Selected bibliography: SARDOČ, Mitja, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. Talents and distributive justice : some tensions. Educational philosophy and theory. 2021, vol. 53, no. 8, str. 768-776. ISSN 1469-5812. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1808021.
DEŽELAN, Tomaž. Derailing modern democracies : the case of youth absence from an intergenerational perspective. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia et sociologia. 2018, letn. 28, št. 4, str. 811-826, ilustr. ISSN 1408-5348. DOI:10.19233/ASHS.2018.49.
MAIER, Jürgen, DEŽELAN, Tomaž, FINK-HAFNER, Danica, et al. This time it's different? : effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens' and its consequence for EU democracy : evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries. Journal of European public policy. [Print ed.]. 2018, vol. 25, no. 4, str. 606-629, tabele. ISSN 1350-1763., DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2016.1268643.
VOBIČ, Igor, MAKSUTI, Alem, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. Who leads the Twitter tango? : studying the journalist-politician relationship in Slovenia through Twitter conversations. Digital journalism. 2017, vol. 5, no. 9, str. 1134-1154, tabele. ISSN 2167-0811. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2016.1259002.
DEŽELAN, Tomaž, LAKER, Jason A., PAVLIN, Samo. What determines enterprises' perceptions of future development in higher education, strange bedfellows?. European journal of education. 2016, vol. 51, iss. 1, str. 107-125. ISSN 1465-3435., DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12169.
RAKAR, Tatjana, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. Opolnomočenje civilnodružbenih organizacij v Sloveniji. Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja. mar.-apr. 2016, letn. 53, št. 2, str. 449-468, 566, ilustr. ISSN 0040-3598.
DEŽELAN, Tomaž, KRAŠOVEC, Alenka. Institucionalne in osebnostne določnice demokratične deliberacije : primer slovenskega parlamenta. Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja. nov.-dec. 2015, letn. 52, št. 6, str. 1167-1190, 1248, tabele. ISSN 0040-3598.
FINK-HAFNER, Danica, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. The political science professional project in Slovenia : from communist monism, democratisation and Europeanisation to the financial crisis. Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja. 2014, god. 23, br. 1, str. 133-153, ilustr. ISSN 1330-0288. DOI: 10.5559/di.23.1.07.
PAVLIN, Samo, DEŽELAN, Tomaž, TEICHLER, Ulrich. Hybrid roles, converging knowledge needs for graduates' careers? : an insight into academic and administrational perspectives. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia et sociologia. 2014, letn. 24, št. 3, str. 383-396, ilustr. ISSN 1408-5348.
DEŽELAN, Tomaž, FINK-HAFNER, Danica, MELINK, Mateja. First-job educational and skill match : an empirical investigation of political science graduates in Slovenia. International journal of manpower : international manpower forecasting, planning & labour economics. [Print ed.]. 2014, vol. 35, iss. 4, str. 553-575, tabele. ISSN 0143-7720. DOI: 10.1108/IJM-05-2013-0103.
KRAŠOVEC, Alenka, JOHANNSEN, Lars, HILMER PEDERSEN, Karin, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. Nevarnost sistemske korupcije v Sloveniji : spodbude in ovire. Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo. jul.-sep. 2014, letn. 65, št. 3, str. 207-220. ISSN 0034-690X.
DEŽELAN, Tomaž. In the name of the nation or/and Europe? Determinants of the Slovenian citizenship regime. Citizenship studies. Jun. 2012, vol. 16, no. 3/4, str. 413-429. ISSN 1362-1025.
DEŽELAN, Tomaž, MAKSUTI, Alem. Slovenian election posters as a medium of political communication : an informative or persuasive campaign tool?. Communication, politics & culture. 2012, vol. 45, str. 140-159, ilustr. ISSN 2200-6796.
KRAŠOVEC, Alenka, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. Slovenia. V: EIBL, Otto (ur.), GREGOR, MIloš (ur.). Thirty years of political campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe. Cham: Springer Nature, cop. 2019. Str. 309-324. Political campaigning and communication (Online). ISBN 978-3-030-27693-5. ISSN 2662-5903., DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27693-5_20.
DEŽELAN, Tomaž, MAKSUTI, Alem, AMON PRODNIK, Jernej. Personalization of political communication in social media : the 2014 Slovenian national election campaign. V: SUROWIEC, Paweł (ur.), ŠTĚTKA, Václav (ur.). Social media and politics in Central and Eastern Europe. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 2018. Str. 81-100, ilustr. BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European studies, 113. ISBN 978-1-138-10082-4, ISBN 1-138-10082-X.
MARINESCU, Valentina, DEŽELAN, Tomaž, MAKSUTI, Alem, et al. In search of common patterns : political advertising in Central and Eastern Europe. V: HOLTZ-BACHA, Christina (ur.). Political advertising in the 2014 European Parliament elections. London: Palgrave Macmillan, cop. 2017. Str. 135-151, tabele. ISBN 1-137-56980-8, ISBN 978-1-137-56980-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 35110237],
DEŽELAN, Tomaž, FINK-HAFNER, Danica, KRAŠOVEC, Alenka, PEŠUT, Jasminka, SIROČIĆ, Zorica-Iva, SUTLOVIĆ, Leda, VASILJEVIĆ, Snježana, KRUPLJAN, Slađana, VELIĆ, Adis, et al. Levelling the playing field : monitoring Croatian policies to promote gender equality in politics. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences; Zagreb: Centar za ženske studije, 2013. X, 153 str., ilustr. Book series Javne politike, 5. ISBN 978-961-235-657-6.
RAKAR, Tatjana, DEŽELAN, Tomaž, ŠIFKOVIČ VRBICA, Senka, KOLARIČ, Zinka, ČRNAK-MEGLIČ, Andreja, NAGODE, Mateja. Civil society in Slovenia. 1st printing. Ljubljana: Uradni list Republike Slovenije, 2011. 127 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-204-483-1.
DEŽELAN, Tomaž, LAVRIČ, Miran (Eds.). Youth 2020 : the position of young people in Slovenia. 1st ed. Maribor: University of Maribor, University of Maribor Press; Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana Press, 2021. 355 str., graf. prikazi, tabele. ISBN 978-961-286-537-5, ISBN 978-961-7128-09-3.
SARDOČ, Mitja, DEŽELAN, Tomaž (Eds.). Radicalization, violent extremism and conflicting diversity. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo raziskovalcev šolskega polja: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. 170 str., ilustr. Šolsko polje, Letn. 29, št. 5/6. ISSN 1581-6036. [COBISS.SI-ID 3354711]
DEŽELAN, Tomaž, VOBIČ, Igor (Eds.). (R)evolutionizing political communications through social media. Hershey: Information Science Reference, cop. 2016. XX, 333 str., ilustr. Advances in public policy and administration (APPA) book series. ISBN 978-1-4666-9879-6.
PAVLIN, Samo, DEŽELAN, Tomaž, SVETLIK, Ivan. Challenges of citizenship in higher education : shifting visions, roles and outcomes. Wien: Echoraum, cop. 2013. 165 str., ilustr. Sozialwissenschaftliche Beobachtungen, vol. 2. ISBN 978-3-901941-43-6.

Personal bibliography