Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Dr. Marjan Svetličič, Professor Emeritus

General Information
  • Dr. Marjan Svetličič, Professor Emeritus
      Phone: +386 1 58 05 197
      Email: is.jl-inu.vdf@ciciltevs.najram
      Office Hours:

      C 216

      Undergraduate courses
      International Economic Relations
      Practicum: Negotiation techniques and English terminology for negotiators

      Graduate courses
      EU in global economy
      Cross-cultural negotiations

      Doctoral programmes
      Political Economy of Globalisation
      Expert sphere:
      International Economics,
      International Business,
      Negotiations including cross cultural,
      Globalization and internationalization
      Foreign Direct Invetsment
      Europrean Union
    • Professor Emeritus Dr Marjan Svetličič [

      Qualifications: BA, MA (Economics, Skopje), PhD (Economics, Belgrade). Current Position: Professor Emeritus, University of Ljubljana. In 2018 also appointed full prof. at the ECPD, University for Peace established by the UN. Prof. at the GEA College, Ljubljana. His courses has included; International Economics, International Business, Negotiations, Cross cultural negotiation, International Management. He has been teaching also at the Universities of Ljubljana (Faculty of Economics), University of Maribor, ECPD-Univerisity  for Peace, Belgrade, Trento, Sarajevo, Skopje and Rijeka and is frequently invited as a key note speaker at different international conferences.

      Previous Appointments: Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (Ljubljana; 1997-2000); Visiting Fellow at the University of Reading, Department of Economics, Reading, UK, (1994); President of EIBA 2004, Vice president of EIBA 2005-2007; member of the Steering Committee of the Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR;2006-2008), Director of the Research Center for Developing Countries (since 1998 Centre of International Cooperation and Development, Ljubljana; 1987-1990); Research Fellow at the Research Center for Developing Countries (Ljubljana; 1969-1990); Visiting Fellow at Reading Univesrity (1994) and the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK (1976-1977).

      Consultancy work for international organizations like UNCTAD, World bank-IFC, UNIDO, UNESCO, OECD Development Centre, IFC, UNDP, UN University Institute WIDER, OSCE and EU Commission.

      Areas of Expertise: Foreign Direct Investments, Transnational Firms, European Union, Small Countries, Globalisation, Internationalisation, Negotiations, Cross cultural negotiation.
      Current Research: Outward FDI, small countries, transnational firms, globalisation, EU.
      Search for researcher's work in COBISS database of publications:

      Some selected examples of relevant professional work, consultancies, policy work, ‘esteem indicators’ etc. :

      Past:  Member of Executive Board of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (1988-90); Consultant of UNIDO, UNESCO, OECD Development Center, IFC, UNDP, UN University Institute WIDER; Evaluator of Phare ACE programmes at the European Commission (1997-99); Head of many international projects like UNDP on FDI in Yugoslavia; Coordinator of two Phare ACE projects on FDI, Vice chair of COST Action IS 0905 “The Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe” (May 2010); member of TEPSA Board (2009-2011),  member of the FP7 Advisory Group for International Scientific Cooperation (2006-2009),

        Current: received Golden medal for exceptional merits for strengthening the University of Ljubljana reputation (2014), received Life achievement award from the Faculty of Social Sciences (2015) and AIB-CEE Chapter award for outstanding contribution to international business discipline and practice in CEE, Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia in 2002; Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Emerging Markets (Emerald Publishing), Member of the Advisory Board of Transnational Corporations (UNCTAD, Geneva), Journal of International Business Policy (2020-). 

      Negotiations related experiences include:

      Negotiating as government representative at several international conferences like UNCTAD, G-77 and was principle negotiator for the establishment of Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations. Consultancy for OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation, Vienna) for 2 courses for Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia in 2012, teaching permanently Negotiations at the Internationalization Academy (organized by Slovene Ministry of Economy, Chamber of Economy and Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana), Courses on negotiations for firms (Neptun and EVD both from Skopje, Roche Belgrade, Ernst&Young, Slovenian Sovereign Holding, Unior, Iskra mehanizmi, Borsen, Mercator, Kolektor, Unior, Chamber of Medical Nurses, Slovenia, Slovene Ministry of Defence  and Ministry of Foreign Affairs). From the evaluations of seminar participants for businessmen; "charismatic and experienced lectureturer, dynamic, a lot of connection with practice, examples from practice, concrete proposals, wit, interesting,  variety of delivery methods, witty, dynamic, convincing, authoritative, excellent rhetorician...".

