Political Culture
Politična kultura
Course credits:
6.00 ECTS / 60 (30 hours of lectures, 0 hours of exercises, 30 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)
Course holder:
izr. prof. dr. Andrej Lukšič
First semester
Study degree
1. level
Course execution:
- Undergraduate Programme of Political Science - Studies of Politics and the State
Short content
The course introduces students to the basic concepts of political culture in its narrow and broad sense. By analyzing the process of political socialization will be processed the following educational topics: knowledge of physical anthropology, which interfere with the understanding of the socialization, degree of political socialization, agents, the content and form of political socialization, effects and objectives of political socialization and typology of political cultures. The main theoretical concepts, methods and resources of the scientific study of political culture and also research achievements in the field international intercultural political culture will be presented.
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