Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Contemporary State

Sodobna država

Course credits:

6.00 ECTS / 60 (30 hours of lectures, 0 hours of exercises, 30 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)

Course holder:

izr. prof. dr. Andrej Lukšič






Second semester

Study degree

1. level

    Course execution:

  • Undergraduate Programme of Political Science - Studies of Politics and the State

Short content

The subject includes the following content: -the country as a matter of political science, -different approaches to contemporary country (plural-structural and authoritarian conception of the state), -various author contributions (Lock, Hobbes, Hegel, Marx, Weber, Lenin, Habermas, Offe, etc.), -contemporary theories of state (Beck, Giddens et al.), -the formation of modern nation-state (from the estates of liberal constitutional-legal) -concepts of legal, social, feminist, ecological, anarchist, democratic, authoritarian, totalitarian state, -phase in the creation of the welfare state, -the key notion tied to the state: citizenship, sovereignty, legality, legitimacy, justice -transformative trends of modern state (end of neo-liberal and "socialist" state), -the state in the international arena and its transnational connections and commitments.

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