LUTHAR, Breda and Andreja TRDINA. Nation, gender, class: celebrity culture and the performance of Identity in the Balkans. Slavic Review 2015.
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LUTHAR, BREDA. Popularna kultura in razredne distinkcije v Sloveniji: simbolne meje v egalitarni družbi. Družboslovne razprave 2012, vol. 28, no. 1, str. 13-38.
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LUTHAR, Breda. People just like us : political celebrity and creation of national normality. Cultural studies, Sep. 2010, vol. 24, no. 5, str. 690-715, fotogr.
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LUTHAR, Breda. Remembering socialism : on desire, consumption and surveillance. Journal of consumer culture, July 2006, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 229-259.
LUTHAR, Breda in TIVADAR, Blanka. Food, ethics and aesthetics. Appetite, 2005, no. 44, pp. 215-233.
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