dr. Andrej Kohont was born in Maribor.
From 2011 he holds Ph.D. (thesis Roles and competencies of HR
managers in context of internationalization).
From 2001 he is a rersearcher and
teacher at the Chair for Social and HR management where he cooperates in
courses of HRM, theory and practice of leadership and organizational
behavior. His research work is focused on HRM and
international HRM, labour market, industrial relations, HE quality and reforms,
identification and development of competencies, initial training and
career orientation.
He participates in international and
domestic research and applicative projects. He is coordinator of
Cranet network in Slovenia (www.cranet.org) and coordinator of Master program Management
of organizations, human resources and knowledge.
From 2008-12 he was Vice president of
Slovenian HR Association (www.skz.si).
Recent publications:
Alexandros Psychogios, Chris
Brewster, Fotis Missopoulos, Andrej Kohont, Elizabeta Vatchkova & Agnes
Slavic (2013): Industrial relations in
South-Eastern Europe: disaggregating the contexts, The International
Journal of Human Resource Management, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2013.837090.
Kazlauskaite, R., Buciuiene, I., Poor, J.; Karoliny, Z., Alas, R.,
Kohont, A., Slavicz, A. (2013): Human
resorce management in the Central and Eastern European Region. In Global
trends in Emma Parry, Eleni Stavrou And Mila Lazarova (eds.), Human Resource
Management; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Podnar, K., Kohont, A., Jančič, Z. (2012): Employee development in the international arena: Internal marketing and
human resource management perspectives. In: Melewar, T. C. (ed.), Gupta, S.
(ed.). Strategic international marketing: An advanced perspective. Basingstoke;
New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kohont, Andrej (ed.) (2011)
Terminološki slovarček: karierne orientacije 2011 (Terminological dictionary:
Career orientation). Ljubljana : Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje.