Selected publications:
PODNAR, Klement (2015). Corporate communication : a marketing viewpoint. London; New York: Routledge.
PODNAR, Klement, GOLOB, Urša (2015). The twin foci of organisational identification and their relevance for commitment : a study of marketing communications industry. Journal of business economics and management, vol. 16, no. 1, str. 214-22.
TUŠKEJ, Urška, GOLOB, Urša, and PODNAR, Klement (2013). The role of consumer-brand identification in building brand relationships. Journal of business research, vol. 66, no. 1, str. 53-59.
GOLOB, Urša, PODNAR, Klement, et al. (2013). CSR communication : quo vadis?. Corporate communications, vol. 18, no. 2, str. 176-192.
PODNAR, Klement, TUŠKEJ, Urška, GOLOB, Urša (2012). Mapping semantic meaning of corporate reputation in global economic crisis context : a Slovenian study. Public relations review, vol. 38, no. 5, str. 906-915.

Personal bibliography