Contemporary political theories
Sodobne politične teorije
Course credits:
6.00 ECTS / 60 (30 hours of lectures, 0 hours of exercises, 30 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)
Course holder:
izr. prof. dr. Andrej Lukšič
First semester
Study degree
1. level
Course execution:
- Undergraduate Programme of Political Science - Studies of Politics and the State
Short content
The course introduces students to various definitions of role of political science in contemporary society, in a way that -elaborates its connection to maintenance and alteration of the democratic order, -divides political science with other social sciences, -introduces the understanding of theoretical concepts in a historical context -analyzes the basic theoretical concepts such as democracy , freedom, the rule of law, the will of the people, sovereignty, private property, social and political power, bureaucracy, -explains importance of bureaucracy training and its democratic supervising, etc..
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