- Kukovič, Simona, Haček, Miro. 2023. Peculiar evolution of Slovenian local government. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Rowman&Littlefield, Lexington Books.
Haček, Miro. 2023. Slovenian local elections from 1994 to 2022: dominance of non-partisan lists and mayors. Journal of comparative politics, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 80-95.
Kukovič, Simona, Haček, Miro. 2022. Slovenia: where strong, nonpartisan mayors are reelected many times over. In: Gendźwiłł, Adam (ed.), Kjaer, Ulrik (ed.), Steyvers, Kristof (ed.). The Routledge handbook of local elections and voting in Europe. Abingdon; New York: Routledge.
Haček, Miro. 2022. Conclusion: populism from the periphery to the mainstream. In: Kukovič, Simona (ed.), Just, Petr (ed.). The Rise of Populism in Central and Eastern Europe. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 202-208.
Haček, Miro. 2021. Political science in Central Europe during the pandemic: the case of Slovenia. In: Żukowski, Arkadius (ed.), Hartliński, Maciej (ed.), Haček, Miro (ed.). Political science in Central Europe in the time of pandemic. Olsztyn: University of Warmia and Mazury, Institute of Political Science, pp. 84-92.
Haček, Miro. 2021. Economic and democratic consolidation of the former Yugoslav Republics. Political Preferences, no. 29, pp. 5-23
Brezovšek, Marjan, Haček, Miro. 2021. Trideset let slovenske državnosti, Institucionalizacija slovenske demokracije. (Thirty Years of Slovenian Statehood: Institutionalization of Slovenian Democracy). Ljubljana: FSS Publishing House.
Haček, Miro. 2021. Trideset let slovenske državnosti, Politični procesi in politična participacija (Thirty Years of Slovenian Statehood: Political Processes and Participation). Ljubljana: FSS Publishing House.
Haček, Miro. 2021. Slovenian democratic struggles after the EU accession. In: Zakić, Katarina (ed.). Europe in changes: the old continent at a new crossroads. Belgrade: Institute of International Politics and Economics: Faculty of Security Studies at the University, pp. 289-306.
Kukovič, Simona, Haček, Miro. 2020. Lokalno vodenje: med politiko in upravo (Local Leadership between Politics and Administration). Ljubljana: FSS Publishing House.
Haček, Miro. 2020. Financial autonomy of the Slovenian local government. Journal of comparative politics, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 86-98.
Melović, Boban, Radević, Ivan, Backović Vulić, Tamara and Miro Haček. 2020. Social entrepreneurship and development of local self-governments - evidence from Montenegro. Lex localis: revija za lokalno samoupravo, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 855-883.
Haček, Miro and Simona Kukovič. 2020. Deliberative democracy: the case of Slovenia. Political Preferences, no. 27, pp. 5-24,
Haček, Miro. 2019. The difficult look back: Slovenian democratic path after European Union accession. Politics in Central Europe, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 419-441.
Radević, Ivan and Miro Haček. 2019. Decentralisation processes in Montenegrin public administration. Lex Localis: Journal of Local Self-Government, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 471-492.
Haček, Miro, Kukovič, Simona and Dobovšek, Bojan. 2019. La rémunération du travail politique en Slovénie: des mandats politiques financièrement peu attractifs. In: Le Saout, Rémy (ed.). La rémunération du travail politique en Europe, (Au fil du débat). Boulogne-Billancourt: Berger-Levrault. pp. 221-229.
Kukovič, Simona and Haček, Miro. 2019. Comparative local governments in Europe. In: Futó, Péter (ed.), Contemporary drivers of local development. Maribor: Institute for Local Self-Government, pp. 75-93.
Kukovič, Simona and Haček, Miro. 2018. Lokalno politično vodenje: glas svetnikov (Local Political Leadership: The Voice of Councilors). Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences.
Kukovič, Simona and Haček, Miro. 2018. Cross-border cooperation as a tool of escaping crisis conditions in Slovenia. Transylvanian review of administrative sciences, no. 53 E, pp. 54-66.
Haček, Miro, Kukovič Simona and Marjan Brezovšek. 2017. Slovenian Politics and the State. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books.
Kukovič, Simona, Haček, Miro and Bukovnik, Alan, 2016. The issue of local autonomy in the Slovenian local government system. Lex Localis, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 303–320.
Copus, Colin, Haček, Miro, et al. 2016. Have mayors will travel: trends and developments in the direct election of the mayor: a five-nation study. In: Kuhlmann, Sabine, Bouckaert, Geert (eds.). Local public sector reforms in times of crisis: national trajectories and international comparisons, (Governance and public management series). London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 301–315.
Brezovšek, Marjan, Haček, Miro and Kukovič, Simona. 2016. Slovenska država in politika (Slovenian state and politics). Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences.
Turska-Kawa, Agnieszka and Haček, Miro (eds.). 2016. Democratisation processes in Poland and Slovenia: comparative study. Maribor: Lex Localis Press.
