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izr. prof. dr. Ilija Tomanić-Trivundža

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  • izr. prof. dr. Ilija Tomanić-Trivundža, visokošolski učitelj
    Kontaktne informacije:
    Službeni telefon: 01/ 5805-291
    Email: is.jl-inu.vdf@cinamot.ajili
    Govorilne in uradne ure:

    SREDA 10:00-11:30 kabinet B207


    B 207
    Sodelovanje pri predmetih:

    Dodiplomski študij
    Javna sfera in moč
    Medijska kritika
    Vizualna kultura

    Podiplomski študij
    Magistrski seminar
    Magistrsko delo KOM-MKŠ
    Mesto in podoba
    Novinarska zgodba in fotografija

    Doktorski študij
    Metodologija in epistemologija družbenih ved
    Ekspertna področja:
    Vizualna kultura, fotografska teorija, dokumentarna in novinarska fotografija, filmske študije, javno mnenje, okvirjanje
  • Ilija Tomanic Trivundza (b. 1974) is an Associate Professor at the Chair of Media and Communication Studies and a member of Social Communication Research Centre at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).

    His primary research interest spans across the field of visual communication with special focus on the social and political role of photography in contemporary mediated communication. He specialises in visual and multimodal qualitative research of photographic and visual culture.

    His published articles and book chapters focus on visual representations of otherness and collective/national identifications, photojournalism, photographic practices on social media, news framing, theory of photography and history of photography and photojournalism.

    Prior to joining University of Ljubljana in 2003, he had worked for three years in telecommunications industry and at Amnesty International Slovenia. He obtained his PhD from University of Ljubljana on the topic of photojournalism and representations of national identity in 2010 under mentorship of prof. Hanno Hardt.

    Ilija is a co-editor Membrana: magazine on photography (ISSN: 2463-8501) and has served as President of European Communication Research and Education Association – ECREA ( between 2016 and as association's Vice-President between 2012 and 2016. He was one of the curators of On the other side, a three-part exhibition on the history of Slovenian photoreportage for Jakopic Gallery in Ljubljana (19 January – 19 June 2021).

  • Izbrane mednarodne objave:
    • - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija. Eritreja, moja dezela: photoreportage and positive representation of a distant other. Prispevki za novejso zgodovino. 2022, 62 (1): 146-165.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija, Vezovnik, Andreja. Symbolic photographs as floating and empty signifiers: iconic transformation of news photography. Journal of language and politics. 2021, 20 (1): 145-161.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija, Babnik, Jan, Skocir, Marija. Photoreportage in the Slovenian press in 20th century: a small history in four turns. In: Hoda, Julija (ed.) On the other side: Slovenian photoreportage. No. 1, Introduction: Jakopic Gallery: Ljubljana, 2021, 40-164.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija, Vobic, Igor. The photojournalist as a worker within the contradictions of the history of journalism. In: Hoda, Julija (ed.) On the other side: Slovenian photoreportage. No. 3, Power. Jakopic Gallery: Ljubljana, 2021, 68-87.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija, VELIKONJA, Mitja. Temporary inscriptions: exploring graffiti and street art in the age of internetization of everyday urban life. In: Krajina, Zlatan, Stevenson, Deborah (eds). The Routledge companion to urban media and communication. New York; Abingdon, 2020, 397-404.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija. Photographic flâneur, street photography, and imagi(ni)ng the city. International journal of communication. 2019, vol. 13: 5292-5309.
      - Slacek Brlek, Aleksander Saso, TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija. Algoritmizacija nacionalne tiskovne agencije: primer STA [Algorithmization of news agency: the case of STA]. Javnost. 2019, 26 (S), s62-s81.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija, Slacek Brlek, Aleksander Saso. Looking for Mr. Hyde: the protest paradigm, violence and (de)legitimation of mass political protests. International journal of media and cultural politics. 2017, 13 (1/2): 131-148.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija. Press photography and visual framing of news. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences Press. 2015. 226 pages, ISBN 978-961-235-772-6.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija. And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us: on zombies, political protests and the transmodality of political metaphors. Druzboslovne razprave, 2015, 31 (80): 29-46.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija. Are a thousand pictures worth a single word? The struggle between condemnatory and affirmative discourses on photographic change in Slovene and UK mainstream media news reports on selfies. Javnost. 2015, 22 (1): 93-109.
      - Vobic, Igor, TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija. The tyranny of the empty frame: reluctance to use citizen-produced photographs in online journalism. Journalism practice. 2015, 9 (4): 502-519.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija. Slovene film, national identity and the celluloid hegemony of the mythical post-independence time. Cultural studies. Sep. 2010, 24 (5): 662-689.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija. Many voices, one picture: Photographic coverage of foreign news in Slovenian daily press (1980, 2004). Javnost. 2006, 13(2): 21-40.
      - TOMANIC TRIVUNDZA, Ilija. Orientalism as news: pictorial representations of the US attack on Iraq in Delo. Journalism. 2004, 5(4): 480-499.epresentations of the US attack on Iraq in Delo. Journalism 5 (4), pp. 480-499.

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