Grant: Interactive Risk Assessment in the Field of Critical Infrastructure based on the Integrated Geographic Information System (RISKGIS), consultant (2011-2014)
- Research project Transforming Defence Policies in Contemporary Security Environment, member of the research group, operational coordinator (2010-2013).
- Research project Security and Cooperation in SEE - head and principal investigator (2006-2008).
- Research project Definition and Protection of Critical Infrastructure in Slovenia - head and principal investigator (2006-2009).
- 6th EU Framework Programme: Human Security in the Western Balkan region: the impact of transnational terrorist and criminal organisations on the peace-building process of the region (HUMSEC), principal investigator and coordinator of the Slovenian team (2006-2009);
- Research project Modelling the national threat assessment - coordinator (2004-2006).
- Research project Shaping the national crisis management system in Slovenia - coordinator (2004-2006).
Educational Activities (courses):
- Terrorism and System Countermeasures (2012 - , 2006-2009)
- Crisis Management and Contemporary Security (2011- )
- Contemporary Intelligence Systems (2009- )
- Comparative Defence Systems (1997- )
- Security in South Eastern Europe (2015- , 2009-2013)
- Security and Defence System (1997-2012, 2015-)
- Security Studies (2009-2012)
- Security Sector and Society (2009-2012)
- Security in International Relations (1997-2006)
- course National and International Security (at the Command and Staff School of the Slovenian Armed Forces, 2000-2011)
- Security and Defence System (1999-2003, at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor)
- Intelligence Methods (2014- , Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor)
- Ph.D., 2004, Topic: National Crisis Management System in Contemporary State, University of Ljubljana.
- M.Sc., 2000, Topic: Security as a Multidimensional Phenomena: Shaping a Methodological Model for Threat Assessment.
- B.A., 1997, Topic: Communication between Armed Forces and Publics, University of Ljubljana.
Study and research abroad:
-Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 2019, Department of Politics - Program in Analytical International Relations and Strategy, Guest Researcher.
- Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 2018, Department of Politics - Program in Analytical International Relations and Strategy, Guest Researcher.
- Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 2017, Department of Politics - Program in Analytical International Relations and Strategy, Guest Research Fellow.
- University of Leiden, Netherlands, 2017, Institute of Security and Global Affairs at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Guest Research Fellow.
- Programme on Terrorism and Security Studies (PTSS), 2014, European Center for Security Studies - George C. Marshall, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Adjunct Professor.
- University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Security and Peace Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU Basileus Scholar, 2012.
- Programme on Terrorism and Security Studies (PTSS), 2005, European Center for Security Studies – George C. Marshall, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
- Institute for Security Studies, EU (WEU), 1998, Paris, Topic: Relations among international security organisations (NATO, UN, EU, OSCE, WEU), research scholarship.
- International Institute for Political and Economic Studies (IIPES), Georgetown University, The Fund for American Studies (D.C.) and the Greek Association for the Atlantic & European Studies, 1996.
- American Institute on Political and Economic Systems (AIPES) Georgetown University, Charles University (Prague) and The Fund for American Studies, 1995.
Member of Editorial Boards:
- Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (Wiley) (2017- ),
- Journal of Criminal Justice and Security (Varstvoslovje) (2010 - ),
- Security, Terrorism and Society (Sicurezza, Terrorismo e Società), Member of the Scientific Committee (2014-)
- HUMSEC journal (presently Human Security Perspectives Journal). Graz: European Trainings and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (ETC), 2007-2010,
Past Research and Analytical Cooperation with the following Institutions (not all of them are listed here):
Princeton University, USA
Rutgers University, USA
Fraunhofer Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI), Germany
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK/CEN), Belgium
Europaeisches Trainings- und Forschungszentrum fuer Menschen-Rechte und Demokratie, Austria,
George C.Marshall European Centre for Security Studies, Germany
TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Netherlands
University of Leiden, Netherlands
European Center for Aviation Development - ECAD GmbH (ECAD), Germany
Airbus S.A.S (AIR), France
European Organisation for Security (EOS), Belgium
Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide (FRA), Germany
Morpho (MPH), France
Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), France
Smiths Heimann GmbH (SMI), Germany
KLM- Royal Dutch Airlines, Netherlands
Centre d'étude sur l'Evaluation de la Protection dans le domaine Nucléaire, France
Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Norway
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, Slovenia
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, France
Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
University of Milan, Italy
EnerWebWatch/Coopaname, France
Association pour le Contrôle de la Radioactivité dans l'Ouest, France
Crabbe Consulting ltd , United Kingdom
DLR Gesellschaft für Raumfahrtanwendungen (gfr) mbh (dlr-gfr), Germany
Decisio bv, Netherlands
Qascom srl, Italy
Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Germany
London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, Netherlands
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Serbia
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaft, Germany
University of Prishtina, Kosovo.
Danish Centre for International Studies and Human Rights, Denmark
University of Montenegro, Montenegro
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Universität Graz, Austria
University of Shkoder Luigj Gurakuqi, Albania
Instituto Portugues de Relacoes Internacionais e Seguranca, Portugal
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Universite de Toulouse, France
University of Skopje, Macedonia
Aerodrom Ljubljana, Slovenia
Aeroport Stockholm, Arlanda, Sweden
Aeroport Schiphol, Netherlands
Ministry of Defense, Slovenia
Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief – Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Slovenia
Ministry of Interior, Slovenia
Slovenian Police, Slovenia
Slovenian Armed Forces, Slovenia
Government of Republic of Slovenia – Vlada RS, Slovenia
LUZ – Ljubljanski urbanistični institut – Urban Planning Institute of Ljubljana, Slovenia
TEB – Termoelektrarna Brestanica, Slovenia
Dr. DM, Simulacije in analize d.o.o., Slovenia
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies, Kosovo
Allied Command for Transformation, NATO
RCC – Regional Cooperation Centre, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
EU/WEU – Institute for Security Studies, France
Ministry of Interior, Netherlands
Armed Forces, Netherlands
Florida State University, USA