Katja Lozar Manfreda is an associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences University of Ljubljana. In addition to teaching courses in statistics, data analytics, survey methodology and digital technologies for social science research at all three university levels, her research work concentrates on the methodology of web surveys and survey methodology in general. K. Lozar Manfreda has published 18 scientific papers in peer-review international scientific journals, 6 monograph chapters in international edited volumes and a monography Callegaro, Lozar Manfreda, Vehovar (2015): Web survey methodology by Sage. Some of her work are of high international importance, what can be seen from high number of citations. She has also been invited to teach at two established international summer schools (Gesis Summer School in Survey Methodology, Barcelona Summer School in Survey Methodology). She has organised several sections and presented several papers at the largest international scientific conferences from this field, especially conferences by AAPOR (American Association for Public Opinion Research), ESRA (European Survey Research Association), GOR (General Online Research), RC33 Logic and Methodology at ISA (International Sociological Association), and Internet Survey Workshops and MESS workshops. In addition, she has been a member of a core team of the COST action WebDataNet (2011- 2015). She (together with her colleagues) has received several prizes for her work, such as the APPOR Warren Mitofski Innovators award in 2009 and twice (2016, 2019) the award Excellence in science by the Slovenian Research Agency.