      Teaching regular courses at undergraduate and graduate level (MBA) at Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (receiving the highest grades by students) and plenty international summer schools Universities of Ljubljana, and Rijeka).

      He has been always assessed as the best teacher at the Internationalization Academy and got extremely high scores for his courses for Managers for firms including those organized for many years by CISEF (Faculty of Economics Ljubljana) and for his regular graduate and undergraduate courses.

      Recent Key note adresses by Marjan Svetličič include:

      • Challenges of International Business in New Global Environment; keynote at Conference; Embracing the opportunities and challenges of Globalization - from the West, the East and the South, Aalborg, June 3, 2016;
      • Crises, globalization and academics : keynote speech at the AIB-CEE Annual Conference Competitiveness of CEE region in the global economy, Budapest, 9-11 Oct. 2014. Budapest, 2014.
      • New challenges to internationalization : keynote speech at the 5th Aalborg University Conference "Finding solutions to the new challenges of internationalization", 5. Jun. 2014, Aalborg, 2014.
      • Current economic situation in CEE and outlook - overview of CEE economies and future outlook : Research Conference on Business and Management in Central and Eastern Europe March 30, 2012 Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria. Vienna, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 31517021]
      • Differences in higher education systems and competitiveness : ["Employability of Graduates & Higher Education Management Systems", Ljubljana, Sept. 27, 2012].
      • The European union : challenges at a time of global strategic reset. Kiyv: Simpozij: The EU, Central and Eastern Europe and Ukraine: Transformation, Prognosis and Perspectives, 16. Nov. 2012.
      • Higher education systems, employability and competitiveness : 75th Anniversary, Faculty of Economics University of Belgrade: International Scientific Conference From Global Crisis to Economic Growth. Which Way to Take? (22-22 Sept. 2012). Beograd, 2012.

    • Recent Articles:

      ALJAŽ KUNČIČ, MARJAN SVETLIČIČ (2024). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE WESTERN BALKANS Editors: Predrag Jovanović, Nataša Drvenkar, Bojana Naumovska: “Governance of Environmental Challenges in Post-Pandemic Era”.  Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, Faculty of Economics, Univerzity J.J. Štrosmajer, Osijek, Croatia, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, 2024. Zbornici-IDN-2023-Governance-Challenges-in-Post-Pandemic-Era-el.-verzija.pdf

      Marjan Svetličič (2022): Covid-19; From short term national resilience to medium term Multilateral New Normal. Outlines of Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Law, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 50-76. DOI: 10.23932/2542-0240-2022-15-1-3, .11. 2022.

      Bojinović Fenko, A., & Svetličič, M. (2017, May 24). Slovenia and the european union. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Last modified 2022, October 19. doi:


      Marjan Svetličič 2022:  IS      THE    TIME  NOW   RIPE    FOR    RADICAL            CHANGES      IN        THE    GLOBAL        ECONOMIC   ORDER? JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE POLITICS, vol. 15, no. 2, 88-107

      Marjan Svetličič 2022: How to negotiate with Chinese! Journal of Innovative Business and Management, Doba, Maribor. View of How to negotiate with the Chinese? ( 

      Marjan Svetličič (2021): Searching for a Real New Normal after Covid-19, Družboslovne razprave, Ljubljana,, št. 98 (letnik 37) dec.. DR98-WEB.pdf ( 

      Marjan Svetličič (2021): Covid-19: The Child of Globalisation or the Mother of De-globalisation? Teorija in praksa, let 58, št. 3. pp. 860-881; p. 69-93 

      Marjan Svetličič (2020): China in the World Economy and its Economic Relations with Slovenia: Past, Present and the Future 

