Social and Political Psychology
The programme provides the epistemological and methodological background for the formation of a political-psychological framework of perception. The analysis of key socio-psychological theories is upgraded with critical reflection. Our starting point is the premise that social psychology presents the focal point of social events, since it analyses the processes of intermediation between the individual and the societal level of social interactions and institutions.
Contemporary socially-psychological thought presumes that people live and work in "a sensible world", namely a world equally shaped by events, senses and meanings. The social world of the acting individual is inter-subjective reality, which is under constant construction by our acts, speech, ideas and perceptions about society and ourselves. We construct and deconstruct "models of reality", which become reality themselves when and if we take an active part in them. There is no ontological or principled difference between the model and the reality. The model of reality and reality itself are two mentally abstracted poles in the continuum of relations between component parts of the (eco) system individual – society – nature. The goals of this programme are the analysis and reflection of social and societal processes and states created by people upon their establishment in the social, societal and political sphere. The emphasis will be on the analysis of discursive practices of social and societal relations and on the modelling of a framework of values, opinions, standpoints, ideologies and prejudices, which regulates social interaction and social influence.
Quick facts
Type: third level Doctoral study programme
Duration: 4 years
ECTS: 240
Language: English
Professional title: Doctor of Philosophy / doktor znanosti
General requirements for enrolment: 300 ECTS
Tuition fee: 10.600 € for programme
Foreign citizens who have completed study programme abroad may enrol in doctoral study programme if they complete the offical Slovenian procedure of recognition of foreign undergraduate education.
The main purpose of the programmes is to provide doctoral students with fundamental knowledge from their research disciplines in different fields of the humanities and social sciences, while developing the competences required for independent research and the application of knowledge at an internationally comparable level.
The Chair of Sociology builds on a rich tradition of theoretical and empirical research on the wide range of issues related to social life.