News and information
For the period:
Access to the De Gruyter Publishers journals
We got access to over 240 journals of the publisher De Gruyter. Access to the De Gruyter Online is available to students, employees and other users on the basis of IP authentication from the locations of the faculties of UL, CTL and NUL and also through remote access for students and employees of UL and CTL and for all members of NUL.
11. March 2020 | Notifications
Trial access to ProQuest One Academic
ProQuest One Academic incorporates scholarly journals, ebooks, dissertations, news and video content across all disciplines in a unified and seamless user interface.
ProQuest One Academic includes four multidisciplinary collections: ProQuest Central, Academic Video Online, Academic Complete and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.
Access to the collection is available to students, employees and other users on the basis of IP authentication untill 5th December 2019.
05. November 2019 | Notifications
Series of public lectures by Dr. Ildiko Maria Farkas
You are invited to the series of public lectures by Dr. Ildigo Maria Farkas. Lectures will be held at the Department of Asian Studies at the Faculty of Arts beetween October 8 and October 10.
04. October 2019 | Events, Notifications, EARL
FDV Publishing House books for sale
You are kindly invited to purchase the books of the FDV Publishing House, henceforth at the Central Social Science Library of Jože Goričar at the opening time of the library.
02. September 2019 | Notifications
Researcher Nina Pejič is a speaker at the Forum on the Belt and Road in Hangzhou, People's Republic of China
Ms Nina Pejič, a Junior Researcher at the Centre of International Relations and EARL Researcher held a brief lecture titled »Boosting the cooperation in 16+1« in which she presented 7 main challenges to the existing cooperation - and their possible solutions - in the framework of the 16+1 Platform, which gathers China and 16 countries from Central and Eastern Europe (among those also Slovenia).
03. January 2019 | Notifications, EARL
Access to New Pauly Online
New Pauly Online features the complete sets of both Brill’s New Pauly and Metzler’s Der Neue Pauly.
19. December 2018 | Notifications