Kukovič, Simona, Copus, Colin, Haček, Miro and Blair, Alasdair. 2015. Direct mayoral elections in Slovenia and England: traditions and trends compared. Lex Localis, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 697-718.
Čehovin, Marko and Haček, Miro. 2015. Critical analysis of civil service politicization in Slovenia. World political science review, April 2015, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 133-155.
Haček, Miro. 2015. Sistem javnih uslužbencev v RS (Civil Servants System in Slovenia). Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences.
Brezovšek, Marjan, Haček, Miro and Kukovič, Simona. 2014. Javna uprava (Public Administration). Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences.
Rožen, Tomaž and Haček, Miro. 2014. Merjenje upravljavske sposobnosti slovenskih občin (Measuring administrative capacity of Slovenian municipalities). Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences.
Haček, Miro and Brezovšek, Marjan. 2014. The processes of democratisation and trust in political institutions in Slovenia: comparative analysis. Annales, Series historia et sociologia, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 1-12.
Haček, Miro and Kukovič, Simona. 2014. Attitudes of Slovenian citizens towards European Union 2004-2013. European perspectives, April 2014, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 99-114.
Kukovič, Simona and Haček, Miro. 2014. The processes of economic consolidation in countries of former Yugoslavia. Journal of comparative politics, January 2014, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 36-51.
Kukovič, Simona and Haček, Miro. 2014. The distribution of e-democracy and e-participation tools in Slovenian municipalities. World political science review, January 2014, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 25-44.
Haček, Miro. 2014. Local self-government in Slovenia, Dynamical aspects. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences.
Haček, Miro and Kukovič, Simona. 2013. Quality of democracy in Slovenia: the (dis)trust in political institutions and rule of law. In: Ágh, Attila (ed.). European futures: the perspectives of the new member states in the new Europe, (Together for Europe series, no. 16). Budapest: Budapest College of Communication and Business, 2013, str. 301-323.
Haček, Miro, Brezovšek, Marjan and Kukovič, Simona. 2013. Slovenian democratic evolution and praxis. Zagreb: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences.
Haček, Miro, Kukovič, Simona and Brezovšek, Marjan. 2013. Problems of corruption and distrust in political and administrative institutions in Slovenia. Communist and post-communist studies, June 2013, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 255-261.
Haček, Miro and Grabner, Anja. 2013. Local sub-decentralization and sub-municipal divisions in Slovenia. Croatian and comparative public administration, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 213-230.
Kukovič, Simona and Haček, Miro. 2013. The re-election of mayors in the Slovenian local self-government. Lex localis, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 87-99.
Haček, Miro. 2013. (Dis)trust into the rule of law in Slovenia. Preferencje Polit., no. 4, pp. 9-23.
Nahtigal, Lea and Haček, Miro. 2013. Politicization of senior civil servants in Slovenia. Transylvanian review of administrative sciences, no. 39 E, pp. 108-127.
Bačlija, Irena and Haček, Miro. 2012. Minority political participation at the local level: the Roma. The international journal on minority and group rights, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 53-68.
Kukovič, Simona, Haček, Miro and Grabner, Anja. 2012. Mayor: the strongest player in Slovenian local government?. Czech Political Science Review, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 218-233.
Haček, Miro. 2012. The commitment of senior civil servants to democratic freedoms and equality. Transylvanian review of administrative sciences, no. 35 E, pp. 93-106.
Brezovšek, Marjan, Haček, Miro, Kukovič, Simona and Zver, Milan. 2012. Political system of Slovenia. Calcutta, India: Sampark Publishing.
Toplak, Cirila and Haček, Miro. 2012. Slovenia – political insights. Warsaw, Poland: European School of Law and Administration.
Haček, Miro. 2011. Introduction of Entrepreneurial Principles in Municipal Administration: The Case of Slovenia. Hrvatska javna uprava, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 911–924.
Simona Kukovič and Haček, Miro. 2011. Non-partisan candidates and lists at Slovenian local elections 1994-2010. World Political Science Review, vol. 7, no. 1, article 4.
Haček, Miro. 2010. Non-partisan local actors as the element of absorbed local democracy?. Romanian Journal of Political Science, Spring 2010, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 38-51.
Haček, Miro. 2009. Politiki in visoki javni uslužbenci: kdo vlada? (Politicians and senior civil servants: who governs?). FSS Publishing House, Ljubljana.
Haček, Miro (ed.) 2009. Lokalna samouprava III: Ob petnajsti obletnici ponovne uvedbe lokalne samouprave v Republiki Sloveniji (Local self-government III: 15 years after re-institution of local self-government in Slovenia). FSS Publishing House, Ljubljana.
