Skoči do osrednje vsebine


Master’s study programme Social Informatics  is available to persons who have completed:

a) a minimum of first level study programme worth at least 180 credit points, from professional areas: social sciences, journalism and information, business and administrative sciences, educational sciences and teacher education, mathematics and statistics, computer science, humanities, law, technical sciences, production technologies, architecture and civil engineering, healthcare, social work and environmental protection,

b) a minimum of first level study programme worth at least 180 credit points, from other professional areas, or an equal study programme completed in line with the thus-far applicable regulations in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad, provided the study obligations essential to continue studying were completed prior to the enrolment. These obligations are determined by the Vice-Dean for the study field in question, and comprise 10 to a maximum of 60 credit points.

Selection in case of limited enrolment

In the selection process, the following is considered:

•              success in undergraduate studies (average grade) - 50% of weight,

•              assessment obtained at the oral examination in the field covered by the study program - 50% of the weight.

Guidelines for 2024/25 admission exam:

Applicants who would like to take the oral admission examination must first submit a written paper, which will be examined and graded by application reviewers in the oral examination. The written paper consists of two parts:

  1. The applicant presents his/her views on the influence and role of social informatics in the contemporary society (450 words) and explains the motivations that led him/her to enroll in the master's program in social informatics (350 words);
  2. The applicant submits a personal essay outlining his/her interest in Social Informatics (instructions with suggestions on how to structure the personal essay will be provided later) (250-650 words).

Applicants will will need to prepare and submit their written papers by June 25, 2024. They will receive a notification few days beforehand. The oral part of the admission exam (via Zoom) will take place between July 3 and 4, 2024.

Progress requirements:

Progression to the next year of study is possible with at least 51 credits of the current year (no special request needed). In case of exceptional circumstances (specified in the Statute of the UL), students can progress to a higher year on the basis of approval,  provided they have gained at least 42 credits of the current year