Policy Analysis
Doctoral programme Policy Analysis is focused on complex understanding of policy analysis in relation to theoretical and empirical research of public policy processes and democracy in the circumstances of the last wave of globalization.
Modern Lasswellian policy analysis is studied and recognized through confrontation with postmodern practice and theorization of multi-leveled, network governance. Meso-level of study of formation, implementation and assessment of public policies (in particular under the circumstances of regional political system of the European Union and under the influence of policy networks) is positioned in contemporary empirical and theoretically-normative political and scientific debate about experimentalist democracy, quality of democracy and its indices.
Theoretically critical (self)reflection of policy analysis, its social position and its role (also the role of analytical units) is faced with critical (self)reflection of applied policy analysis (formation of public policies, help for the improvement of formation, implementation and evaluation processes of public policies, its relations with public management). Particular emphasis is placed on the concepts and practice of deliberative policy analysis, reconceptualization of policy analysis and its analytical tools for response to crisis and risk situation.
Quick facts
Type: third level Doctoral study programme
Duration: 4 years
ECTS: 240
Language: English
Professional title: Doctor of Philosophy / doktor znanosti
General requirements for enrolment: 300 ECTS
Tuition fee: 10.600 € for programme
Foreign citizens who have completed study programme abroad may enrol in doctoral study programme if they complete the offical Slovenian procedure of recognition of foreign undergraduate education.
The main purpose of the programmes is to provide doctoral students with fundamental knowledge from their research disciplines in different fields of the humanities and social sciences, while developing the competences required for independent research and the application of knowledge at an internationally comparable level.
The Chair actively contributes to the excellence in education, research and development of the political science discipline and profession in Slovenia, particularly from the perspective of comparative politics, public policy, political institutions and public administration. The faculty acting within The Chair of Policy Analysis and Public Administration are highly esteemed political scientists with a wide research and pedagogical opus that co-creates the European political science landscape.