Skoči do osrednje vsebine

For foreign students

Information guide for international students

Each year at the University of Ljubljana we offer a wide range of bachelor, master and doctoral programmes covering all fields of study: Natural Science, Technology and Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities, Medicine, Art.

Slovene Learning Online

Slovene Learning Online (SLO) is a freely accessible online course in Slovene for foreigners, developed at the Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language in cooperation with the company DigiEd. The course is for all those who wish to learn Slovene on their own in a simple, playful and effective way. 

Student meals system

1. You need your mobile phone with mobile data or Slovene SIM card. (Free SIM cards should also be available at the Student Organization of the University – ŠOU ; you can also get a special card used only for the food system – 15€ non-refundable, 1-2 days to be operative;
2. Register on-line
3. For the final registration go to INFO Point at Pivovarniška 6, (Mon 9am-3.30pm, Wed 9am-3.30pm); e-mail contact: or ESN office (Pivovarniška 6 – pink door)
You also need EMŠO number (personal registration number – 13 digit number starting with your date of birth).
You will get app. 20 subsidies per month. You can use the system twice a day (4 hours break between the meals), from 8am until 9pm, also during weekends.

Student bus card

- 20 € per month (the pass is valid from the first day of the month until the first day of the next month, ex. 1 October -1 November)
- With special form: Subsidized monthly pass application form, filled in and equipped with EMŠO number, go to this address: Slovenska cesta 56, Ljubljana – office hours until 11 October 2022 – 7.00 am to 7.00 pm (later until 3.30pm); main Bus Station, Trg OF 4, 6 am – 8pm. You don’t need the signature or stamp of the faculty!
If you think you will not use the bus often, you can get Urbana value card– yellow (one ride costs 1.30€) – you can purchase it in any kiosk or at the post office. The card itself costs 2€.

Residence permit

If you are staying in Slovenia for more than 3 month you have to apply for the First Residence Permit (and report your temporary address if you are staying in a private flat) as soon as possible after the arrival.
You should go to the Administration Unit (Upravna enota), Tobačna ulica n. 5, 1000 Ljubljana, no appointment required.

- A valid identity card or passport – copy
- Acceptance letter – original (or copy),
- Health insurance – European Health Insurance Card – copy,
- Statement of having enough money and with your planned mobility (in attachment)
- Photo (biometrical)
- Application form
More information here

Non EU citizens also need a police clearance certificate of not older than three months from the home country (if the country in question is¬sues it), translated into Slovenian, and verified; and will have to submit fingerprints personally. Proof of financial means (scholarship, bank statement...)
Application form

If you obtained Visa D prior to your arrival to Ljubljana, you don’t need to apply for residence permit, but if you will be staying in private accommodation you have to report your temporary address to the administrative unit on Tobačna 5! For registering the temporary address, you also need a contract for your room or the statement of the owner of the apartment!

Temporary student jobs

You can work via Student Service if you have student status in Slovenia or if you are doing your practice or studies as a part of an international exchange programme in Slovenia 

You will have to open bank account in any of the banks here. For opening a bank account, you will need Slovenian tax number.
You can get it here (tax number):

You need to register an appointment first at:
LJUBLJANA 369 3000