International Relations
Mednarodni odnosi
Course credits:
6.00 ECTS / 60 (30 hours of lectures, 30 hours of exercises, 0 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)
Course holder:
prof. dr. Zlatko Šabič
- Asst. Prof. Faris Kočan
- Prof. Petra Roter
First semester
Study degree
1. level
Course execution:
- Undergraduate Programme of Defence Studies
- Undergraduate Programme of International Relations
- Undergraduate Programme of Political Science - Public Policies and Sdministration
- Undergraduate Programme of Political Science - Studies of Politics and the State
Students are allowed to participate in the course provided that they have completed the enrolment procedure.
Objectives and competences
The objective of the course is to teach students the basic characteristics of the contemporary international community and of its (historical) development and to introduce them to the discipline of International Relations – its problematique. The course further aims to put this knowledge into a contemporary perspective by analysing current issues in the international community. Competences, acquired by students: - Knowledge and understanding of basic characteristics of the contemporary international community. - Ability to participate in discussions on current events in the international community. - Ability to follow the media and their reporting about current events, and ability to analyse those events in the context of the structure of the contemporary international community (its elements). - Preparation of short written assignments and their oral presentation. - Preparation of a report (analysis) of media reporting about current international events.
Content (Syllabus outline)
International Relations (IR) as an academic discipline and international relations as practice. Academic study of international relations (IR theories): theoretical approaches to studying international relations and their significance for explaining/understanding of the international community. Development of the contemporary international community – key milestones and its basic characteristics. Development of means for peaceful settlement of disputes and the limitation of the right to wage wars. The structure of the contemporary international community: objective factors and their significance in the contemporary international community; subjects of international relations (analysis of the role and significance of states, international governmental and non-governmental organisations, individuals, terrorist groups, multinational companies and other actors); processes and relations (international co-operation, international conflicts and international relations as a system of North-South relations, with a focus on the processes of colonialism, decolonisation and neo-colonialism); international norms (including public international law), their significance for legitimate/non-legitimate and legal/illegal actor behaviour. Ongoing analysis of contemporary international events: their analysis in the context of the elements of the structure of the contemporary international community, and analysis of media reports about those events.
Intended learning outcomes:
Student: - knows the discipline of International Relations and basic theories of International Relations, - knows history of international relations and of the contemporary international community, - knows all elements of the structure of the contemporary international community and understands their significance, - is able to apply the knowledge about the structural elements to the analysis of contemporary international relations (developments in the international community), - understands different theories of International Relations and applies those theoretical approaches to the study of international relations.
Learning and teaching methods:
Lectures, tutorials (exercises), individual and group work with teacher and teaching assistant, public presentations.
Exam 60 %, Assignments at seminars 40 %, mandatory 80 % presence at lectures and seminars (practical work). All credits have to be earned in a current academic year. Condition to approach a written exam are completed tutorials.
Obligatory literature
All obligatory literature in catalog ODKJG »
Additional literature
All additional literature in catalog ODKJG »
Hot to aquire credits:
For full study
- Lectures and seminars
Research paper, resarch project, seminar paper or assignments
Tutorials and individual consultations with lecturer
Written exam, oral exam, written/oral exam or 2 midterm exams