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan (2021): Who pays for bills of Trump presidency?. Knowledge Economy Network, ISSN 2593-0257, 6 February 2021, weekly Brief No. 4, str. 1-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 55677699]

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan (2020): Kdo plačuje zapitek Trumpove politike. IB revija : za strokovna in metodološka vprašanja gospodarskega, prostorskega in socialnega razvoja Slovenije, ISSN 1318-2803. [Slovenska tiskana izd.], 2020, letn. 54, št. 1, str. 3-16. [COBISS.SI-ID 47946499]

      JAKLIČ, Andreja, OBŁÓJ, Krzysztof, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, KRONEGGER, Luka. Evolution of Central and Eastern Europe related international business research. Journal of business research, ISSN 0148-2963. [Print ed.], Jan. 2020, vol. 108, str. 421-434, ilustr., doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.06.046. [COBISS.SI-ID 36241757], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 26. 1. 2021: no. of citations (TC): 4, without self-citations (CI): 4, Scopus up to 13. 4. 2021: no. of citations (TC): 6, pure citations (CI): 6]

      SHANG, Yuhong, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, ZAJC KEJŽAR, Katja. Trade reorientation and restructuring towards fast-growing emerging economies : crisis response of the EU Member States. Kontury global´nyh transformacij: politika, èkonomika, pravo : politics, economics, law, ISSN 2542-0240, 2020, vol. 13, iss. 4, str. 117-143, doi: 10.23932/2542-0240 -2020 -13-4- 6. [COBISS.SI-ID 34218243]

       SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. From red scare to yellow peril : reality and fears of the rise of China in a historical context. Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja, ISSN 0040-3598, jan.-mar. 2020, letn. 57, št. 1, str. 347-367, 418-419. https://www.fdv.uni-lj. si/docs/default-source/tip/od-rde%C4%8De-do-rumene-nevarnosti-resni%C4%8Dnost-in-strahovi-kitajskega-vzpona-v-zgodovinskem-okvirueb13bf304f2 c67bc8e26ff00008e8d04.pdf?sfvrsn=0. [COBISS.SI-ID 36672605], [SNIP]

      China and Central and Eastern European Countries within ’16+1’: Group or...
      Trade Reorientation and Restructuring towards Fast-growing Emerging Econ...   





       SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, CERJAK, Kira. Small countries' EU Council Presidency and the realisation of their national interests: the case of Slovenia. Croatian international relations review, ISSN 1848-5782. [Spletna izd.], 2015, vol. 21, no. 74, str. 5-39, tabele.
      UDOVIČ, Boštjan, PENEV, Slavica, DJUKIĆ, Mihajlo, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Ko gospodarska diplomacija spregovori o sebi : empirična primerjava med Slovenijo in Srbijo. IB revija, ISSN 1318-2803. [Slovenska izd.], 2014, letn. 48, št. 2, str. 49-59, tabele.

      TKALEC, Staša, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Can cooperation with the BRICs and other Growth Markets help EU member states exit the crisis?. Post-communist economies, ISSN 1465-3958. [Spletna izd.], 2014, vol. 26, no. 2, str. 176-200,,

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, KUNČIČ, Aljaž. FDI, the crisis and competitiveness of transition economies. Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern studies, ISSN 1944-8953, 2013, vol. 15, no. 3, str. 260-279, ilustr., doi: 10.1080/19448953.2013.789315.

       SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, Enhancing competitiveness by education and training. Mednarodno inovativno poslovanje, 2010, vol. 2, no. 1.

       SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, Sabina Kajnc, 2010. What it takes to run and EU Presidency; Study of Competences in Slovenia’s Public Administration. Halduskultuur-Administrative Science Culture 11 (1); 84-109.

