Project-research practical training
Projektno raziskovalni praktikum
Course credits:
6.00 ECTS / 60 (30 hours of lectures, 30 hours of exercises, 0 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)
Course holder:
prof. dr. Vasja Vehovar
- Res. Assoc. Dr. Barbara Brečko
Second semester
Study degree
1. level
Course execution:
- Undergraduate Programme of Social Informatics
Short content
Course integrates the knowledge obtained from other courses of the undergraduate programme of Social informatics and upgrades it with practical skills related to project management:
integration of general social science knowledge with methodological aspects in a practical implementation on a real case;
basic concepts of project management: deliverable, milestone, activity, work package, stages, tasks, Gantt chart, timesheets, optimisation of resources;
writing project proposals and abstracts;
tools to support team work and project management;
communication within the project team (meetings, minutes, task distribution, reminders, monitoring) and with external environment, i.e. the relations client-contractor-subcontractor;
risk assessment, conflict resolution, crisis management;
internal and external quality control of the processes;
understanding of empirical research in social sciences: research process, methodological aspects, stages of research (planning, collection, editing, analysis, archiving, dissemination), selection and combination of approaches (quantitative, qualitative);
information-communication technology support of the entire research and project process;
research report: structure, production process, critical issues, technical aspects, summarising process;
creation and usage of online and interactive reports;
dissemination and exploitation of results;
practical work on a selected case for a client.
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