Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Media critique

Medijska kritika

Course credits:

6.00 ECTS / 60 (0 hours of lectures, 30 hours of exercises, 30 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)

Course holder:

izr. prof. dr. Ilija Tomanić-Trivundža


  • Prof. Andrew Calabrese
  • Tch. Asst. Anamarija Šiša


Elective general




Second semester

Study degree

1. level

    Course execution:

  • Undergraduate Programme of Communication studies - Marketing Communication and Public Relations
  • Undergraduate Programme of Cultural studies - Studies of Culture and Creativity
  • Undergraduate Programme of Defence Studies
  • Undergraduate Programme of International Relations
  • Undergraduate Programme of Journalism
  • Undergraduate Programme of Media and Communication Studies
  • Undergraduate Programme of Political Science - Public Policies and Sdministration
  • Undergraduate Programme of Political Science - Studies of Politics and the State
  • Undergraduate Programme of Social Informatics
  • Undergraduate Programme of Sociology
  • Undergraduate Programme of Sociology - Human Resources Management


Students are allowed to participate in the course provided that they have completed the enrolment procedure.

Objectives and competences

OBJECTIVES: Students learn basic concepts and methods for analysis of media texts in the format of media critique. Student will acquire basic knowledge and tools for critical reading and understanding of media texts. COMPETENCES: Students will gain knowledge about basic theoretical concepts used for understanding and analysis of media texts. By analysing media texts, students will acquire research skills and through writing of course assignments gain skills of analysis and synthesis and enhance the skills of oral and written communication.

Content (Syllabus outline)

Students acquire basic theoretical and methodological knowledge for critical understanding of media content. The course will be built around basic theoretical concepts (representation, ideology, hegemony, myth and identity, genre) used for critique of media texts. Students will apply these basic theoretical concepts through analysis of concrete examples of racism, sexism, xenophobia, ethnocentrism, nationalism etc. through analysis of specific examples of media texts. The analysis will be conducted with application of different methods, namely multimodal analysis, framing analysis, genre analysis, discourse analysis and narrative analysis.

Intended learning outcomes:

Student gains knowledge of basic theoretical concepts of media critique. Student gains knowledge of key methods for critical interpretation of media texts. Student learns to identify, evaluate and criticize media content. Student is able to apply appropriate theoretical concept and use appropriate theoretical concept in a case study based analysis.

Learning and teaching methods:

lectures, exercises, e-learning


The final grade consists of: short weekly assessments 20% mid-term exam 40% final written paper (4000 words) 40%

Obligatory literature

1. Unit of obligatory literature:

Author: Luthar, Breda (ur.); Zei, Vida (ur.); Hardt, Hanno (ur.)
Title: Medijska kultura : kako brati medijske tekste »
Publishing: Ljubljana : Študentska založba, 2004
ISBN: 961-6446-66-5
COBISS.SI-ID: 213940480 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »

2. Unit of obligatory literature:

Author: Fiske, John
Title: Uvod v komunikacijske študije »
Edition: 1. ponatis
Publishing: Ljubljana : Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2005
ISBN: 961-235-172-4
COBISS.SI-ID: 220157696 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »
All obligatory literature in catalog ODKJG »

Additional literature

1. Unit of additional literature:

Author: Eagleton, Terry
Title: Ideology : an introduction »
Edition: new and updated ed.
Publishing: London ; New York : Verso, 2007
ISBN: 978-1-84467-136-6; 1-84467-136-4; 978-1-84467-143-4; 1-84467-143-7; 978-1-317-89195-6
COBISS.SI-ID: 1522643 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »

2. Unit of additional literature:

Author: Machin, David; Mayr, Andrea
Title: How to do critical discourse analysis : a multimodal introduction »
Edition: Reprinted
Publishing: Los Angeles [etc.] : Sage, 2015, cop. 2012
ISBN: 978-0-85702-892-1; 978-0-85702-891-4; 978-1-446-25841-5
COBISS.SI-ID: 36281181 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »

3. Unit of additional literature:

Author: Turner, Graeme
Title: Film as social practice »
Edition: 4th ed.
Publishing: London ; New York : Routledge, 2008
ISBN: 0-415-37514-2; 978-0-415-37514-6; 978-1-136-78492-7
COBISS.SI-ID: 30575453 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »
All additional literature in catalog ODKJG »

Hot to aquire credits:

For full and part study

  1. Lectures and seminars
    Tutorials and individual consultations with lecturer
    Midterm exam
    Research paper, research project or seminar (exam) paper