News and information
For the period:
Trial access to Handbooks Online
Until 15 January 2021, UL students and staff, CTL, NIB and NUL staff, and UL, CTL, NIB and NUL library members have remote access to Oxford Handbooks Online.
16. December 2020 | Notifications
Important current Covid-19 measures at the Library
The library is open every day as usual, from 8:00 to 20:00 (Saturdays 8:00 to 14:00).
The use of masks is mandatory.
Please disinfect your hands upon arrival and departure and respect the safetydistance.
30. September 2020 | Notifications
NEW! Access to ProQuest's Social Sciences Ebooks
FSS students and staff can remotely access ProQuest's Social Sciences Ebook Subscription which offers more than 30,000 e-books in the fields of social sciences.
02. September 2020 | Notifications
The library’s reading rooms will reopen on June 8 2020
The reading rooms can only be used by members of the library. We still ask you, if possible, to place a request for the material you want to borrow in advance, using Cobiss. Daily newspapers and magazines cannot be used, nor can the computer room, study cells and lockers.Please disinfect your hands upon arrival and departure and respect the safety distance. The use of masks is mandatory if you are not at a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters.The use of masks is mandatory in all cases where the safety distance of at least 1.5 meters cannot be observed. The number of reading places is limited and the chairs are not allowed to be moved.
We look forward to spending time with you again!
05. June 2020 | Notifications
The circulation of the Central Social Sciences Library is open
Library is open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
We only borrow pre-ordered material for which a library member receives a reservation notification.
01. June 2020 | Notifications
Trial access to e-resources
During this time COSEC, CTL and UL libraries are organizing trial accesses to databases, e-books and e-journals. Trial accesses are generally till the end of June or in some cases till the end of July.
30. March 2020 | Notifications