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Creativity is the production of meaning by synthesis

Creativity is the production of meaning by synthesis. (Alex Faickney Osborn)

Dr. Michael Bošnjak, Full Professor for Psychological Research Methods at the University of Trier (Germany), was a guest at the Faculty of Social Sciences from April 11 to 14, 2023. Lately, his research focuses mainly on the research synthesis methods as the highest level of the production of knowledge. During his visit, he presented the evidence pyramid for casual inference to students of the interdisciplinary doctoral programs Statistics and Humanities and Social Sciences. More specifically he gave two lectures. The first, entitled "Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis," was held on April 12 in the interdisciplinary doctoral program in Humanities and Social Sciences. The second lecture, entitled "Meta-Analysis with R: First Steps," was given on April 14 in the interdisciplinary doctoral program in Statistics.















Prof. Bošnjak's research interests – in addition to research synthesis methods – include also survey methodology, open science, and statistical methods for big data inference. He has been collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences, especially the Center for Social Informatics, for over twenty years and he serves as a co-mentor and member of committees at the doctoral study. During his visit, the possibilities of future cooperation with the Faculty of Social Sciences in the field of scientific publications and international exchange were also discussed. 



Back to list of notificationsPublished: 24. April 2023 | Category: Event