Selected Articles in Scientific Journals
-- M. Pajnik, 2024, Professionalizing emotions as reflective engagement in emerging forms of journalism. Journalism studies,
-- D. Thiele, M. Pajnik, B. Sauer, I. Šori, 2024, Borderless fear?: how right-wing populism aligns in affectively framing migration as a security threat in Austria and Slovenia. Journal of language and politics,
-- M. Pajnik, M. Hrženjak, 2024, The intertwining of the Covid-19 pandemic with democracy backlash: making sense of journalism in crisis. Journalism practice,
-- G. Schnyder, M. Radl, F. Toth, ... M. Pajnik, 2024. Theorizing and mapping media ownership networks in authoritarian-populist contexts : a comparative analysis of Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, and Turkey. Media, culture & society,
-- M. Pajnik, N. Berzelak, A. Šulc, 2023, Aligning Populist Worldviews of Citizens to Media Preferences: Peculiarities of an Illiberal Political Context. East-European Studies,
-- M. Pajnik, M. Hrženjak. 2022. The intertwining of the Covid-19 pandemic with democracy backlash: making sense of journalism in crisis. Journalism practice,
-- M. Pajnik, M. Hrženjak. 2022. Engendering media work: institutionalizing the norms of entrepreneurial subjectivity. Journalism,
-- R. Smrdelj, M. Pajnik. 2022. Intersectional representation in online media discourse: reflecting anti-discrimination position in reporting on same-sex partnerships. Gender, Technology and Development.
-- M. Pajnik. 2019. Media populism on the example of right-wing political parties' communication in Slovenia. Problems of post-communism, 66(1): 21-32,
-- M. Pajnik, P. Sekloča, M. Ribać, 2019. Sensitizing the concept of mediatization for the study of social movements. Communications 21,
-- R. Kuhar, M. Pajnik, 2019. Negotiating professional identities: male sex workers in Slovenia and the impact of online technologies. Sexuality research & social policy 16(2): 227-238.
-- M. Pajnik. 2017. Media-political Parallelism: Legitimization of Migration Policy on the Example of Commentary in Daily Newspaper “Delo”. Dve domovini / Two Homelands 45, 169-184.
-- M. Pajnik. 2017. Feminization for Reproduction of Cognitive Capitalism: Illusion of Degendered Work in the Media. Javnost - The Public 24, 33-46.
-- M. Pajnik. 2016. ‘Wasted precariat’: Migrant work in European societies. Progress in Development Studies 16(2), 159-172.
-- M. Pajnik. 2015. Nano-media and Connected Homeliness. International Journal of Communication 19(9), 732-752.
-- M. Pajnik, N. Kambouri, M. Renault, I. Šori. 2015. Digitalising Sex Commerce and Sex Work: A Comparative Analysis of French, Greek and Slovenian Websites. Gender, Place & Culture 23(3), 345-364.
-- M. Pajnik. 2014. Kontroverze državljanstva in nastavki za opredelitev digitalnega državljanstva (Controversies of Citizenship and Settings for Defining Digital Citizenship) Teorija in praksa 51(6), 1185-1203.
-- M. Pajnik, M. Renault. 2014. The (re)making of Sexualities on the Web. Social science information 53(3), 462-482.
-- M. Pajnik. 2010. Media Framing of Trafficking. International Feminist Journal of Politics 12(1), 45-64.
-- M. Pajnik. 2007. Integration Policies in Migration Between Nationalizing States and Transnational Citizenship with Reference to the Slovenian case. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 33(5), 849-865.
-- M. Pajnik. 2006. Feminist Reflections on Habermas’s Communicative Action: the Need for an Inclusive Political Theory. European Journal of Social Theory 9(3), 405-424.
-- M. Pajnik. 2005. Citizenship and Mediated Society. Citizenship Studies 9(4), 349
Selected Book chapters
-- M. Pajnik. 2024. Transformations of the media sphere: amplifying opportunity structures for populism. In The complexity of populism: new approaches and methods, eds. P. Diehl, B. Bargetz, Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 161-177.
-- R. Kuhar, M. Pajnik. 2024. Re-nationalizing citizenship and democratic backsliding: anti-gender mobilizations in Central-Eastern Europe. In The Palgrave handbook of gender and citizenship, eds B. Siim, P. Stoltz, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 361-381.