       SVETLIČIČ, Marjan , Boštjan Udovič. , Advantages and disadvantages of immediate or postponed membership into the EU. Croat. int. relat. rev., Dec. 2009, vol. 15, no. 54/57, str. 7-21,

      PAVLIN, Samo, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Higher education, employability and competitiveness. Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi, ISSN 1300-5340, 2012, no. 43, str. 386-395, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 31472477]

      UDOVIČ, Boštjan, ZUPANČIČ, Rok, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Coping with the challenges of the presidency of the EU Council : a view from Slovenia. Latvijas intereses Eiropas Savieniba, ISSN 2243-6049. [Online ed.], 2012, nr. 3, str. 22-31. [COBISS.SI-ID 31242845]

      KUNČIČ, Aljaž, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Who's who in foreign direct investment promotion : Keynesians versus neoclassicals. Eastern European economics, ISSN 0012-8775, May-Jun. 2011, vol. 49, no. 3, str. 66-88, tabele, doi: 10.2753/EEE0012-8775490304

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan: Reversed internationalization path : the case of Slovenia. AIB insights. [Spletna izd.], 2008, vol. 8, no. 1, str. 3-9.

       In Slovene:

       Professor Emeritus Dr Marjan Svetličič [

      UDOVIČ, Boštjan, JURŠE, Milan, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, RAŠKOVIĆ, Matevž, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, ZUPANČIČ, Rok. Medkulturne razlike in stereotipi(zacija) : prednost ali slabost pri političnem in gospodarskem sodelovanju med državami nekdanje Jugoslavije, (Cross Cultural Differences and Stereotypization; Advantages or Disadvantages in Economic Coopšeration Between Countries of Former Yugoslavia). (Knjižna zbirka Acta diplomatica). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV, 2017

      Zamujene razvojne priložnosti Slovenije (Lost Development Opportunities of Slovenia), Ljubljana, FDV, 2015,
      Globalizacija in neenakomeren razvoj v svetu (Globalization and Unequal Developemnt) , Ljubljana: FDV, 2004; with A. Jaklič,
      zhodna internacionalizacija in slovenske multinacionalke (Outbound Internationalizatiuon and Slovene Multinationals) , Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, 2005; Facilitating Transition by Internationalization:

      Outward Direct Investment from Central European Economies in Transition (eds. with M. Rojec), Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2003; with A. Jaklič,

      Enhanced Transition by Outward Internationalization: Outward FDI by Slovene Firms, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2003;

      Small Countries in a Global Economy (eds. with D. Salvatore and J.P. Damijan), Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave, St. Martin’s Press, 2001;

      The World Economy: Challenges of Globalization and Regionalization (eds. with H. Singer), Basingstoke/New York: Macmillan, St. Martin’s Press, 1996.

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Slovenian state strategy in the new Europe, (TKI working papers on European integration and regime formation, No. 24). Esbjerg (Danmark): Sydjysk Universitetsforlag: = South Jutland University Press, 1998. 68 str.  

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Svetovno podjetje : izzivi mednarodne proizvodnje, (Global Enterprise; Challanges of International Production). (Zbirka Alfa, 1996, 1). Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče, 1996. 426 str

      Search for researcher's work in COBISS database of publications:

      Recent papers available online in English:

      Članke za dodati na Spletne sisteme

      KDO PLAČUJE ZAPITEK TRUMPOVE POLITIKE ?zasl. red. prof dr. Marjan Svetličič Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani  

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. So volivci D. Trumpa res "poraženci globalizacije" in ekonomski zmagovalci ameriških volitev?. IB revija : za strokovna in metodološka vprašanja gospodarskega, prostorskega in socialnega razvoja Slovenije, ISSN 1318-2803. [Slovenska tiskana izd.], 2017, letn. 51, št. 1, str. 25-43. [COBISS.SI-ID 35117405]

      UDOVIČ, Boštjan, PENEV, Slavica, DJUKIĆ, Mihajlo, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Ko gospodarska diplomacija spregovori o sebi : empirična primerjava med Slovenijo in Srbijo. IB revija, ISSN 1318-2803. [Slovenska izd.], 2014, letn. 48, št. 2, str. 49-59, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 32949085

       SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, CERJAK, Kira. Slovensko predsedovanje Svetu EU in uresničevanje nacionalnih interesov. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, jul.-okt. 2012, letn. 49, št. 4/5, str. 645-669, 817, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 440831]

      LOVEC, Marko, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Globalizacija, migracije in kriza. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, okt. 2011, letn. 48, jubilejna št., str. 1335-1355, 1393, ilustr.

