Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Mystical and political in Christianity and Islam

Mistično in politično v krščanstvu in islamu

Course credits:

6.00 ECTS / 60 (30 hours of lectures, 15 hours of exercises, 15 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)

Course holder:

prof. dr. Aljoša Pužar


  • Tch. Asst. Teja Kosi
  • Tch. Asst. Maruška Nardoni
  • Asst. Prof. Jasmina Šepetavc


Elective expert




Second semester

Study degree

1. level

    Course execution:

  • Undergraduate Programme of Cultural studies - Studies of Culture and Creativity


Students are allowed to participate in the course provided that they have completed the enrolment procedure.

Objectives and competences

Basic objective is to equip students with knowledge which will enable them to understand the contemporary dilemmas and controversies related to Christianity and Islam.

Content (Syllabus outline)

This course is designed to provide broad yet analytically focused perspective on historical and contemporary topics related to political and mystical aspects of Christianity and Islam. The course is rooted in social studies and humanities, offering conceptual and theoretical foundations for the analysis of relations between religion, identity, and society. The first half of the course addresses broader issues of relations between mystical and political in Abrahamic monotheism (from the historical and contemporary perspective). The course will, then, present how the tension between mystical and political reflects upon relations between politics and religion (including the problems of radicalization and re-traditionalization), upon contemporary political conflicts, migrant crises and international security.

Intended learning outcomes:

After completion of this course students will be able to recognize, understand and critically analyse the complex contexts of religious and non-religious politics, be it in prevalently Islamic or in prevalently Christian cultures. Students will: - analyse socio-historical in cultural contexts of the problems - understand main processes - use international and national references - develop oral and written expression and argumentation

Learning and teaching methods:

The first part of the course will be consisted of lectures. These will be supplemented with guided discussions after the individual reading of prescribed literature. Individual consultations will help the students to prepare for the active discussions.


Written exam (test and short paper), OR long paper, OR research project and report. 100 %

Obligatory literature

1. Unit of obligatory literature:

Author: Pužar, Aljoša (ur.)
Title: Course reader : mystical and political in christianity and islam = (mistično in politično v krščanstvu in islamu) »
Publishing: Ljubljana : Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede = University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2022
ISBN: fdv-isbn-083
COBISS.SI-ID: 99526403 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »
All obligatory literature in catalog ODKJG »

Additional literature

1. Unit of additional literature:

Author: Netton, Ian Richard
Title: Islam, Christianity and tradition : a comparative exploration »
Publishing: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, cop. 2006
ISBN: 0-7486-2392-2; 978-0-7486-2392-1; 978-0-7486-2391-4; 0-7486-2391-4
COBISS.SI-ID: 21790211 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »

2. Unit of additional literature:

Author: Mastnak, Tomaž
Title: Kristjanstvo in muslimani »
Publishing: Ljubljana : Znanstveno in publicistično središče, 1996
ISBN: 961-6014-74-9
COBISS.SI-ID: 60690432 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »

3. Unit of additional literature:

Author: James, William
Title: The varieties of religious experience : a study in human nature »
Publishing: [Auckland, N. Z.] : Floating Press, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-877527-46-3; 1-877527-46-7; 978-1-775-56548-2; 1-775-56548-3
COBISS.SI-ID: 27283971 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »
All additional literature in catalog ODKJG »

Hot to aquire credits:

For full study

  1. Predavanja, seminarji, seminarske vaje in individualne kontaktne ure
    Written exam, oral exam, written/oral exam or 2 midterm exams
    Research paper, resarch project, seminar paper or assignments
    Tutorials and individual consultations with lecturer