Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Dr. Jernej Amon Prodnik, Assistant Professor

General Information
  • Dr. Jernej Amon Prodnik, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +386 1 58 05 226
    Email: is.jl-inu.vdf@kindorp-noma.jenrej
    Office Hours:
    Consultations in the Summer semester 2024/25 (namely between February and the end of May) are scheduled for Thursdays between 16.30 and 18.00. I kindly ask you to check this website beforehand in case of any late cancellations (see below).

    Consultations are currently taking place in-person. If you cannot attend consultations live, we will try to set up a meeting either via telephone (01/5805-291 and 01/5805-226) or via Zoom. For a Zoom meeting, please contact me via e-mail beforehand, so I can send you a link for the call.

    Faculty mailbox:

    * Change of consultations:
    In the week between February 3 and February 7, consultations will take place via Zoom. Please contact me via e-mail for a link. Thank you for your understanding.

    Summer school:
    In September 2025, second edition of the summer school Political Economies of the Media, which takes place bianually, will take place in Šibenik (Croatia). The course is open to PhD and advanced MA students. For more information about the previous edition of the summer school and applications, please check the website:

    B 207

    Undergraduate courses
    Journalistic Practicum
    History of Journalism

    Graduate courses
    Data Journalism
    Political economy of journalism
    Contemporary dilemmas of journalism
    Expert sphere:
    • Political economy of communication
    • Critique of political economy
    • Critical theory
    • E-democracy and the New Information and Communication Technologies
  • Jernej Amon ProdnikDr. Jernej Amon Prodnik is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences (PolCoRe research group), Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, and researcher at the Social Communication Research Centre, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 2015 he is an assistant professor of media and communication studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana) and a part of an international research centre Desire - Centre for the study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance (

    He defended his PhD in media and communication studies at University of Ljubljana in 2013 under the title "Political Economy of Communication and Structural Transformations of Capitalism". His research interests include critique of political economy (with focus on communication), structural transformations of post-Fordist capitalist societies, and wider social context of technological changes and democratic potentials brought by the new technologies. His research interests also include questions concerning the public sphere and (counter)public(s).

    He is a member of the editorial board of the international journal for critical studies of media, information and power in capitalist societies tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique (ISSN: 1726-670X) and of Slovenian critical journal Casopis za Kritiko Znanosti (Journal for the Critique of Science, ISSN: 0351-4285). In 2014 he published his first monograph entitled Protislovja komuniciranja: h kritiki poblagovljenja v politični ekonomiji komuniciranja (FDV press). The same year he co-edited a themed issue of the journal tripleC entitled Philosophers of the world unite! Theorising digital labour and virtual work - definitions, dimensions, and forms together with Marisol Sandoval, Christian Fuchs, Sebastian Sevignani and Thomas Allmer. His authored or coauthored articles and book chapters appeared in journals such as Info, Javnost—the Public, Teorija in praksa, TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique and in edited volumes published at Brill, Palgrave, Routledge, LabCom, Rodopi, Notabene (Ankara) and others.

    In the past he worked at the Centre of Electronic Democracy (Institute of Ecology, Ljubljana), where he cooperated in applicative-research project on e-participation (co-financed by the Trust for Civil Society in CEE). He also worked as a journalist for Slovenian national newspaper Vecer.

    Selected Bibliography:

