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prof. dr. Urša Golob Podnar

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  • prof. dr. Urša Golob Podnar, visokošolska učiteljica
    Kontaktne informacije:
    Službeni telefon: 01/ 5805-264
    Email: is.jl-inu.vdf@bolog.asru
    Govorilne in uradne ure:

    Gov. ure: sreda 9.00 - 10.30

    *** OBVESTILO ***

    Gov. ure načeloma potekajo prek Zooma, za krajša vprašanja lahko tudi po koncu predavanj in seminarjev v živo ali prek el. pošte. Če boste želeli pogovor, se prosim najavite vsaj en dan prej po elektronski pošti za termin in povezavo prek Zooma v času govorilnih ur (glej zgoraj). Če bi se želeli srečati osebno, mi prav tako pošljite el. sporočilo, da se dogovorimo.

    *** Mentorstva magistrskih nalog 2024/25 ***

    V štud. letu 2024/25 žal ne morem več sprejemati novih kandidatov_tk za magistrska dela, saj so vsa prosta mesta za mentorstvo pri meni že zasedena. Vse, ki še iščete mentorja_ico prosim, da se obrnete na preostale člane_ice katedre TKOJ, ki imajo še prosta mesta. 


    B 212
    Sodelovanje pri predmetih:

    Dodiplomski študij
    Marketinške in komunikacijske metrike
    Mednarodni marketing
    Storitveni marketing
    Vedenje porabnikov

    Podiplomski študij
    Družbena odgovornost podjetij
    Sodobni izzivi v marketingu
    Trendi v digitalnih odnosih z javnostmi
    Ekspertna področja:
  • Ph.D.,  University of Ljubljana

    Associate Professor and Head of the Chair/Unit for Marketing Communication and Public Relations, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. Course leader for Corporate Social Responsibility (on MSc Strategic Marketing Communication Programme). 

    She has received teaching acknowledgments for mentoring; her candidates received several Slovene Marketing Association Awards and University’s Preseren Award. In 2013 and 2014 and 2017, she received the Outstanding Reviewer Awards for Corporate Communication: An International Journal from Emerald, and the Award for Scientific Excellence awarded by the Faculty of Social Sciences (2013). 

    She is actively involved in the development of CSR in Slovenia, and serves in jury boards for national and EU CSR awards. She is a member of organising/professional committees for two conferences – International CSR Communication Conference and IRDO International Conference on CSR, and the editor of AMM – the Slovene Academic Journal for Marketing. 

    She is also appointed as the Co-Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Brand Management.

    Her main research interests are in different areas of CSR and sustainability, and her work has been published in several international journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Public Relations Review, European Journal of Marketing, Appetite, Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.

    Ursa Golob on ResearchGate
  • Izbrane objave:

    Koklic, M. K., Golob, U., Podnar, K., & Zabkar, V. (2019). The interplay of past consumption, attitudes and personal norms in organic food buying. Appetite, 137, 27-34.

    Golob, U., Podnar, K., Koklič, M. K., & Zabkar, V. (2019). The importance of corporate social responsibility for responsible consumption: Exploring moral motivations of consumers. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(2), 416-423.

    Golob, U., & Podnar, K. (2019). Researching CSR and brands in the here and now: an integrative perspective. Journal of Brand Management, 26(1), 1-9.

    Golob, U., Turkel, S., Kronegger, L., & Uzunoglu, E. (2018). Uncovering CSR meaning networks: A cross-national comparison of Turkey and Slovenia. Public Relations Review, 44(4), 433-443.

    Štumberger, N., & Golob, U. (2016). On the discursive construction of corporate social responsibility in advertising agencies. Journal of business ethics, 137(3), 521-536.

    Golob, U., Podnar, K., Elving, W. J., Ellerup Nielsen, A., Thomsen, C., & Schultz, F. (2013). CSR communication: quo vadis?. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 18(2), 176-192.

    Tuškej, U., Golob, U., & Podnar, K. (2013). The role of consumer–brand identification in building brand relationships. Journal of business research, 66(1), 53-59.

    Golob, U., & Bartlett, J. L. (2007). Communicating about corporate social responsibility: A comparative study of CSR reporting in Australia and Slovenia. Public Relations Review, 33(1), 1-9.

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