History of political thought
Zgodovina političnih idej
Course credits:
6.00 ECTS / 60 (30 hours of lectures, 0 hours of exercises, 30 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)
Course holder:
prof. dr. Igor Lukšič
- Prof. Jernej Pikalo
Second semester
Study degree
1. level
Course execution:
- Undergraduate Programme of Defence Studies
- Undergraduate Programme of International Relations
- Undergraduate Programme of Political Science - Public Policies and Sdministration
- Undergraduate Programme of Political Science - Studies of Politics and the State
Students are allowed to participate in the course provided that they have completed the enrolment procedure.
Objectives and competences
To systematically familiarize students with political ideas in historical perspectives. Students will be able to analyze historical texts and events and contemporary expressions of them.
Content (Syllabus outline)
Research methods of history of political ideas. Interpretation. Greek and Roman classical thought. Political ideas of the modern state. Political ideas of the bourgeoisie revolutions and American revolution. Conservative political ideas. Political ideas of the German classical philosophy (Hegel). Liberalism of the 19th century. Political ideas of utopian socialism and anarchism. Marxist political thought. Elite theory: classical and contemporary. Fascism and national socialism. Political ideas of the 20th century. Social and political ideas of Catholicism. Liberalism and neoliberalism of the 20th century. Political ideas of the anti-colonialism. Communism and anti-communism. Anarchist political thought. Neoconservative political thought. Communitarism.
Intended learning outcomes:
Students will gain comprehensive knowledge of the main currents of political ideas in the history of political ideas. They will be able to differentiate between ideas in various contexts. They will be able to critically evaluate and genealogically explain main ideas. They will be able to contextualize.
Learning and teaching methods:
Lectures and seminars.
Seminar assignment 30%
written exam 70%
Obligatory literature
All obligatory literature in catalog ODKJG »
Additional literature
All additional literature in catalog ODKJG »
Hot to aquire credits:
For full study
- Lectures, seminars and individual consultations
Written exam, oral exam, written/oral exam
Short seminar paper or short assignments - 1.