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prof. dr. Mitja Velikonja

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  • prof. dr. Mitja Velikonja, visokošolski učitelj
    Kontaktne informacije:
    Službeni telefon: 01/ 5805-299
    Email: is.jl-inu.vdf@ajnokilev.ajtim
    Govorilne in uradne ure:
    Do preklica bodo govorilne ure preko elektronske pošte.


    BP 20
    Sodelovanje pri predmetih:

    Dodiplomski študij
    Ideologije vizualnega

    Podiplomski študij
    Balkanske študije
    Retro in kulture spominjanja
    Teorije kulture

    Doktorski študij
    Ideologije Balkana
    Ekspertna področja:
    Balkanologija, urbane kulture in subkulture, kulture vsakdanjega življenja, kritika ideologij, študije kolektivnega spomina in nostalgije.
  • Education
    o PhD Sociology – 1997, University of Ljubljana.
    o MA Sociology – 1994, University of Ljubljana.
    o BA Sociology – 1990, University of Ljubljana.

    Academic positions
    o 2009-current: Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2008-current: Head of Research Center for Cultural and Religious Studies, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2009-current: Head of the Balkan Studies Doctoral Program, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2003-2009: Associate Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2006-2008: Head of the Department for Cultural Studies, University of Ljubljana.
    o 1998-2003: Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Ljubljana.
    o 1993-1998: Assistant at different departments of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
    o 1991-2008: Junior and Senior Researcher at the Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.

    Visiting Professor
    o 2020, spring semester: Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Yale University.
    o 2015, spring semester: Department for Cultural Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia.
    o 2014, spring semester: Harriman Institute, Columbia University.
    o 2009, spring semester: Harriman Institute, Columbia University.
    o 2003, spring semester: Center for European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
    o 2002, spring semester: Center for European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

    Visiting Researcher
    o Spring semester, 2018: Remarque Institute, New York University.
    o Spring semester, 2012: The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar, The Netherlands.
    o School year 2004-2005: Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Rosemont College PA.

    Monographs (selection of six)
    o Velikonja, M. (2021): Chosen Few – Aesthetics and Ideology in Football-Fan Graffiti and Street Art; Doppelhouse Press; Los Angeles.
    o Velikonja, M. (2020): Post-Socialist Political Graffiti in the Balkans and Central Europe; Routledge, London and New York.
    o Translated in Serbian (2020), Albanian (2022), Slovenian (2022), Macedonian (2023) and Ukrainian (2023).
    o Velikonja, M. (2013): Rock'n'Retro - New Yugoslavism in Contemporary Popular Music in Slovenia; Sophia; Ljubljana. /Serbian version (2012)/.
    o Velikonja, M. (2008): Titostalgia – A Study of Nostalgia for Josip Broz; MediaWatch, Peace Institute; Ljubljana.Translated in Serbian (2010).
    o Velikonja, M. (2005): Eurosis – A Critique of the New Eurocentrism; MediaWatch, Peace Institute; Ljubljana. Translated in Serbian (2007).
    o Velikonja, M. (2003): Religious Separation and Political Intolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina; Texas A&M UP; College Station. /Slovenian version (1998)/.

    Chapters (selection of eight)
    o Velikonja, M. (2023): The Balkans: The Tragic Avant-Garde of Europe; in: A. Dimou, T. Dragostinova, V. Ivanova (eds): Re-Imagining the Balkans: How to Think and Teach a Region; De Gruyter; Olderburg; pp. 133-144.
    o Velikonja, M. (2021): Poetry after Srebrenica? Cultural Reflections of the Yugoslav Eighties; in: L. Perović, D. Roksandić, M. Velikonja, S. Milošević, M. Bešlin, B. Repe et al. (eds.): Yugoslavia: Chapter1980-1991; Helsinki Committee for Human Rights; Belgrade; pp. 947-981.
    o Velikonja, M. (2017): Yugoslavia After Yugoslavia: Graffiti About Yugoslavia in the Post-Yugoslav Urban Landscape; in: D. Jelača, M. Kolanović, D. Lugarić (eds.): The Cultural Life of Capitalism in Yugoslavia - (Post)Socialism and Its Other; Palgrave Macmillan; pp. 323-343.
    o Velikonja, M. (2015): Mapping Nostalgia for Tito: From Commemoration to Activism; in: S. Horvat, I. Štiks (eds.): Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism - Radical Politics After Yugoslavia; Verso; London, New York; pp. 173-195.
    o Velikonja, M. (2013): "Something Has Survived..." - Ambivalence in the Discourse About Socialist Yugoslavia in Present-Day Slovenia; in: R. Gorup (ed.): After Yugoslavia. The Cultural Spaces of a Wanished Land; Stanford UP, pp. 115-122.
    o Velikonja, M. (2003): Slovenia’s Yugoslav Century; in: D. Djokić (ed.): Yugoslavism: Histories of a Failed Idea, 1918-1992; Hurst & Co.; London; pp. 84-99.
    o Velikonja, M. (2001): Sharpened Minds: Religious and Mythological Factors in the Creation of the National Identities in Bosnia-Herzegovina; in: C. Hawkesworth, M. Heppell, H. Norris (eds.): Religious Quest and National Identity in the Balkans; Palgrave and SSEES (University College London); pp. 218-230.
    o Velikonja, M. (1998): Liberation Mythology. The Role of Mythologies in Fanning the War in the Balkans; in: Paul Mojzes (ed.): Religion and the War in Bosnia; Scholars Press, American Academy of Religion; Atlanta; pp. 20-42.