Haček, Miro. 2009. The consequences of civil service reform in Slovenia at national and local level: examining high-ranking civil servants' and politicians' democratic values and norms. In: Mathur, Rohit Raj (ed.), Approaches to administrative reform in selected countries: a civil service perspective, (Icfai Books). Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, pp. 184–196.
Haček, Miro. Understanding politics in Slovenia: constitutional corporatism and politico-administrative relations. In: Johannsen, Lars and Hilmer Pedersen, Karin (ed.). Pathways: a study of six post-communist countries. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2009, pp. 99-116.
Haček, Miro, Brezovšek Marjan and Zver Milan. 2008. Organizacija oblasti v Sloveniji (Organisation of government in Slovenia). FSS Publishing House, Ljubljana.
Haček, Miro, Brezovšek Marjan and Bačlija Irena. 2008. Upravljavska sposobnost in koalicijsko povezovanje v slovenskih občinah (Administrative capacity and coalition building in slovenian municipalities). FSS Publishing House, Ljubljana.
Brezovšek, Marjan and Haček, Miro. 2008. Separation of powers in Slovenian political system: problems and solutions. Journal of comparative politics, March 2008, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 5-33.
Haček, Miro, Bačlija Irena and Brezovsek, Marjan. 2008. Positive discrimination of the Roma minority. Ethnicities, SAGE Publications, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 227–250.
Haček, Miro. 2008. Roma. In: Schaeffer, Richard T. (ed.). Encyclopedia of race, ethnicity, and society. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
Haček, Miro and Bačlija, Irena. 2007. Sodobni uslužbenski sistemi (Contemporary civil service systems). FSS Publishing House, Ljubljana.
Haček, Miro and Bačlija, Irena. 2007. Limited opportunities for political participation: a case-study of Roma local councillors in Slovenia. Romani studies, December 2007, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 155-179.
Haček, Miro. 2007. Lokalne volitve - še vedno zgolj drugorazredne volitve? (Local elections: still second-class elections?). Lex localis, 2007, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 31– 45.
Brezovšek, Marjan, Haček Miro and Zver, Milan. 2007. Democratic praxis in Slovenia. Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk and West Bohemia University, Plzen, Czech Republic.
Haček, Miro. 2006. The relationship between civil servants and politicians in a post-communist country: a case of Slovenia. Public administration, vol.84, no.1, pp. 165–184, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
Haček, Miro, Brezovšek, Marjan. 2006. Commitment of Slovenian civil servants and politicians to democratic values and norms. In: Rosenbaum, Allan and Nemec, Juraj (ed.). Democratic governance in the Central and Eastern European countries: challenges and responses for the XXI century. Bratislava, NISPAcee.
Haček, Miro, Brezovšek, Marjan. 2006. Democratic values and bureaucracy in Slovenia. In: Peters, B. Guy, Sootla, Georg and Connaughton, Bernadette (ed.), Politico-administrative dilemma: traditional problems and new solutions. NISPAcee, Bratislava, pp. 35–49.
Haček, Miro. 2005. Politika birokracije (The politics of bureaucracy). Modrijan, Ljubljana.
Haček, Miro. 2005. The importance of democratic freedoms and equality in Slovenian public administration. Asia Pacific journal of public administration, vol.27, no.1, pp. 91–106, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong.
Haček, Miro. 2003. The relationship between the state and local government in Slovenia (Odnos med državo in lokalno samoupravo v Republiki Sloveniji). In: Brezovšek, Marjan, Haček, Miro (ed.). Globalisation and administration. Ljubljana: Faculty of social sciences, pp. 219–233.
Haček, Miro and Brezovšek, Marjan. 2004. Political participation on the local level: the role of city-districts in Slovenia. Central European Political Science Review, Spring 2004, vol. 5, no. 15, pp. 74-94.
Haček, Miro and Brezovšek, Marjan. 2002. Slovenia on the road to the EU. The new civil service system. Central European Political Science Review, Summer 2002, vol. 3, no. 8, page 165-179.
Brezovšek, Marjan and Haček, Miro. 2003. The modernization process of Slovenian public administration and corruption. Central European Political Science Review, Fall 2003, vol. 4, no. 13, pp. 55–73.
Haček, Miro. 2001. Ustavne spremembe in uvajanje širših samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti v Sloveniji (Constitutional Changes and Introduction of Regions in Slovenia). In: Zajc, Drago (ed.), Slovenska država – ob deseti obletnici (Ten Years of Slovenian Independence Statehood), Založba FDV, Ljubljana.
Haček, Miro. 2003. The participation of local government units in global world (Participacija enot lokalne samouprave v globalnem svetu). In: Brezovšek, Marjan, Haček, Miro (ed.). Globalisation and administration. Ljubljana: Faculty of social sciences, pp. 255–265.
Haček, Miro. 1999. Lokalne volitve – primerjava 1994–1998 (Local Elections in Slovenia – comparison 1994-1998). Teorija in praksa, 36, 2, pp. 218–229.
Personal bibliography