      RAŠKOVIĆ, Matevž, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Pomen poznavanja nacionalnega značaja in kulturnih posebnosti za slovensko gospodarsko diplomacijo : primer Hrvaške in Srbije. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, maj-jun. 2011, letn. 48, št. 3, str. 776-799, 818, tabele.

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Diplomacija in mednarodno poslovanje v 21. stoletju : komplementarnost ali nadomestnost. Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja, ISSN 0040-3598, maj-jun. 2011, letn. 48, št. 3, str. 604-627, 812-813.

       SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Kompetence za ekonomsko diplomacijo in mednarodno poslovanje : konvergenca ali divergenca? = Competences for economic diplomacy and international business : convergence or divergence?. Uprava, ISSN 1581-7555, mar. 2011, letn. 9, št. 1, str. 123-167.

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, 2010. Razvoj evropskih regij in trajne tuje neposredne investicije, IB revija št. 2 let. XLIV 2010,

      KAJNČ LANGE, Sabina, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Ocena uspešnosti in problemi slovenskega predsedovanja Svetu EU - pogled od znotraj. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, jan.-apr. 2009, letn. 46, št. 1/2, str. 5-30, tabele.

      UDOVIČ, Boštjan, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Majhne države v novih teorijah mednarodne trgovine. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, jan.-apr. 2007, letn. 44, št. 1/2, str. 29-48, graf. prikazi, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 26122077]

       SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, SICHERL, Pavle. Evropska unija v svetovnem gospodarstvu danes in jutri. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, nov.-dec. 2007, letn. 44, št. 6, str. 896-921, ilustr.

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, SICHERL, Pavle. Kitajci prihajajo: grožnja ali priložnost? : Izzivi tektonskih sprememb v svetu za razvoj Slovenije. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, 2006, letn. 43, št. 5/6, str. 690-715, graf. prikazi, tabele.

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, CERJAK, Kira. Slovensko predsedovanje Svetu EU in uresničevanje nacionalnih interesov. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, jul.-okt. 2012, letn. 49, št. 4/5, str. 645-669, 817, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 440831]

      LOVEC, Marko, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Globalizacija, migracije in kriza. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, okt. 2011, letn. 48, jubilejna št., str. 1335-1355, 1393, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 30737501]

      RAŠKOVIĆ, Matevž, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Pomen poznavanja nacionalnega značaja in kulturnih posebnosti za slovensko gospodarsko diplomacijo : primer Hrvaške in Srbije. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, maj-jun. 2011, letn. 48, št. 3, str. 776-799, 818, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 30490205]

      KAJNČ LANGE, Sabina, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Ocena uspešnosti in problemi slovenskega predsedovanja Svetu EU - pogled od znotraj. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, jan.-apr. 2009, letn. 46, št. 1/2, str. 5-30, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 28331101]

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, SICHERL, Pavle. Kitajci prihajajo: grožnja ali priložnost? : Izzivi tektonskih sprememb v svetu za razvoj Slovenije. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, 2006, letn. 43, št. 5/6, str. 690-715, graf. prikazi, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 25647197

      Neformalni viri vpliva v EU : trda in mehka znanja ter učinkovitost slovenske državne uprave v času predsedovanja Svetu EU. Družbosl. razpr. (Tisk. izd.).Sep. 2009, letn. 25, št. 61, str. 59-79, (with S. Kajnč) 28647517]

      Book chapters:

      BOJINOVIĆ FENKO, Ana, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Slovenia and the European Union. Oxford research encyclopedias, Politics., doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.509

      .SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Slovenia. V: WASLEKAR, Sundeep (ur.). Big questions of our time : the world speaks. Mumbai: Strategic Foresight Group. cop. 2016, str. 69. [COBISS.SI-ID 33877085]

       Five Years of Slovenian EU membership: Implications and Lessons Learned (with Burger A.), 2009,

       Policy brief: Slovenian European policy and a European state administration for an active, successful and efficient EU membership, (Electronic book series CIR Analyses). Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Sciences, 2009. ISBN 978-961-235-367-4.



