Journalistic discourse and digital media
Novinarski diskurz in digitalni medij
Course credits:
10.00 ECTS / 40 (24 hours of lectures, 0 hours of exercises, 16 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)
Course holder:
prof. dr. Monika Kalin Golob
- Prof. Igor Vobič
Elective general
Slovenian / english
Full academic year
Study degree
3. level
Course execution:
- Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Short content
Journalistic discourse is (re)articulated through an interplay of various factors, such as cultural and linguistic norms, dominant social relations, established power relations and technological innovations. In the journalistic narrative process linguistic objectivity and subjectivity, linguistic precision and creativity, conventionality and hybridization meet in the specific political, economic, cultural and technological context. By comparing different texts, students will learn about the reasons for adapting the procedures of written and spoken journalistic articulation to different types of (digital) media in order to meet expectations of different addressees and their media and genre literacy. By mastering the fundamental theoretical approaches to journalistic discourse and the digitization of social communication, students will learn about the social power of language in the media, as it manifests itself in conventionality and typicality, as well as in deviations through their connections with omnipresent multimedia and interactive communication flows online – on the one hand, through participatory modes of journalism and discursively open forms, and on the other in the direction of socially unacceptable speech and disinformation. Based on fundamental theoretical approaches, students will analyse the journalistic discourse, substantiate the key factors of its (re)articulation in the historical, social and technological context, and question the criteria of critical understanding, analysis and evaluation of journalistic communication in digital media.
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