    Articles (selection of six)
    o Velikonja, M. (2022): New Others – Ideological Images of Refugees in Present-Day Slovenia; Social Text, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 49-68.
    o Velikonja, M. (2012): Anti-Holidays? Celebrating former Yugoslav Holidays in Slovenia; The South Slav Journal, Vol. 31, No. 3-4, pp. 33-60.
    o Velikonja, M., (2009): 'Titouage' - Nostalgia for Tito in Post-Socialist Slovenia; Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen; Essen; No. 41; pp. 159-169.
    o Velikonja, M. (2009): Lost in Transition: Nostalgia for Socialism in Post-Socialist Countries; East European Politics and Societies; SAGE; Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 535-551.
    o Velikonja, M. (2003): In Hoc Signo Vinces: Religious Symbolism in the Balkan Wars 1991-1995; International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society; New York; Vol. 17, No. 1; pp. 25-40.
    o Velikonja, M. (1999): Historical Roots of Slovenian Christoslavic Mythology; Religion in Eastern Europe; Princeton; USA; Vol. XIX, No. 6; pp. 15-32.

    Co-editor and co-author
    o Yugoslavia – Chapter 1980-1991; eds. L. Perović, D. Roksandić, M. Velikonja, S. Milošević, M. Bešlin, B. Repe et al.; Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia; Belgrade; 2021.
    o Yugoslavia from a Historical Perspective; eds. L. Perović, D. Roksandić, M. Velikonja, W. Hoepken, F. Bieber et al.; Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia; Belgrade; 2017.
    o Post-Yugoslavia - New Cultural and Political Perspectives; eds. D. Abazović, M. Velikonja; Palgrave; Basingstoke & New York; 2014.
    o Cooltura – Uvod v kulturne študije; eds. A. Debeljak, P. Stanković, G. Tomc, M. Velikonja; Št. založba; Ljubljana; 2002.
    o Urbana Plemena – Subkulture v Sloveniji v devetdesetih; eds. P. Stanković, G. Tomc, M. Velikonja; Št. založba; Ljubljana; 1999.

    Awards and grants
    o 2022: Finalist of the 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards (USA) for the monograph The Chosen Few (DoppelHouse Press, 2021).
    o 2021: Award for Scientific Excellency, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2020: Monograph on political graffiti (Routledge, 2020) was mentioned as one of the best achievements of Un. of Ljubljana for the year 2020.
    o 2018: Research grant of the Remarque Institute, NYU.
    o 2014: Award for Scientific Excellency, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2012: Research Grant at NIAS, Wassenaar, The Netherlands.
    o 2008: Erasmus EuroMedia Award by the European Society for Education and Communication (ESEC) Vienna.
    o 2004-2005: Fulbright Grant.
    o 2001: Award for the Important Achievements in Pedagogical and Research Fields, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2000: Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in years 1996-1997, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.

    Classes (selection)
    o Sociology of Culture
    o Ideologies of the Visual
    o Critical Theory of the Society
    o Cultures of Everyday Life
    o Introduction to Balkan Studies
    o Post-Socialist Nostalgia
    o Retro and Culture of Memory
    o Balkan National Ideologies
    o Studies of Post-Socialist Graffiti
    o Art, Culture, Society
    Doctoral level
    o Ideologies of the Balkans

    Supervisor (or co-supervisor) – at University of Ljubljana or elsewhere
    o 155 BA theses
    o 32 MA theses
    o 12 doctoral dissertations

    Member of Editorial Board
    o Social-science journal Časopis za kritiko znanosti, Ljubljana, 1995-2020.
    o Journal for Cultures Bal Canis, Ljubljana-Belgrade, 2001-2006.
    o Social-science journal Religion in Eastern Europe, USA, 2005-current.
    o Social-science journal Pregled, Sarajevo, 2008-current.
    o Social-science journal Etnološka tribina, Zagreb, 2011-current.

    Language levels
    o Slovenian: native.
    o English: full professional proficiency.
    o Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian/Montenegrin: full professional proficiency.
    o Italian: professional working proficiency.
    o French: limited working proficiency.

  • Education
    o PhD Sociology – 1997, University of Ljubljana.
    o MA Sociology – 1994, University of Ljubljana.
    o BA Sociology – 1990, University of Ljubljana.

    Academic positions
    o 2009-current: Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2008-current: Head of Research Center for Cultural and Religious Studies, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2009-current: Head of the Balkan Studies Doctoral Program, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2003-2009: Associate Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2006-2008: Head of the Department for Cultural Studies, University of Ljubljana.
    o 1998-2003: Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Ljubljana.
    o 1993-1998: Assistant at different departments of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
    o 1991-2008: Junior and Senior Researcher at the Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.

    Visiting Professor
    o 2020, spring semester: Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Yale University.
    o 2015, spring semester: Department for Cultural Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia.
    o 2014, spring semester: Harriman Institute, Columbia University.
    o 2009, spring semester: Harriman Institute, Columbia University.
    o 2003, spring semester: Center for European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
    o 2002, spring semester: Center for European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

    Visiting Researcher
    o Spring semester, 2018: Remarque Institute, New York University.
    o Spring semester, 2012: The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar, The Netherlands.
    o School year 2004-2005: Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Rosemont College PA.

    Monographs (selection of six)
    o Velikonja, M. (2021): Chosen Few – Aesthetics and Ideology in Football-Fan Graffiti and Street Art; Doppelhouse Press; Los Angeles.
    o Velikonja, M. (2020): Post-Socialist Political Graffiti in the Balkans and Central Europe; Routledge, London and New York.
    o Translated in Serbian (2020), Albanian (2022), Slovenian (2022), Macedonian (2023) and Ukrainian (2023).
    o Velikonja, M. (2013): Rock'n'Retro - New Yugoslavism in Contemporary Popular Music in Slovenia; Sophia; Ljubljana. /Serbian version (2012)/.
    o Velikonja, M. (2008): Titostalgia – A Study of Nostalgia for Josip Broz; MediaWatch, Peace Institute; Ljubljana.Translated in Serbian (2010).
    o Velikonja, M. (2005): Eurosis – A Critique of the New Eurocentrism; MediaWatch, Peace Institute; Ljubljana. Translated in Serbian (2007).
    o Velikonja, M. (2003): Religious Separation and Political Intolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina; Texas A&M UP; College Station. /Slovenian version (1998)/.

    Chapters (selection of eight)
    o Velikonja, M. (2023): The Balkans: The Tragic Avant-Garde of Europe; in: A. Dimou, T. Dragostinova, V. Ivanova (eds): Re-Imagining the Balkans: How to Think and Teach a Region; De Gruyter; Olderburg; pp. 133-144.
    o Velikonja, M. (2021): Poetry after Srebrenica? Cultural Reflections of the Yugoslav Eighties; in: L. Perović, D. Roksandić, M. Velikonja, S. Milošević, M. Bešlin, B. Repe et al. (eds.): Yugoslavia: Chapter1980-1991; Helsinki Committee for Human Rights; Belgrade; pp. 947-981.
    o Velikonja, M. (2017): Yugoslavia After Yugoslavia: Graffiti About Yugoslavia in the Post-Yugoslav Urban Landscape; in: D. Jelača, M. Kolanović, D. Lugarić (eds.): The Cultural Life of Capitalism in Yugoslavia - (Post)Socialism and Its Other; Palgrave Macmillan; pp. 323-343.
    o Velikonja, M. (2015): Mapping Nostalgia for Tito: From Commemoration to Activism; in: S. Horvat, I. Štiks (eds.): Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism - Radical Politics After Yugoslavia; Verso; London, New York; pp. 173-195.
    o Velikonja, M. (2013): "Something Has Survived..." - Ambivalence in the Discourse About Socialist Yugoslavia in Present-Day Slovenia; in: R. Gorup (ed.): After Yugoslavia. The Cultural Spaces of a Wanished Land; Stanford UP, pp. 115-122.
    o Velikonja, M. (2003): Slovenia’s Yugoslav Century; in: D. Djokić (ed.): Yugoslavism: Histories of a Failed Idea, 1918-1992; Hurst & Co.; London; pp. 84-99.
    o Velikonja, M. (2001): Sharpened Minds: Religious and Mythological Factors in the Creation of the National Identities in Bosnia-Herzegovina; in: C. Hawkesworth, M. Heppell, H. Norris (eds.): Religious Quest and National Identity in the Balkans; Palgrave and SSEES (University College London); pp. 218-230.
    o Velikonja, M. (1998): Liberation Mythology. The Role of Mythologies in Fanning the War in the Balkans; in: Paul Mojzes (ed.): Religion and the War in Bosnia; Scholars Press, American Academy of Religion; Atlanta; pp. 20-42.

