Social and cultural anthropology
Socialna in kulturna antropologija
Course credits:
6.00 ECTS / 60 (44 hours of lectures, 16 hours of exercises, 0 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)
Course holder:
izr. prof. dr. Karmen Šterk
- Asst. Prof. Eva Vrtačič
Second semester
Study degree
1. level
Course execution:
- Undergraduate Programme of Communication studies - Marketing Communication and Public Relations
- Undergraduate Programme of Cultural studies - Studies of Culture and Creativity
- Undergraduate Programme of International Relations
- Undergraduate Programme of Social Informatics
- Undergraduate Programme of Sociology
- Undergraduate Programme of Sociology - Human Resources Management
Short content
The course tends to transcend stereotypical, ethnocentric and imprudent considerations of social and cultural diversity. Coss-cultural evidence refines the existing frame of refference which supplements the interpretation of existing customary social institutions, cultural norms and common sense naiveties. The students gain informed insight into subject of social and cultural anthropology, main concepts and most important distinctive highlights provided by non-western gaze on individual, society and culture. The emphasis is on holistic understanding of the human affairs as well as focusing on peculiarities and particularities of social existence beyond the West. The keynote orientation is on multicultural attitude towards understanding diversity as equality of different modes of human existence.
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Curriculum was last modified on: 13.06.2023