    Texts are available via Academia and Scribd

    • (2016) 3C: Commodifying Communication in Capitalism. In Fuchs, Christian and Vincent Mosco (eds.), Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism, pp.: 233-321. Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers..
    • (2015) In coautorship with Sebastian Sevignani and Thomas Allmer: Mapping Approaches to User Participation and Digital Labour: A Critical Perspective. In Fisher, Eran and Christian Fuchs (eds.), Reconsidering Value and Labour in the Digital Age, pp.: 153-171. Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
    • (2015) In coautorship with Mark Milosavljević and Lenart J. Kučić: Securing the communication of journalists with their sources as a form of source protection - editorial policy of Slovenian media regarding communication and technology. Teorija in praksa, 4 (52), pp.: 612-630. Available via:
    • (2015) Written in co-authorship with Sašo Brlek Slaček: Začeti znova: povratek politične ekonomije komuniciranja [ENG: Start Again: The Return of the Political Economy of Communication]. Casopis za kritiko znanosti, Vol. 43 (No. 259), pp.: 7-14.
    • (2015) Written in co-authorship with Sašo Brlek Slaček: Poziv k Novi mednarodni informacijski in komunikacijski ureditvi in poročilo MacBridove komisije: zgodovinska kontekstualizacija [ENG: A Call for the New International Information and Communication Order and Report of MacBride’s Commission: Historical Contextualization]. Casopis za kritiko znanosti, Vol. 43 (No. 259), pp.: 211-221.
    • (2014) [monograph]  Protislovja komuniciranja: h kritiki poblagovljenja v politični ekonomiji komuniciranja [ENG: Contradictions of Communication: Towards a Critique of Commodification in Political Economy of Communication]. (Knjižna zbirka Javnost). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV / Faculty of Social Sciences, FDV Press.
    • (2014) Written in co-authorship with Igor Vobič, Aleksander Sašo Slaček Brlek and Boris Mance: Changing Faces of Slovenia: Political, Socio-Economic and News Media Aspects of the Crisis. Javnost - The Public, vol. 21 (no. 4), pp.: 77-98.
    • (2014) Written in co-authorship with Ilse Mariën: Digital inclusion and user (dis)empowerment: A critical perspective. Info, Vol. 16 (No. 6), pp.: 35-47. doi:
    • (2014) The Brave New Social Media: Contradictory Information and Communication Technologies and the State-Capitalist Surveillance Complex. Teorija in praksa, vol. 51 (no. 6), pp.: 1222-1241.
    • (2014) Written in co-authorship with Tanja Oblak Črnič: Samopromocijski novičarski mediji?: analiza spletnih mest slovenskih političnih akterjev [ENG: Self-promotional News Media? The Websites' Analysis of Slovenian Political Actors]. Teorija in praksa, Vol. 51 (No. 6), pp.: 1321-1343.
    • (2014) Sürüp giden metalaştirma süreçleri üzerine bir not: izleyici metasindan toplumsal fabrikaya [ENG: A Note on the Ongoing Processes of Commodification: From the Audience Commodity to the Social Factory]. In Vincent Mosco, Christian Fuchs, Funda Başaran (eds.), Marx geri döndü: medya, meta ve sermaye birikimi, pp.: 301-366. Ankara: Notabene.
    • (2014) Written in co-authorship with Marisol Sandoval, Christian Fuchs, Sebastian Sevignani and Thomas Allmer: Introduction: philosophers of the world unite! Theorising digital labour and virtual work - definitions, dimensions, and forms. TripleC, Vol. 12 (no. 2), pp.: 464-467.
    • (2014) A Seeping Commodification: The Long Revolution in the Proliferation of Communication Commodities. TripleC – Communication, Capitalism & Critique, Vol. 12 (No. 1), pp.: 142-168. Text available via:
    • (2014) [an interview] Professor Janet Wasko: an interview with the president of the IAMCR
      and one of the key representatives of the political economy of communication approach. TripleC – Communication, Capitalism & Critique, Vol. 12 (No. 1), pp.: 14-27. Text available via:
