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Academic Unit of Theoretical Political Science

  • Academic Unit of Theoretical Political Science

    The mission of theAcademic Unit of Theoretical Political Science is to achieve a comprehensive knowledge transfer to students in the field of political theory and contemporary political processes and institutions.

Academic Unit of Theoretical Political Science, currently headed by prof. Igor Lukšič, currently offers one undergraduate study program Political Science – Politics and the State, one graduate study program Political Science – Political Theory and two PhD programs Globalisation Studies and Political Science.

Members of the Chair of Theoretical Political Science are engaged in pedagogical and research activities in the field of political theories, as well as in the broader media and social space, where they play the role of political analysts, policy makers and other socially engaged roles.

The members of the department are researchers within the Centre for Political Theory, Social Sciences Research Institute; their research achievements are constantly included in their pedagogical work.

The foundational study programs in the field of political science are intended for students who are considering government or academic careers, or careers as political advisers, political analysts, party leaders, political campaign workers, and political spokesmen, among others. Graduates can find jobs at international and regional organizations like the United Nations or European Union, work as educators, political activists or social advocates in the non-governmental sector, or even pursue a career as business consultants for multinational corporations.

Information about the study programme Political Science - Politics and the State in Serbian language

Želiš da studiraš političke nauke u Sloveniji? Izaberi Fakultet društvenih nauka program Politika i država.

21. February 2019 | Notifications, News

Do you want to study Political Science? Join us at the open days on 15th and 16th February

Are you interested in history, sociology and politics? Do you want to understand the background of policies, contemporary dilemmas and solutions?

11. February 2019 | Notifications, News

Visit from China – Another guest lecture on the programme Politics and the State

Another in a series of guest lectures on the undergraduate programme Politics and the State!

10. February 2019 | Notifications

Guest lecture of prof. Craigh Petersen for students on the programme Politics and the State

On the study programme Politics and the state there are regular guest lecture by renowned professors from all around the world.

10. February 2019 | Notifications