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prof. dr. Breda Luthar

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  • prof. dr. Breda Luthar, visokošolska učiteljica
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    C 209
    Sodelovanje pri predmetih:

    Dodiplomski študij
    Medijska občinstva
    Potrošna kultura
    Seminar iz komunikološke literature
    Študije videoiger

    Podiplomski študij
    Magistrski seminar
    Magistrsko delo KOM-MKŠ
    Mediji, komuniciranje in družba
    Znamčenje in mediatizacija potrošnje

    Doktorski študij
    Mediji in popularna kultura
    Seminar s področja medijev in komuniciranja
    Ekspertna področja:

    Media and Celebrity culture, Popular Journalism, Cultural Consumption and Class, Consumer Culture, Consumption and Everyday life in Socialism.



    Breda Luthar

    is Professor at the Department of Media and Communication Studies and since 2006 Head of the Department at Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She graduated in Sociology and received her PhD in Communication Studies at the University of Ljubljana in 1995. She was an exchange graduate student at Westfällische Wilhelms Universität, Münster, Germany  (1987-1988), Visiting fellow at University of Westminster, UK (1992-93), lector at Yale University, USA (1999-2000) and visiting Professor at University of Pitsburgh (2005).  She currently  teaches courses Theories of Media Communication, Seminar in Communication Literature, Consumer Culture and Media and Audiences.


    LUTHAR, Breda and Andreja TRDINA. Nation, gender, class: celebrity culture and the performance of Identity in the Balkans. Slavic Review 2015.

    LUTHAR, Breda. Moda in razred: ustvarjanje meja in uprizarjanje razlik. V M. Pušnik, E. Fajt, Moda in oblačična kultura. Aristej, Maribor 2014.

    LUTHAR, BREDA. Popularna kultura in razredne distinkcije v Sloveniji: simbolne meje v egalitarni družbi. Družboslovne razprave 2012, vol. 28, no. 1, str. 13-38.

     LUTHAR, Breda in JONTES, Dejan (ur.),  Mediji in občinstva. FDV, Ljubljana 2012.

     LUTHAR, Breda, KROPIVNIK, Samo. Class, cultural capital, and the mobile phone. Sociol. čas., 2011, vol. 47, no. 6, str. 1091-1118,

     LUTHAR, Breda. People just like us : political celebrity and creation of national normality. Cultural studies, Sep. 2010, vol. 24, no. 5, str. 690-715, fotogr.

     LUTHAR, Breda, PUŠNIK, Maruša. The lure of utopia : socialist everyday spaces. V: LUTHAR, Breda (ur.), PUŠNIK, Maruša (ur.). Remembering utopia : the culture of everyday life in socialist Yugoslavia. Washington: New Academia, 2010, str. 1-33.

     LUTHAR, Breda. Shame, desire and longing for the West : a case study of consumption. V: LUTHAR, Breda (ur.), PUŠNIK, Maruša (ur.). Remembering utopia : the culture of everyday life in socialist Yugoslavia. Washington: New Academia, 2010, str. 341-377.

     LUTHAR, Breda. Proizvodnja slave. (Politika v popularni kulturi). Založba FDV, Ljubljana 2008.

     L UTHAR, Breda. Promotional frame makers and the meaning of the text : the case of The Lord of the rings. V: BARKER, Martin (ur.), MATHIJS, Ernest (ur.). Watching the Lord of the rings : Tolkien's world audiences, (Media and culture, vol. 3). New York [etc.]: P. Lang, cop. 2008, pp. 59-68.

     LUTHAR, Breda. Community of Sameness: political celebrity and the creationof the national ordinary. V: HIPFL, Brigitte (ur.), HUG, Theo (ur.). Media communities. Münster [etc.]: Waxmann, 2006, pp. 143-165.

     LUTHAR, Breda. Remembering socialism : on desire, consumption and surveillance. Journal of consumer culture, July 2006, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 229-259.

     LUTHAR, Breda in TIVADAR, Blanka. Food, ethics and aesthetics. Appetite, 2005, no. 44, pp. 215-233.












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