News and information
For the period:
Trial access to Numérique Premium
Numérique Premium brings you the best of ebooks in Humanities, Social, Legal and Political Sciences. 3,800 French language titles - in partnership with 50 publishers - to browse and read 24/7 from your library or remotely. Trial access is provided from April 20 to May 19, 2021.
20. April 2021 | Notifications
Trial access to collection Project MUSE Premium
Project MUSE Premium is a collection of high quality, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journals and is designed for institutions acquiring comprehensively in the humanities and social sciences. Until 5 may 2021, all members of the UL, CTL, and NUL libraries have remote access to Project MUSE Premium.
22. March 2021 | Notifications
Trial access to database Central & Eastern European Academic Source!
Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS) is a research database of full-text scholarly journals published in central and eastern European countries. Until 30 April 2021, all members of the UL, CTL, and NUL libraries have remote access to Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS).
16. March 2021 | Notifications
No more quarantine for library materials - UV-C light STERILIZER
In order to ensure the safe use of library materials for our users, we decided to purchase a UV-C light sterilizer at the library. Also, re-borrowing will be faster, as quarantine for the material will no longer be required.
23. February 2021 | Notifications
Trial access to Artstor
Artstor is the most extensive image resource for educational and scholarly use.
Until 30 June 2021, UL students and staff have remote access to Artstor.
22. February 2021 | Notifications
Access to New Statesman magazine
Students and staff can now access the New Statesman online via the Faculty of Social Sciences subscription. The subscription covers access to international and UK versions of the New Statesman website which contains all articles featured in the print magazine plus a lot of additional, online-only content, including podcasts.
11. February 2021 | Notifications
Covid-19: library lending and other services
Due to a government decree, physical entry into the library is not possible until further notice. By prior arrangement (e-mail or phone 01/5805-150) the library materials ordered through Cobiss can be picked up at the faculty entrance (between 9:00 and 15:00) or ordered to be sent by post.
We invite you to use the library's services remotely.>>>
10. January 2021 | Notifications
Trial access to Statista
Statista – One of the world‘s largest statistics portals
More than 1,5 million statistics from over 22,500 sources (including both national and
international data)
Trial access to the online service is available
until the end of January 2021.
22. December 2020 | Notifications