-- R. Kuhar, M. Pajnik. 2020. Populist mobilizations in re-traditionalized society: anti-gender campaigning in Slovenia. In Right-wing populism and gender: European perspectives and beyond, eds. G. Dietze, J. Roth, Bielefeld: Transcript, cop., 167-184.
-- M. Pajnik, 2019. Media logic in disposing of migrants. In The disaster of European refugee policy: perspectives from the "Balkan route", eds. I. Žagar et al., Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 179-195.
-- M. Pajnik, S. Meret. 2018. Populist Political Communication in Mediatized Society. In Populism and the Web: Communicative Practices of Parties and Movements in Europe, eds. M. Pajnik, B. Sauer, Abingdon, New York, Routledge, 36-54.
-- M. Pajnik, G. Campani. 2017. Populism in Historical Perspectives. In Understanding the Populist Shift: Othering in a Europe in Crisis, eds. G. Lazaridis, G. Campani, Abingdon, New York, Routledge, 13-30.
-- M. Pajnik, G. Campani. 2017. Democracy, Post-democracy and the Populist Challenge. In Understanding the Populist Shift: Othering in a Europe in Crisis, eds. G. Lazaridis, G. Campani, Abingdon, New York, Routledge, 179-196.
-- M. Pajnik. 2016. Nationalizing Citizenship: The Case of Unrecognized Ethnic Minorities in Slovenia. In Ethnic Minorities and Politics in Post-Socialist Southastern Europe, eds. S. P. Ramet, M. Valenta, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 232-245.
-- M. Pajnik, F. Fabbro, D. Kamenova. 2016. Ethno-nationalism and Racial capitalism in Populist Framing of Migrants as a Threat. In Populism, Media and Education: Challenging Discrimination in Contemporary Digital Societies, ed. M. Ranieri, Abingdon, New York, Routledge, 67-98.
-- M. Pajnik, R. Kuhar, I. Šori. 2016. Populism in Slovenian Context between Ethno-nationalism and Re-traditionalization. In The Rise of the far Right in Europe: Populist Shifts and ‘Othering’,eds. G. Lazaridis, G. Campani, A. Benveniste, Palgrave, 137-160.
-- M. Pajnik 2015. Changing Citizenship, Practicing (Alternative) Politics. In The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media, ed. Chris Atton, London, Routledge, 113-122.
-- M. Pajnik, 2014. Reconstructing Citizenship for the Future of Polity. In Contesting Integration, Engendering Migration: Theory and Practice, eds. F. Anthias, M. Pajnik, Basingstoke, New York, Palgrave, 102-121.
-- M. Pajnik, V. Bajt. 2013. Civic Participation of Migrant Women: Employing Strategies of Active Citizenship. In Paradoxes of Integration: Female Migrants in Europe, eds. F. Anthias, M. Kontos, M. Morokvacis-Müller, London, Springer, 97-116.
-- M. Pajnik. 2012. Gender (In)equity in Post-socialist Media. In Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy and Culture, eds. J. Downey and S. Mihelj, Surrey, Burlington, Ashgate, 89-111.
Selected Books
M. Pajnik, B. Sauer, eds. 2018. Populism and the Web: Communicative Practices of Parties and Movements in Europe, Abingdon, New York, Routledge.

M. Pajnik, B. Luthar, eds. 2019. Mediji in spol: strukture in prakse neenakosti. (
Media and Gender: Structures and Practices of Inequality), Ljubljana, FDV.
S. Hodžić, M. Pajnik, eds. 2016.
Communicating Citizens’ Protests, Requiring Public Accountability: Case Studies from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, Sarajevo, Mediacentar.

M. Pajnik, E. Valenčič, eds. 2015.
Racism: Cut-up World, Ljubljana, Beletrina, Journal for the Critique of Science.

F. Anthias, M. Pajnik, eds. 2014.
Contesting Integration, Engendering Migration: Theory and Practice, Palgrave.

M. Pajnik, F. Anthias, eds. 2014.
Work and the Challenges of Belonging: Migrants in Globalizing Economies, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishers.

M. Pajnik, J. D. H. Downing, eds. 2008.
Alternative Media and the Politics of Resistance: Perspectives and Challenges, Ljubljana, Peace Institute.

M. Pajnik. 2008.
Prostitution and Human Trafficking: Gencer, Labour and Migration Aspects, Ljubljana, Peace Institute.

M. Pajnik, ed. 2002. Xenophobia and Post-socialism, Ljubljana, Peace Institute.

Personal bibliography