Dr. Jernej Amon Prodnik is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences (
PolCoRe research group), Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, and researcher at the Social Communication Research Centre, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 2015 he is an assistant professor of media and communication studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana) and a part of an international research centre Desire - Centre for the study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance (
He defended his PhD in media and communication studies at University of Ljubljana in 2013 under the title "Political Economy of Communication and Structural Transformations of Capitalism". His research interests include critique of political economy (with focus on communication), structural transformations of post-Fordist capitalist societies, and wider social context of technological changes and democratic potentials brought by the new technologies. His research interests also include questions concerning the public sphere and (counter)public(s).
He is a member of the editorial board of the international journal for critical studies of media, information and power in capitalist societies
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique (ISSN: 1726-670X) and of Slovenian critical journal
Casopis za Kritiko Znanosti (Journal for the Critique of Science, ISSN: 0351-4285). In 2014 he published his first monograph entitled
Protislovja komuniciranja: h kritiki poblagovljenja v politični ekonomiji komuniciranja (
FDV press). The same year he co-edited a
themed issue of the journal tripleC entitled
Philosophers of the world unite! Theorising digital labour and virtual work - definitions, dimensions, and forms together with Marisol Sandoval, Christian Fuchs, Sebastian Sevignani and Thomas Allmer. His authored or coauthored articles and book chapters appeared in journals such as
Javnost—the Public,
Teorija in praksa,
TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique and in edited volumes published at Brill, Palgrave, Routledge, LabCom, Rodopi, Notabene (Ankara) and others.
In the past he worked at the Centre of Electronic Democracy (Institute of Ecology, Ljubljana), where he cooperated in applicative-research project on e-participation (co-financed by the Trust for Civil Society in CEE). He also worked as a journalist for Slovenian national newspaper Vecer.