      He has as also published more than 300 scientific articles many in English like:

      Ø KRALJ, Tina, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Nepoznavanje kulturnih razlik kot ovira mednarodnega poslovanja slovenskih podjetij?. Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja, ISSN 0040-3598, maj-avg. 2017, letn. 54, št. 3/4, str. 552-571,

      JAKLIČ, Andreja, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Do stereotypes hinder or promote foreign direct investment? : The case of Western Balkan countries. Teorija in praksa, ISSN 0040-3598, sep.-okt. 2016, letn. 53, št. 5, str. 1095-1108,

      ØSVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Central European transition economies' multinationals : are they different from third world multinationals?. V: BRENNAN, Louis (ur.). Emerging market multinationals in Europe, (Routledge advances in international political economy, 28). Abingdon; New York: Routledge. 2016, str. 213-231,

      Ø  SVETLIČIČ, Marjan and Saša TKALEC. Can cooperation with the BRICs and other Growth Markets help EU member states exit the crisis?. Post-communist economies, 2014, vol. 26, no. 2, str. 176-200, 

      Ø  Lost opportunities in 10 years of Slovenia's EU membership and its global integration. Studia Historica Slovenica, letn. 14, št. 1, str. 19-36. (with RAŠKOVIĆ, and UDOVIČ),   FDI, the crisis and competitiveness of transition economies. Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern studies, 2013, vol. 15, no. 3, str. 260-279, (with KUNČIČ),

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan, JAKLIČ, Andreja. Reactions of Slovene multinational firms to the global crisis. V: MARINOV, Marin Alexandrov (ur.), MARINOVA, Svetla Trifonova (ur.). Emerging economies and firms in the global crisis. Basinstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2013, str. 259-291

      SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Sustainable foreign direct investments : regional development and transition economies. V: MARINOV, Marin Alexandrov (ur.), MARINOVA, Svetla Trifonova (ur.). Internationalization of emerging economies and firms. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012, str. [87]-114,


      Ø  Higher education, employability and competitiveness. Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi,   2012, no. 43, str. 386-395 (with Pavlin),

      Ø  Coping with the challenges of the presidency of the EU Council: a view from Slovenia. Latvijas intereses Eiropas Savieniba, ISSN 2243-6049. [Online ed.], 2012, nr. 3, str. 22-31(with UDOVIČ and ZUPANČIČ),

      Ø  Does the trio matter? : The case of the Slovenian EU Council presidency. Revista românæa de ştiinţe politice, ISSN 1582-456X, Win. 2012, vol. 12, no. 2, str. 4-28, Outward foreign direct investment by enterprises from Slovenia. Transnatl. corp., Apr. 2007, vol. 16, no. 1, str. 55-87.

      Ø JAKLIČ, Andreja, SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Multinationals from Slovenia - nano size, but giga important. V: BRENNAN, Louis (ur.). The emergence of Southern multinationals : their impact on Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2011, str. 130-148.

      Outward FDI from new European Union member states, (with JAKLIČ) in A.. V: LIEBSCHER, Klaus (ur.). Foreign direct investment in Europe : a changing landscape. Cheltenham; Northampton: E. Elgar,  2007, str. 190-204.

      Ø  Who's who in foreign direct investment promotion: Keynesians versus neoclassicals. East. Europ. econ., May-Jun. 2011, vol. 49, no. 3, str. 66-88 (with Kunčič). 

      Ø  Enhancing competitiveness by education and training. Mednarodno inovativno poslovanje, 2010, vol. 2, no. 1.

      Ø  Economic and commercial diplomacy and internationalisation. in: Economic diplomacy and internationalisation : practice and theory : proceedings of the International Conference on Economic Diplomacy and Internationalisation, 17 - 18 June 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia: International Center for Promotion of Entreprises, 2013, str. 118-137.  

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      Personal bibliography