Bartol, J., Vehovar, V., & Petrovčič, A. (2023). Systematic review of survey scales measuring information privacy concerns on social network sites.
Telematics and informatics, 85, 102063.
Bartol, J., Vehovar, V., Bosnjak, M., & Petrovčič, A. (2023). Privacy concerns and self-efficacy in e-commerce: Testing an extended APCO model in a prototypical EU country.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 60, 101289.
Prevodnik, K., Trkman, M., Grošelj, D., Bartol, J., & Petrovčič, A. (2022). An assessment of the structural validity and measurement invariance of the web-use skills scale for aging internet users.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 25(10), 657-665.
Bartol, J., Prevodnik, K., Vehovar, V., & Petrovčič, A. (2022). The roles of perceived privacy control, Internet privacy concerns and Internet skills in the direct and indirect Internet uses of older adults: Conceptual integration and empirical testing of a theoretical model.
New Media & Society, 14614448221122734.
Vehovar, V., Smutny, Z., & Bartol, J. (2022). Evolution of social informatics: Publications, research, and educational activities.
The Information Society, 38(5), 307-333.
Bartol, J., Vehovar, V., & Petrovčič, A. (2021). Skrb za informacijsko zasebnost na internetu: konceptualna izhodišča in raziskovalni izzivi.
Teorija in praksa, 58(4), 991-1008.
Bartol, J., Vehovar, V., & Petrovčič, A. (2021). Should we be concerned about how information privacy concerns are measured in online contexts? A systematic review of survey scale development studies.
Informatics, 8(2).

Personal bibliography