Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Topics of master’s theses

In accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of the Rules on the final work on the programs of the first and second level, the student generally choses from the announced topics, however he/she can also propose the topic that is not on the list after the consultation with the mentor. Either way, the topic must be approved by the administrator of the master’s program.

A master student must apply for the topic of the master’s thesis in the 2nd year, no later than March 15th. However, the College of the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences has decided to extend the deadline for the master's thesis topic application for the academic year 2021/22: for 2nd year students of the renewed master's programs deadline in 2021/22 is May 15th 2022.

A student who does not apply for a master’s thesis in the 2nd year, by that date, can not apply later in the current academic year and cannot defend a master’s thesis in current academic year. The application for the master’s thesis can be made after October 1st of the following academic year.

The registered master’s thesis is valid for three years from the date of application. After this deadline, the application is dismissed and the student must apply again.

The student may also complete the master’s thesis under the mentorship of other habilitated teachers at the Faculty of Social Sciences who are not listed below – if confirmed by the program coordinator.

The topics of the master’s theses were published by the following lecturers by chairs

Katedra za mednarodne odnose

doc. dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko

  1. Dopolnjevanje in tekmovalnost globalnega nasproti regionalnemu upravljanju mednarodnih odnosov
  2. Potencialna sožitja zunanjepolitičnih strategij velesil in malih držav
  3. Strategija zunanjega delovanja Evropske unije skozi interregionalizem
  4. Vzhodna in sredozemska dimenzija zunanjega delovanja Evropske unije
  5. Notranje in zunanje omejitve ter priložnosti širitve Evropske unije
  6. Strategija zunanjega delovanja Evropske unije skozi interregionalizem

izr. prof. dr. Andreja Jaklič

  1. Spremljanje mednarodne menjave preko globalnih verig ustvarjanja vrednosti
  2. Nove generacije zunanje-trgovinskih sporazumov EU (študije primerov)
  3. Kakovost institucij in inovativnost držav (primerjalno preverjanje povezave)
  4. Vpliv azijskih neposrednih investicij na evropska podjetja (študije primerov)
  5. Novi vzorci internacionalizacije podjetij (študije primerov)
  6. Učinkovitost instrumentov pospeševanja internacionalizacije (študije primerov)
  7. Uspešnost delovanja poslovnih klubov v tujini
  8. Diaspore/migranti kot pospeševalci NTI

red. prof dr. Marjan Svetličič

  1. Razvoj Slovenije od vzornega učenca, zgodbe o uspehu do “oslovske klopi”
  2. Cena zamujanja pravočasnega odzivanja na spremembe v svetu
  3. Globalizacija in kriza; kokoš ali jajce
  4. Ali lahko imamo obenem globalizacijo, avtonomijo in suverenost; primerjava strategij majhnih in velikih držav
  5. Kdaj nas bodo Kitajci ujeli po BDP na prebivalca; aplikacija metode časovne distance
  6. Ali lahko pospeševanje sodelovanja s hitro rastočimi gospodarstvi pomaga iz krize; primer zahodnega Balkana
  7. Tuje neposredne investicije v Slovenijo; stroški zamujanja oziroma sedanjih gasilskih “razprodaj”
  8. Zveza med neenakostjo in razvojem
  9. Izobraževanje za konkurenčnost; tendence v svetu in praksa FDV
  10. Bodoči položaj majhnih držav v preoblikovanem svetu
  11. Kitajske investicije v Sloveniji in državah Z. Balkana ali zakaj jih ni?
  12. Nepoznavanje medkulturnih razlik ovira mednarodno poslovanje
  13. Predsedovanje Svetu EU; vloga TRIA po Lizbonski pogodbi
  14. Kako okrepiti konkurenčnost Slovenije z boljšim delovanjem v EU in OECD

Back to list of notificationsPublished: 18. June 2013 | Category: 2013/14