Prof. Aleksandra Kanjuo Mrčela teaches Sociology of Work and Economic Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. She is a senior researcher at the Organisations and HR Research Centre (FSS, UL) and has been involved in a number of Slovene and international research projects and networks including: COST A13, Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship – Gender group, Firm-level study of gender inequalities in former socialist countries of Europe, Gender, Work and Employment in 10 Candidate Countries of central and Eastern Europe (European Fundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Central European University and Yale University, US); Young mothers/Families friendly employment, (European Social Fund – Initiative Equal project); Reconciliation of Work and Family Life: The Role of Public Employment Service (Co-financed by European Commission); Network of excellence RECWOWE -Applying Sen's Capabilities and agency framework to gender, work and welfare states; Comparative Organizational Inequality Network (COIN). From 1999-2001 she has been a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences (at the department of Industrial Relations). Since 2003 she is the coordinator of the national centre for European Foundation for Living and Working conditions (Dublin) at the Organisations and HR Research Centre, FSS. Since 2004 she is a member of the Network of Experts in the Fields of Employment, Social Inclusion and Gender Equality Issues (European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs DG). From 2007 to 2011 she was Vice-Dean at the Faculty for Social Sciences UL. From 2008 -2012 she was a member of the editorial board of Gender , Rovné příležitosti, Výzkum. (Institute of Sociology, Academy of Science of the Check republic); from 2011 she is an associate editor and from 2015 editor of Social Politics, Oxford University Press, ). From 2015 she is the Head of Doctoral School at the University of Ljubljana and since 2016 a member of the Steering committee of the EUA CDE. From 2017 she is a member of the International scientific committee of the University of Rijeka, Croatia. From 2018 she is a Members of the External Advisory Board of the Doctoral Academy Graz, University of Graz, Austria.
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