    • (2014) Written in co-authorship with Sebastian Sevignani, Marisol Sandoval, Thomas Allmer, Verena Kreilinger, and Robert Prey: Critical Studies of Contemporary Informational Capitalism: The Perspective of Young Scholars. In Fuchs, Christian and Marisol Sandoval (eds.), Critique, Social Media, and the Information Society (Routledge studies in science, technology and society, 23), pp.: 76-90. New York; London: Routledge.
    • (2013) Zaznamek k fasistoidnim praksam (in vzpostavljanju novega fasizma?) [ENG: A Note on the Fascistoid Practices (and the Emergence of Neo-Fascism?)]. Casopis za kritiko znanosti, Vol. 41 (No. 251), pp.: 22-31.
    • (2012) Razvojne tendence medijev v kapitalizmu v luci politicne ekonomije komuniciranja [ENG: Foundations of the Political Economy of Communication and the Tendencies of Media in Capitalism]. Javnost – The Public, Vol. 19 (No. 5), pp.: 1-18.
    • (2012) A Note on the Ongoing Processes of Commodification: From the Audience Commodity to the Social Factory. TripleC – Cognition, Communication, Co-operation (Special Issue Edited by Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco), Vol. 10 (No. 2), pp.: 274-301. Accessible via:
    • (2012) Post-Fordist Communities and Cyberspace: A Critical Approach. In Breslow, Harris and Aris Mousoutzanis (eds.), Cybercultures: Mediations of Community, Culture, Politics, pp.: 75-100. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi B.V.
    • (2012) Written in co-authorship with Tanja Oblak Crnic: Pristranosti interneta in (ne)moc spletnih obcinstev [ENG: Biases of the Internet and the Power(lessness) of Online Audiences]. Druzboslovne razprave, Vol. 28 (No. 70), pp.: 51-70. Text available via:
    • (2012) [a book reflection]  Toward a critique of surveillance in the age of the Internet: A reflection on the Internet and surveillance volume edited by Fuchs, Boersma, Albrechtslund, and Sandoval. TripleC – Cognition, Communication, Co-operation: Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, Vol. 10 (No. 1), pp.: 92-99. Text accessible via:
    • (2011) Written in co-authorship with Tanja Oblak Crnic and Nika Trbizan: Deliberation and online participation: The case of the Slovenian portal “I propose to the government”. Journal of comparative politics, Vol. 4 (No. 2), pp.: 90-110. Accessible via:
    • (2011) Written in co-authorship with Maja Turnsek Hancic: (Proti)javnosti v globalnem kapitalizmu [ENG: Counterpublics in Global Capitalism]. In Toplak, Cirila, Ziga Vodovnik, and Mitja Durnik (eds.), Nov(o) drzavljan(stvo) [ENG: Towards a new age of citizenship], pp.: 119-143. Ljubljana: Sophia.
    • (2011) Prispevek h konceptualizaciji skupnega v biolingvisticnem kapitalizmu [ENG: A Contribution to a Conceptualization of the Commons in Bio-Linguistic Capitalism]. Casopis za kritiko znanosti, Vol. 39 (No. 244), pp.: 23-47.
    • (2011) Permanentnost primitivne akumulacije, ali: o privatni lastnini, komodifikaciji in povratku rente [ENG: The Permanence of Primitive Accumulation, or: On Private Property, Commodification and Return of the Rent]. Casopis za kritiko znanosti, Vol. 39 (No. 244), pp.: 89-109.
    • (2011) A public sphere without public(s)? Publics and counterpublics in post-fordist capitalism. In Correia, João Carlos Ferreira (ed.), Public sphere reconsidered: theories and practices, pp.: 271-286. Covilhã: LabCom Books. Volume accessible via:
    • (2010) Garderobne skupnosti in kiberprostor: h konceptu psevdookoljskih nis [ENG: Cloakroom Communities and Cyberspace: Towards a Concept of “Pseudo-Environmental” Niche]. Casopis za kritiko znanosti, Vol. 38 (No. 242), pp.: 109-124.

    Prodnik, Jernej - A Note on the Ongoing Processes of Commodification: From the Audience Commodity to the So...

    by Jernej Amon Prodnik


    Prodnik, Jernej A. - Razvojne tendence medijev v kapitalizmu v luči politične ekonomije komuniciranja

    by Jernej Amon Prodnik

    Prodnik, Jernej - Post-Fordist Communities and Cyberspace, A Critical Approach

    by Jernej Amon Prodnik

    Personal bibliography