    Articles (selection of six)
    o Velikonja, M. (2022): New Others – Ideological Images of Refugees in Present-Day Slovenia; Social Text, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 49-68.
    o Velikonja, M. (2012): Anti-Holidays? Celebrating former Yugoslav Holidays in Slovenia; The South Slav Journal, Vol. 31, No. 3-4, pp. 33-60.
    o Velikonja, M., (2009): 'Titouage' - Nostalgia for Tito in Post-Socialist Slovenia; Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen; Essen; No. 41; pp. 159-169.
    o Velikonja, M. (2009): Lost in Transition: Nostalgia for Socialism in Post-Socialist Countries; East European Politics and Societies; SAGE; Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 535-551.
    o Velikonja, M. (2003): In Hoc Signo Vinces: Religious Symbolism in the Balkan Wars 1991-1995; International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society; New York; Vol. 17, No. 1; pp. 25-40.
    o Velikonja, M. (1999): Historical Roots of Slovenian Christoslavic Mythology; Religion in Eastern Europe; Princeton; USA; Vol. XIX, No. 6; pp. 15-32.

    Co-editor and co-author
    o Yugoslavia – Chapter 1980-1991; eds. L. Perović, D. Roksandić, M. Velikonja, S. Milošević, M. Bešlin, B. Repe et al.; Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia; Belgrade; 2021.
    o Yugoslavia from a Historical Perspective; eds. L. Perović, D. Roksandić, M. Velikonja, W. Hoepken, F. Bieber et al.; Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia; Belgrade; 2017.
    o Post-Yugoslavia - New Cultural and Political Perspectives; eds. D. Abazović, M. Velikonja; Palgrave; Basingstoke & New York; 2014.
    o Cooltura – Uvod v kulturne študije; eds. A. Debeljak, P. Stanković, G. Tomc, M. Velikonja; Št. založba; Ljubljana; 2002.
    o Urbana Plemena – Subkulture v Sloveniji v devetdesetih; eds. P. Stanković, G. Tomc, M. Velikonja; Št. založba; Ljubljana; 1999.

    Awards and grants
    o 2022: Finalist of the 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards (USA) for the monograph The Chosen Few (DoppelHouse Press, 2021).
    o 2021: Award for Scientific Excellency, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2020: Monograph on political graffiti (Routledge, 2020) was mentioned as one of the best achievements of Un. of Ljubljana for the year 2020.
    o 2018: Research grant of the Remarque Institute, NYU.
    o 2014: Award for Scientific Excellency, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2012: Research Grant at NIAS, Wassenaar, The Netherlands.
    o 2008: Erasmus EuroMedia Award by the European Society for Education and Communication (ESEC) Vienna.
    o 2004-2005: Fulbright Grant.
    o 2001: Award for the Important Achievements in Pedagogical and Research Fields, University of Ljubljana.
    o 2000: Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in years 1996-1997, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.

    Classes (selection)
    o Sociology of Culture
    o Ideologies of the Visual
    o Critical Theory of the Society
    o Cultures of Everyday Life
    o Introduction to Balkan Studies
    o Post-Socialist Nostalgia
    o Retro and Culture of Memory
    o Balkan National Ideologies
    o Studies of Post-Socialist Graffiti
    o Art, Culture, Society
    Doctoral level
    o Ideologies of the Balkans

    Supervisor (or co-supervisor) – at University of Ljubljana or elsewhere
    o 155 BA theses
    o 32 MA theses
    o 12 doctoral dissertations

    Member of Editorial Board
    o Social-science journal Časopis za kritiko znanosti, Ljubljana, 1995-2020.
    o Journal for Cultures Bal Canis, Ljubljana-Belgrade, 2001-2006.
    o Social-science journal Religion in Eastern Europe, USA, 2005-current.
    o Social-science journal Pregled, Sarajevo, 2008-current.
    o Social-science journal Etnološka tribina, Zagreb, 2011-current.

    Language levels
    o Slovenian: native.
    o English: full professional proficiency.
    o Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian/Montenegrin: full professional proficiency.
    o Italian: professional working proficiency.
    o French: limited working proficiency.

    Osebna bibliografija