Full list at:
Selected publications:PALERMO, Francesco, ROTER, Petra.
The Lund Recommendations from the perspective of the Framework Convention. In: ROMANS, William (ed.). Effective participation of national minorities and conflict prevention. Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, cop. 2020. pp. 81-104. ISBN 978-90-04-39033-1, ISBN 90-04-39033-2. DOI: 10.1163/9789004390331_005.
ROTER, Petra.
Határon átnyúló együttműködések és kétoldalú kapcsolatok : a kétoldalú kisebbségvédelem esélyei és kelepcéi. In: KOMAC, Miran (ed.), et al. Bilaterális kisebbségvédelem : a magyar-szlovén kisebbségvédelmi egyezmény háttere és gyakorlata. Budapest: l'Harmattan, cop. 2019. pp. 14-31. ISBN 978-963-414-341-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 36602461] AND in Slovenian: ROTER, Petra.
Čezmejno sodelovanje in dvostranski odnosi : priložnosti in pasti varstva narodnih manjšin na bilateralni ravni. V: KOMAC, Miran (ur.), VIZI, Balázs (ur.). Bilateralni sporazumi kot oblika urejanja varstva narodnih manjšin : primer Sporazuma o zagotavljanju posebnih pravic slovenske narodne manjšine v Republiki Madžarski in madžarske narodne skupnosti v Republiki Sloveniji. Budapest: l'Harmattan, cop. 2018. str. 14-31. ISBN 978-963-414-505-9.
ROTER, Petra.
Commentary of article 5 of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. In: HOFMANN, Rainer (ed.), MALLOY, Tove H. (ed.), REIN, Detlev (ed.). The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities : a commentary. Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2018. pp. 126-147. ISBN 978-90-04-33965-1.
ROTER, Petra, BUSCH, Brigitta.
Language rights in the work of the advisory committee. in: ULASIUK, Iryna (ed.), HADÎRCÂ, Laurenţiu (ed.), ROMANS, William (ed.). Language policy and conflict prevention. Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2018. pp. 155-181. ISBN 978-90-04-35775-4.
ROTER, Petra.
Russia in the Council of Europe : participation à la carte. In: MÄLKSOO, Lauri (ed.), BENEDEK, Wolfgang (ed.). Russia and the European Court of Human Rights : the Strasbourg effect. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. pp. 26-56. EIUC studies on human rights and democratisation. ISBN 978-1-108-41573-6, ISBN 978-1-108-40199-9.
ROTER, Petra.
Voting rights of minorities and the role of ethnicity in elections in the post-Yugoslav space. In: Helen Hardman and Brice Dickson, eds., Electoral rights in Europe: advances and challenges. Abingdon, New York: Routledge, pp. 69-91, 2017.
ŠABIČ, Zlatko, Ana Bojinović Fenko and Petra Roter.
Small states and parliamentary diplomacy: Slovenia and the Mediterranean. Mediterranean Quarterly 27(4): 42-60, 2016.
ROTER, Petra and Ana Bojinović Fenko.
Parliamentarisation in a Post-Conflict Context: The Kosovo Assembly Support Initiative, Parliamentary Affairs (AOP: November 11, 2014; http://pa.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/recent), Abstract: "The purpose of this article is to analyse collaboration in the process of post-conflict reconstruction in Kosovo. Based on extensive empirical research, we focus on the parliamentarisation in Kosovo in the context of a multi-stakeholder partnership (MSP). We investigate the creation, operation and effects of co-operation within an MSP called the Kosovo Assembly Support Initiative (ASI). This MSP is relevant for the study of parliamentary affairs because of its goals to help in the creation of a functioning national parliament, but also because several other national parliaments contributed to this goal within the broader post-conflict peace-building in Kosovo."
This research has been awarded the ARRS Odlični v znanosti (Excellent in Science) award for 2014.
ROTER, Petra.
Minority Children and Education in the Work of the Advisory Committee. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 22 (2): 202–231, 2015 (http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/15718115-02202004).
ROTER, Petra.
International-local Linkages in Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Involved in Reconciliation, Inter-communal Bridge-building and Confidence-building. Croatian International Relations Review 21(72): 139–166, 2015 (http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=199124).
ROTER, Petra and Zlatko Šabič.
Sporočilnost macbridovega poročila v pogojih (ne)spreminjajoče se (ne) demokratičnosti mednarodne skupnosti (The MacBride's Report and its key messages in the context of the (non-) changing (non-)democratic international community). Javnost - The Public: Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture 22(Supplement 1): S102-S111, 2015 (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13183222.2015.1129211).
Abstract: The article seeks to address the relevancy of the MacBride Report for international relations. It does so in the context of factors that can influence the development of a more democratic international community. Deriving from the structure of the contemporary international community, the article demonstrates that this community has developed asymmetrically, in spite of the unprecedented development in the fields of science and technology. As the international community is characterised by competition for influence, and the inability to implement solidarity, numerous problems remain unresolved. In such circumstances, the benefits of communications and information technology are just as conflictual as they were at the time of the writing of the MacBride Report. Instead of using technology to eliminate inequality, including through the work of international organisations, technology tends to be used by states and new (non-state) actors such as multinational companies, to strengthen their positions. This only reinforces the gap between the developed and the poor. The key messages of the MacBride Report are therefore just as relevant today as they were 35 years ago.
KOMAC, Miran and Petra Roter:
The autonomy arrangement in Slovenia: an established institutional framework dependent on implementation of minority protection, in Managing Diversity through Non-Territorial Autonomy: Assessing Advantages, Deficiencies and Risks, edited by Tove H. Malloy, Alexander Osipov, and Balázs Vizi, Oxford University Press, 2015.
Selected recent intervention for general public:ROTER, Petra.
Ja bih BiH u kojoj svi mogu jednako uživati ljudska prava bez ikakve diskriminacije. Oslobođenje. 20. in 21. nov. 2021, specijal, str. 62, avtorj. fotogr. ISSN 0350-4352. https://www.oslobodjenje.ba/dosjei/teme/ja-bih-bih-u-kojoj-svi-mogu-jednako-uzivati-ljudska-prava-bez-ikakve-diskriminacije-709195,
I want BiH in which everyone can equally enjoy human rights without any discrimination on any ground, including ethnic affiliation: https://www.oslobodjenje.ba/dosjei/teme/i-want-bih-in-which-everyone-can-equally-enjoy-human-rights-without-any-discrimination-on-any-ground-including-ethnic-affiliation-709875, https://www.oslobodjenje.ba/dosjei/teme/ja-bih-bih-708969. [COBISS.SI-ID 87115267]
(from the UN regional forum on minority issues, Oct. 2021, translation of my speech with recommendations) ROTER, Petra.
Mednarodne organizacije bi morale odločneje ukrepati proti državam, ki ne spoštujejo obvez : poseg slovenske strokovnjakinje dr. Petre Roter na Evropskem forumu o pravicah manjšin. Primorski dnevnik. [Tiskana izd.]. 28. nov. 2021, leto 77, št. 284, str. 14, avtorj. fotogr. ISSN 1124-6669. [COBISS.SI-ID 87080963]

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