Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Dr. Matjaž Nahtigal, Assistant Professor

General Information
  • Dr. Matjaž Nahtigal, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +386 1 58 05 192
    Email: lis.jl-inu.vdf@lagithan.zajtam
    Office Hours:

    Office hours, Fall and Spring semester 2022/23:

    Thursday, 12.00 do 13.30.
    C 220

    Undergraduate courses
    International protection of environment
    Politics of the Law of Armed Conflicts

    Graduate courses
    Contemporary development problems
    Selected Issues of International Law
    Politics of International Law
    Theories and Policies of International Development
    Expert sphere:

    International law, international development, international humanitarian law, EU law, EU integration development, legal institutions and the socio-economic development, comparative law

  • Youtube series of discussions on international development issues with the guest lecturers, 2021-2022:

  • Short bio:

    Matjaz Nahtigal, born in 1968, is an associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. He teaches courses on international law in the Department for International Relations. He graduated in 1992 at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, where he completed a doctorate in 1999. In 2001, he has completed his doctoral program (SJD) at Harvard University School of Law. His area of research: legal institutions and development, EU law, and comparative business law. He has published three monographs on the legal reforms and transition in Central and Eastern Europe and structural reforms in the EU in the context of globalization. His scientific articles are published in national and international reviews. He lectures as a guest lecturer abroad, and he participates in international scientific conferences.

  • From Sicris database - a selection: 2012 - 2022

    1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek

    1. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. EU recovery plans, inclusive knowledge economy and overcoming regional disparities. Lex localis : revija za lokalno samoupravo, ISSN 1581-5374. [Tiskana izd.], 2022, vol. 20, no. 4, str. 1171-1189, doi: 10.4335/20.4.1171-1189(2022)

    2. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Outer Space Treaty reform and the long-term sustainability of space exploration. Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja, ISSN 0040-3598, jan.-mar. 2022, letn. 59, št. 1, str. 42%59, 167,, doi: 10.51936/tip.59.1.42-59.

    3. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž, ISAAC, Stanley. An institutional foundation for the knowledge economy in Central and East European countries. Management, ISSN 1854-4231. [Spletna izd.], winter 2019, vol. 14, iss. 4, str. 271-287, 341-342., doi: 10.26493/1854-4231.14.272-287.

    4. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Modern free-trade agreements and the rise of populism : how to address popular discontent?. Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja, ISSN 0040-3598, maj 2019, letn. 56, posebna št., str. 438-453, 514. https://www.fdv.uni-lj. si/docs/default-source/tip/sodobni-prostotrgovinski-sporazumi-in-vzpon-populizma-kako-nasloviti-nezadovoljstvo-ljudstva.pdf?sfvrsn=0.

    5. STUBELJ, Igor, DOLENC, Primož, BILOSLAVO, Roberto, NAHTIGAL, Matjaž, LAPORŠEK, Suzana. Corporate purpose in a small post-transitional economy : the case of Slovenia. Ekonomska istraživanja, ISSN 1331-677X, 2017, vol. 30, iss. 1, str. 818-835., doi: 10.1080/1331677X.2017.1311230.

    6. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. From classical toward experimental federalism : different pathways for a more inclusive and balanced European Union. V: Lex localis - Journal of Local Self Government Annual Conference 2016 - Porto/Portugal (June 16 - June 17, 2016) : special issue, (Lex localis, ISSN 1581-5374, Vol. 14, no. 3, July 2016). Maribor: Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement. 2016, vol. 14, no. 3, str. 521-535, doi: 10.4335/14.3.521-535(2016).

    7. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Reinventing modern European industrial policy : a regional response to the crisis. Lex localis : revija za lokalno samoupravo, ISSN 1581-5374. [Tiskana izd.], jul. 2014, vol. 12, no. 3, str. 451-465., doi: 10.4335/12.3.451-465(2014). [COBISS.SI-ID 1536624324].

    8. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Reform of financial institutions -- getting it right. Management studies, ISSN 2328-2185, 2014, vol. 2, no. 1, str. 53-61., doi: 10.17265/2328-2185/2014.01.006.

    9. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Toward modern european industrial policy. Managing global transitions : international research journal, ISSN 1854-6935. [Spletna izd.], Summer 2014, vol. 12, no. 2, str. 179-194, 197.

    10. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž, BERTONCELJ, Andrej. Ownership restructuring in transition societies from historic perspective. Acta Histriae, ISSN 1318-0185. [Tiskana izd.], 2013, letn. 21, št. 3, str. 449-466.

    11. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. European regional disparities : the crucial source of European un-sustainability. Lex localis : revija za lokalno samoupravo, ISSN 1581-5374. [Tiskana izd.], Jul. 2013, vol. 11, no. 3, str. 601-614, doi: 10.4335/11.3.601-614(2013).

    12. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Okrepljena ustavna demokracija. Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja, ISSN 0040-3598, jan.-feb. 2013, letn. 50, št. 1, str. 96-115, 260-261.

    13. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Sodobne paradigme managementa : pravni in primerjalni vidiki. Management, ISSN 1854-4231. [Spletna izd.], zima 2012, leto 7, št. 4, str. 277-294, 367.

    1.03 Kratki znanstveni prispevek

    14. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Privatizirati ali ne privatizirati - napačna razvojna dilema : predlogi za alternativni razvojni model. Pravna praksa : PP, ISSN 0352-0730, 19. feb. 2015, leto 34, št. 7/8, str. II-VI.

    15. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Evropski fiskalni pakt - preveč tog in omejevalen. Pravna praksa : PP, ISSN 0352-0730, 29. mar. 2012, leto 31, št. 12, str. II-VII.

    1.04 Strokovni članek

    16. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Cilji trajnostnega razvoja, pandemija in poglabljanje globalnih neenakosti. Pravna praksa : PP, ISSN 0352-0730, 30. sep. 2021, leto 40, št. 37, str. 13-15.

    17. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Progressives and a new social contract : arduous pathways from the semi-periphery. The progressive post, ISSN 2506-7362, Aut. 2021, no. 17, str. 30-32.

    18. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž, ISAAC, Stanley. Reimagining "Social Europe" from the ground up. OpenDemocracy, ISSN 1476-5888.

    19. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Alternativne prihodnosti EU. Pravna praksa : PP, ISSN 0352-0730, 20. dec. 2012, leto 31, št. 49/50, str. II-VIII.

    2.01 Znanstvena monografija

    20. NAHTIGAL, Matjaž. Social and economic reconstruction of the European Union dimensions : toward bottom-up and top-down institutional reconstruction of the European Union - more inclusive, more sustainable and more pluralistic EU, (Analize CMO, 20). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV, 2020. 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (175 str.)). ISBN 978-961-235-915-7.

    Personal bibliography

  • Osebna spletna stran:

    Personal website:


